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Re: Gallbladder removed & sick ever since--PLEASE HELP!

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I'm very sorry that you had that surgery, but what's done is done. I can't

answer all your questions, but I can address the ones about toxicity because I

suffered a pesticide poisoning some years ago that affected my heart and lungs.

I have lost half my lung function and am now on a heart drug for the rest of my

life. I also had a GB attack (2 years ago now) and changed the way I eat and

did not have that surgery. After the poisoning, I threw out ALL my cleaning

chemicals, bought 3 air purifiers, changed my diet, etc. I now use Orange TKO

for ALL my cleaning chores, and I even use it in the dryer instead of toxic

dryer sheets. Two years of antibiotics is crazy. No wonder you are having

problems. Did you know to take probiotics during that time to offset the damage

the antibiotics cause? Please go to: www.knowthecause.com and study the site.

Sign up for the free newsletter. Educate yourself. If you want to know any more

about what I've used, you can write to me privately.


Hi, I am new to this group & desperate. I had my gallbladder removed

in 2001 and have been extremely ill ever since. I have been

diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and pretty much react to

everything. ... I had nearly 2 years of antibiotic treatment



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Thanks for your reply. I have air purifiers throughout the house,

have used nothing but safe, nontoxic cleaners for several years now,

and eat mostly organic, nonprocessed, gluten/casein free foods. I

rarely go anywhere to avoid toxin exposure. I know I am probably

loaded with heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, xenobiotics, etc.,

and am going to address this with infrared sauna. But I still

believe this has something to do with my liver and the gallbladder

removal as I had none of these problems before the gallbladder was

removed (or if I did, it was in no way this severe). I would really

like to learn more about how the liver might be playing a role in all



> I'm very sorry that you had that surgery, but what's done is done.

I can't answer all your questions, but I can address the ones about

toxicity because I suffered a pesticide poisoning some years ago that

affected my heart and lungs. I have lost half my lung function and

am now on a heart drug for the rest of my life. I also had a GB

attack (2 years ago now) and changed the way I eat and did not have

that surgery. After the poisoning, I threw out ALL my cleaning

chemicals, bought 3 air purifiers, changed my diet, etc. I now use

Orange TKO for ALL my cleaning chores, and I even use it in the dryer

instead of toxic dryer sheets. Two years of antibiotics is crazy.

No wonder you are having problems. Did you know to take probiotics

during that time to offset the damage the antibiotics cause? Please

go to: www.knowthecause.com and study the site. Sign up for the

free newsletter. Educate yourself. If you want to know any more

about what I've used, you can write to me privately.


> Amber





> Hi, I am new to this group & desperate. I had my gallbladder


> in 2001 and have been extremely ill ever since. I have been

> diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and pretty much

react to

> everything. ... I had nearly 2 years of antibiotic treatment

> I



> .




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I really feel that my GB problem was brought on my the pesticide poisoning and

my liver trying to detox my body. Have you tried to find a group to join

where people have had GB surgery? Perhaps someone there could give you more

info. I suggested this to someone else before and someone thought I was meaning

that person should leave this group. I was very upset over that

misunderstanding, so let me say here, no I do NOT mean for you to leave this

group. I think adding another group, specifically of people who have opted for

the surgery, might provide additional information for you. Sounds like you are

doing all the right things with the nontoxic cleaners and air purifiers and good

diet. Have you done a liver detox? I've been working with a nutritionist

lately and she has me on some products from Natures Sunshine. I'm taking

Gallbladder Formula now and after 2 bottles of that, I'm supposed to go to their

Liver Cleanse Formula.



Thanks for your reply. I have air purifiers throughout the house,

have used nothing but safe, nontoxic cleaners for several years now,

and eat mostly organic, nonprocessed, gluten/casein free foods. I

rarely go anywhere to avoid toxin exposure. I know I am probably

loaded with heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, xenobiotics, etc.,

and am going to address this with infrared sauna. But I still

believe this has something to do with my liver and the gallbladder

removal as I had none of these problems before the gallbladder was

removed (or if I did, it was in no way this severe). I would really

like to learn more about how the liver might be playing a role in all



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You are completely on target. All of the below is great but this is

classic " liver immune " function and the gallbladder removal probably wasn't the

answer to the symptoms you were experiencing at the time. This is a percentage

of the " gallbladder " problems. A person presents with " gallbladder " symptoms,

they look at the gallbladder, there is verifiable imagining (imaging), and

therefore they add 2 and 2 and end up with 5, rip the organ out, and the

symptoms were not from the stones (80% silent) to begin with. Now we are in a

world of hurt. Same garbage but without an important organ which now leads to

other things. Please be kind in memory to those involved, they were probably

doing their best within their knowledge base.

Anti inflammatory, anti oxidant compounds that are known for liver may

help. Baical scullcap (scutelaria baicalensis), turmeric, licorice, amla, etc,

may be in order. Taking both bile and lipase enzymes whenever you eat is

another possibility. Colon cleansing, and in a big way, may be essential but

not necessarily so.

Now that your immune response (notice I did not say " system " ) is in the

middle of a freak out, it is a bit difficult to calm it down. It is like when a

3 year old is overly tired and over the edge and you are trying to calm them

down. All the best -Dave

----- Original Message -----

From: <mailto:@...>

gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 8:25 PM

Subject: Re: Gallbladder removed & sick ever since--PLEASE HELP!


