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anti fungals

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Liz wrote:


> Hi Bee, Although I regularly read the grooups posts, I have not

posted my self for a while.

==>It is good to hear from you again Liz.

>I have a question to ask which has been causing me increasing worry.

I have been on the strict candida diet for about 6 months now and

rather than becoming more tolerant to antifungals they seem to be

producing die off even in small amounts?? why is this happening? From

what i have read it is normal for other candida sufferers to increase

there antifungals as they progress on the diet. Could it be in my

particular case the diet has weakening the candida to the point so

that even small amounts cause die off, i pray that this is the case?

When I first started I could take large amounts of coconut oil

without producing die off. I had my first die off around one month

into the diet, now i can only have around 1 or 2 tea spoons of

coconut oil a day. This evening I put some tea tree oil onto a skin

infection and I became dizzy, I also now get a hung over feeling from

drinking only one cup of paur daco tea. The die off is becoming much

more frequent with much less antifungals. I really hope it is because

the candida is so weak that it is killed easily by smaller amoounts.

How accurate are live blood cell analysis? I had one done the other

day which indicated I still had a severe " L forms "

indicating " bacterial and fungal varients, candida albicans is in

this category " . What do you think Bee, have other people encountered

similar experiences. I'm getting concerned about this,thank you in

advance for your support.

==>The first thing is to double-check your diet and ensure it is

exactly as recommended, particularly the ratios of protein to fat to

carbs - see the Candida Diet Folder on how to figure it out, and use

www.fitday.com to calculate them. If you are slipping by eating any

grains, sugars, etc. you will have problems taking antifungals.

==>But at this point you should be taking probiotics, which may be

the thing that may help you the most. You could start off on high

doses for a couple of days, even taking them every 2 hours; take 5

billion units every 2 hours for 2-3 days and then take a total of 15

billion per day in divided doses. Also ensure you are eating at

least 1 tablespoon of sauerkraut or kimchi with every meal.

Let me know how it goes.


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Hi Liz,

This was happening to me a few weeks ago, I was getting more of a high

though. My theory is that we are starving the yeast so sufficiently that it

does not take much of any antifungals to kill it off hence releasing toxins

resulting in the brain fog. It can be frustrating if you have to function

mentally (other than our mindless daily tasks) but walking seemed to help

just a little bit to clear my head if you will. There are no quick fixes

with this problem, you just gotta ride it out.


>From: " erin_energy " <aussieattic@...>

>I have been on the strict candida diet for about 6

>months now and rather than becoming more tolerant to antifungals

>they seem to be producing die off even in small amounts?? why is

>this happening? From what i have read it is normal for other candida

>sufferers to increase there antifungals as they progress on the

>diet. Could it be in my particular case the diet has weakening the

>candida to the point so that even small amounts cause die off, i

>pray that this is the case? When I first started I could take large

>amounts of coconut oil without producing die off. I had my first die

>off around one month into the diet, now i can only have around 1 or

>2 tea spoons of coconut oil a day. This evening I put some tea tree

>oil onto a skin infection and I became dizzy, I also now get a hung

>over feeling from drinking only one cup of paur daco tea. The die

>off is becoming much more frequent with much less antifungals. I

>really hope it is because the candida is so weak that it is killed

>easily by smaller amounts.

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Bee, I have a question. Is it possible that since the candida is dieing off

it's preventing my gut to absorb the iron?

My new iron supplements that I should take 2 times a day, contains:

Ferrous Fumarate 300 mg (equivalent to 100mg elemental iron)

Vit. C. 200mg. (ascorbic acid)

Folic acid 0.5mg

My thalesemia test came back negative, does anyone know why my iron level is

this low? Any danger in it?

Also, I've taken the 100mg twice a day for two days with not flush should I

increase it? Could it be that my body is so full of toxic that the iron is not

absorbed because of it?

Is ginger tea good for me...............I really like it. Could it be

interferince with the iron also?

Thanks a bunch, Maddalena


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Hi there. Please trim your messages my friend - see the Candida Group

Info folder.

