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balance board

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This is a link to where there are pictures of a balance board like what

I use in aquatics for my feet and balance. The board I use is a little

more rounded. For resistance, I either have 2 lb. weights on my ankles

or have the current turned up.

http://edu-technology.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=30_44 & products_id=133/?\


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Hi AngieI ran the balance board room if you contact me I will help you with this. Or go to turningonthelight.com as this will connect you with Grant Hunter the person that makes them.Gayle Sent from my iPadOn Sep 12, 2011, at 11:53 AM, "" <akl252@...> wrote:

Hi... we attended the conference in Ft. Lauderdale this year and I wanted to order a balance board for use at home. Could someone recommend a website where I can order one of these (the larger size with handles)?



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