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Vaccines and CMT

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On the other hand,

Nation & World: Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Experts say study definitively shows kids' vaccines are safe

By Emma Ross

The Associated Press

Child vaccines deemed safe

Monday, June 24, 2002


More than 2,000 studies on millions of children over half a century ought to

be enough to rule out a link between the MMR vaccine (mumps, measles and

rubella) and autism and bowel disease.

Devoting more time and money to re-researching imagined connections would

only divert precious resources from more worthwhile ventures, such as finding

the true cause of autism and developing more ways to treat bowel disease.

It can be hoped that the findings published in the Internet version of the

journal Clinical Evidence will help to reverse a troubling trend in Great

Britain, where the study originated, and the United States. Child

immunization rates are dropping, and not only because there is a national

vaccine shortage in this country.

The worrisome decline in vaccination rates is occurring in part because more

than a few parents are suspicious that giving infants and toddlers multiple

vaccinations may actually bring on, not ward off, some diseases. In this

state 12 vaccines, including some given in combination, are recommended for


Recently, a national survey showed that almost 25 percent of American parents

believe that too many vaccines can overwhelm an infant's immune system. And,

as reported by the National Immunization Survey, the percentage of King

County 2-year-olds fully immunized with three basic vaccines -- DTaP

(diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis), polio and MMR -- has fallen from 86.7

percent in 1998 to 76.5 percent. Similar declines have been recorded in other

major urban areas.

As the associate medical director of Children's Hospital and Regional Medical

Center pointed out in the Feb. 17 Sunday P-I Focus, " Most vaccine-preventable

diseases are now rare in our community, but many such as measles, polio and

diphtheria are still only a plane ride away.

" Measles is among the most contagious of diseases -- far more contagious than

smallpox -- and was introduced in Seattle just last year by travelers, " wrote

Dr. Edgar K. Marcuse.

Besides the risks to themselves -- there is no effective treatment for

measles and it can lead to death -- children who are not immunized increase

the chances that others will get the disease, including those who cannot be


The unprecedented research will not convince every last parent who is

suspicious that his child's very real condition was the fault of the MMR

vaccine. So be it. The researchers are right -- this scientific debate is



CMT symptoms vary tremendously, even within a family. Even identical twins

vary a lot. One may be unable to walk without aids, and the other not show

symptoms at all.

The diseases that these innoculations prevent are horrible diseases.

Here is a true saga about a measles epidemic (measles was often fatal in the

days before innocuations were developed.)

July 12, 1900

Dear Margie,

About ten people have died during the past four weeks. Twenty, in all,

have died of the measles. Sokweena and Elubwok lost their baby boy of three

and a half weeks.

Katharine is improving. The baby is almost well. Those two had the

hardest time with the measles. All but three herders are through with them,

and one of those seems to be over the worst of it.

I don’t see why the scarlet fever didn’t go all over the town as the

measles and mumps did. I don’t believe it is as contagious. Nora didn’t

seem to have it at all. I am not sure Tom and I did. We had sore throats and

felt sick but didn’t lose any skin. Lucy sat and pulled off skin by the hour

and called to us to bring the scissors to cut it off.

July 19, 1900

Dear Mamma,

I have been very busy since I last wrote you. Many things have happened.

Twenty-four more people have died, making thirty since June 26th, eight

percent of all the people in town. But it was almost all old people and babies

.. The one I felt the worst about was Elubwok and Sokweena’s little baby boy,

three weeks old. The little girl isn’t out of danger yet. Everyone has

something like grippe, too, after the measles.

August 3, 1900

Just about fifty people have died here from the measles epidemic, four

since yesterday afternoon..... It seems that every man, woman, and child from

the great grandmothers to the infants have caught it. It is dreadful. The

sickness is hardest on the oldest and youngest.

October 21, 1900

Now that the measles and influenza epidemics are mostly over, hardly any

people over fifty years old and only a few under five are left. There is

hardly a family where someone is not gone! In some cases only one parent is

left of a whole family, in others only a part of the children. Everyone is

feeling very sad.

Do we really want to go back to that?


Seattle USA


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In a message dated 6/25/2002 12:41:24 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

KathleenLS@... writes:

> Child vaccines deemed safe

> Monday, June 24, 2002

They have been deemed safe for some kids but I am not kidding when I say they

made Adam worse as far as his CMT goes. 's CMT was unnoticeable until

after her school shots.

I no longer give my children shots for anything that can be cured by



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In a message dated 6/25/2002 12:54:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

liliwigg@... writes:

> I am so sorry your son's and daughter's CMT seems to have been

> made worse by the vaccines. I encourage you to check this

> out with your pediatric neurologist. CMT's progression affects

> us all in different ways, at different times.


