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You guys crack me up!!! I was having a " discussion " with my husband right

around when I read that email, and I thought, " Sure you can be Fred! " ;-)

LOL He is getting ready to spend 10 days camping with his sons and the boy

scouts, and I don't think he's entirely looking forward to it.

I don't want to speak too soon, but I'm noticing some positive things this

morning (hopefully from the Remicade). My hands are looking better, and I'm

able to walk more easily (my gait looks normal). I still hurt, but it's

duller. I'll keep you all informed.

Love and hugs,


Re: [ ] Re: Al

No, No,

Fred is Ethel's husband (aka Stan), so you must keep the Big Al,

aawwwwwwwwww! Anyways, they would NEVER believe a Fred from Chicago while


are traveling thru Moscow! Big Al it is!!!!!

See, who said this disease is only for old boring people! LOL!

Lucy in FL

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  • 3 weeks later...


it's wonderful to hear from you again, and I am doing what you are doing

right now...I am weaning off the prednisone and I started me MTX a couple of

weeks ago for the very first time. I had no side effects, and I am truly

hoping that this is going to be good for me. Thank you very much for the

information on the citrus drops, and I will definitely keep that in mind and

give it a try. I forever have problems with my glands. Be well friend, and

enjoy the time off the street for a while behind the desk...boring I know..

I was married to a State Trooper. Talk to you soon.

Sincerely, Sue #2

-- Hi all...been some time now

Hi Every1

Just wanted to let you all know I'm still here.Haven't posted in a

longtime but I been reading every1 else e-mails and hopping to help

when I can.

Just to up date you on me....Well I'm down to 45mg of prednisone from

60mg and will be dropping it another 5mg on Monday.Started on MTX

last Tuesday at 11mg and did'nt have any side effects.So far so good

but the blood test never lies right.

Started back at work now,on restricked duty of course and for a

street cop filing papers away is like hell.I'm not burning sick time

and I get out of the house and back into the swing of things thats a


Remember the glan problem I was telling you about,well It has'nt been

confirmed but I think its sjorgins syndrome.This might help some of

you that are having the problem.I went to a throat doc when it first

started and he told me to get some citrous candy(sugar-free of course)

and suck on them,they worked a little.One day I started to suck on a

lemon and I noticed that my glans realy went down,after about 3days

they almost went down to normal.Give it try might help.



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it's wonderful to hear from you again, and I am doing what you are doing

right now...I am weaning off the prednisone and I started me MTX a couple of

weeks ago for the very first time. I had no side effects, and I am truly

hoping that this is going to be good for me. Thank you very much for the

information on the citrus drops, and I will definitely keep that in mind and

give it a try. I forever have problems with my glands. Be well friend, and

enjoy the time off the street for a while behind the desk...boring I know..

I was married to a State Trooper. Talk to you soon.

Sincerely, Sue #2

-- Hi all...been some time now

Hi Every1

Just wanted to let you all know I'm still here.Haven't posted in a

longtime but I been reading every1 else e-mails and hopping to help

when I can.

Just to up date you on me....Well I'm down to 45mg of prednisone from

60mg and will be dropping it another 5mg on Monday.Started on MTX

last Tuesday at 11mg and did'nt have any side effects.So far so good

but the blood test never lies right.

Started back at work now,on restricked duty of course and for a

street cop filing papers away is like hell.I'm not burning sick time

and I get out of the house and back into the swing of things thats a


Remember the glan problem I was telling you about,well It has'nt been

confirmed but I think its sjorgins syndrome.This might help some of

you that are having the problem.I went to a throat doc when it first

started and he told me to get some citrous candy(sugar-free of course)

and suck on them,they worked a little.One day I started to suck on a

lemon and I noticed that my glans realy went down,after about 3days

they almost went down to normal.Give it try might help.



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  • 2 years later...

Hey Fred,

I am often alone myself........I have 3 kids but they are 18yr old twin girls (one who recently moved out) and a 14 year old son. They are all doing their things and most of the time gone and that is how it should be at this time in their lives. My bf has his own life/home and child to take care of so we are limited in our time together.

It is truly scary to have trouble when you are alone. I went thru a period of time when my electrical problems were escalating and my Defib would kick in. I was in and out of the hospital every 3 months during this time. My last shock though was last April and since then I have had a few mild A-fibs but I now know how to handle them. I just stay in bed, take another pill and wait it out. I have a commode next to my bed because going from bed to toilet in the past would make me get shocked. I have also put a small fridge and microwave in my room so that I don't go hungry and have something to drink for taking my meds.