Thanks, Bee



> Dear Shirley, thanks for your reply, I have increased the

probiotics as per Bees suggestion and I am reexamining the ratio of

carbs to

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Dear Shirley, thanks for your reply, I have increased the probiotics as per

Bees suggestion and I am reexamining the ratio of carbs to

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  • 1 month later...
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Sue wrote:


> hi bee, what can i do to stop bowel action? Seems like every time

i eat i have a bm only in the morning.

==>Having a bm only in the morning is a good thing. What do you mean

by stop bowel action?

> I need to learn to stay away from anti fungals. Is it possible

that i cant handle the coconut oil either?

==>Yes, coconut oil is antifungal but like my article says you start

with a small amount and only gradually increase it every 4-5 days;

start with 1 tsp 3 times a day, or even 1/2 tsp. 3 times a day; if

you get too severe die-off symptoms even try 1 tsp per day to start



> I stuck my pinkie finger into a packet of threelac yesterday and my

> stomachis worse than ever today.

==>ThreeLac and other antifungals kill off candida in the stomach

which causes severe stomach reactions in some people, like you and

me. You might need to stick to the strict diet, with supplements,

for at least 3 months, or longer, before trying antifungals other

than coconut oil and Pau D'Arco tea (which is a very mild

antifungal). By then your coconut oil should be up to a therapeutic

dose of 5-6 tbls. per day which will kill off a lot of candida while

it is also building up your immune system, soothing the bowels and

making them stronger, along with many other healthful benefits it



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  • 2 months later...


> Hi all,


> What form of anti fungal is the easiest on the digestive system?

>I am ready to begin antifungals and want to check this out before i

> begin. I have had an ulcer which is finally feeling better after 5

> months of issues with it. Anyone have any advice on what they have

found? Thank in advance

Hi Sue. All the antifungals I recommend kill h. pylori bacteria which

causes ulcers. I believe it is oil of oregano that is very good for

stomach upset - check out the Antifungal Folder for details about it,

and also about garlic and clove oil.


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Hi jackie,

i am taking coconut oi, 2 tsp daily. If i take more i

tend to get upset in my digestion. Maybe i should up

my coconut oil befor starting antifungals? I am

apprehensive about beginning anit's right now as i

have only been feeling the effects of no die off for

about a month. Man i dont want to go back to there

too soon either. I used to take 3lac and although bee

does not recommend it by hubby takes it and has no

problems. I had tremendous die off with it for about

the three months i took it and i was only at 1 and 1/2

pack at the most. Since ihave it in the house

regularly maybe i should start with 1/8 tsp when i am

ready for anit's...i dont know...maybe i should just

stay to the diet for a while longer so my imune system

builds up.

What do you think?


> >





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  • 2 months later...

i haven't tried any antifungals but given my reactions to all

prescribed medicines, during and after exposure. i'd say it's a

reaction from the chemicals in them,toxins.as far as i know, there are

no antifungals on the market that dont have some level of toxicity, the

more hypersensative you are, the more you will have a reaction. it

would be a physological depression. it involves the cns. i just tried a

new pain killer and had a horrable reaction, worse than the last kind i

tried. i'm starting to fill like theres nothing pill wize that is going

to help my suffering. my body plainly cannot take anymore chemicals or

toxins.period. --- In , Gingersnap1964@...



> Does anyone seem to get depression and suicidal temdencies while

taking anti

> fungals?




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Have you tried getting any of these compounded. It's quite possible that your

reactions are to the fillers and binders rather than the med itself. I can't

even take vitamins with fillers. It's a chore finding pure ones.

who <jeaninem660@...> wrote: i haven't tried any antifungals

but given my reactions to all

prescribed medicines, during and after exposure. i'd say it's a

reaction from the chemicals in them,toxins.as far as i know, there are

no antifungals on the market that dont have some level of toxicity, the

more hypersensative you are, the more you will have a reaction. it

would be a physological depression. it involves the cns. i just tried a

new pain killer and had a horrable reaction, worse than the last kind i

tried. i'm starting to fill like theres nothing pill wize that is going

to help my suffering. my body plainly cannot take anymore chemicals or

toxins.period. --- In , Gingersnap1964@...



