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RE: Attacks

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Ann, I get that too sometimes, and figured out it was the medicine that I was taking-the Imuran. Now I am just on prednisone and next month, she will put me on another drug. So, for me, that problem went away when I stopped the IMuran.....


From: seafarer52@...

Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 4:10 AM

Subject: [ ] Attacks

I have a question that I hope someone can answer. I'm new to all this and I've notice that some of you get attacks. Could you describe what happens when you get these attacks. The reason for my asking is that for the past couple of days I've felt really lousy. My whole body aches and I have a headache and upset stomach. I take compazine for the nausea which helps a little. It feels like the flu but no coughing or sneezing, just achy. I had this happen a couple of weeks ago and my doctor gave me the compazine and a cocktail to help my stomach. Cocktail is mylanta with a pain medications in it. Thanks for any info that you give me.Ann

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> I have a question that I hope someone can answer. I'm new to all

> this and I've notice that some of you get attacks. Could you

> describe what happens when you get these attacks. The reason for


> asking is that for the past couple of days I've felt really lousy.

> My whole body aches and I have a headache and upset stomach. I


> compazine for the nausea which helps a little. It feels like the


> but no coughing or sneezing, just achy. I had this happen a couple


> weeks ago and my doctor gave me the compazine and a cocktail to


> my stomach. Cocktail is mylanta with a pain medications in it.

> Thanks for any info that you give me.


> Ann

Dear Ann-- Let me say at the outset that I am not recommending that

anybody alter what their Dr. has said about meds, I am only saying

what works for me.I do not actually have " attacks " as you describe

them, but I do go through periods of constant nausea and no

appetite. This, I have discovered, is to do with the Imuran. I do

not want to go back on the prednisone, so I have developed, by trial

and error, a way that works for me. When the constant nausea kicks

in, I just do not take the Imuran(125mg)for one day. This usually

takes away the nausea and my appetite returns. If it does not, I

take it the next day and then skip for one day again. Then I take it

as usual. That always works FOR ME, and then I can go for a month or

two before I have a problem again. Some one else I know, who has

problems with the Imuran now and then, has solved the problem by

taking it at night and never in the AM. When I asked my Doctor about

this, she said that since it was doing me no harm, to go with it. I

REPEAT--I am not suggesting anyone do this without asking their

physician. Jean

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Thanks Jean. My doctor had suggested I take the imuran at night, but the last few days I wake feeling really sick to my stomach. By afternoon I feel okay again. It's just those mornings. My husband joked and asked if I could be pregnant. As if I could, I have nothing left in me to be able to get pregnant :).. [ ] Re: Attacks > I have a question that I hope someone can answer. I'm new to all> this and I've notice that some of you get attacks. Could you> describe what happens when you get these attacks. The reason formy> asking is that for the past couple of days I've felt really lousy.> My whole body aches and I have a headache and upset stomach. Itake> compazine for the nausea which helps a little. It feels like theflu> but no coughing or sneezing, just achy. I had this happen a coupleof> weeks ago and my doctor gave me the compazine and a cocktail tohelp> my stomach. Cocktail is mylanta with a pain medications in it.> Thanks for any info that you give me.>> AnnDear Ann-- Let me say at the outset that I am not recommending thatanybody alter what their Dr. has said about meds, I am only sayingwhat works for me.I do not actually have "attacks" as you describethem, but I do go through periods of constant nausea and noappetite. This, I have discovered, is to do with the Imuran. I donot want to go back on the prednisone, so I have developed, by trialand error, a way that works for me. When the constant nausea kicksin, I just do not take the Imuran(125mg)for one day. This usuallytakes away the nausea and my appetite returns. If it does not, Itake it the next day and then skip for one day again. Then I take itas usual. That always works FOR ME, and then I can go for a month ortwo before I have a problem again. Some one else I know, who hasproblems with the Imuran now and then, has solved the problem bytaking it at night and never in the AM. When I asked my Doctor aboutthis, she said that since it was doing me no harm, to go with it. IREPEAT--I am not suggesting anyone do this without asking theirphysician. Jean

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  • 6 years later...

I've only had one attack but I ended up in ER and then was admitted to the

hospital. Pain was so bad, I was vomiting. I refused surgery. Came home and

did a lot of research. Have stopped eating meat. Only occasionally eat an

organic egg. Take A-F Betafood daily, plus Milk Thistle herb, etc. and have had

no further problems.


For those of you who have had success with the alternative treatments

(herbs, flushes, etc) how many, if any, attacks did you have prior to

deciding to do these? And how would you rate the severity of these



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My attacks were very bad but not as bad as Amber's although the pain

was so excruciating I could not walk until it subsided. That was

nearly 2 years ago and altering my diet- eliminating meat from my

diet- occasional chicken and fish mostly- by the way did you know the

meat industry contributes 300% more pollution toward global warming

than do automobiles!- google it if u find it hard to believe) I have

not had an attack since altering my diet. Also, only take AF Beta

food a few times a week not with every meal. I do a parasite cleanse

( Dr 's Black Walnut Hulls (from the black walnut tree).

Wormwood (from the Artemisia shrub) and Common Cloves), once every 6

months although I have gone nearly 1 year since the last one.


On Jan 12, 2008, at 11:51 AM, Amber wrote:

> I've only had one attack but I ended up in ER and then was admitted

> to the hospital. Pain was so bad, I was vomiting. I refused

> surgery. Came home and did a lot of research. Have stopped eating

> meat. Only occasionally eat an organic egg. Take A-F Betafood

> daily, plus Milk Thistle herb, etc. and have had no further problems.


> Amber


> For those of you who have had success with the alternative treatments

> (herbs, flushes, etc) how many, if any, attacks did you have prior to

> deciding to do these? And how would you rate the severity of these

> attacks?


> .




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severity of some of my attacks were off the charts and I wished I would just

die.I went to ER and if they acted quickly they could have had my gallbladder

but they made me wait about 8 hours so I decided to keep it.It took about 12

flushes with olive oil and lemon juice to clear the stones.I did one every 2

weeks,I have done well for about 3 years and have been able to eat anything I

want witrh no problems.But just recently I had an attack so Im gonna start

flushing for a while.I did one a couple days ago and got some stones.I will do

more.Good luck.

gallstones@...: tanya7774@...: Sat, 12 Jan 2008

17:08:35 +0000Subject: Attacks

For those of you who have had success with the alternative treatments (herbs,

flushes, etc) how many, if any, attacks did you have prior to deciding to do

these? And how would you rate the severity of these attacks?


Watch “Cause Effect,” a show about real people making a real difference.


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