To sum up I have made everything as handy as possible so that I can get thru the tough times but it doesn't keep me from feeling alone and lonely as well. I as well no longer have many friends in my life. Living with these kinds of health problems and not knowing from day-to-day if you will be up to doing things with others leaves you isolated.

I wish you better days and hope that you can find some people close to you to help with support and friendship. We here will always be available though!

M in CA

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I am so sorry that you are so alone. But you do know you have friends here.... Do you live in an area that maybe has support groups at a hospital or can your Doc put you in touch with other ICD patients?? You need to make your own new friends now - ones that will accept you for who you are.

I can't imagine being alone - I have a hubby and THREE TEENAGERS!!! I can imagine it can be pretty scary being alone. I have never been shocked, but I have found myself in a store thinking I might be shocked - and I have had to do some pretty quick self talk to calm myself down. I quess getting scared and upset will only pump the adrenalin faster, so I try to calm myself down and talk myself out of feeling so scared and brace myself, incase I do get shocked. I even cough hard to get my heart back on rhythm. May sound crazy, but it is electrical it does help. I have gotten myself out of bad situations with coughing. I had an angio and my heart heart went crazy - the Doc was screaming for a pacemaker, pounding on my chest and screaming at mean to cough and cough hard.... Well I got out of that with out the pacemaker... Ended up with an ICD a few month later!

I found I have familial cardiomyopothy at 41 years old. My ICD was implanted then, then recalled 6 mos later and now ready for replacement!!

Do you have children/grandchildren nearby?? I know you have a strong will to live as I can hear it in your posts. Life is hard sometimes but you will get through it. This state is only temporary... I know you have a sense of humor and at least can come to the computer and share times with us - that is good! You can come here day or night!!

Have a good sleep... Take it easy and keep smiling!





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Hello everyone, Been good to see all the input lately. I have had my ICD since this last sept. Went to dr. the other day , and said I have had over 500 A-fibs, He said I was going to be a chronic patient with this, he has not other answers, I hate that. I want answers, so that is why I am here. Does anyone have any help on this, I have no engery, and feel like I can't get anything done. I also live alone, so dont have to do much, Daughter lives close by, so that is nice. Drs, just put me on Warfarin, he said one in two changes of a stroke. I pray that God just take me instead......I am 51 I still have friends that call and check in with me, But it is hard when I don't feel like doing much, or can do much these days. If anyone has input would love to hear from me....That you for reading, and you all our in my prays... Joyce in calif

Re: Fred

Hey Fred,

I am often alone myself........I have 3 kids but they are 18yr old twin girls (one who recently moved out) and a 14 year old son. They are all doing their things and most of the time gone and that is how it should be at this time in their lives. My bf has his own life/home and child to take care of so we are limited in our time together.

It is truly scary to have trouble when you are alone. I went thru a period of time when my electrical problems were escalating and my Defib would kick in. I was in and out of the hospital every 3 months during this time. My last shock though was last April and since then I have had a few mild A-fibs but I now know how to handle them. I just stay in bed, take another pill and wait it out. I have a commode next to my bed because going from bed to toilet in the past would make me get shocked. I have also put a small fridge and microwave in my room so that I don't go hungry and have something to drink for taking my meds.

To sum up I have made everything as handy as possible so that I can get thru the tough times but it doesn't keep me from feeling alone and lonely as well. I as well no longer have many friends in my life. Living with these kinds of health problems and not knowing from day-to-day if you will be up to doing things with others leaves you isolated.

I wish you better days and hope that you can find some people close to you to help with support and friendship. We here will always be available though!

M in CAPlease visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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Carol and i had no children and there are no spport groups in the Erie area

i jut havve a well mwaning family that smokes a lot ..they mean well but i guess you cant exepct people to understand unless they have ben there..i have 2 sisters who smoke adn only one who trys very hard to keep n touch with me every day and is a nurse and she is a great help and comfort to me ..other than that there is only only one best friend who has serious back problems butv always seems to be there for me when i need him


Guin Van Dyke <guin@...> wrote:



I am so sorry that you are so alone. But you do know you have friends here.... Do you live in an area that maybe has support groups at a hospital or can your Doc put you in touch with other ICD patients?? You need to make your own new friends now - ones that will accept you for who you are.

