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More good information on gall and kidney stone removal

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My Personal Journey of Healing

Chang, MSc

2. Gallstone symptoms, gallstone treatment, kidney stone symptoms and


Gallstones and kidney stones often occur together. When either kind

of stone exists, the liver, kidneys and the whole system cannot work

efficiently. Because the kidneys and gallbladder are very close to

each other, the stagnation of one organ often causes the other organ

to become sluggish too. Gallstones and kidney stones usually occur

together because both stones are very often the result of stagnation.

In order to reduce the chance of having stone accumulation and

stagnation again, it is better to cleanse both kidney stones and


Gallstone and kidney stone formation

Gallstones may be caused by chemical disturbance, faulty diet, liver

sluggishness or toxicity, gallbladder stagnation or bile stasis which

is often the result of sluggish liver. " Absorption of fluid by the

gallbladder occurs to a much greater extent than normal when there is

stasis of bile in the biliary system. Gallbladder bile becomes very

concentrated as a result, and cholesterol crystallizes out of

solution, the crystals so formed gradually growing into large

gallstones " [selkurt, E.E. (editor), Physiology, 2nd edition, Little,

Brown and Company, Boston, 1966]. When the kidneys are sluggish, they

do not empty during urination. As a result, the stagnant urine may

become too concentrated and eventually calcium salts crystallize out.

Estrogen replacement therapy and birth control pills are common

contributing factors to these problems because they weaken the liver

and gallbladder.

Gallstone symptoms and gallstone removal

Based on the Chinese gallbladder " meridians " (see Figure at right),

gallstones may be associated with headaches, shoulder and neck pain.

According to Chinese medicine, when gallstones are present, the weak

gallbladder makes energy flow along the meridians sluggish and result

in tense and tight feeling. If blood circulation becomes so poor that

the blood flow becomes stagnant, pain is the result. The presence of

gallstones is often a contributing factor to weak spleen because the

nerves on the spleen and gallbladder are connected to each other.

Weak spleen may lead to hypoglycemia.

Sleep problem is another common symptom with gallstones. In more

severe cases, the gallstones may cause dizziness, bad taste in the

mouth, vomiting of the bile, painful flanks, aggravation, anger and

depression, insomnia and nightmares or hot and cold flushes [A

Barefoot Doctor's Manual, the American translation of the official

Chinese Paramedical Manual, Running Press, Philadelphia, 1990]. These

symptoms are often reduced significantly after the gallstones are

removed. Gallstones may take up to 25 years to show symptoms.

Women are four times more likely to have gallstones than men. I

suspect that pregnancy and childbirth may make the abdominal area

more stagnant and become susceptible to gallstone formation. I used

to think that gallstones only develop in people who are obese or have

a high fat diet. I now believe bile stasis or gallbladder stagnation

is a major cause of gallstone formation. I have never been on a high

fat diet and have always been under-weight. I was never on birth

control pills. When I tried my first gallbladder flush, more than 50

gallstones were released.

I had severe congested liver which caused sleep disorders including

difficulty in falling asleep and waking up several times through the

night. It was not unusual for me to sleep only 3 to 4 hours or less

at night. After my liver became healthier (see liver cleanse ), I

slept much better but I still had to get up at least once every

night. I thought that I had no choice but to live with it.

Surprisingly, after my gallstones were flushed out, I started

sleeping right through most nights without waking up at all. A friend

of mine had headaches for more than 30 years. They also disappeared

after her gallstones were flushed out.

Details of the procedure I used to flush out gallstones is described

in Gallbladder flush and gallstone treatment - alternatives to

gallbladder surgery. An important difference between my procedure and

that of many other flush procedures is that I use the Chinese herbal

tincture Gold Coin Grass (GCG) to soften and crush the gallstones

before flushing. This makes the flushing easier, more efficient and

complete, especially for larger stones. Many people actually

experience pain relief already from using Gold Coin Grass (GCG)

(botanical name: Herba Lysimachiae, Chinese sound translation: Chin-

chien Tsao).

