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Re: I'm new here, have questions...

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hey there. welcome to the family. if you will go to the bottom of your

email there are a couple links to websites. there you will get good

information and Dr. Hulda 's suggested procedure for flushing. you will

also get good information here! I am sure someone will reply to your other

questions. take care, laura

----- Original Message -----

From: <hartmansthefam@...>


Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 6:29 PM

Subject: I'm new here, have questions...

> Hello, I just happened upon this list yesterday as I was looking for

> something else entirely... but *this* was what I needed! I have been

> having gall bladder problems pretty bad for a few weeks and off and

> on for at least a year. (Self diagnosed.) I tried that stupid high

> protein diet and after about 6 mos. the pain really started.

> Right now, I have the pain daily, mostly evenings and night time. I

> had a really bad week last week; pain, acid, burning, all digestive

> problems, nausea, pain under right ribs, pain in upper middle back,

> etc. (Could this be something else?) I went to my chiropractor and

> had an adjustment and also was encouraged to take marshmallow rt. and

> dandelion. One or the other or both of these things helped a lot, but

> I knew it was temporary. Now the symptoms are milder, definately mild

> pain and pressure under the right ribs. I've had no fever, but have

> also felt flushed and dizzy at times. I'm afraid I'm a ticking time-

> bomb. So searched around through some of the posts here but I don't

> have time to read every one. I was hoping that if I post some

> questions, I may be able to get the answers I need without spending

> hours looking through posts...

> I also read the site recommended on the egroups main page for this

> group.

> I definately want to do the cleanse/flush as opposed to surgery, let

> alone going to a dr. Is there somewhere with the very specific

> instructions? Do I use just any apple juice, lemons, olive oil?

> How many days? Do I repeat it again soon? Is this safe to do alone,

> without any medical supervision? How bad can it get? I mean

> feeling/being sick during the cleanse? Which *way* do the stones pass?

> In other words, I'm scared. Also, we homeschool our 3 teenagers, so I

> can't afford much 'downtime.' I know surgery would be much worse...

> but I'm still really afraid. Is the passing of stones painful? Do

> they ever get lodged during a cleanse/flush and cause an attack? Then

> what do you do? Is there a way to do a mild cleanse/flush first just

> to see what happens? Or do you just have to 'go for it'?

> Is it true that this is most common in women, fair skinned, over

> weight, near 40's?

> My mother had gall bladder surgery 18 years ago and it almost killed

> her.

> Anyone out there have some definate answers. I would be *so* grateful.

> Help!

> Thanks in advance,

> Jynene





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> Have a nice day !


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Hi Jynene:

WElcome to the group... Symptoms are the primary way that doctors

identify gallbladder problems. Most stones (80%) are cholestorol

chunks and sludge that usually is not detected on a sonogram.

All of your symptoms are classic of gallstones and yes, being a

woman, 40ish and having done an extreme diet put you in the high risk

catagory. In other words... You have gallstones!

This is not as bad as it might seem. The pain and discomfort is not

fun, but this disease is hardly life threatning... although your

doctors job is to inform you that certain complications could become

serious and in a very small % lead to death.

Playing the odds, doctors will remove the gallbladder in order to

save the .001% of the population. Actually, the real reason for

removing most gallbladders is to get rid of the patient and their

complaints... quickly!

Most of us in this group have decided to try a time tested cure for

our problems... THE FLUSH! It is amazing how awful it seems to most

people, but once you do it, you realize that it is 1000 times better

than the alternative!

I believe that the flush will help 95% of all those with gallstones.

More than 90% of those taking the flush have no pain and only minor

discomfort when doing the process. Very few have an attack during the

olive oil process, but it can happen. If you drink enough of the

apple juice... there shouldn't be a problem.

You can find information on various flushes on this web site. Many

follow Dr. Hulda s approach. My flush recipe is somewhat

different and seems easier to me. You can find links to many flushes

at site #2247. Just put that number in the " Jump To " box.

WE home school 3 teenagers and a flush will not significantly cause a

problem. The first four days you are drinking as much organic apple

juice as you can... You will probaly feel better than you do now,

but have to run to the restroom more often.

The hardest part is downing the olive oil. Mix it with fresh squeeze

grapefruit juice and it should go down just fine. The day after the

flush is a " punk " day, but still probably better than you feel now.

It is also an exciting day as you see all the gunk that is clogging

up your system come flowing out. I always find only water and

greenish brown cholestorol chunks in my stools the next day. You

should not have any real stool material as it should have been

removed with the apple juice and epsom salts (disodium phosphates).

You will need to repeat the process 2-6 weeks later. I have done my

seventh flush in two years... and I would consider myself cured.

Yes, when I start to get indegestion I do another flush. That is the

sign... its time to get rid of the sludge. I also take organic, cold

compressed flax seed oil 5 mornings a week and avoid most dairy

products. I am surprised that I have actually lost weight taking the

oils, probaly because it keeps my bile and stools flowing. A change

of eating habits to more raw fruits and vegies is highly recommended.

The flush is so simple and effective... You may wish to see my post

on disodium phosphate above.

My understanding is that Disodium Phosphate and Epson salts both

produce a laxative effect. I am usually cleaned out by the apple

juice, then the Sodium Phosphate makes water run right through me!

I went to capsules as I cannot drink the solution without gagging.

Recipe Instructions:

1) Monday through Saturday drink as much organic apple juice as

possible. Regular meals are ok... but you are not very hungry. I try

to drink 1 1/2 quarts a day.

2) At noon Saturday eat a light normal meal.

3) At 5:00 p.m. take two tablespoons (I take 11 capsules) of disodium

phosphate disolved in hot water... may be follwed with a litle

grapefruit juice.

4) At 7:00 p.m. repeat step #2... now you are really running water.

5) A little grapefruit juice is ok for dinner... I fast.

6) At bedtime 1/2 cup of refined virgin olive oil with or without a

little grapefruit juice...

7) To bed immediately and lay on right side with right knee pulled

close to chest for 30 minutes.

8) Next morning 1 hour before breakfast repeat disodium phosphates.

Watch a bunch of brown and green stones come out with water. I have

flushed 7 times... sometimes I get a lot of stones... other times

just a few green things.

Disodium Phosphate is sold by Vitanet on and I prefered it to

epson salts. You still hate that salty stomach feeling, but at least

they go done easier!


P.S. Keep in mind Jynene, yo are part of the fortunate few. God has

allowed you to have this disease in order to get your eating habits

back to healthy. THose who take out the gallbladders have a quick

fix, but if they don't change their ways, the cholestorol sludge

continues to build up and creates heart disease and other more life

threatening problems.

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I just wanted to say thanks for the help I've received on this loop.

Words can't do justice to the gratitude I feel for the help and comfort I've

received here!

I immediately started drinking lots of apple juice and the pain and pressure

almost immediately subsided, only returning when I eat a little too much...

I've ordered the Gold Coin Grass because I have a 'gut feeling' (ha-ha) that

I have some large stones that might be hard to pass and need to be broken up

and/or crushed first. I think this because of the pressure I felt, actually

pushing on my ribs; and because of the high protein, fat, & cholesterol diet

that I was foolish enough to try.

So- I'm going to continue the juice, start the GCG when I receive it, take

that for several weeks to a month, then try the flush.

I feel *so* much better already and I just wanted to try to express my


I do have an eczema type rash now... is this common with drinking all of the

apple juice? Already flushing toxins or something? Anyone heard of this?

Also, could someone describe what an 'attack' is like?

Is an attack a stone passing? If so, I may be passing small ones now and

then... (?)

thanks again!


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