Oh my gosh G I did check it out with the doctor. He agreed with me . This

was a obvious change in my kids. The doctor understands why I didn't do shots

with Jase.


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good for you kathleen - job well done


KathleenLS@... wrote:

> On the other hand,


> Nation & World: Wednesday, June 12, 2002

> Experts say study definitively shows kids' vaccines are safe

> By Emma Ross

> The Associated Press


> Child vaccines deemed safe

> Monday, June 24, 2002



> More than 2,000 studies on millions of children over half a century ought to

> be enough to rule out a link between the MMR vaccine (mumps, measles and

> rubella) and autism and bowel disease.

> Devoting more time and money to re-researching imagined connections would

> only divert precious resources from more worthwhile ventures, such as finding

> the true cause of autism and developing more ways to treat bowel disease.


> It can be hoped that the findings published in the Internet version of the

> journal Clinical Evidence will help to reverse a troubling trend in Great

> Britain, where the study originated, and the United States. Child

> immunization rates are dropping, and not only because there is a national

> vaccine shortage in this country.


> The worrisome decline in vaccination rates is occurring in part because more

> than a few parents are suspicious that giving infants and toddlers multiple

> vaccinations may actually bring on, not ward off, some diseases. In this

> state 12 vaccines, including some given in combination, are recommended for

> children.


> Recently, a national survey showed that almost 25 percent of American parents

> believe that too many vaccines can overwhelm an infant's immune system. And,

> as reported by the National Immunization Survey, the percentage of King

> County 2-year-olds fully immunized with three basic vaccines -- DTaP

> (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis), polio and MMR -- has fallen from 86.7

> percent in 1998 to 76.5 percent. Similar declines have been recorded in other

> major urban areas.


> As the associate medical director of Children's Hospital and Regional Medical

> Center pointed out in the Feb. 17 Sunday P-I Focus, " Most vaccine-preventable

> diseases are now rare in our community, but many such as measles, polio and

> diphtheria are still only a plane ride away.


> " Measles is among the most contagious of diseases -- far more contagious than

> smallpox -- and was introduced in Seattle just last year by travelers, " wrote

> Dr. Edgar K. Marcuse.


> Besides the risks to themselves -- there is no effective treatment for

> measles and it can lead to death -- children who are not immunized increase

> the chances that others will get the disease, including those who cannot be

> vaccinated.


> The unprecedented research will not convince every last parent who is

> suspicious that his child's very real condition was the fault of the MMR

> vaccine. So be it. The researchers are right -- this scientific debate is

> over.

> ===============================


> CMT symptoms vary tremendously, even within a family. Even identical twins

> vary a lot. One may be unable to walk without aids, and the other not show

> symptoms at all.


> The diseases that these innoculations prevent are horrible diseases.


> Here is a true saga about a measles epidemic (measles was often fatal in the

> days before innocuations were developed.)


> July 12, 1900

> Dear Margie,


> About ten people have died during the past four weeks. Twenty, in all,

> have died of the measles. Sokweena and Elubwok lost their baby boy of three

> and a half weeks.


> Katharine is improving. The baby is almost well. Those two had the

> hardest time with the measles. All but three herders are through with them,

> and one of those seems to be over the worst of it.


> I don’t see why the scarlet fever didn’t go all over the town as the

> measles and mumps did. I don’t believe it is as contagious. Nora didn’t

> seem to have it at all. I am not sure Tom and I did. We had sore throats and

> felt sick but didn’t lose any skin. Lucy sat and pulled off skin by the hour

> and called to us to bring the scissors to cut it off.


> July 19, 1900

> Dear Mamma,


> I have been very busy since I last wrote you. Many things have happened.


> Twenty-four more people have died, making thirty since June 26th, eight

> percent of all the people in town. But it was almost all old people and babies

> . The one I felt the worst about was Elubwok and Sokweena’s little baby boy,

> three weeks old. The little girl isn’t out of danger yet. Everyone has

> something like grippe, too, after the measles.


> August 3, 1900

> Just about fifty people have died here from the measles epidemic, four

> since yesterday afternoon..... It seems that every man, woman, and child from

> the great grandmothers to the infants have caught it. It is dreadful. The

> sickness is hardest on the oldest and youngest.


> October 21, 1900

> Now that the measles and influenza epidemics are mostly over, hardly any

> people over fifty years old and only a few under five are left. There is

> hardly a family where someone is not gone! In some cases only one parent is

> left of a whole family, in others only a part of the children. Everyone is

> feeling very sad.


> Do we really want to go back to that?

> Kat

> Seattle USA


> http://www.icewindow.com



> Challenges Met Together here at ! Charcot Marie Tooth Universal

> Services - for you, your loved ones, the medical community, and anyone

> who wants to learn how CMT/HMSN affects each of us through experiential

> sharing.



