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Re: A Warning for Flushers

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Good heavens, no one needs a pep talk like that! I'm shocked to read this on

this particular group.


Be very careful with flushing. You will blame yourself for doing

it, if the stones clogged the openings of your gallbladder, liver, or

kidney. The white color of your eyes will become yellow, your

skin and your nails will turn yellow. This is a sign that your system

is no longer working properly, your blood is now dirty, and once

you're not able to resolve it back your life is much in trouble.



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Yeah, is this person a doctor or affiliated with these modern cut

throats that want to cut you open and rip out organs so that can get

paid $15,000 for an hour or less of work.

This is really pathetic. If you want to be afraid of something, read

the physicians desk reference for any synthetic drug you may take.

Even over the counter medication. You will read unbelievably numerous

side effects, including death from taking what may be considered

common medicine. Why do people push this synthetic death medicine,

it's called money. The pharmacudical idiots make billions of dollars

by keeping you sick. Doctor's don't treat sickness, they only treat

symptoms. This way you have to keep going back to this sharlitons as

the rip you a new one by taking your money.

I have had the fortunate blessing of not always living in the United

States, so I know for a fact that there are better methods of curing

sickness and disease than the western give me your money at your

expense mentality.

So either Jess you are part of a sick industry or sadly brain washed

by this sick industries propaganda.

Here is a story that happened to my father in law. When my father in

law was a little boy he had gotten severly burned on his leg and it

was becoming infected. His father traveled alot and so he got left a

number of times at various farms. Well fortunately he was left at

some old hick farm, someone who wasn't educated in this western

medical mentality. What the family did was to go out to the cow barn

and get some fresh green cow manure and spread it on the infected burn

and wrapped it up. By the next day the infection was gone. Don't

tell any western doctor about this because he will probably have a

heart attack. Unfortunately most western doctors get brain washed in

their medical insane asilums.

It's these same nut cases that want to tell us about exceptable levels

of poisons and chemicals, while all along society is becoming sicker

and sicker. Disease are becoming more numerous and this can be linked

to increase polution and increase in persticides used on farms and

other modern issues. All which can be found out by historical studies.

Besides that, how many people die on the operation table? It amazes

me how western medicine tries to make themselves out to be some kind

of near perfect saviour and yet people suffer and die needlessly. How

about the stupidity these idiots scammed on americans back when having

tonsils and appendics removed as a normal routine. Not because there

was anything wrong but these medicine gods decided that the organs

served no purpose other than to get diseased. So the medicine gods

promoted the removal of these organs as quickly as possible, which I

am sure at no little expense. How many got rich over this scam?

Getting back to the drug industry, I know for a fact that a good

number of medicine came from the american indians. Infact going back

a few decades the medicine use to have the plant name as the label.

But because these greedy monsters wanted to exploit people, they

developed a synthisized process so as to dupe people into taking their

death medicine. Medicine in the plant form is by far superior because

their are other enzymes that helps to support the main ingredient that

does the curing. But by extracting one ingredient and giving it some

latin name, no one realizes where it came from. For example asprin is

willow bark. So if you didn't want to spend the money for asprin you

could just go to a willow tree.

Another plant which we on this list should be familiar with is

dandelions. I am supprise that the drug mafia hasn't tried to extract

some enzyme out of this and market it as a gall stone cure or

anti-inflamatory for the gall bladder. As a side note, if you ever

want to drink dandelion tea, it does not half to be bitter. Watch for

dandelions and as soon as you see them starting to grow pick it as

soon as possible. The earlier the better. Because the leaves will be

sweater. If you use the dandelion leaves with a young plant, the tea

will be sweat. If you wait, and it doesn't take to long, it will be


Gettting back to the issue, people die at all ages, young and old. On

the operating table and off. In the western medical system and out.

So these fear tactics have only one purpose, exploit money from the



> > Well I am at it again trying to do a flush. I

> > understand the

> > difficulties of those who can't stand drinking all

> > that olive oil. I

> > had seen on cure zone and different formula from the

> > lemon olive oil

> > flush. It uses 3 limes, 1 tablespoon of flax oil

> > (which could be any

> > naturally processed oil) and two organic egg yokes.

> > Mix it all

> > together and drink it. A couple of precautions is

> > that you should

> > never mix it in a metal bowel or use metal

> > silverware because the

> > metal is said that it can interact with the liquid

> > and weaken it's

> > effective strength. The other is that you need to

> > drink it lukewarm.

> > The reason has something to do with the liver and

> > drinking it could

> > interfers with the liver for the flush.

> >

> > As for me I have not gone to the doctor's main

> > because I can't afford

> > it but I don't much care for american synthetic

> > witch doctor's

> > anyways. I have had all the typical symptoms so I

> > am treating myself

> > for gallstones. I had passed stones before. I did

> > make the mistake

> > that years ago when I did a flush that I stopped

> > after I got a bunch

> > of stones. I at the time did not understand that

> > the liver could be

> > full of stones and once you empty your gall bladder

> > it can fill up

> > again with the liver emptying out.

> >

> > But I had always struggle with drinking so much oil

> > a mist the

> > synthetic witch doctor's fear mongering about

> > drinking to much oil and

> > how they had run down the flushes. After reading

> > about some one who

> > did a flush without olive oil, they used some other

> > oil that was not

> > green and still got those green color stones, well

> > that convinced me

> > that it was not just soap stones. Now I do think

> > that I may have

> > gotten something like soap stones once when I did a

> > flush but it was a

> > geliten like and it was not the same green stones I

> > had with another

> > flush I did.

