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What Celtic Sea Salt Really Is...

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Celtic (pronounced kel-tic with a hard " c " ) Sea Salt has been

produced by the same hand methods of " salt farming " off the Brittany

Coast of France for centuries. It is naturally air and sun dried in

clay ponds and gathered by hand with wooden tools such that it has a

living enzyme content. It is unrefined so it contains all 84 elements

found in sea water. It is unadulterated with no anti-caking additives

or bleaching. This is the historic way salt has been produced for

thousands of years. This is the kind of salt spoken of so favorably

in the Bible.

Unlike table salt, which is 97.5% sodium chloride and up to 2.5%

chemical additives, or " sea salt " that is 98% + sodium chloride and

up to 2% other minerals, Celtic Sea Salt is only 84% sodium chloride

and 16% other minerals. This dramatically changes the effect of the

salt in the body.


Our bodies possess three " internal oceans " that closely resemble the

content of sea water: blood plasma, lymphatic fluid, and

extracellular fluid. Celtic Sea Salt has that same mineral content as

the oceans and these bodily fluids.

The salty amniotic fluid produces growth of the human embryo by 3

billion times! Life is dependent upon the presence of sodium, BUT not

by itself. The sodium must be balanced out with other minerals like

magnesium, calcium, potassium, and various trace minerals. Salt

activates the salivary enzyme in the mouth - the very first enzyme in

the digestive process. Sodium is required by the parietal cells of

the stomach wall to make hydrochloric acid for digestion. From the

moment of conception humans are never without a need for salt. But

understand that we don't need toxic, refined table salt, but living,

unrefined, and unadulterated salt like Celtic Salt.


Celtic Sea Salt can profoundly affect healing of various ailments -

simply by balancing out the body's intended mineral levels. Here are

some examples:

1. Sinus or Bronchial Congestion - Celtic Salt has an affinity for

mucous. It literally draws it out of the body. When you use Celtic

Salt, particularly doing the Salt Cleanse below, you will greatly

increase the mucous blown out the nose and coughed up.

2. Nourishing the Adrenals - Your adrenal glands run on sodium, but

what they need is not the toxic refined sodium chloride table salt,

but a whole, unrefined salt. A significant part of immune response

comes from adrenal hormone secretions. But if your adrenals are weak

and stressed out, they have nothing to give when you feel that cold

or flu coming on.

3. Preventing Illness - More heavily salting food at the first signs

of sickness can counteract the illness. Celtic Salt stimulates

cellular energy and enhances resistance to infections. This may be

due in part to Celtic Salt's beneficial effect on the adrenal glands.

4. Better, Longer Sleep - I've discovered from personal experience

and that of clients that taking Celtic Salt at bedtime, as when

temporarily doing the Salt Cleanse, generally results in longer,

uninterrupted, more refreshing sleep.

5. High Blood Pressure - Everyone thinks high blood pressure is

aggravated by salt. That's true and false. Refined, toxic table salt

is an irritant to the body that can cause high blood pressure. Many

people experience a lowering of blood pressure by using Celtic Salt.

6. Fluid Retention - Did you ever in your wildest dreams think

someone would tell you that a special type of natural salt would

reverse fluid retention? Using Celtic Sea Salt many people lose fluid

weight from the proper balancing out of the minerals in salt. Eat

refined sodium chloride only salt and you'll get fluid retention as

the body tries to neutralize this toxin. Eat Celtic Salt and the body

can be properly balanced out on its electrolyte minerals and release

that retained water.

7. Trauma - Extra Celtic Salt can be beneficial for shock, severe

burns (not externally), hemorrhage, surgery and physical trauma.

8. Other Conditions - This type of natural salt is also reported to

help correct excess acidity, relieve allergies, relieve skin

diseases, and restore better digestion through stimulating

hydrochloric acid secretions.


While undergoing a severe respiratory infection I was encouraged to

try a Salt Cleanse with Celtic Sea Salt to stimulate cleansing of

mucous from the body. I recommend doing this from a few nights in a

row up to perhaps a couple of weeks. It results in a major

elimination of mucous both from blowing the nose and expectorating.

Your sinus and respiratory passages will feel much clearer.

To do the Salt Cleanse take 1 teaspoon of Celtic Salt in 8 oz of warm

distilled water. Drink this at bedtime.

Some observations:

1. This amount of refined, toxic table salt in a glass of water would

act as an emetic - you would vomit. With the Celtic Salt it tastes

great - like a salty broth - and feels perfectly all right on your


2. Drinking a glass of this salt water at bedtime won't necessarily

cause you to have to get up during the night to urinate. I've found

the opposite is true - you'll tend to have uninterrupted sleep.

3. Drinking this won't tend to make you particularly thirsty the way

regular refined table salt would. Remember, regular salt is dead,

refined, and adulterated . . . and therefore toxic to the body.

Celtic Salt is food - it is nourishing to the body.

4. Though not 100% of the time, most of the time I've used the Celtic

Salt this way at bedtime I've slept longer and woken up feeling

great. The right kind of mineral balance in the body can do amazing

things. With it's mineral content largely identical to blood serum

and lymphatic fluid, it really is " the salt of life. "

5. How long should one do the Salt Cleanse? Maybe only a time or two -

maybe for two weeks or more in a row as I have done during a

particularly rough respiratory infection. Listen to your body and

you'll probably know if it feels right. If the Salt Cleanse doesn't

feel as stimulating and refreshing as it did originally, you've

probably had enough. If the phlegm coming up and out starts to taste

and feel salty, you've had enough of the Salt Cleanse.

Salt has been treasured since the beginning of time for its life-

giving properties. Begin experiencing the benefits of natural salt.

http://www.pacifichealthcenter.com/updates/56.asp (page down to the

middle of the page to see the info on Celtic Sea Salt, as above)

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