> Does anyone seem to get depression and suicidal temdencies while

taking anti

> fungals?




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I second the suggestion to look at the fillers. I switched recently

from the generic Diflucan to the name brand as when I went to get a

new prescription filled and asked the pharmacist to make sure that it

was gluten-free, he had to fill it with the name brand as the

manufacturer would not guarantee it to be gluten-free. I am having

no reactions at all to the name brand Diflucan ($8.00 a tablet)

whereas I was having very strong reactions to half a tablet of the

generic (I had initially attributed the reaction to yeast die-off and

it may have been that along with the gluten that was making feel so

bad when I was taking it.)

I have also recently found that supplements that didn't appear to

have any dairy or wheat/gluten are now being labeling with the new

labeling laws that went into effect in 2006 as containing Milk and

Wheat (even products that have the title " Dairy Free " on the label).

I have found Freeda brand vitamins to be free of the most offending

ingredients for me.

I have to get my thyroid Rx compounded as none of the name brand ones

are made without lactose (except for Armour Thyroid, but that's

derived from pork to which I'm allergic).

I will say that my reactions to these things has become reduced over

time as I've been on the CSM, so removing some of the toxins does

seem to allow me to add some necessary toxins to my system. I also

regularly use Milk Thistle and juice veggies, which are supposed to

both be good for detoxifying the liver. And, I also use herbal liver

detox (very mild ones) about every 3 months.

Be well,


> >

> > Does anyone seem to get depression and suicidal temdencies while

> taking anti

> > fungals?

> >

> >

> >

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the filers and binders would cause a reaction in the gi tract not the

cns.wouldn't they? my reaction to the painkiller was being unable to

sleep for 24 hours and a extreme nervousness and myheart felt like it

was going to beat clear out of my chest.so far every pain killer i've

tried has had this effect. i usually get almost the oppisite

reactions to medicines than what your supposed to have. during mold

exposure, antidepressants made me very moody and also caused a

nervous type reaction and when put out for hisderictomy sergery i

woke up in the middle of it, not fun.

> >

> > Does anyone seem to get depression and suicidal temdencies while

> taking anti

> > fungals?

> >

> >

> >

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> the filers and binders would cause a reaction in the gi tract not the

> cns.wouldn't they?

Not necessarily. Since alot of us have leaky guts, there's alot of

stuff in circulation that shouldn't be, which is why we get these

reactions. Also, our detoxifications systems are broken and/or

overloaded, so " normal " doesn't apply to our reactions to most

anything - my experience is that I either under-react (e.g., need more

anesthesia) or overreact (get drop dead tired for a small dose of anti-


When I (inadvertently) consume gluten, I do get a GI reaction, but I

also get an intense systemic reaction due to the proteins that get into

my blood stream. I swell up all over and I get extremely lethargic for

days, and feel overall unwell (aches and pains like the flu). The

reactions to other foods is less intense, but still systemic (e.g.,

lots of creaking joints when I consume foods high in salicylates).


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I have the same thing Ed. It's not fillers or coloring or anything

allergic. It's when your liver has been exposed to too much toxin,

it gets to the point where it can't handle much of anything other

than wholesome plain food, no chemicals. I rash after taking almost

everything that is 'concentrated something', even supplements. I

had huge burning rash first time in reaction to Nystatin. I didn't

know it was the Nystatin and thought it was poison ivy and kept

treating it with poison ivy stuff. It didn't go away until my Rx

for Nystatin ran out. Then I realized it was internal and not an

external rash. Ever since then I have not been able to tolerate

anything concentrated or high doses. I probably damaged my liver as

the Nystatin says to go off of it or go on lower dose if you rash.

I had the rash almost all summer long, the whole six months I took

the Nystatin. The rash looked like a bad case of poison ivy so

never suspected the Nystatin. Anyway antifungals are VERY hard on

the liver so I can't take them either, even though I would like try

an antifungal. If mild herbal things and vit C are hard on your

liver, you know to stay away from an antifungal as an antifungal can

ruin a perfectly good liver if you aren't careful with them. It's

not the medicine that hurts you, it's the toxins that are created in

your body by action of the medicine of killing the fungus.