I can't imagine being alone - I have a hubby and THREE TEENAGERS!!! I can imagine it can be pretty scary being alone. I have never been shocked, but I have found myself in a store thinking I might be shocked - and I have had to do some pretty quick self talk to calm myself down. I quess getting scared and upset will only pump the adrenalin faster, so I try to calm myself down and talk myself out of feeling so scared and brace myself, incase I do get shocked. I even cough hard to get my heart back on rhythm. May sound crazy, but it is electrical it does help. I have gotten myself out of bad situations with coughing. I had an angio and my heart heart went crazy - the Doc was screaming for a pacemaker, pounding on my chest and screaming at mean to cough and cough hard.... Well I got out of that with out the pacemaker... Ended up with an ICD a few month later!

I found I have familial cardiomyopothy at 41 years old. My ICD was implanted then, then recalled 6 mos later and now ready for replacement!!

Do you have children/grandchildren nearby?? I know you have a strong will to live as I can hear it in your posts. Life is hard sometimes but you will get through it. This state is only temporary... I know you have a sense of humor and at least can come to the computer and share times with us - that is good! You can come here day or night!!

Have a good sleep... Take it easy and keep smiling!




HOW DID YOU K NOW I LIKED WHITE FROSTING...Please visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org __________________________________________________

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Heck, Joyce, there is always research going on. I thought the new dual

lead ICDs were supposed to help with A-Fib. Are you in or near a big

city? I see an EP at the Orange County Heart Institute who is always up

to date with the latest therapies plus I see a cardiologist at the UCLA

Cardiomyopathy Center. He is a leading specialist in the field and

lectures at medical conferences so he is also up to date. Sometimes

they conflict on medications but mostly I've gotten good results.

As for loneliness, I'm used to it. I'm kind of a loner anyway after

dual careers in teaching and pastoral work. Too many people tend to

exhaust me. I don't know how I worked with people for so many years.

With the advent of the heart problems, I find myself alone a lot and I

like it. Take time to read, write, work on digital photos, play with

the computer--stuff that I hadn't had time for before. For a while I

also took adult classes at the local college but even that became too

much so I am on hiatus. Helps to be an introvert.


On Feb 26, 2005, at 8:34 PM, Joyce wrote:

> Hello everyone, Been good to see all the input lately. I have had my

> ICD since this last sept. Went to dr. the other day , and said I have

> had over 500 A-fibs, He said I was going to be a chronic patient with

> this, he has not other answers, I  hate that. I want answers, so that

> is why I am here. Does anyone have any help on this, I have no engery,

> and feel like I can't get anything done. I also live alone, so dont

> have to do much, Daughter lives close by, so that is nice. Drs, just

> put me on Warfarin, he said one in two changes of a stroke. I pray

> that God just take me instead......I am 51 I still have friends that

> call and check in with me, But it is hard when I don't feel like doing

> much, or can do much these days. If anyone has input would love to

> hear from me....That you for reading, and you all our in my prays... 

> Joyce in calif

> Re: Fred



> Hey Fred,


> I am often alone myself........I have 3 kids but they are 18yr old

> twin girls (one who recently moved out) and a 14 year old son.  They

> are all doing their things and most of the time gone and that is how

> it should be at this time in their lives.  My bf has his own life/home

> and child to take care of so we are limited in our time together.


> It is truly scary to have trouble when you are alone.  I went thru a

> period of time when my electrical problems were escalating and my

> Defib would kick in.  I was in and out of the hospital every 3 months

> during this time.  My last shock though was last April and since then

> I have had a few mild A-fibs but I now know how to handle them.  I

> just stay in bed, take another pill and wait it out.  I have a commode

> next to my bed because going from bed to toilet in the past would make

> me get shocked.  I have also put a small fridge and microwave in my

> room so that I don't go hungry and have something to drink for taking

> my meds.


> To sum up I have made everything as handy as possible so that I can

> get thru the tough times but it doesn't keep me from feeling alone and

> lonely as well.  I as well no longer have many friends in my life. 

> Living with these kinds of health problems and not knowing from

> day-to-day if you will be up to doing things with others leaves you

> isolated.


> I wish you better days and hope that you can find some people close to

> you to help with support and friendship.  We here will always be

> available though!  


