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Re: What other than water do you drink?

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Good info again Dave,

Just thought i'd share my learned information from university. I

took a full year course on drugs and behaviour (yes it's actually a

university course and not me just boozing it up with my friends

lol). Alcohol was something that we learned a great deal about. All

types of alcohol have some benefit to them due to the direct action

of the alcohol itself these benefits included fat emulsification

during digestion and regulation of blood pressure after food.

However the health benefits are only experienced when a small amount

of alcohol is consumed WITH FOOD. The health benefits are also

experienced when 1 to 2 drinks for males and 1 drink for females is

consumed. Any more than this and the negative health impact from

alcohol is experienced.

Red Wine has an even greater health promoting benefit due to what

Dave described (but again must be consumed WITH FOOD).

Anthocyanadins are extremely good for protecting all vascular tissue

(it's classified as a cardio protective antioxidant) including the

heart, liver and gb. Even the circulation on the microscopic level

is improved (capillary). Apparently it also prevents the formation

of Low Density Lipoproteins (lousy fats which are one culpret in

heart disease) by boosting the effectiveness to the High Density

Lipoproteins (good fats) which break the LDL down off the vascular

walls. Insulin release after meals is also down regulated so if one

is prone to insulin spikes due to pancreatic problems then this would

be a good thing. I have heard there is a study done on diabetics

with Anthocyanadins but I couldn't find it.

If you want to enhance the health benefits of the Anthocyanadins I

have been taking Resvital powder (made from raw red sour grape).

Taking a dose of this is probably like drinking 20 glasses of red

wine only without the negative alcohol related consequences! =O)

The best one is North American Herb and Spice. My cold fingers and

feet actually started to warm up after taking the 3rd dose of this

stuff. Really powerful!

Apparently regulating the insulin levels within a normal and healthy

range is a major factor in preventing age accelerating health

problems. Small meals also help with this but I still love food too


The only thing I would caution people against is the Sulphite content

in red wine and the tannins both of which can cause a bad allergic

reaction. If you notice that you feel worse after red wine dont

consume it. I noticed headaches and puffyness under the eyes which

can be a sign of liver inflammation. They do sell non sulphite and

low tannin red wine but I dont know much about it.



> The anthocyanadins in red wine are very good for liver and

gallbladder. This does not justify their consumption through this

means. The alcohol is destructive to the liver in large amounts. It

does seem that a SMALL amount of alcohol is not bad for the liver

though. The volatile oils in the peppermint that mentioned

are highly antispasmotic to the smooth muscle of the gallbladder as

well as liver detoxifying. you can also get these in soft gel,

enterically coated as a supplement for specific applications. The

coffee that mentioned is one of the highest sources of

cholegeric acids and is quite stimulating to the production of bile

(a good thing). Double tall mochas with hazelnut and amaretto syrup

and whipped cream defeats the purpose though. -D

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: admilby@...<mailto:admilby@...>

> gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 8:21 PM

> Subject: Re: What other than water do you




> Thanks ! I'll try the peppermint, Sounds

> different but good. I've been so good NOT drinking

> diet cokes. I haven't drank alcohol in about 10 years.

> As soon as I found out I was pregnant with my first

> son, just never started back. Is wine good for your

> gall bladder. I know it is for your heart, in

> moderation of course.

> Angie







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