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Vaccines in themselves are not

neurotoxic but some of the ingredients

used in them are, eg thimerosal (50%

mercury), aluminium, etc. There is

also evidence to show that the

development of myelin is slowed in

babies following vaccines. I contacted

the doctor in charge of vaccines in my

health board area a while ago and

asked about the effect of vaccines on

CMT, in particular the meningitisC,

and she told me they didn`t know as

no studies have been carried out!

Kat, I don`t know where you got that

description of a measles epidemic from

but it is pure rubbish. Here in Ireland

we didn`t have MMR until the late 80s

and I and practically everyone I knew

got the disease, it was unpleasent but

I don`t know anyone who either died

or had any serious side-effects. It

would have been unusual for a young

baby to get it as they got immunity from

maternal antibodies and older people

didn`t catch it as they had usually had

it when they were younger and so had

immunity. My 13yo daughter had

measles when she was about 5 with

no problems but my 11yo daughter

got MMR, had an immediate

reaction to it and has had behavioural

problems ever since.

Joyce (Ireland)

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I agree with you, Kathleen.

I had whooping cough, pheumonia and bronchitus before age 2 and nearly died at

about 5 yrs (in england) with measels.

I certainly was glad my children had vaccines and their risk was less than


the sicknesses.

Isn't it wonderful that we can choose to vaccinate or not to?

Thank You, Kathleen.


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We all have a right to have our own opinions, and I know we have had varied

life experiences, but I assure you that the information I posted about

measles is NOT " rubbish. " It is well documented fact, not opinion or


From " Chills and Fever " by Fortuine, copyright 1989, comes this quote:

" In 1900, however, influenza and measles struck with lightning force and

within days whole villages were sick or dying. ...In some areas the mortality

surely ranged between twenty-five and fifty percent. ... "

The quotes I included about the effects of measles before were written in

1900 by my grandmother. She and my grandfather were horrified by seeing many

of their elder friends and their young friends' babies die from measles. My

dad and his 4 sisters, (age seven and younger), caught the measles, and were

critically ill for weeks, but they survived. There were days when it was

doubtful the two youngest would live.

When I was a child, I knew of children who were left seriously vision

impaired from measles. I remember having to stay in a dark room for many days

to protect my vision when I had the measles. Measles were so feared that if

someone in your house had them everyone was quarantined and could not leave

the house or have anyone else come in until the health inspector said it was

safe. A big sign saying the house was quarantined was posted on the doors to

warn other people away. (It was the same with other diseases too.)

Rochelle, having read my grandmother's letters about whooping cough I can

easily imagine how ill you were, and I sympathize with your parents when they

were helping you live through it. You were one of the fortunate ones.

I know it must be hard for people to believe today, our lives are so

different, but it's true. MANY children did not survive childhood because

there were so many communicable diseases to kill them. Now we have other

possibilities, such as car accidents and guns.

Other sources:


Measles probably arose rather later, since it requires a population in the

tens of thousands to maintain itself. Also, life-long natural immunity

develops in survivors. Nonetheless, it causes large numbers of deaths in

susceptible populations. The death toll from measles in the Americas during

colonisation was probably higher than that from smallpox - probably about 40%

of the total native population.

Malaria and measles each claim over 1.5 million [lives] per year



Measles is considered the most transmissible of all viral infections. But

like smallpox, the only other vaccine-eradicated disease in history, measles

is a good target for elimination: its only natural host is humans; the

antigenic proteins the measles virus uses to infect human cells are well

understood; and the virus does not tend to mutate easily enough to rapidly

outpace current vaccines.  ... Hundreds of thousands of infants under one

year of age die as a result.


I found lots more sites, but I'll spare you the details. :-)))


Seattle USA


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Hi, Everyone,

I really don`t think this is the place to

argue for or against vaccines, there

are plenty of places to do that on the

net. However, I do think we should be

asking about the neurotoxicity of the

vaccine ingredients and how they

affect our CMT, Gretchen mentioned a

while back that the rates of CMT are

increasing by a large percentage and

I personally think that CMT seems to

be more disabling in individuals than

would have been expected in the past.

Vaccines are a thing that most, if not

all of us are given as children and I

wonder if the increases in CMT

coincide with the dramatic increase in

childhood vaccines. I would like to see

proper independent research done on

these vaccines and the various

ingredients in regard to how and if

they affect the nervous system. At

present doctors ar relying on

information supplied or sponsered by

the large drug companies who have a

vested interest in finding them safe.

There are no real long term studies or

double blind type studies done There

is lots of information about the effects

of alcohol and various medications on

the nerves, but whereas these are

things we can choose to avoid easily.

There doesn`t seem to be information

about something which as I said we

are all being repeatedly given. I

certainly hope they are safe but I for

one would like to be sure.

Joyce (Ireland)

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