> >

> > Does anyone seem to get depression and suicidal temdencies while

> taking anti

> > fungals?

> >

> >

> >

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I had always read that molds are closer to us genetically than plants,

and that is why it is difficult to kill the fungus without killing us.

> liver, you know to stay away from an antifungal as an antifungal can

> ruin a perfectly good liver if you aren't careful with them. It's

> not the medicine that hurts you, it's the toxins that are created in

> your body by action of the medicine of killing the fungus.


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Barb--that explains why after I got exposed to molds I could not tolerate hardly

anything. I saw that you sent your tricothecenes to Dr. Hooper in Texas. My

local doctor sent my sample to him and my tricothecenes were 5.5--which I think

is just a little bit high. When I take nystatin I feel kind of itchy so maybe

the drug is my affecting my liver and putting it on overload. Jane Ann

barb1283 <barb1283@...> wrote: I have the same thing Ed. It's not

fillers or coloring or anything

allergic. It's when your liver has been exposed to too much toxin,

it gets to the point where it can't handle much of anything other

than wholesome plain food, no chemicals. I rash after taking almost

everything that is 'concentrated something', even supplements. I

had huge burning rash first time in reaction to Nystatin. I didn't

know it was the Nystatin and thought it was poison ivy and kept

treating it with poison ivy stuff. It didn't go away until my Rx

for Nystatin ran out. Then I realized it was internal and not an

external rash. Ever since then I have not been able to tolerate

anything concentrated or high doses. I probably damaged my liver as

the Nystatin says to go off of it or go on lower dose if you rash.

I had the rash almost all summer long, the whole six months I took

the Nystatin. The rash looked like a bad case of poison ivy so

never suspected the Nystatin. Anyway antifungals are VERY hard on

the liver so I can't take them either, even though I would like try

an antifungal. If mild herbal things and vit C are hard on your

liver, you know to stay away from an antifungal as an antifungal can

ruin a perfectly good liver if you aren't careful with them. It's

not the medicine that hurts you, it's the toxins that are created in

your body by action of the medicine of killing the fungus.

> >

> > Does anyone seem to get depression and suicidal temdencies while

> taking anti

> > fungals?

> >

> >

> >

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Jane, That sounds high to me. Mine was 0.9 but two years ago it was

high. What does your doctor say about the number you got on test,

and yes, itchy skin can be sign liver is toxic. I itched all over

and broke the skin sometimes scratching so much. I still have


> > >

> > > Does anyone seem to get depression and suicidal temdencies


> > taking anti

> > > fungals?

> > >

> > >

> > >

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  • 1 year later...
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We have been breathing it, eating it, living in it, and adapting to it,

since we crawled out of the water. My point is this is a pin the tail on the

donkey approach. Taking anti fungals such as nystatin and diflucan are very

upsetting to the probiotic balance of the gut (as well as irritating to the

lining). This is what they have to loose. This may also be the very best thing

for some individuals.

Candida, for those of you who can remember was the condition du jour in

the early eighties. With Hulda it became parasites. Now it may be funguses.

And I am not saying it isn't. I am suggesting caution and not betting the farm

on it. I see a lot of people with a lot of conditions and it does not appear

that fungal infestation is the greatest contributor. I had a student awhile ago

that decided that everyone had retro viruses and if he treated everyone for the

retro viruses he was literally going to heal the planet. Hard to ride from the

airport to the school with him.

I will grant that the use of herbal anti fungals is not only far less

potentially damaging but also far more effective as well. I would only treat a

fungal infestation when it was specifically indicated though.

By the way I love Kaufmann and his mission and I am deep into the work of Dr.

Simoncini and hope and pray he is on to something. -D

----- Original Message -----

From: Amber <mailto:amber@...>

gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 2:01 PM

Subject: Re: Re: How often can I do a liver flush?

> And then the question is: Why is there fungus in the body?>

We breathe it and we eat it. We live in moldy homes and don't even know it.