Neck and shoulder pain, a common complaint for many people, is

usually attributed to working for prolonged hours in front of a

computer screen, poor posture, injury or car accident. A 55-year old

man came to me a few years ago complaining about pain in his

gallbladder area when he ate. I asked him if he also had pain on his

neck and shoulder area. He said yes but that it was from a car

accident 6 years earlier. When he started taking Gold Coin Grass

(GCG) in the morning and Curcuma at night, his shoulder and neck pain

started to subside. After his first liver and gallbladder flush, the

pain was 90% gone. He was very surprised to find that his neck and

shoulder pain was associated with his gallstones even though his pain

started only after his car accident. According to Chinese

medicine, " blood stasis " is the basic cause of pain. It is likely

that this man already had gallstone when his car accident occurred.

His gallstones led to poor blood circulation in his neck and shoulder

area which is part of the gallbladder meridian. Poor blood

circulation may already have caused tightness and tension that he had

not noticed. His car accident probably triggered blood stasis leading

to pain. When his gallbladder became healthy again, blood circulation

was better and there was no more blood stasis.

Kidney stone symptoms and treatment

According to Chinese medicine, the kidneys support the bones. Healthy

kidneys are essential for strong bones. Other than pain in the kidney

area, kidney stones may be associated with lower back and knee pain

and may even cause hematuria (blood in urine), painful or difficult

urination or cold sweat [A Barefoot Doctor's Manual, the American

translation of the official Chinese Paramedical Manual, Running

Press, Philadelphia, 1990]. Weak kidneys may also lead to weak bones,

poor head hair and disorders in the ears. Osteoporosis is a major

health concern with many older people. One of the solutions to the

problem may lie in maintaining healthy kidneys. Weak kidneys may

cause increased urinary losses of calcium and phosphates due to the

kidneys' inability to form an acid urine (Harper, H.A., Review of

Physiological Chemistry, 14th edition, Lange Medical Publications,


The Chinese herb Gold Coin Grass (GCG) has been commonly used in

Chinese medicine for centuries for gallstone removal and kidney stone

removal. For kidney stone treatment, it is taken in the form of tea

because kidney detoxifies water soluble toxins. However, the tincture

form with low level of alcohol seems to be more effective for

gallstones because alcohol is a better solvent and carrier than water

for the liver. Since the liver detoxifies non-water soluble toxins,

water is a poor carrier. Gold Coin Grass (GCG) is capable of

softening and crushing the gallstones. This has been my own

experience as well as that of many other people who used the herb.

The crushed and softened stones are flushed through much more readily.

The following kidney stone removal procedure has been used by many

people with good results (disappearance of pain in a few days). It

involves drinking a tea made from 3 different herbs: Gold Coin Grass

(GCG), corn silk and Eucommia. These herbs are mixed together and

boiled in water for about 20 minutes. About 4-5 cups are needed

daily, taken before meals or bedtime on empty stomach. Both Gold Coin

Grass (GCG) and corn silk are kidney cleansers and diuretics which

may deplete the body of potassium. Therefore it is recommended that

potassium supplement be taken to replenish the loss. The Chinese herb

Eucommia increases energy flow in the kidneys and is complementary to

Gold Coin Grass (GCG) and corn silk because anyone with kidney stones

or sludges has sluggish kidneys.

An important note to anyone with kidney stones is to avoid cold foods

or drinks. Cold drinks chill your internal organs and weaken them,

especially the kidneys and spleen. Many of my clients told me that

they can feel the chilling effect from cold drinks after several

months of not having them. Foods that weaken the kidneys should also

be avoided. They include all citrus fruits, tomato and banana.

As a side note, we were pleasantly surprised to find that the kidney

tea described above (made from 3 different herbs: Gold Coin Grass

(GCG), corn silk and Eucommia) also helped dogs with urinary

difficulties or prostate problems.

source: www.sensiblehealth.com

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