> >

> > I don't know how some of you do it, I have been to

> > americanized and

> > find it very hard to go without food for even one

> > meal. Also I don't

> > know how some of you drink that lemon juice - yuck.

> > But what I have

> > found that works for me is that I mix these

> > concosions with apple

> > juice. The other thing I will say for others is

> > that I don't always

> > use all organic, which is not because I don't want

> > to but because I

> > haven't been able to always afford it.

> >

> > I do think that one of my biggest mistakes has been

> > having fat in my

> > diet before the flush. I read where someone talked

> > about not having

> > fat the day before so that the gall bladder will

> > fill with bile and

> > then when you take the olive oil or what ever it

> > causes all that bile

> > to flush and hopefully with stones.

> >

> > So what I am going to try is a no-fat diet for upto

> > a week. There is a

> > Biblical principle of fasting for 7 to 10 days and

> > then afterwards

> > eating a high fat diet. Which one person theorized

> > would cause the

> > people to pass alot of stones. Well I know I

> > wouldn't be able to go a

> > week let alone a day without food, but since fasting

> > or no fat diet is

> > basically the same, I thought I would try a no fat

> > diet.

> >

> > So that is the journey I am on. I downloaded a no

> > fat food list.

> > Unfortunately today when I bought some melba toast

> > which is suppose to

> > be no fat, it turned out to have 1 gram, because it

> > was sesame

> > flavored. I turned out that only plain is fat free.

> >

> >

> > Well I'll just take it day by day for right now.

> > Just as a side note,

> > I am only doing a no fat diet temporarily in place

> > of fasting. I am

> > already aware of the need of fat in our diets.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >







> New York City Sightseeing

> http://www.bigapplecity.com

> __________________________________________________


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So Jess

did you get problems then w hen doing a flush? this type of reaction as far as

i can tell is most unusual and would probably occur through incorrect



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OK,,, here is why messages like this are allowed. First off he has an opinion to

give even if he doesn't know anything and that is what advanced members of this

group should easily discern by what was written.

All I would ask him is how many gallstones can a kidney hold and does a blocked

kidney tube cause jaundice?

So, there is no need to take any offense by what he wrote.


Good heavens, no one needs a pep talk like that! I'm shocked to read this on

this particular group.


Be very careful with flushing. You will blame yourself for doing

it, if the stones clogged the openings of your gallbladder, liver, or

kidney. The white color of your eyes will become yellow, your

skin and your nails will turn yellow. This is a sign that your system

is no longer working properly, your blood is now dirty, and once

you're not able to resolve it back your life is much in trouble.


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Could not agree with you more

Well said


On Apr 12, 2008, at 1:03 PM, Dale wrote:



> OK,,, here is why messages like this are allowed. First off he has

> an opinion to give even if he doesn't know anything and that is what

> advanced members of this group should easily discern by what was

> written.


> All I would ask him is how many gallstones can a kidney hold and

> does a blocked kidney tube cause jaundice?


> So, there is no need to take any offense by what he wrote.


> Dale


> Good heavens, no one needs a pep talk like that! I'm shocked to read

> this on this particular group.


> Amber


> Be very careful with flushing. You will blame yourself for doing

> it, if the stones clogged the openings of your gallbladder, liver, or

> kidney. The white color of your eyes will become yellow, your

> skin and your nails will turn yellow. This is a sign that your system

> is no longer working properly, your blood is now dirty, and once

> you're not able to resolve it back your life is much in trouble.


> Jess



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Thus far I have yet to hear of anyone who has had a stone get stuck

during a flush- it may have happened - 3/4 of a tablespoon of epsom

salts in 8 oz of water dilates the tubes allowing for easier passing.

Epsom salt very bitter and helps making it more palatable if the

water is chilled



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Please accept my apologies Jess. We are all entitled to our opinions and this

is supposed to be a forum to express them. As a famous statesman once said, " I

may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say

it. " . The below diatribe reminds me of the old Buffalo Springfield tune,

" battle lines being drawn, nobodies right if everybody's wrong... People

speaking their minds, getting so much resistance... " .

The vast majority of medical doctors do the very best job that they can.

And while I may believe that their education is both limited and coloured by

particular interests, show me an industry that is not. I have MD's and

pharmacists as students who are furthering their education to better serve their

clientele. Medicine will not change by the death of the paradigm, but by the

evolution from within. this will only happen if there is an open dialog.

Granted Government and industry can take a ... but it is the MDs that call us

after their clients have approached their issues from a different way and have

had success that are going to make the difference.

Always, in all ways,


----- Original Message -----

From: danyl777<mailto:ayejes@...>

gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 8:09 AM

Subject: Re: A Warning for Flushers

Yeah, is this person a doctor or affiliated with these modern cut

throats that want to cut you open and rip out organs so that can get

paid $15,000 for an hour or less of work.

This is really pathetic. If you want to be afraid of something, read

the physicians desk reference for any synthetic drug you may take.

Even over the counter medication. You will read unbelievably numerous

side effects, including death from taking what may be considered

common medicine. Why do people push this synthetic death medicine,

it's called money. The pharmacudical idiots make billions of dollars

by keeping you sick. Doctor's don't treat sickness, they only treat

symptoms. This way you have to keep going back to this sharlitons as

the rip you a new one by taking your money.

I have had the fortunate blessing of not always living in the United

States, so I know for a fact that there are better methods of curing

sickness and disease than the western give me your money at your

expense mentality.

So either Jess you are part of a sick industry or sadly brain washed

by this sick industries propaganda.