> All organisms have been designed for survival (including yeasts fungus and

> bacteria), and we are all exposed to these things everyday (every

> moment).>

There you go.

> We are now finding that antibacterial soaps increase the risk of some

> infections!>

Absolutely. I stay away from those.

All I'm suggesting is that people with health issues TRY antifungals. What

do they have to lose? Wouldn't it be wonderful to hear back from some people

who have been suffering from one thing or another and they tried antifungals

and got better?


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> We have been breathing it, eating it, living in it, and adapting to

> it, since we crawled out of the water. My point is this is a pin the tail

> on the donkey approach. Taking anti fungals such as nystatin and diflucan

> are very upsetting to the probiotic balance of the gut (as well as

> irritating to the lining). This is what they have to loose. This may

> also be the very best thing for some individuals.

That's why people need to take probiotics if they have taken antibiotics.

(Pet peeve of mine - loose means not tight. You mean lose. Sorry, I can't

help myself sometimes.)

> I will grant that the use of herbal anti fungals is not only far less

> potentially damaging but also far more effective as well. I would only

> treat a fungal infestation when it was specifically indicated though.>

That's where the " spit test " could come in handy.

> By the way I love Kaufmann and his mission and I am deep into the work of

> Dr. Simoncini and hope and pray he is on to something. -D

Fabulous! I'm glad to " hear " it.


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi and everyone reading this message

Just wondering when is a good time to take anti fungals and probotics? Should

it be with a meals, before or after?

Also, is it healthy or safe to eat eggs everyday for breakfast? I do take

medication for cholesterol and am concerned as I'm eating eggs quite often now.

There's not much else that I like to eat.


God Bless and good luck ...


[ ] Sauerkraut

Hi all,

To confess, I have not been doing this part of the program. I went

out and bought the kimchee and sauerkraut - but I hate them.

especially cold. I know we aren't supposed to cook it so sometimes I

can put the food on top to warm it which makes it better. But there

are only some dishes I can fathom eating this with.

So if I'm taking the HCL (actually I take Beta Pepsin which seems to

be much more potent than some other HCL I have been on) is that enough

of a digestive aid?

Thank you.


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> Hi and everyone reading this message


> Just wondering when is a good time to take anti fungals and

probotics? Should it be with a meals, before or after?

==>Hi Maddy. Your question makes me wonder whether you have read my

article " How to Successfully Overcome Candida " :


since your questions are answered there. It also explains about

starting on coconut oil first, as an antifungal, and when to add one

other antifungal, i.e. garlic, clove oil or oil of oregano. Also

probiotics are added as the last step. And again my article explains

how to take them.

> Also, is it healthy or safe to eat eggs everyday for breakfast? I

do take medication for cholesterol and am concerned as I'm eating

eggs quite often now. There's not much else that I like to eat.

==>Again, the whole cholesterol theory is a total lie, and that is

also explained in my article (above). Cholesterol drugs are

extremely damaging to the body. In fact this article tells about a

man who ate 25 eggs per day yet his cholesterol was low:


I recommend you read some more about this program, which is the basis

of this group, and then get back to us with questions. Also print

out the article " Curing Candida, How to Get Started " which is in the

Candida Section on my website: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/

The best to you, Bee

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  • 2 years later...
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Wise words... nice to "meet" you Dr. Tan


There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. Gandhi

From: "Erwin T. Tan, MD" <docbry@...> Sent: Sun, April 3, 2011 12:55:58 PMSubject: RE: Anti Fungals

“Whenever you get hurt in trusting someone… don’t stop trusting, instead, just learn better whom to trust.†=)

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Nice to “meet†you too, . =) From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Natural MedicineSent: Monday, April 04, 2011 11:57 AM Subject: Re: Anti Fungals Wise words... nice to " meet " you Dr. Tan Hugs, There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. Gandhi From: " Erwin T. Tan, MD " <docbry@...> Sent: Sun, April 3, 2011 12:55:58 PMSubject: RE: Anti Fungals “Whenever you get hurt in trusting someone… don’t stop trusting, instead, just learn better whom to trust.†=)

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If you take steroids + antibiotics this causes yeast/fungals to worsen greatly. If you have yeast/fungal infection you should stay away from antibiotics. Also steroids are temporary fix so stay away from it.

