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Dizziness & Balance

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Hello to all:

Yes, I have experienced these two conditions in the last couple of years. The

balance condition has gradually gotten worse in the past five years. I would

love to sing with a local choir that performs " The Messiah " but I don't think I

can stand in one place that long-much less on bleachers. I also am having

trouble with heel spurs again.

Ever since I had major neck surgery three years ago I have continually had a

dizziness problem. It is not as bad in the shower anymore as it used to be. I

still have trouble looking up at anything or climbing ladders.

Once in a while I can be driving down the road or just standing still and I just

spin for about a second or two.

You just kind of get the feeling of " what was that " . I really think it has to

do with the muscles/nerves in my neck.

Hope all of you have a blessed holiday season.


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Until everyone has been writing about dizziness and

balance issues and concerns with neck problems, I have had problems

with my neck muscles since I was a teen but no one knew what the

problem was--they attributed it to growing so quickly and being so tall.

I wasn't diagnosed with CMT until recently and never put two

and two together with the neck until just today while reading your

comment. I have real issues with my balance--my neurologist wants

me to start using a cane to help with that--I just fell on the ice

and they believe I either broke my cocyx bone or seriously bruised

it--what a delight that is! It is really hard to get around now

between being off balance anyhow, feet and calves feeling numb all

the time and not being able to bend or get up because of the back.

I have found a positive part to all of this tho--I am really good at

giving direction to others, so now I can really put my talents to

work for me!! It was nice hearing from you.

Sharon P.

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