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Re: What do you think...

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They also couldnt find stones in my gallbladder, I had the hida scan ad show I

have a non functional gallbladder then they did a cat scan and used that dye

stuff and it showed i had a cluster of stones so i would say get that test it

could help you :)

admilby@... wrote: I'm going to try this again. I sent an

email and it

wasn't posted for 1 1/2 weeks... Lets see how long

this one takes..lol...

Anyway, I had my first GB attack a few weeks

ago,lasted about 5 minutes.. I was sick and taking an

antibiotic Amoxicillian, the week before took for

about 12 days (forgot to take the 3 each day but

wanted to finish like doc said. Do you think I had a

gb attack because of the antibiotics? I had an

ultrasound and it came back negitive ( so no stones

showed). So they now want to do a Hida scan. Called

insurance and they aren't going to cover it. So out of

pocket I have to pay 1200+. I'm still having Diarriha

( light colored stools with gas) and am only eatting

bland food. Do you think this test is needed.. They

say they want to check my gb function.. I need

advice... good or bad...



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As you know, we aren't doctors here and couldn't give you medical advice anyway.

I can only tell you what I'd do. If I had your symptoms, I would not

necessarily think it was a GB attack, especially if tests showed I did not have

any stones. I certainly would not spend $1,200 of my own money until I'd

investigated other options. If I'd been on antibiotics, I'd go to a health food

store and buy probiotics from their refrigerator and start taking them. I'd

also buy OregaMax capsules and take them. They are antifungal. I'd watch my

diet, drink plenty of water, and see how I felt.


Anyway, I had my first GB attack a few weeks

ago,lasted about 5 minutes.. I was sick and taking an

antibiotic Amoxicillian, the week before took for

about 12 days (forgot to take the 3 each day but

wanted to finish like doc said. Do you think I had a

gb attack because of the antibiotics? I had an

ultrasound and it came back negitive ( so no stones

showed). So they now want to do a Hida scan. Called

insurance and they aren't going to cover it. So out of

pocket I have to pay 1200+. I'm still having Diarriha

( light colored stools with gas) and am only eatting

bland food. Do you think this test is needed.. They

say they want to check my gb function.. I need

advice... good or bad...



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That's assuming she has $1,200 sitting around.


They also couldnt find stones in my gallbladder, I had the hida scan ad show I

have a non functional gallbladder then they did a cat scan and used that dye

stuff and it showed i had a cluster of stones so i would say get that test it

could help you :)


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IMO, the HIDA scan is worthless. They found absolutely no function of

my gall bladder. That helped me in no way face the decision of surgery

or not. I still have my gall bladder. What it comes down to is whether

or not you are going to try natural procedures to get healthy, no

matter what is wrong with you. The HIDA scan is only good if you plan

on having surgery and need to see that something is broken. It's not

as if the result will decide whether or not you need surgery- it is

still your decision.



> They also couldnt find stones in my gallbladder, I had the hida scan

ad show I have a non functional gallbladder then they did a cat scan

and used that dye stuff and it showed i had a cluster of stones so i

would say get that test it could help you :)

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you may have an allergy to amoxicillan - many people do, it is a very powerful

antibiotic and interferes with your entire digestive system.

admilby@... wrote: I'm going to try this again. I sent an

email and it

wasn't posted for 1 1/2 weeks... Lets see how long

this one takes..lol...

Anyway, I had my first GB attack a few weeks

ago,lasted about 5 minutes.. I was sick and taking an

antibiotic Amoxicillian, the week before took for

about 12 days (forgot to take the 3 each day but

wanted to finish like doc said. Do you think I had a

gb attack because of the antibiotics? I had an

ultrasound and it came back negitive ( so no stones

showed). So they now want to do a Hida scan. Called

insurance and they aren't going to cover it. So out of

pocket I have to pay 1200+. I'm still having Diarriha

( light colored stools with gas) and am only eatting

bland food. Do you think this test is needed.. They

say they want to check my gb function.. I need

advice... good or bad...



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  • 2 years later...

My son had 4 casts at a Children's hospital before he got cast #5 at Shriners

SLC. They did not turn Jonas away b/c of this, but they did want to keep his

casts scheduled correctly so you should tell them about his casts! That way

they can just put a new one on when he is supposed to get a new one. Since he is

already being casted they will probably want to skip the evaluation appointment

and go straight to casting! (this is what they let us do)

Hollie Lee

mama of Jonas 2yo 33* down from 73* at SLC


> Hello all,


> I have a quick question for those who have or had the experience with

Shriner's. I received the letter for Shane to have an " evaluation appointment "

with them. I just got off the phone with the appointment person and the

appointment date is 2/1/11 at 11am. Here's where I would love to know what you



> Shane was already casted on 1/11/11 at Stanley Children's Hospital -

New York Presbyterian in New York. Do you think that Shriner's would turn Shane

away since he's started treatment elsewhere? I didn't tell them when I just

made the appointment that Shane has already been casted elsewhere. I fear that

they then WILL NOT allow him to be seen by them. Should I not bother with

Shriner's and cancel the appointment and hope that the doctor at Stanley

don't do to me again what they already did?


> I really want Shriner's to see him and hopefully accept him to their facility.

I don't have anything against the other place other than the runaround and

wasted time they gave me all because of my insurance (Aetna). I want to make

sure that something so unimportant (compared to Shane's health) never happens

again (even if that means that I switch to a facility that puts the children

first and insurance on the back burner).


> Do you think that Shriner's will turn him away because he's already been

casted or should I just take him on the 1st and explain to them why I already

had him casted elsewhere (which was to start some type of treatment as opposed

to sitting and waiting, doing nothing)?


> Help. Any advice with Shriner's and what you think I should do would be most



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