Here is a story that happened to my father in law. When my father in

law was a little boy he had gotten severly burned on his leg and it

was becoming infected. His father traveled alot and so he got left a

number of times at various farms. Well fortunately he was left at

some old hick farm, someone who wasn't educated in this western

medical mentality. What the family did was to go out to the cow barn

and get some fresh green cow manure and spread it on the infected burn

and wrapped it up. By the next day the infection was gone. Don't

tell any western doctor about this because he will probably have a

heart attack. Unfortunately most western doctors get brain washed in

their medical insane asilums.

It's these same nut cases that want to tell us about exceptable levels

of poisons and chemicals, while all along society is becoming sicker

and sicker. Disease are becoming more numerous and this can be linked

to increase polution and increase in persticides used on farms and

other modern issues. All which can be found out by historical studies.

Besides that, how many people die on the operation table? It amazes

me how western medicine tries to make themselves out to be some kind

of near perfect saviour and yet people suffer and die needlessly. How

about the stupidity these idiots scammed on americans back when having

tonsils and appendics removed as a normal routine. Not because there

was anything wrong but these medicine gods decided that the organs

served no purpose other than to get diseased. So the medicine gods

promoted the removal of these organs as quickly as possible, which I

am sure at no little expense. How many got rich over this scam?

Getting back to the drug industry, I know for a fact that a good

number of medicine came from the american indians. Infact going back

a few decades the medicine use to have the plant name as the label.

But because these greedy monsters wanted to exploit people, they

developed a synthisized process so as to dupe people into taking their

death medicine. Medicine in the plant form is by far superior because

their are other enzymes that helps to support the main ingredient that

does the curing. But by extracting one ingredient and giving it some

latin name, no one realizes where it came from. For example asprin is

willow bark. So if you didn't want to spend the money for asprin you

could just go to a willow tree.

Another plant which we on this list should be familiar with is

dandelions. I am supprise that the drug mafia hasn't tried to extract

some enzyme out of this and market it as a gall stone cure or

anti-inflamatory for the gall bladder. As a side note, if you ever

want to drink dandelion tea, it does not half to be bitter. Watch for

dandelions and as soon as you see them starting to grow pick it as

soon as possible. The earlier the better. Because the leaves will be

sweater. If you use the dandelion leaves with a young plant, the tea

will be sweat. If you wait, and it doesn't take to long, it will be


Gettting back to the issue, people die at all ages, young and old. On

the operating table and off. In the western medical system and out.

So these fear tactics have only one purpose, exploit money from the



> > Well I am at it again trying to do a flush. I

> > understand the

> > difficulties of those who can't stand drinking all

> > that olive oil. I

> > had seen on cure zone and different formula from the

> > lemon olive oil

> > flush. It uses 3 limes, 1 tablespoon of flax oil

> > (which could be any

> > naturally processed oil) and two organic egg yokes.

> > Mix it all

> > together and drink it. A couple of precautions is

> > that you should

> > never mix it in a metal bowel or use metal

> > silverware because the

> > metal is said that it can interact with the liquid

> > and weaken it's

> > effective strength. The other is that you need to

> > drink it lukewarm.

> > The reason has something to do with the liver and

> > drinking it could

> > interfers with the liver for the flush.

> >

> > As for me I have not gone to the doctor's main

> > because I can't afford

> > it but I don't much care for american synthetic

> > witch doctor's

> > anyways. I have had all the typical symptoms so I

> > am treating myself

> > for gallstones. I had passed stones before. I did

> > make the mistake

> > that years ago when I did a flush that I stopped

> > after I got a bunch

> > of stones. I at the time did not understand that

> > the liver could be

> > full of stones and once you empty your gall bladder

> > it can fill up

> > again with the liver emptying out.

> >

> > But I had always struggle with drinking so much oil

> > a mist the

> > synthetic witch doctor's fear mongering about

> > drinking to much oil and

> > how they had run down the flushes. After reading

> > about some one who

> > did a flush without olive oil, they used some other

> > oil that was not

> > green and still got those green color stones, well

> > that convinced me

> > that it was not just soap stones. Now I do think

> > that I may have

> > gotten something like soap stones once when I did a

> > flush but it was a

> > geliten like and it was not the same green stones I

> > had with another

> > flush I did.

> >

> > I don't know how some of you do it, I have been to

> > americanized and

> > find it very hard to go without food for even one

> > meal. Also I don't

> > know how some of you drink that lemon juice - yuck.

> > But what I have

> > found that works for me is that I mix these

> > concosions with apple

> > juice. The other thing I will say for others is

> > that I don't always

> > use all organic, which is not because I don't want

> > to but because I

> > haven't been able to always afford it.

> >

> > I do think that one of my biggest mistakes has been

> > having fat in my

> > diet before the flush. I read where someone talked

> > about not having

> > fat the day before so that the gall bladder will

> > fill with bile and

> > then when you take the olive oil or what ever it

> > causes all that bile

> > to flush and hopefully with stones.

> >

> > So what I am going to try is a no-fat diet for upto

> > a week. There is a

> > Biblical principle of fasting for 7 to 10 days and

> > then afterwards

> > eating a high fat diet. Which one person theorized

> > would cause the

> > people to pass alot of stones. Well I know I

> > wouldn't be able to go a

> > week let alone a day without food, but since fasting

> > or no fat diet is

> > basically the same, I thought I would try a no fat

> > diet.

> >

> > So that is the journey I am on. I downloaded a no

> > fat food list.

> > Unfortunately today when I bought some melba toast

> > which is suppose to

> > be no fat, it turned out to have 1 gram, because it

> > was sesame

> > flavored. I turned out that only plain is fat free.

