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About my desease, etc

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Hi all... :o)

I have been suffering from very bad IBS constipation for two years. I

got it from some heavy alcohol drinking period on the university, but

this is only what trigged the gallstones to move (not the actual

cause). Im still home on sickleave, but its getting better (fast

too). Well, when I look back on my life Im pretty amazed I didnt got

sick earlier actually. This is pretty much what I think has gotten me


1. Mothers bad diet during birth plus her mercury fillings, and her

all around health (her liver health).

2. Mothersmilk replacement ( --> gallstones!!)

3. My own mercury fillings.

4. Bad diet (probobly most important)

About mercury I can tell you to dont worry. When you have finished

you livercleanses totally there is a great medicine for the mercury

and probobly the only thing that really works good and fast too. Its

a homeopathic med and its called Merc Cupr D30. I have tried it and I

really felt like shit when I took it, probobly because the liver

couldn't handle it. But the doctor who gave it to me is well

respected even outside Sweden (where I live). He has a very good


Well, I tried alot of alt methods before I started to think for

myself. I found out I had a liver problem, started to eat alot of

dandelion. This was not effective enought so a did some searches on

the web. I found out about Huld s therapies, did some more

search and later I tried the livercleans. It worked, and I felt

better directly. After this every piece of puzzle has fallen to its

place. It is the liver, no doubt.

About me. Before I got sick I was a thiatlete and a pretty good one

too *smile*. But I had a terrible diet... and its called pasta and

lack of raw vegetables. Besides the sports, I was studying philosophy

(of the human mind and body), logic and neuroscience. Well, I got

sick and I had to cure myself so, right now im on a little temporary

break. My goal is to be totally free from all problems sometime this

autumn. Cant wait to get out an start running again....

I have been writing pretty much on the IBS self help group some time

ago, but no one really listens to alternative therapies there. Its

only about hypnoses and fibers (which dont work for 90% of us). I

have told them about mercury, liverflushes, etc, but almost no one

believes me. Too bad actually, because the liverflushes is probobly

the key for most of the sufferers. I remember once, I asked everyone

about what they though was the cause and what other problems they

have. Alot of them had the gallbladder removed. Ops.. long mess...

sorry... :o)

take care.. hugs and kisses...


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