Thanks for your reply. I have air purifiers throughout the house,

have used nothing but safe, nontoxic cleaners for several years now,

and eat mostly organic, nonprocessed, gluten/casein free foods. I

rarely go anywhere to avoid toxin exposure. I know I am probably

loaded with heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, xenobiotics, etc.,

and am going to address this with infrared sauna. But I still

believe this has something to do with my liver and the gallbladder

removal as I had none of these problems before the gallbladder was

removed (or if I did, it was in no way this severe). I would really

like to learn more about how the liver might be playing a role in all



> I'm very sorry that you had that surgery, but what's done is done.

I can't answer all your questions, but I can address the ones about

toxicity because I suffered a pesticide poisoning some years ago that

affected my heart and lungs. I have lost half my lung function and

am now on a heart drug for the rest of my life. I also had a GB

attack (2 years ago now) and changed the way I eat and did not have

that surgery. After the poisoning, I threw out ALL my cleaning

chemicals, bought 3 air purifiers, changed my diet, etc. I now use

Orange TKO for ALL my cleaning chores, and I even use it in the dryer

instead of toxic dryer sheets. Two years of antibiotics is crazy.

No wonder you are having problems. Did you know to take probiotics

during that time to offset the damage the antibiotics cause? Please

go to: www.knowthecause.com and study the site. Sign up for the

free newsletter. Educate yourself. If you want to know any more

about what I've used, you can write to me privately.


> Amber





> Hi, I am new to this group & desperate. I had my gallbladder


> in 2001 and have been extremely ill ever since. I have been

> diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and pretty much

react to

> everything. ... I had nearly 2 years of antibiotic treatment

> I



> .




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My dear, email me. I have late stage Lyme disease and had many

gb and liver problems. Part of it is Lyme part of it is Liver and gb

(in your case a lack of).

Your immune system is responding that way because of Lyme disease and

the lack of gb. You probably have some undiagnosed liver damage as

per Lyme neurotoxins as well. Anytime your body cant kill an

infection like Lyme there is the risk of eventual auto immune and

immune weakness symptoms.

Anyways email me we can talk about flushing, Anti Lyme stuff (you

might have Mycoplasma Fermentans as well) and a more effective heavy

metal detox than just far infrared sauna.


You will get better dont worry! =)



> Hi, I am new to this group & desperate. I had my gallbladder


> in 2001 and have been extremely ill ever since. I have been

> diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and pretty much react


> everything. I feel toxic & poisoned every day of my life, and


> have no quality of life to speak of. I am severely fatigued, have

> terrible brain fog, am in a great deal of pain most of the time,


> can barely get out of bed most days. I am 47 and my 75 year old

> mother is 10 times healthier than me (and she is ill!) I am

> wondering if all this has to do with the gallbladder removal as I


> very healthy before that. I do have Lyme Disease (got the


> from IV Rocephin) but I don't think these symptoms are all

> necessarily from Lyme. I had nearly 2 years of antibiotic


> and have done a lot of alternative & herbal treatments as well. I


> wondering if perhaps I have stones forming in the liver and/or bile

> ducts now that the gallbladder is gone, or if my Phase I and Phase


> metabolism is messed up because of the gallbladder removal (I know

> this has something to do with MCS). I am just not as knowledgable


> I would like to be on all this, and can't seem to find a doctor who

> can help me. Does any of this make sense? Is this terrible


> I'm feeling correctable? Please, if anyone can help I would really

> appreciate it......

> Thanks,



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It is possible to have " gall bladder attacks " even after the gall bladder is

removed. The reason for the attacks is that gallstones, made in the LIVER, have

gotten studk in a bile duct. The bladder holds the bile that the liver makes

ultil fatty foods signal its release to aid in digestion. Anyone without a gall

bladder must take digestive enxymes with each fatty meal for the rest of their

lives for that reason.

Dr. 's cleanses are what you need. Read about them at Curezon.com where

two of her books are online. The correct schedule is to do a colon cleanse,

kidney cleasns, parasite cleanse and then the liver cleanse, in that order. Read

her books about this. Follow her directions carefully.

Once you have done the liver cleanse, repeat at two week intervals until you

stop passing stones. You won't get all of them out at once as you are probably

back up. Once you have done several or maybe even one liver cleanse, you should

feel much better. Keep up with maintenance on the other cleanses too.

You can buy kits with all you need for all the cleanses at store.com,

.com, and others online.

Good health,


<@...> wrote: Hi, I am new to

this group and hope that someone can help me. I had my

gallbladder removed in 2001 and have been extremely ill ever since. I

have been diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and pretty much

everything makes me ill. I am wondering if it is possible that there

are stones forming in the liver & bile ducts now that the gallbladder

is gone. Or is the MCS more a result of the liver just not functioning

properly (maybe as the result of not having a gallbladder anymore)? Or

from PhaseI and Phase II being messed up? (I really don't understand

as much as I should about this, but I know this plays a role in MCS).

Is there anything I can do to regain my health? I feel poisoned and

toxic pretty much all the time and really do not have any life to speak

of. I am severely fatigued, most days can barely get out of bed, and

literally feel as if I am being poisoned every day of my life. If

there is anyone on this list who can help me figure out how the

gallbladder removal figures into all this, and what I can do to help

myself, I would really appreciate it......



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