> >

> >

> > Well I'll just take it day by day for right now.

> > Just as a side note,

> > I am only doing a no fat diet temporarily in place

> > of fasting. I am

> > already aware of the need of fat in our diets.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >







> New York City Sightseeing

> http://www.bigapplecity.com<http://www.bigapplecity.com/>

> __________________________________________________


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We are people sharing information on cleansing gall stones from the

Liver and the Gallbladder.

Does this sound familiar. It is what is written on the introduction

as to what this group is. This is not the senate or some place for an

open debate about whether you believe in the flushes but rather a

support group to those who want to avoid western medicines notions of

hack and slash. And if doctors where so concerned about their

patients they would cut their ridulous over priced charges. Nobody

deserves to get paid a hundred dollars an hour or more, living in

luxury while others suffer so much.

Besides that western doctors regulary reject alternative medicines and

have no interest in looking into alternative medicines because it

would impact their pocket book. Medicine does not need to evolve it

needs to stop it's self seaking money grubbing and research every

method on earth that involves healing and present what they find.

Irregarless to how it would impact their industry, but I doubt western

medicine would ever do that. It would ratehr seek synthetic methods

inorder to keep people under their thumbs. Why else do they

intensionly limit the number of doctors allowed into the program? The

medical society intentional limits their numbers to keep demand up

high, other wise to much competition would cause a decline in their

paychecks. There is a great many things I know about western science

and what goes on inside this industry.

I have seen better care among veternarians than people doctors. I

have seen vets who would care for animals for free and give free

medicine or greatly reduced prices. The kind of thing that use to

happen back when doctors use to do home visits. Back when doctors

considered people as valued members, where as now when you go to the

doctor's office it's more like running cattle through the slaughter


Comments like those from Jess defeat the very notion of support for a

particular notion and I believe should not be allowed on this group.

If on the other hand he had want to post that he had tried it or

someone he knew tried it and it did not work and want to ask why, then

that would be in line with what support means.

I don't have time to go into all details of how corrupt western

science is or of it's horrific history. Study the origins of european

and western medicine and you will see a picture of anything but

innocense. So people can say what they want about western medicine

but it's history portray's the truth. Just incase some might want to

say something about it's advances with open heart surgery, well there

are natural ways to keep your heart so that you would never need that

ridiculous surgery.

Well there is no point on continueing this, I have said my peace and

it's up to the individual to believe what they want.

> >

> > > Well I am at it again trying to do a flush. I

> > > understand the

> > > difficulties of those who can't stand drinking all

> > > that olive oil. I

> > > had seen on cure zone and different formula from the

> > > lemon olive oil

> > > flush. It uses 3 limes, 1 tablespoon of flax oil

> > > (which could be any

> > > naturally processed oil) and two organic egg yokes.

> > > Mix it all

> > > together and drink it. A couple of precautions is

> > > that you should

> > > never mix it in a metal bowel or use metal

> > > silverware because the

> > > metal is said that it can interact with the liquid

> > > and weaken it's

> > > effective strength. The other is that you need to

> > > drink it lukewarm.

> > > The reason has something to do with the liver and

> > > drinking it could

> > > interfers with the liver for the flush.

> > >

> > > As for me I have not gone to the doctor's main

> > > because I can't afford

> > > it but I don't much care for american synthetic

> > > witch doctor's

> > > anyways. I have had all the typical symptoms so I

> > > am treating myself

> > > for gallstones. I had passed stones before. I did

> > > make the mistake

> > > that years ago when I did a flush that I stopped

> > > after I got a bunch

> > > of stones. I at the time did not understand that

> > > the liver could be

> > > full of stones and once you empty your gall bladder

> > > it can fill up

> > > again with the liver emptying out.

> > >

> > > But I had always struggle with drinking so much oil

> > > a mist the

> > > synthetic witch doctor's fear mongering about

> > > drinking to much oil and

> > > how they had run down the flushes. After reading

> > > about some one who

> > > did a flush without olive oil, they used some other

> > > oil that was not

> > > green and still got those green color stones, well

> > > that convinced me

> > > that it was not just soap stones. Now I do think

> > > that I may have

> > > gotten something like soap stones once when I did a

> > > flush but it was a

> > > geliten like and it was not the same green stones I

> > > had with another

> > > flush I did.

> > >

> > > I don't know how some of you do it, I have been to

> > > americanized and

> > > find it very hard to go without food for even one

> > > meal. Also I don't

> > > know how some of you drink that lemon juice - yuck.

> > > But what I have

> > > found that works for me is that I mix these

> > > concosions with apple

> > > juice. The other thing I will say for others is

> > > that I don't always

> > > use all organic, which is not because I don't want

> > > to but because I

> > > haven't been able to always afford it.

> > >

> > > I do think that one of my biggest mistakes has been

> > > having fat in my

> > > diet before the flush. I read where someone talked

> > > about not having

> > > fat the day before so that the gall bladder will

> > > fill with bile and

> > > then when you take the olive oil or what ever it

> > > causes all that bile

> > > to flush and hopefully with stones.

> > >

> > > So what I am going to try is a no-fat diet for upto

> > > a week. There is a

> > > Biblical principle of fasting for 7 to 10 days and

> > > then afterwards

> > > eating a high fat diet. Which one person theorized

> > > would cause the

> > > people to pass alot of stones. Well I know I

> > > wouldn't be able to go a

> > > week let alone a day without food, but since fasting

> > > or no fat diet is

> > > basically the same, I thought I would try a no fat

> > > diet.

> > >

> > > So that is the journey I am on. I downloaded a no

> > > fat food list.

