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Candida and Mercury

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Its important to chelate out heavy metals to recover from any chronic

health condition including Candida. This is the protocol I am doing

and below are a couple of good posts on different chelators which are

more expensive but may also be more effective.

Chinese medicine practitioners advocate a cheaper natural chelation

protocol than most:

(cooling can cause pain especially in arthritic people which slows

blood circulation) Mung Beans are cooling so its important to mix

with Adzuki which is warming. 3 fistfulls of Mung consumed in 2

days. Flavoured with raw honey if you want.

(warming) Adzuki 2 fistfulls.

Soak Adzuki for ½ a day then boil for 30 minutes then add Mung beans

(don't need to be soaked). Boil for another 20 minutes after Mung

beans are added.

Protocol is for 1 to 2 months.

Also I am eating raw cilantro 3 cups a day for 1 month. Will see

what the blood tests show after all this.


from Lyme and Rife forum:

All the topics get posted and re-posted because we all have " Lymie "

brains. Haha. I know that I personally can see something posted over

and over again and not pay any attention to it whatsoever and then

suddenly it will be relevant to what I'm dealing with and I have to


everybody to explain it to me. Never a problem with this group of

people :-).

As for the mercury, my doc had me do a pretty in-depth blood panel


Metametrix labs, but he also took a detailed family history as well


ran bio feedback tests on the Vega Bio-Expert machine, which agreed

with the results of the bloodwork. A good doctor may not need the

blood work since if you have silver amalgams in your mouth or you

mother had a lot of amalgams in her mouth when she was pregnant with

you and you are showing signs of mercury toxicity, you are likely

mercury toxic. If a mother has mercury poisoning, the mercury can

actually accumulate in the cord blood and then is passed on to the

child. In the child, it can be up to 30% more potent.

Yes, there are a LOT of different approaches to treatment of mercury.

Many, many doctors do it incorrectly and inefficiently. My doctor


to be one of them but has developed a very successful program that

involves miniscule injections of DMPS coupled with oral DMSA given


several days per week followed up with vitimin IV's to replenish the

minerals and nutrients that the DMPS pulls out of the system. He also

advocates a good detox program at the same time to pull all the junk

out through the colon and to keep it from redistributing in the

tissues. Cutler has a fairly good book on mercury chelation

that you can get from Lymebook.com. His approach is a general


which is fairly safe, though it doesn't allow for the differences in

individuals, and he uses DMPS and DMSA separately, which may or may


be beneficial. He also recommends the use of drugs for various


which I disagree with on a personal level as I've decided that I will

not use synthetics (other than the DMPS and DMSA, which are not used

long-term) to treat my current situation. Cutler is not a doctor, but


chemical engineer, so his approach to healing views the body much


a machine and does not look at the whole body picture, which again is

in my opinion the wrong way to go about it, or rather an 'incomplete'

approach to treatment.

My doc uses the DMPS to pull the mercury out of the tissues and the

DMSA to clean it up after it's been pulled out. He can also alter it

to the needs of the individual. If you're anywhere close to Oregon


would like his information, I can give it to you. Or you can call him

and just ask questions too. He's good about talking with people and


very good with mercury chelation as well. He could probably at least

steer you in the right direction.

As for time, it usually takes 6 months to a year or so to get rid of


totally. This depends upon how badly you were infected and how well

you tolerate treatment. It took me 5 months of chelating every week


get through the acute phase of chelation. Now, I'm tested every week

and am chelated only tested positive. I am able to see my doctor


week because I am not working currently, but I know that's tough for

most people. Cutler's book could help you do a program at home


injections that may be more easily fit into your schedule, depending

upon your own resources. You just need to find a doctor that will be

on the same page and prescribe the drugs used to chelate. Anyhow, you

can check it out and see what you think.

> I know you've posted this before but I due to my information-

> overloaded brain I can't remember your answer.

> 1. How did you know you actually had mercury poisoing?

> 2. How did you get rid of the mercury? And how long did it take?

> This mercury issue worries me as there are so many conflicting

> opinions on how to get rid of it and how dangerous the process can


> Thanks,

Everything that I have read about chelating Mercury says that it is

very hard to get rid of

and that most of us will need to do chelation the rest of our lives.

One tooth filling will

outgas 0.17 PPM per day of Mercury. If you have many fillings or have

had many fillings in

the past, you can do the math. Even if you have never had mercury

fillings as in my case,

my mother's mouth was loaded with them so I received my huge mercury

poisoning in

utero. I also lived downstream from an abandon Mercury mine in Oregon

for many years.

It will take a lifetime to detox the Mercury out. In fact many

chelators commonly in use

are known to put the Mercury in flux and then redistribute the lions

share of it. This can

be dangerous as it can settle in places that may be more vulnerable

to Mercury poisoning

ie vital organs. Chlorella is one such chelator that has been

controversial. If you are

chelating Mercury, the best oral chelator is DMSA which can be found

in a product by

Thorne called Captomer and purchased over the counter. My doc says

that it is more

effective then DMPS. The regimen he put me on was very aggressive

Captomer 250 1

capsule 3 times daily for 5 days while drinking a ton of water and

then take 11 days off.

He told me to take 15 rounds this way. After 15 rounds, I still have

mercury issues. I

know this because every time I do a colonic it puts the metals in

flux and many of my

allergens return temporarily. I also have a metals vial that I can

pendulum that lets me

know that my symptoms are metals related. While using Captomer, it is

imperative that

water consumption be kept up, because the kidneys could become

damaged from the

Mercury that is being flushed out. My current pharmacists says that

the normal protocol is

1 cap a day. I pendulumed the product and my body is telling me to

take 1 cap a day for 8

days and then lay off for two weeks. So I guess I have reduced my

load somewhat as I am

not having to go after it so aggressively as before. At the end of

the eight days, I do a

colonic and then I follow that with a liver flush. One last thing

Captomer 250 is about

$118.00 for a bottle you can get Captomer 60 for around $50.00, but

it will obviously be

less effective. These products unfortunately aren't cheap. I hope

this helps.

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