It takes a long time to normalize your body from yeast/fungal infection. This is one of the most difficult. Even in Chinese medicine this is one the most difficult to get rid of. I don't like prescription strength as it damages your liver...I hope you are taking something to help the liver at the same time like milk thistle. I had similar symptoms, but I take natural fungal/yeast fighting formula which includes caprylic acid, paul de arco, probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, tea tree oil, calcium, vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, garlic.......by Solaray. Raw garlic is really effective.

Your symptoms will not show anything on echocardiogram, x-rays etc. I had similar experience and went to emergency two times and they did all those and found nothing. It's a stagnation in your chest area and it will take some time after expant before it gets better. Don't panic next time and breathe deeply and try to relax when this happens. I've been getting treatment for over a year and have been getting better progressively, but I still have my implants. You really need a holistic doctor to help you out to detox and to get rid of the fungus/yeast in your body. Your symptoms will get better and when you think it is it will get worse again then better...etc, but overall it will get better progressively. Elimnate dairy, gluten and white flour from your diet (including breads and pasta). Bread is worst as it contains yeast. This will help alot. Eat lots of

vegies half steamed and half raw...not all raw as it is too cold on the body. Stay away from sugars and any food that have sugars and processed, canned foods. No microwaving of foods. Stay away from pork, corn, peanuts and dry fruits as they may contain lot of mold and fungus. Eat all the foods fresh and don't let it sit outside as it will accumulate fungus (even if we can't see it with our eyes). Don't eat fruits that have mold in it. Some people cut the mold portion out and eat it and this is no, no. This may take a year, but your symptoms will get better, but you have to stick to this diet for over a year. Don't give up as it takes lot of patience and dedication to get healthy again. You really have to learn to love yourself first....

From: Hyde <megan3618@...> Sent: Fri, April 1, 2011 3:03:04 PMSubject: Anti Fungals


To put things in a nutshell, I am 30 years old and had 2 sets of saline implants over the span of 11 years. Although they gave me health issues for most of the whole duration, the issues worsened and started presenting themselves in my lab results over the past couple years. I developed endocrine issues, adrenal issues, lupus like symptoms, high ANA, high anti histones, along with pretty much all of the other characteristic symptoms of Human Adjuvant Disease . After nearly being diagnosed with lupus and hating plaquenil, I finally decided to follow my gut instinct and have my implants removed on 12/23/2010. To my dismay, and against my communicated wishes, the surgeon that did the ex plantation did not remove any of the surrounding capsules and drained and sterilized my implants upon removal. About 1 1/2 weeks after my explant, I started feeling tremendously better, the brain fog had lifted, my energy

was returning, the aches and pains were going away, no more heart palpitations, and reduced shortness of breath. I still had some of the auto immune symptoms such as Raynaud's and a splotchy rash on my neck and chest that would come and go, but I could live with that and know that some things take longer than others to resolve. I had felt better than I had in years, perhaps a decade. Then about 3 weeks after that my symptoms started returning, not quite as bad as my state before explant, but bad enough. I had been in communication with Dr. Pierre Blais the whole time and he advised me that this relapse was due to the capsules being left behind. He referred me to a different surgeon here in Florida that I immediately went to for a complete capsulectomy. Although this surgery ended up being pretty extensive and painful, as I had two sets of calcified capsules to be removed, I ended up feeling much better again about