> > > Unfortunately today when I bought some melba toast

> > > which is suppose to

> > > be no fat, it turned out to have 1 gram, because it

> > > was sesame

> > > flavored. I turned out that only plain is fat free.

> > >

> > >

> > > Well I'll just take it day by day for right now.

> > > Just as a side note,

> > > I am only doing a no fat diet temporarily in place

> > > of fasting. I am

> > > already aware of the need of fat in our diets.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > New York City Sightseeing

> > http://www.bigapplecity.com<http://www.bigapplecity.com/>

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Guest guest

I agree Amber. I feel sorry for Jess that she is that misinformed.

Gallbladder flushing is the BEST thing I (and many others) have done

for my ailing health in a VERY long time. It has reversed my poor

digestion and enabled healing of my scared up intestines. Bile from

what I have learned neutralizes the HCL from the stomach and if you

have a bile insufficiency due to blockage then HCL can corrode the

duodenum. You might hear the medical term " corrosive duodenitis " well

stones in the gb most likely enable that condition to manifest....

Getting stones stuck is a common misconception. The occurance of such

things is extremely rare and when it does happen is easily resolvable

by taking epsom salts in a drink with lemon and doing an epsom salts

enema. This will help the bile duct to dilate and pass the stones

which are the issue.

keep an open mind and your body will thank you, no one cares about

your health more than yourself.



> Good heavens, no one needs a pep talk like that! I'm shocked to

read this on this particular group.


> Amber






> Be very careful with flushing. You will blame yourself for doing

> it, if the stones clogged the openings of your gallbladder, liver, or

> kidney. The white color of your eyes will become yellow, your

> skin and your nails will turn yellow. This is a sign that your system

> is no longer working properly, your blood is now dirty, and once

> you're not able to resolve it back your life is much in trouble.


> Jess




> .




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Absolutely, and I do not debate your right to speak your mind either. You may

find however depending on your goal that your hack and slash method of

communication may not fruit the end result you seek. You do not need to

convince me of either the lunacy of the paradigm nor the corruption within the

industry. I literally preach this in several venues throughout the western US.

Statements such as " Western doctors regularly reject alternative medicine and

have no interest into alternative medicines because it would impact their pocket

book " is true but applies to a fraction of " western doctors " . To group them

all patently and brand them with a scarlet letter seems a bit harsh. What about

the MD who, potentially uneducated and most likely misinformed, reads the rail

to arms against him but deep in his heart he knows it is not true, because he

truly cares for his clients. The line has now been drawn in the sand and and to

coax him over to learn about alternatives will be very hard, his fear and

loathing brimming. The first part of your statement applies to a far greater

number of western docs than the whole statement and in fact almost for sure the

majority. But if you take a look at those who have made the greatest mark on

alternative medicine they are the likes of Mercola, Blaylock, Dossey, Chopra,

Shute, Krebs, and the like. All MDs. In fact it was just announced earlier

this week that Oprah is going to " give " Mehmet Oz his own show.

The vast majority of people on this group were people who have followed

standard medicine faithfully (religiously) all their life and found themselves

at a crossroads where the lunacy of standard treatment was threatening an organ.

To step outside of the paradigm was both scary and courageous. Hard to do when

the people on the other side are standing there with a hammer to beat some sense

into you.

You and I are on the same side. I teach and practice natural health full

time. I have left my share of corpses along the roadside from swinging a

claymore. It did not serve me. Better to lead by example.

Sometimes, and rarely, when gangrene has set in, it is necessary to remove

a body part to save the life. Whether it is the human body, a belief system, or

a group therein, the " scalpel " should be wielded with the utmost caution and

responsibility. I hope that Jess and any " non believing medical professionals "

that may be reading are still with us. I would like to attempt to heal the

organism first.

Always, in all ways,


----- Original Message -----

From: danyl777<mailto:ayejes@...>

gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 5:09 PM

Subject: Re: A Warning for Flushers

We are people sharing information on cleansing gall stones from the

Liver and the Gallbladder.

Does this sound familiar. It is what is written on the introduction

as to what this group is. This is not the senate or some place for an

open debate about whether you believe in the flushes but rather a

support group to those who want to avoid western medicines notions of

hack and slash. And if doctors where so concerned about their

patients they would cut their ridulous over priced charges. Nobody

deserves to get paid a hundred dollars an hour or more, living in

luxury while others suffer so much.

Besides that western doctors regulary reject alternative medicines and

have no interest in looking into alternative medicines because it

would impact their pocket book. Medicine does not need to evolve it

needs to stop it's self seaking money grubbing and research every

method on earth that involves healing and present what they find.

Irregarless to how it would impact their industry, but I doubt western

medicine would ever do that. It would ratehr seek synthetic methods

inorder to keep people under their thumbs. Why else do they

intensionly limit the number of doctors allowed into the program? The

medical society intentional limits their numbers to keep demand up

high, other wise to much competition would cause a decline in their

paychecks. There is a great many things I know about western science

and what goes on inside this industry.

I have seen better care among veternarians than people doctors. I

have seen vets who would care for animals for free and give free

medicine or greatly reduced prices. The kind of thing that use to

happen back when doctors use to do home visits. Back when doctors

considered people as valued members, where as now when you go to the

doctor's office it's more like running cattle through the slaughter


Comments like those from Jess defeat the very notion of support for a

particular notion and I believe should not be allowed on this group.

If on the other hand he had want to post that he had tried it or

someone he knew tried it and it did not work and want to ask why, then

that would be in line with what support means.

