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Hypothyroidism and foot pain.

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The CAUSE of foot pain that THYROID patients experience.

My name is M. Vos and I am a retired Naturopathic Physician with

over 35 years of experience in my private medical office. and I like

to help the people in this group with some adequate information about

their physical and mental problems. But mind you: I speak from an

alternative point of view.

In reading e.g. the chain of messages on the topic: " hypothyroidism

and foot pain " it is surprising how little people know about their own


First of all we have to realize that the origin of our body is

thousands of year ago, from the time of the Cave Bear when people

roamed around from shelter to shelter gathering roots, snails, eggs

and whatever else was eatable, while the men went hunting and fishing.

We never knew is we would have sufficient food the next day.

So our body was programmed to save food in times plenty, so it could

survive in times of hunger and famine.

The next thing we have to realize is that all our daily food consists

of only 5 basic elements: Water, Sugars, Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat.

In order for our body to build new body cells it needs all of these 5

elements, but they have to be properly digested and broken down before

they can be used.

For that purpose we have a PANCREAS and this organ produces 4

different enzymes to digest the 4 solids in our food, while water will

run down all by itself.

These enzymes are: Insulin for Sugars, Pepsin for Protein, Amylase for

Carbohydrates and Lipase for Fat.

Medical doctors have already a way to determine if a person can digest

SUGAR. They simple take a blood sample, have it tested in the lab and

when there is too much sugar in the blood sample they have a diabetic

on their hands. However not every diabetic is a diabetic: TYPE 2 is

NOT a diabetic. Medical error.

However medical science has not yet discovered a way to diagnose

whether or not a person can digest: Protein or Fat properly. If anyone

of you have ever heard a doctor say that you cannot digest FAT. I like

to hear that, but I doubt it.

Then I like to tell you something the Chinese discovered already some

5000 years ago and that is ENERGY, which they call CHI as in Tai-chi

and Shiatsu.

This energy is divided in our body along a network of energy lines

called MERIDIANS. Medical science doesn't believe this for it cannot

be clinically proven.

And yet ACUPUNCTURE is based on this and we do have exactly 365

officially recognized acu-point on our body. All the meridians are

connected to our 12 organs and not 10 as doctors believe we have. And

that is important for THYROIDITIS has everything to do with this, and

it is also the very reason why medical doctors can't tell you what the

real cause of it is so they can do no more than prescribe medications

or operate.

In the pictures I will try and add the so-called ORGANCLOCK. This

organclock shows the exact SEQUENCE and also the exact TIME when each

of our 12 organs have their daily 2 hour energy turn in the 24 hours

of a full day. Why else would we have 24 hours in a day. And again we

find that neither the ENERGY nor the MERIDIANS can be clinically

proven, so in their medical opinion they do not exist, but let me

prove to you that they do exist.

When a person cannot digest e.g. FAT there are a few organs that are

in trouble, for they have extra work to do on account of this. In the

case of FAT is is always the LIVER and the GALLBLADDER. That is the

reason that these two organs require more energy than they get in

their 2 hour recharging turn. But the organclock show the situation in

BALANCE or YIN/YANG, and extra energy is nowhere available. So the

best chance they have to get some extra energy is to take it away from

their neighbors. This causes a shortage of energy by those neighbors

and they suffer the consequences of this in a variety of forms.

However these are all personal and differ from person to person, for

thank God we are unique individuals and not all the same.

But what is important to know is that the ENERGY line of the

GALLBLADDER start at the corners of our mouth, runs criss-cross over

the scalp then down the back and ends at our feet. But with the

gallbladder needing all the energy for itself there is not much left

to energize the scalp or the feet, but that is not all.

The LIVER meridian starts at the feet and runs up the inside of our

legs to end by the liver itself, and here again the liver has no

energy to spare, and the combination of these two are the only cause

of the shortage of energy at our feet, with multiple problems for our

feet all more or less different for all of us.

This concludes my explanation and I'll hope to be back shortly with

more of the same, since medical doctors do not learn anything about

this. For medical science it is only important that you know all the

body parts by their Latin names, and that you know all the available

medication from the various pharmaceutical companies.

And when you know all that you pass med. school as a doctor, even thou

you know nothing of the functioning of the human body.

Regards to you all and in health, Dr. M. Vos, Naturopathic

Physician, Iridologist, Electro-Acupuncturist.

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