2 weeks later. My energy was back and so many things once again resolved. I was on cloud nine and thought things were for good this time. Fortunately after this surgery, my surgeon did retain the removed capsules which I got to see and sent to Dr. Blais for analysis. They were crackly like broken light bulbs and almost blackish in color, thickened and weblike in certain areas. My surgeon said that the crackly parts were from calcium deposits and that there was a great deal of inflammation in my chest and evidenced my the capsules. About 2 or 3 weeks after this I began experiencing severe shortness of breath. It felt as if I had a comforter over my head that I could not remove. It was so bad that I could barely even sleep and actually went to the ER for it. Of course at the hospital they looked at me like I had 3 heads when I though it was from my previous implants, especially since I no longer

had them at the time. They said my lungs looked good after a CT scan and sent me on my way with a 5 day pack of oral steroids. I knew that this was just a quick fix and that I still needed to target the main issue as I could not function like this. Many of my other issues were coming back as well and it was devastating once again. It was becoming a roller coaster. I became pretty confident that this was due to a fungal issues that had not been resolved by my explant. I also saw that such pre-existing fungal issues can be exaberated by treatment with post surgical anti biotics and steroids, both of which I had taken. I asked 3 of my doctors here if they would prescribe me anti fungals, but they refused since I did not have evidence of such an infection. During this time I also got the report back from Dr. Blais on my drained implants and scar capsules. He had found silicone from the implants in the

surrounding tissue and both of the saline implant valves were faulty, causing my implants to leak and self fill inside of me for god knows how long. Since my implants had been given to me drained and sterilized, he unfortunately was not able to actually see if there was any evidence of fungal or bacterial contamination inside the implants. However, he did remark that the faulty valves would have caused such a contamination and the silicone debris would have caused a strong auto immune reaction. It felt so good to finally get an explanation for the illnesses that I had been suffering with for so long. I have also been in correspondence with Dr. Kolb in Atlanta, and on Tuesday of this week I flew out to see one of her doctors to get anti fungals and see what exactly was going on. At first I was disappointed that I could not see Dr. Kolb as she only sees surgical patients now, but the doctor that she sent me to ended up being

awesome. He put me on Nizoral and recommended some supplements for immunity and detox. He was able to figure out things that other doctors had not picked up on or acknowledged for years and showed me how to practice breathing more effectively and strengthen my lungs . Now it has been 3 days since I have been on the anti fungal medication. I have definitely been feeling the die off symptoms of break outs, night sweats, and flu like symptoms along with everything else. The more that I research the symptoms of mold or fungal exposure, it complete fits the profile of my issues for the past many years...blurry vision, feeling almost drunk, headaches, adrenal issues, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, muscle aches, and the list goes on and on... Yesterday I started thinking that I was feeling better and felt very energetic and clear. But today I am exhausted with blurry vision and a headache. I'll

get so excited and happy when I think I might be getting better, then really bummed when I start to feel poorly again. I know I am only 3 days into the anti fungals and need to be patient. The doctor said that I should be feeling much better in about a week. I am sorry that my story is so long and rambling, but does anyone have experience with pretty severe fungal infection and treatment with prescription anti fungals? If so, how long did it take to really start feeling better? I also have been wondering if treatment with anti biotics in conjunction with the anti fungals would help as well. I was on them for 10 days after my explant, and for 2 weeks after my capsulectomy. While I definitlely think that they led to a worsening of my fungal issues, I wonder if they can at all be attributed to the periods of time when I felt so much better. I don't necessarily think that my doctor is opposed to treating me

with those as well, he just wants to see if the anti fungals to the trick first. If anyone has any helpful insight on this as well as recovery suggestions and expectations it would be kindly appreciated.

Also, I have been experiencing episodes when I am awoken from a peaceful sleep and find myself gasping for air, followed by a feeling that my body is shutting down and blacking out upon getting up. It is terrifying, and one time I was actually unable to breathe for about 15 seconds, my body also started to feel really slow and cold as if I was going into shock. I have had to call 911 twice when this has happened before but of course by the time they get to my house, everything has returned to normal. I definitely think there is an association with my blood pressure dropping in my sleep, and then it speeds up like crazy and tries to catch up once I'm on my feet. I thought that this and the heart palpitations were gone after the explant, but both have come back in the past week or so. Perhaps from the dose of steriods and my adrenal sensitivity? All of my EKG's, chest x rays,

echocardiograms have come back fine in the past with the execption of a 24 hour holter monitor picking up some palpitations. Has anyone ever experienced this before or know what it is?

Thank you, and sorry for the rambling message....

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