I don't have time to go into all details of how corrupt western

science is or of it's horrific history. Study the origins of european

and western medicine and you will see a picture of anything but

innocense. So people can say what they want about western medicine

but it's history portray's the truth. Just incase some might want to

say something about it's advances with open heart surgery, well there

are natural ways to keep your heart so that you would never need that

ridiculous surgery.

Well there is no point on continueing this, I have said my peace and

it's up to the individual to believe what they want.

> >

> > > Well I am at it again trying to do a flush. I

> > > understand the

> > > difficulties of those who can't stand drinking all

> > > that olive oil. I

> > > had seen on cure zone and different formula from the

> > > lemon olive oil

> > > flush. It uses 3 limes, 1 tablespoon of flax oil

> > > (which could be any

> > > naturally processed oil) and two organic egg yokes.

> > > Mix it all

> > > together and drink it. A couple of precautions is

> > > that you should

> > > never mix it in a metal bowel or use metal

> > > silverware because the

> > > metal is said that it can interact with the liquid

> > > and weaken it's

> > > effective strength. The other is that you need to

> > > drink it lukewarm.

> > > The reason has something to do with the liver and

> > > drinking it could

> > > interfers with the liver for the flush.

> > >

> > > As for me I have not gone to the doctor's main

> > > because I can't afford

> > > it but I don't much care for american synthetic

> > > witch doctor's

> > > anyways. I have had all the typical symptoms so I

> > > am treating myself

> > > for gallstones. I had passed stones before. I did

> > > make the mistake

> > > that years ago when I did a flush that I stopped

> > > after I got a bunch

> > > of stones. I at the time did not understand that

> > > the liver could be

> > > full of stones and once you empty your gall bladder

> > > it can fill up

> > > again with the liver emptying out.

> > >

> > > But I had always struggle with drinking so much oil

> > > a mist the

> > > synthetic witch doctor's fear mongering about

> > > drinking to much oil and

> > > how they had run down the flushes. After reading

> > > about some one who

> > > did a flush without olive oil, they used some other

> > > oil that was not

> > > green and still got those green color stones, well

> > > that convinced me

> > > that it was not just soap stones. Now I do think

> > > that I may have

> > > gotten something like soap stones once when I did a

> > > flush but it was a

> > > geliten like and it was not the same green stones I

> > > had with another

> > > flush I did.

> > >

> > > I don't know how some of you do it, I have been to

> > > americanized and

> > > find it very hard to go without food for even one

> > > meal. Also I don't

> > > know how some of you drink that lemon juice - yuck.

> > > But what I have

> > > found that works for me is that I mix these

> > > concosions with apple

> > > juice. The other thing I will say for others is

> > > that I don't always

> > > use all organic, which is not because I don't want

> > > to but because I

> > > haven't been able to always afford it.

> > >

> > > I do think that one of my biggest mistakes has been

> > > having fat in my

> > > diet before the flush. I read where someone talked

> > > about not having

> > > fat the day before so that the gall bladder will

> > > fill with bile and

> > > then when you take the olive oil or what ever it

> > > causes all that bile

> > > to flush and hopefully with stones.

> > >

> > > So what I am going to try is a no-fat diet for upto

> > > a week. There is a

> > > Biblical principle of fasting for 7 to 10 days and

> > > then afterwards

> > > eating a high fat diet. Which one person theorized

> > > would cause the

> > > people to pass alot of stones. Well I know I

> > > wouldn't be able to go a

> > > week let alone a day without food, but since fasting

> > > or no fat diet is

> > > basically the same, I thought I would try a no fat

> > > diet.

> > >

> > > So that is the journey I am on. I downloaded a no

> > > fat food list.

> > > Unfortunately today when I bought some melba toast

> > > which is suppose to

> > > be no fat, it turned out to have 1 gram, because it

> > > was sesame

> > > flavored. I turned out that only plain is fat free.

> > >

> > >

> > > Well I'll just take it day by day for right now.

> > > Just as a side note,

> > > I am only doing a no fat diet temporarily in place

> > > of fasting. I am

> > > already aware of the need of fat in our diets.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > New York City Sightseeing

> >



> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Guest guest

I would have to say you are right about speaking so bitterly. I have

actually been verbally attacked quit alot back when I first started in

alternative medicine and there has been alot of fear mongering

propaganda pushed over alternative methods. Ultimately I think it is

each persons right to choose what they want to do with their bodies.

If someone wants to try an alternative medicine and they die in the

attempt that was their free will. There has been alot of oppression

over those who want to persue alternative medicines, so when I made my

comment of trying a flush again and Jess came on with his comment it

really set me off. Like I had said, this group is suppose to be about

support and such comments do not belong in a support group. Those

comments belong in a debate group or a debate heading.

I will say that I was wrong in grouping all western doctors into one

category of evil people. Especially since I have not met every

western doctor that there is. Indeed that was judgementally wrong.

So I apologize for having been judgemental.

Thank you for your input.

> > >

> > > > Well I am at it again trying to do a flush. I

> > > > understand the

> > > > difficulties of those who can't stand drinking all

> > > > that olive oil. I

> > > > had seen on cure zone and different formula from the

> > > > lemon olive oil

> > > > flush. It uses 3 limes, 1 tablespoon of flax oil

> > > > (which could be any

> > > > naturally processed oil) and two organic egg yokes.

> > > > Mix it all

> > > > together and drink it. A couple of precautions is

> > > > that you should

> > > > never mix it in a metal bowel or use metal

> > > > silverware because the

> > > > metal is said that it can interact with the liquid

> > > > and weaken it's

> > > > effective strength. The other is that you need to

> > > > drink it lukewarm.