> M in CA



> Please visit the Zapper homepage at

> http://www.ZapLife.org





> Please visit the Zapper homepage at

> http://www.ZapLife.org






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hey fred,

i just thought id let you know im a fellow pennsylvanian.... i was raised

in the scranton area and after military was a cop near phila for a

career. i retired to florida for 10 years where a wife of 3 years made me

pay for every wrong thing i ever did. i moved back to pa in the poconos in

1995 and at some point after that i started to get sick. v-tach,

cardiomyothopy, diabetes, asthma, and two deteriorated hips.

the docs in pa said id never survive a hip operation so i packed up, and

moved to missippi to get away from the snow and ice. i was using a walker

by then and could no longer walk behind my snow thrower...

a couple months after i arrived here i ended up in a wheel chair. the

cardio i picked here said he saw no reason whey he couldnt get me through

hip surgeries. in july i had the first on done and and september the

other. i get around pretty good now but the diabetes is destroying

me. and the sad part is that it isnt the disease getting me its me. i

cant do the diabetes diet so i pay for it a little more everyday..

right now im waiting to see the doc to see what he thinks of me having the

gastric bypass.... i know a dealer at the local casino that had it done

12 weeks ago and has already lost 75 pounds and his diabetes is gone

already. who knows?

ive been alone now for 20 years and although i did get used to it, it never

gets better. i spend my nights watching one channel and taping two others

for the day... the rest of my time is divided by sitting at the beach,

taking rides, playing a bit of blackjack. i think my point is to do as

much as my physical limitations allow and just keep going.

i sure hope and pray that you start to feel a bit better and start finding

things to do. it really helps.

bob in missippi

The hell with the Supreme Court

" " " IN GOD WE TRUST " " "

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hi fred,,,

i do know a bit of what you are talking about... when i lived in pa i had

a pontoon party boat along with the golf cart to get to it at the marina

one mile from my home.

the darn hips got so bad i could barely get into the golf cart let alone

try to get on the dock. i had finally gotten my dream of a

lifetime and had to give it all up for a black jack table.

cant complain though cause i do enjoy the missippi winters... it

actually snowed on christmas day... the only place the snow stayed

for a bit was on the bridges along the interstate... it was nice to

see it coming down though, especially on christmas day...

i dont have a lounge chair but i do have an electic recliner.

gets me up easily.....

seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ya

bob in missippi PS, i learned a new word in the redneck dictionary last

night,,,,, mayonaise..... i was in the bar with a buddy the

other night and he looke at me and said,,,,manayaise a lot of good lookin

wimmin in here tonight......

The hell with the Supreme Court

" " " IN GOD WE TRUST " " "

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FRDMWONRJS <BobbyJ85@...> wrote:

hi fred,,, i do know a bit of what you are talking about... when i lived in pa i had a pontoon party boat along with the golf cart to get to it at the marina one mile from my home. the darn hips got so bad i could barely get into the golf cart let alone try to get on the dock. i had finally gotten my dream of a lifetime and had to give it all up for a black jack table. cant complain though cause i do enjoy the missippi winters... it actually snowed on christmas day... the only place the snow stayed for a bit was on the bridges along the interstate... it was nice to see it coming down though, especially on christmas day...i dont have a lounge chair but i do have an electic recliner. gets me up easily.....seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yabob in missippi PS, i learned a

new word in the redneck dictionary last night,,,,, mayonaise..... i was in the bar with a buddy the other night and he looke at me and said,,,,manayaise a lot of good lookin wimmin in here tonight...... Please visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

The hell with the Supreme Court """IN GOD WE TRUST""" __________________________________________________

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hey fred....

now your talking buddy.... i bet there are many many nurses that would go

for that in a heart beat (pun intended)

bob in missippi........

hey mike,,,,,want to go for a boat ride....three zappers in the ocean a

hundred miles from any doctor....what a trip that would be........

The hell with the Supreme Court

" " " IN GOD WE TRUST " " "

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Boat rides are fine as long as I have a barf bag. Best trip I ever

took, though, was deck passage on a small freighter caught in a Pacific

storm. I hung on in the wind and rain while watching fifty foot waves

washing over the bow. I was soaked but didn't need any dramamine. Hmmm,

maybe that's why I've got a weak heart.


On Feb 27, 2005, at 5:27 PM, RJS wrote:


> hey fred....


> now your talking buddy.... i bet there are many many nurses that

> would go

> for that in a heart beat (pun intended)


> bob in missippi........


