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Newbie with Question on Liver/Gallbladder Flush

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My husband found you guys in doing a search for symptoms that arose

this past in me Friday.

I woke up with a dull ache in my upper abdomen. By the afternoon I

became light headed with chills and cold sweat. The ache on my side

became worse and it only helped if I lay down on my side. Later my

pains subsided and I got up. Soon after (less than 10 min) I became

very nauseated and vomited after which I felt better. By 10pm that

evening I felt sick once again and vomited once more.

Saturday morning after a late breakfast (I was afraid to eat

anything) of oatmeal I also became sick and vomited. My husband found

the symptoms to be gallstone related. In researching it, I too

believe this is so in how much the symptoms match up to my own. I do

not have the yellowing of skin or eyes however. It is now 4:30am

Sunday morning and I have been up with my dull pain since 2am. My

husband has been feeding me 100% apple cider along with apples in

hopes to later give me olive oil with grapefruit juice & a magnesium

pill in hopes to cleanse out the stones.

I am hesitant. I have read at least 5 different types of this flush.

Some say it should also contain EPSOM salts, organic cold-pressed

olive oil, sleeping agents, magnesium citrate powder all of which my

husband has not purchased. Some also tell of cleansing the kidney and

killing parasites weeks prior to this cleanse that I've already

begun. And yet others also mention administering enemas during the

flush. All of which as left me wondering if we are doing the right


I am concerned that instead of taking this route, should I be on my

way to the hospital. I am worried that I may have an inflamed

gallbladder or an abnormally large stone. Both of which are mentioned

as high risk of a more serious problem during research.

I need advise,

Sleepless in NY

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Just go to www.sensiblehealth.com you can call and get all the free advice

you want. I only live 20 minutes away from her buisiness so ive met her.

Follow the instructions on her website. I would recommend using the 4 pack

herbs she recommends. Also before doing your flush take Malic Acid. I would

take the pills not the apple juice as most people have candida problems and

apple juice can make this worse. Phone your local health food store to see if

they carry it. I got mine from www.sisu.com

it also has magnesium citrate in it which is good to help proper muscle

contractions and relaxation. The front of the bottle actually says " Mag

Citrate " but the Malic acid is listed in the ingredients.

Do a coffee enema the next day and I would also recommend doing a colonic

about 2 days after the flush.



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