> > > > The reason has something to do with the liver and

> > > > drinking it could

> > > > interfers with the liver for the flush.

> > > >

> > > > As for me I have not gone to the doctor's main

> > > > because I can't afford

> > > > it but I don't much care for american synthetic

> > > > witch doctor's

> > > > anyways. I have had all the typical symptoms so I

> > > > am treating myself

> > > > for gallstones. I had passed stones before. I did

> > > > make the mistake

> > > > that years ago when I did a flush that I stopped

> > > > after I got a bunch

> > > > of stones. I at the time did not understand that

> > > > the liver could be

> > > > full of stones and once you empty your gall bladder

> > > > it can fill up

> > > > again with the liver emptying out.

> > > >

> > > > But I had always struggle with drinking so much oil

> > > > a mist the

> > > > synthetic witch doctor's fear mongering about

> > > > drinking to much oil and

> > > > how they had run down the flushes. After reading

> > > > about some one who

> > > > did a flush without olive oil, they used some other

> > > > oil that was not

> > > > green and still got those green color stones, well

> > > > that convinced me

> > > > that it was not just soap stones. Now I do think

> > > > that I may have

> > > > gotten something like soap stones once when I did a

> > > > flush but it was a

> > > > geliten like and it was not the same green stones I

> > > > had with another

> > > > flush I did.

> > > >

> > > > I don't know how some of you do it, I have been to

> > > > americanized and

> > > > find it very hard to go without food for even one

> > > > meal. Also I don't

> > > > know how some of you drink that lemon juice - yuck.

> > > > But what I have

> > > > found that works for me is that I mix these

> > > > concosions with apple

> > > > juice. The other thing I will say for others is

> > > > that I don't always

> > > > use all organic, which is not because I don't want

> > > > to but because I

> > > > haven't been able to always afford it.

> > > >

> > > > I do think that one of my biggest mistakes has been

> > > > having fat in my

> > > > diet before the flush. I read where someone talked

> > > > about not having

> > > > fat the day before so that the gall bladder will

> > > > fill with bile and

> > > > then when you take the olive oil or what ever it

> > > > causes all that bile

> > > > to flush and hopefully with stones.

> > > >

> > > > So what I am going to try is a no-fat diet for upto

> > > > a week. There is a

> > > > Biblical principle of fasting for 7 to 10 days and

> > > > then afterwards

> > > > eating a high fat diet. Which one person theorized

> > > > would cause the

> > > > people to pass alot of stones. Well I know I

> > > > wouldn't be able to go a

> > > > week let alone a day without food, but since fasting

> > > > or no fat diet is

> > > > basically the same, I thought I would try a no fat

> > > > diet.

> > > >

> > > > So that is the journey I am on. I downloaded a no

> > > > fat food list.

> > > > Unfortunately today when I bought some melba toast

> > > > which is suppose to

> > > > be no fat, it turned out to have 1 gram, because it

> > > > was sesame

> > > > flavored. I turned out that only plain is fat free.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Well I'll just take it day by day for right now.

> > > > Just as a side note,

> > > > I am only doing a no fat diet temporarily in place

> > > > of fasting. I am

> > > > already aware of the need of fat in our diets.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > New York City Sightseeing

> > >



> > > __________________________________________________

> > >

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No apology necessary . I merely have traveled the road, know the potholes

and wish you a safer, smoother trip. All the best... to all of us. always, in

all ways, -Dave

----- Original Message -----

From: danyl777<mailto:ayejes@...>

gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 12:53 PM

Subject: Re: A Warning for Flushers

I would have to say you are right about speaking so bitterly. I have

actually been verbally attacked quit alot back when I first started in

alternative medicine and there has been alot of fear mongering

propaganda pushed over alternative methods. Ultimately I think it is

each persons right to choose what they want to do with their bodies.

If someone wants to try an alternative medicine and they die in the

attempt that was their free will. There has been alot of oppression

over those who want to persue alternative medicines, so when I made my

comment of trying a flush again and Jess came on with his comment it

really set me off. Like I had said, this group is suppose to be about

support and such comments do not belong in a support group. Those

comments belong in a debate group or a debate heading.

I will say that I was wrong in grouping all western doctors into one

category of evil people. Especially since I have not met every

western doctor that there is. Indeed that was judgementally wrong.

So I apologize for having been judgemental.

Thank you for your input.

> > >

> > > > Well I am at it again trying to do a flush. I

> > > > understand the

> > > > difficulties of those who can't stand drinking all

> > > > that olive oil. I

> > > > had seen on cure zone and different formula from the

> > > > lemon olive oil

> > > > flush. It uses 3 limes, 1 tablespoon of flax oil

> > > > (which could be any

> > > > naturally processed oil) and two organic egg yokes.

> > > > Mix it all

> > > > together and drink it. A couple of precautions is

> > > > that you should

> > > > never mix it in a metal bowel or use metal

> > > > silverware because the

> > > > metal is said that it can interact with the liquid

> > > > and weaken it's

> > > > effective strength. The other is that you need to

> > > > drink it lukewarm.

> > > > The reason has something to do with the liver and

> > > > drinking it could

> > > > interfers with the liver for the flush.

> > > >

> > > > As for me I have not gone to the doctor's main

> > > > because I can't afford

> > > > it but I don't much care for american synthetic

> > > > witch doctor's

> > > > anyways. I have had all the typical symptoms so I

> > > > am treating myself

> > > > for gallstones. I had passed stones before. I did

> > > > make the mistake

> > > > that years ago when I did a flush that I stopped

> > > > after I got a bunch

> > > > of stones. I at the time did not understand that

> > > > the liver could be

> > > > full of stones and once you empty your gall bladder

> > > > it can fill up

> > > > again with the liver emptying out.