> hey mike,,,,,want to go for a boat ride....three zappers in the ocean a

> hundred miles from any doctor....what a trip that would be........

> The hell with the Supreme Court


> " " " IN GOD WE TRUST " " "






> Please visit the Zapper homepage at

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  • 1 year later...

sick sick sick but oooooh so funny


A cop stops a car for traveling faster than the posted speed limit. He asks the man his name. "Fred," he replies. "Fred what?" the officer asks. "Just Fred," the man responds. The officer is in a good mood, doesn't smell alcohol, and thinks he might just give the fellow a break and write him out a warning instead of a ticket. So the officer then presses him for the last name. The man tells him that he used to have a last name but lost it. The officer thinks that he has a nut case on his hands but plays along with it. "Tell me, Fred, how did you lose your last name?" The man replies, "It's a long story, so stay with me." "I was born Fred Dingaling. I know -- a funny last name. The kids used to tease me all the time. So I stayed to myself, studied hard, and got good grades. When I got older I realized that I wanted to be a doctor. I went through college, medical school, internship, residency, and finally got my degree, so I was Fred Dingaling, MD. "After a while I got bored being a doctor, so I decided to go back to school. Dentistry was my dream! Got all the way through school, got my degree, so then I was Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS. "Got bored doing dentistry, so I started fooling around with my assistant and she gave me VD. So now I was Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS, with VD. Well, the ADA found out about the VD, so they took away my DDS. Then I was Fred Dingaling, MD with VD. Then the AMA found out about the ADA taking away my DDS because of the VD, so they took away my MD leaving! me as Fred Dingaling with VD. Then the VD took away my Dingaling, so now I am Just Fred." The officer walked away in tears, laughing

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love it!!elizabethnv1 <elizabethnv1@...> wrote: sick sick sick but oooooh so funny FRED A cop stops a car for traveling faster than the posted speed limit. He asks the man his name. "Fred," he replies. "Fred what?" the officer asks. "Just Fred," the man responds. The officer is in a good mood, doesn't smell alcohol, and thinks he might just give the fellow a break and write him out a warning instead of a ticket. So the officer then presses him for the last name.

The man tells him that he used to have a last name but lost it. The officer thinks that he has a nut case on his hands but plays along with it. "Tell me, Fred, how did you lose your last name?" The man replies, "It's a long story, so stay with me." "I was born Fred Dingaling. I know -- a funny last name. The kids used to tease me all the time. So I stayed to myself, studied hard, and got good grades. When I got older I realized that I wanted to be a doctor. I went through college, medical school, internship, residency, and finally got my degree, so I was Fred Dingaling, MD. "After a while I got bored being a doctor, so I decided to go back to school. Dentistry was my dream! Got all the way through school, got my degree, so then I was Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS. "Got bored doing dentistry, so I started fooling around with my assistant and she gave me VD. So now I was Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS, with VD. Well, the

ADA found out about the VD, so they took away my DDS. Then I was Fred Dingaling, MD with VD. Then the AMA found out about the ADA taking away my DDS because of the VD, so they took away my MD leaving! me as Fred Dingaling with VD. Then the VD took away my Dingaling, so now I am Just Fred." The officer walked away in tears, laughing Jackie

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi fred

I'm no expert. I can onlyl offer my own experience. I discovered I

had these mucoid plaques for the first time when I found this long

ropey thing entwined around my faeces. It was around 9 inches long

and was a bit darker that my faeces. It was terrifying because I

thought it was a giant slug/worm.


gallstones , " fjnie1234 " <Fred.Niehaus@...> wrote:


> Brad, how do you know if you have mucoid plaque? What part of the

> colon does it occupy? Thanks.



> > >

> > > Most likely yeast or fungus (most likely). This is a very good

> > thing. You do not want it in your body. I would find someone

> capable

> > of guiding you through the process of elimination. It's eviction

> > time! -DDave

> > >

> > >

> > > gallstones@: helen_dehavilland@: Thu, 8 May 2008 00:25:15

> > +0000Subject: what is the white stuff?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I have done 3 liver flushes. Each time an increasing amount of

> very

> > white, almost stringy stuff is excreted. Does anyone know what


> is?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >


> > > Get Free (PRODUCT) REDâ„¢ Emoticons, Winks and Display Pics.

> > > http://joinred.spaces.live.com?

> ocid=TXT_HMTG_prodredemoticons_052008

> > >

> > >

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