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Clinical Self evaluation for Lyme disease

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Hi everyone. For years I suffered with pain, digestion and memory

problems. I've been diagnosed with everything from arthritis to

Chronic Fatigue to Fibromyalgia. I have been suffering like this for

20 years of my 32 year life. I would buy thousands of dollars in

treatments and supplements. Even the best alternative med and

conventional MD's didnt know what was wrong with me nor how to treat

me. Little did I know I had the most stealthy and complex bacterial

pathogens known to humankind.

This infection can hide from the immune system by truncating its own

DNA so it becomes uncrecognizable by the white blood cells. It also

contains antigens on the INSIDE of its cell wall making it even more

difficult for WBC's to tag and identify.

Lyme disease (especially mid to late stage) can also generate

Neurotoxin and Biotoxins or it can trigger the human body to do so

which cause inflammation, nerve damage and immune suppression. This

also contributes to many of the symptoms that a Lymie will suffer.

People with Lyme disease can also have problems with liver toxicity

due to the constant exposure to pathogenic toxins and food

allergies. Due to immune suppression opportunistic infections can

take hold of the body including many common infections such as

Candida and Helicobacter Pylori. These organisms when the immune

system is healthy do not generally cause problems but in an immuno

compromised individual they can cause many symptoms.

Due to the fact that Lyme is a pleomorphic, multi system bacteria

this makes it difficult to detect and treat. 2-4 weeks of

antibiotics rarely work unless abx are taken within 72 hours of

infection. Late stage Lyme disease can manifest as being totally

disseminated through many body tissues including bones and joints.

This is another reason why antibiotic treatment is rarely sucessful

in middle to late stage Lyme disease treatment.

PROBLEM 1: Most dont even know they have been infected by Borellia

Burgdorferi until weeks, months or years later. Many ticks are so

small they are hard/impossible to see which is the traditionally

accepted transmission vector for Lyme disease.

PROBLEM 2: Due to the fact that Lyme disease is classified as a

stealth pathogen the very nature of the organism is to posess various

means of evading human host defenses and therefore diagnostic

testing! Any antibody (serological) testing should be closely

monitored for very common false negatives. I was tested numerous

times with the ELISA which always came back negative. The Western

Blot test which I paid 350$ for to send it off to the USA came back


PROBLEM 3: The medical profession has not fully ruled out other

transmission vectors such as mosquitos, sand fleas and black flies.

Inspite of the fact that the organism has been isolated in these

biting insects by researchers.

The best way to identify people with Lyme disease is to match

COMBINATIONS of symptoms and syndromes which are manifesting in one

person. It is not the one single symptom or syndrome which indicates

Lyme disease but it is as I said the COMBINATION of symptoms. GUYS

this is an excessively common infection. Its more rampant than

anyone wants to admit. Numerous other diseases are being diagnosed

which are most likely Lyme disease.

Lyme disease has been isolated in human breast milk, saliva and

seamen. This was identified by a very well respected researcher Lyda

Mattman. Sexual transmission is also a very high probability due to

the fact that Lyme disease (Borellia Burgorferi) is a close cousin of

the STD Syphilis. Lyme disease is much more complex and difficult to

treat compared to Symphilis however.

No doubt Lyme disease has become a HUGE money maker for all the

diseases and syndromes it can manifest as. Lyme disease also

penetrates the blood brain barrier within 72 hours of infection and

can begin imparing neuron function. The Myelin sheathing surrounding

nerves in the brain can also be damaged and scaring can result which

can lead to a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis or Misalenous Lesions.

In either case Lyme disease should be suspect and accurately ruled


There is NO pratitioner, specialist or MD on the planet that can say

a particular symptom you are experiencing is NOT Lyme disease due to

the fact that the brain becomes infected and when this happens any

neurologically generated symptom can begin to manifest.

The CDC admits fault with diagnostic testing which is why clinical

evaluation is important. They also recommend a verification of

diagnosis with the Western Blot (not used in Canada until a positive

ELISA test is confirmed).

I always put more weight into symptoms I am experiencing since

testing can just lead to proper treatment delay and financial loss.

And considering the serious diseases that late stage Lyme disease can

cause time is of the essence.

Please read below and see for yourself. I bet most of you either

experience these symptoms or know someone who does.

If you want information on how to treat Lyme disease I can help with

that but I am too tired after typing all this....

I really hope this helps someone,


Source: www.canlyme.com

Compiled from patient surveys and clinical Lyme Literate Medical

Doctor notes.

Lyme Disease ( commonly misspelled as Lime or Lymes ) symptoms may

show up fast, with a bang, or very slowly and innocuously. There may

be initial flu-like symptoms with fever, headache, nausea, jaw pain,

light sensitivity, red eyes, muscle ache and stiff neck. Many write

this off as a flu and because the nymph stage of the tick is so tiny

many do not recall a tick bite.

Lyme Disease, SYMPTOMS & CHARACTERISTICS, a compilation of peer-

reviewed literature reports

The classic rash may only occur or have been seen in as few as 30% of

cases (many rashes in body hair and indiscreet areas go undetected).

Treatment in this early stage is critical. The Lyme Rash

If left untreated or treated insufficiently symptoms may creep into

ones life over weeks, months or even years. They wax and wane and may

even go into remission only to come out at a later date...even years


With symptoms present, a negative lab result means very little as

they are very unreliable. Read here. The diagnosis, with today's

limitations in the lab, must be clinical.