> > > >

> > > > But I had always struggle with drinking so much oil

> > > > a mist the

> > > > synthetic witch doctor's fear mongering about

> > > > drinking to much oil and

> > > > how they had run down the flushes. After reading

> > > > about some one who

> > > > did a flush without olive oil, they used some other

> > > > oil that was not

> > > > green and still got those green color stones, well

> > > > that convinced me

> > > > that it was not just soap stones. Now I do think

> > > > that I may have

> > > > gotten something like soap stones once when I did a

> > > > flush but it was a

> > > > geliten like and it was not the same green stones I

> > > > had with another

> > > > flush I did.

> > > >

> > > > I don't know how some of you do it, I have been to

> > > > americanized and

> > > > find it very hard to go without food for even one

> > > > meal. Also I don't

> > > > know how some of you drink that lemon juice - yuck.

> > > > But what I have

> > > > found that works for me is that I mix these

> > > > concosions with apple

> > > > juice. The other thing I will say for others is

> > > > that I don't always

> > > > use all organic, which is not because I don't want

> > > > to but because I

> > > > haven't been able to always afford it.

> > > >

> > > > I do think that one of my biggest mistakes has been

> > > > having fat in my

> > > > diet before the flush. I read where someone talked

> > > > about not having

> > > > fat the day before so that the gall bladder will

> > > > fill with bile and

> > > > then when you take the olive oil or what ever it

> > > > causes all that bile

> > > > to flush and hopefully with stones.

> > > >

> > > > So what I am going to try is a no-fat diet for upto

> > > > a week. There is a

> > > > Biblical principle of fasting for 7 to 10 days and

> > > > then afterwards

> > > > eating a high fat diet. Which one person theorized

> > > > would cause the

> > > > people to pass alot of stones. Well I know I

> > > > wouldn't be able to go a

> > > > week let alone a day without food, but since fasting

> > > > or no fat diet is

> > > > basically the same, I thought I would try a no fat

> > > > diet.

> > > >

> > > > So that is the journey I am on. I downloaded a no

> > > > fat food list.

> > > > Unfortunately today when I bought some melba toast

> > > > which is suppose to

> > > > be no fat, it turned out to have 1 gram, because it

> > > > was sesame

> > > > flavored. I turned out that only plain is fat free.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Well I'll just take it day by day for right now.

> > > > Just as a side note,

> > > > I am only doing a no fat diet temporarily in place

> > > > of fasting. I am

> > > > already aware of the need of fat in our diets.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > New York City Sightseeing

> > >




> > > __________________________________________________

> > >

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Guest guest

That was my thought about it, too. I was so surprised to read that.


Like I had said, this group is suppose to be about

support and such comments do not belong in a support group.


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When you caution someone, it's one way of helping someone.

It's not scaring him or her. It's telling the other person to make

more readings, more observations, and search for more real results

than blindly following to apply it on himself or herself.

When I joined this group, I wanted to learn more from the group

on how to protect me from having another gallstone attack. In

return, I wanted to share also to others what I believe could be

good to them.

To me, giving precautions to someone is a way of caring.


Amber <amber@...> wrote:

That was my thought about it, too. I was so surprised to read that.


Like I had said, this group is suppose to be about

support and such comments do not belong in a support group.


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Oh please, I think just about everyone who believes in flushes have

heard repeatedly how dangerous they supposedly can be and the danger

signs of a stuck stone. You can't possibly think you are the first

one. Furthermore your very posting was anti-flushing.

Liver cleanse - Gallbladder cleanse - Liver flush, this is the very

first introduction on the home page. So this site is about flushes

not prevention. Where as prevention is important and intelligent

after flushes, it is a support group about FLUSHES.

Common it is right there on the home page. There are hundreds of

websites that talk about how gallstones are formed and what you can

due to keep your self from getting them anymore. So if that is what

you want than you should go and do an internet search to find

preventative ideas.

Also if you want to join a group to talk about gallstones I suggest

looking at altsupportgallbladder. I just did a search on

gallstones and came across that group. They don't say that they are a

support group but rather a place to talk about the gallbladder.

Comments like yours belongs in such a group not here.

Does a person who decides to do chemo therapy needs to hear how it can

kill them, while they are doing the chemo. Absolutely not, because a

persons might set can greatly impact their bodies ability to heal.

If you want to talk about being careful, I could write a book on how

dangereous and foolish surgery is. How you risk your very life every

time you allow some one to cut you that deep or how dangereous the flu

shots are. People too often don't consider the side effects because

of supposedly exceptable levels of fatality. It all sounds well and

good until you happen to be in that percentile of fatalities.

Furthermore, as best I can figure the few people who may have had to

run into the hospital for a bad flush is so small and remote that it

would put to shame the fatality percentile that is used for acceptable


> That was my thought about it, too. I was so surprised to

read that.


> Amber


> Like I had said, this group is suppose to be about

> support and such comments do not belong in a support group.

> .




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Guest guest

Yeaaaaaaaa, !


> If you want to talk about being careful, I could write a book on how

> dangereous and foolish surgery is. How you risk your very life every

> time you allow some one to cut you that deep or how dangereous the flu

> shots are. People too often don't consider the side effects because

> of supposedly exceptable levels of fatality. It all sounds well and

> good until you happen to be in that percentile of fatalities.

> Furthermore, as best I can figure the few people who may have had to

> run into the hospital for a bad flush is so small and remote that it

> would put to shame the fatality percentile that is used for acceptable

> surgery.





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