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Re: Re: What to do you eat?

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> I just met with a Naturpath doctor last week to try and ³save² my

> low-functioning gallbladder. In addition to supplements and a homeopathic

> remedy, she has me on a low-fat, high fiber diet. Also, she said no onions,

> eggs or pork as they are gallbladder trigger foods. Also, keep wheat to a

> minimum. So I am eating plain nonfat yogurt with berries & ground flax seeds,

> Ezekial bread, lowfat cottage cheese and lots of veggies & fruits and lean

> protein only. I never ate a high-fat diet to begin with, but I have cleaned up

> my diet even more so than what I was eating before I found out about my

> low-ejecting gallbladder (I do not have stones-just chronic dull pain over my

> GB)








> What an excellent question for this group! I've been working with a

> nutritionist for the past several months, so my diet will be changing. She is

> working up a plan for me, which I haven't received yet. However, I've made

> some changes already that she has asked me to do. I've stopped eating

> flavored yogurt and now eat plain yogurt mixed with some fruit, raw honey and

> nuts. Since my GB attack, I've hardly had any red meat. On the very raw

> occasions that I do, I'll eat maybe 2 bites from my husband's steak. I

> basically eat vegetables, fruits, organic whole milk, chicken, some fish, some

> shrimp. Eggs don't bother me if I eat them in baked custard. I can't

> tolerate a hard boiled egg any more. Some mornings, I'll have a whey protein

> drink with some fruit mixed in it. I've been eating home made puddings

> lately, too. Sometimes I'll have a bite of dark chocolate.


> Amber



> So, What do you eat? Anyone? for the past 2 weeks

> since the GB attack I've only eatten crackers, rice

> cakes, apples, banana's, subway turkey sandwich, oat

> square, carrots and sno peas and water and organic soy

> milk. no mayo, NO DIET COKE,red meat,.. Am i ever

> going to be able to have these things again with out

> an attack....lol

> Angie


> .




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Everyone sounds like they eat so well. I've only had

this problem for 2 weeks and 2 days... I've lost 11

pounds... Is everyone in this group thin...? lol

Is that what i have to look forward to. I can do this!


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It's just happening! I eat so differenly now. Scared

of another attack. My doctor did say add alittle fat

to your diet. Slowly... I have added cottage cheese

and provalone... thats it.. Will i ever be able to

drink a diet coke again?


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I hope to God not! Please... before you ever ingest another diet drink or

chemical in anyway research the history of artificial sweeteners. " Sweet

Deception " by Dr. ph Mercola might be a great place to start. With nothing

but love and caring, -Dave

----- Original Message -----

From: admilby@...<mailto:admilby@...>

gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 8:32 PM

Subject: Re: Re: What to do you eat?

It's just happening! I eat so differenly now. Scared

of another attack. My doctor did say add alittle fat

to your diet. Slowly... I have added cottage cheese

and provalone... thats it.. Will i ever be able to

drink a diet coke again?


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Perhaps an occasional FEW bites of something forbidden won't hurt you. Do a

" one rat " test and see how you react.


You are so right! BUT I love food, good food! I am

going to keep eatting right. I just hate the thought

of NEVER having something I found so much joy in...




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