Many Lyme patients were firstly diagnosed with other illnesses such

as Juvenile Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Reactive Arthritis,

Infectious Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Raynaud's

Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Interstitial Cystis,

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Fifth Disease, Multiple Sclerosis,

scleroderma, lupus, early ALS, early Alzheimers Disease, crohn's

disease, ménières syndrome, reynaud's syndrome, sjogren's syndrome,

irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, prostatitis, psychiatric disorders

(bipolar, depression, etc.), encephalitis, sleep disorders, thyroid

disease and various other illnesses. see Other Diseases and


If you have received one of these diagnoses please scroll down and

see if you recognize a broader range of symptoms.

If you are a doctor please re-examine these diagnoses, incorporating

Lyme in the differential diagnoses.

The one common thread with Lyme Disease is the number of systems

affected (brain, central nervous system, autonomic nervous system,

cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, musco-skeletal, etc.) and

sometimes the hourly/daily/weekly/monthly changing of symptoms.

No one will have all symptoms but if many are present serious

consideration must be given by any physician to Lyme as the possible

culprit. Lyme is endemic in Canada period. The infection rate with

Lyme in the tick population is exploding in North America and as the

earth's temperature warms this trend is expected to continue.

Symptoms may come and go in varying degrees with fluctuation from one

symptom to another. There may be a period of what feels like

remission only to be followed by another onset of symptoms.

Free Canadian Lyme Disease Brochure (a computer file for you to


PRINT AND CIRCLE ALL YES ANSWERS ( 20 yes represents a serious

potential and Lyme should be included in diagnostic workup )

Symptoms of Lyme Disease

1. The Tick Bite (fewer than 50% recall a tick bite or get/see the


2. Rash at site of bite

3. Rashes on other parts of your body

4. Rash basically circular and spreading out (or generalized)

5. Raised rash, disappearing and recurring

Head, Face, Neck

6. Unexplained hair loss

7. Headache, mild or severe, Seizures

8. Pressure in Head, White Matter Lesions in Head (MRI)

9. Twitching of facial or other muscles

10. Facial paralysis (Bell's Palsy)

11. Tingling of nose, (tip of) tongue, cheek or facial flushing

12. Stiff or painful neck

13. Jaw pain or stiffness

14. Dental problems (unexplained)

15. Sore throat, clearing throat a lot, phlegm ( flem ), hoarseness,

runny nose


16. Double or blurry vision

17. Increased floating spots

18. Pain in eyes, or swelling around eyes

19. Oversensitivity to light

20. Flashing lights/Peripheral waves/phantom images in corner of eyes


21. Decreased hearing in one or both ears, plugged ears

22. Buzzing in ears

23. Pain in ears, oversensitivity to sounds

24. Ringing in one or both ears

Digestive and Excretory Systems

25. Diarrhea

26. Constipation

27. Irritable bladder (trouble starting, stopping) or Interstitial


28. Upset stomach (nausea or pain) or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux


Musculoskeletal System

29. Bone pain, joint pain or swelling, carpal tunnel syndrome

30. Stiffness of joints, back, neck, tennis elbow

31. Muscle pain or cramps, (Fibromyalgia)

Respiratory and Circulatory Systems

32. Shortness of breath, can't get full/satisfying breath, cough

33. Chest pain or rib soreness

34. Night sweats or unexplained chills

35. Heart palpitations or extra beats

36. Endocarditis, Heart blockage

Neurologic System

37. Tremors or unexplained shaking

38. Burning or stabbing sensations in the body

39. Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Weakness, peripheral

neuropathy or partial paralysis

40. Pressure in the head

41. Numbness in body, tingling, pinpricks

42. Poor balance, dizziness, difficulty walking

43. Increased motion sickness

44. Lightheadedness, wooziness

Psychological well-being

45. Mood swings, irritability, bi-polar disorder

46. Unusual depression

47. Disorientation (getting or feeling lost)

48. Feeling as if you are losing your mind

49. Over-emotional reactions, crying easily

50. Too much sleep, or insomnia

51. Difficulty falling or staying asleep

52. Narcolepsy, sleep apnea

53. Panic attacks, anxiety

Mental Capability

54. Memory loss (short or long term)

55. Confusion, difficulty in thinking

56. Difficulty with concentration or reading

57. Going to the wrong place

58. Speech difficulty (slurred or slow)

59. Stammering speech

60. Forgetting how to perform simple tasks

Reproduction and Sexuality

61. Loss of sex drive

62. Sexual dysfunction

63. Unexplained menstral pain, irregularity

64. Unexplained breast pain, discharge

65. Testicular or pelvic pain

General Well-being

66. Unexplained weight gain, loss

67. Extreme fatigue

68. Swollen glands/lymph nodes

69. Unexplained fevers (high or low grade)

70. Continual infections (sinus, kidney, eye, etc.)

71. Symptoms seem to change, come and go

72. Pain migrates (moves) to different body parts

73. Early on, experienced a " flu-like " illness, after which you have

not since felt well.

74. Low body temperature

75. Allergies/Chemical sensitivities

76. Increased effect from alcohol and possible worse hangover

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