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They are out to stop us...

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Lilian posted the followiong to me and I think it should go on the forum.

Luv - Sheila

00 years ago Jefferson - the third President of the USA and author of the Declaration of Independence - must have seen the future writing on the wall when he said "if people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny". Well, we would have to say that we have reached such a time.

Unfortunately most of the control is about creating benefits fortrans-national corporations - often at the expense of consumer health. The irony is that it is the notion of consumer safety that is sold to the public, whilst their freedom of choice, one of our most fundamental rights, is taken from us.

Codex Alimentarius, means' food code' and whilst the name hardly rolls off the tongue,we all need to get very familiar with it if we care about our ability, and that of future generations, to manage our health through the use of high quality food and concentrated nutrients derived from nature. Codex is the mechanism for implementing the control that is effectively giving power to governments, worldwide, to control what we put in our bodies. They do this in cahoots with some of the biggest and most powerful corporations the world has yet seen.

Jefferson's words have become a reality and the liberty and freedom he stood for, a distant, but favoured,memory.

For those of you able to make it to the West Country of England in late April,please consider joining us at the first UK event to be convened specifically to raise public awareness on the ramifications of the global phenomenon of Codex. The Alternative View(25-27 April 2008), Totnes, Devon, UK promises to be an enlightening and entertaining conference with a mix of lectures and workshops to suit all tastes.

Among the high profile speakers present are Philip Day, Rob Verkerk and Tony Gosling. The amazing Lucinda Drayton of Bliss and hit album 'A Hundred Thousand Angels' will also be performing.

From the ANH, Rob Verkerk will be presenting a lecture entitled, 'Double jeopardy against natural health - the conspiracy that is no longer a theory' and Meleni Aldridge will present a workshop entitled 'Accepting the Mountain'. Full details on both the lecture and workshop can be found at The Alternative View website.

Please see the official press release from the conference organisers below and please note that early bird tickets are on sale until mid March.

Press Release The Alternative View Conference & amp; Workshops Totnes Civic Hall - 25/26/27th April 2008Codex Alimentarius is not a phrase you are likely to hear or read in the mainstream media. The phase simply means 'Food Code' or 'Food Law', yet the 27 committees of the International Codex Alimentarius Commission are advancing global legislation which will effectively eradicate Organic Farming, in favour of irradiated GM products; and will destroy the Complementary & amp; Alternative Health Community by making it illegal to prescribe, or even recommend, nutritional supplements, vitamins, herbs or other natural health remedies.This pernicious attack on our Health Freedoms is being driven by the corporatocracy of Big Farmer & amp; Big Pharma . yet few people are aware of the Codex steam train coming down the tracks at an alarming rate!The only 2008 event in the UK, which has been convened specifically to raise public awareness of the UN/EU Codex threat, The Alternative View Conference will take place in Totnes, Devon, described as the alternative Capital of the world. Confirmed Speakers at the event include: Day - Author & amp; Chief Executive of Credence Health Products. Talk: 'The New European Order & amp; Natural Health'.Dr. Verkerk - Executive Director of the Alliance for Natural Health, Talk: 'Codex - The Conspiracy that is no longer a Theory.'Holly Paige - Proprietor of www.rawcuisine.co.ukTalk: Nutrition & amp; Consciousness Tony Gosling - Journalist & amp; Ex BBC Reporter Talk: The Invisible Government Andy : Researcher, Author & amp; Political Truth Campaigner Talk: Making Sense of the Global Agenda Lucinda Drayton: (Bliss)Saturday Night Live - In Concert Ticket Hotline: 01803 840 069 - Earlybird Weekend Tickets - just £79For more information, please call Ian R. Crane (Event Co-coordinator):T: 01626 355 857M: 0779 151 8740www.thealternativeview.co.uk

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Hi Lilian, I think you can copy anything from websites if there is no copyright mark up to 10% (or it might be more).

Luv - Sheila

I posted it privately because it is the newsletter from Alliance for Natural Health, and I didn't want to infringe copyright. If you want to have a look at their site I think they are at http://www.alliance-natural-health.org and of course you can sign up for your own newsletter.


Lilian posted the followiong to me and I think it should go on the forum.

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.21.3/1306 - Release Date: 01/03/2008 17:41

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Guest guest

You can copy or post anything that is copyrighted if you

a) ask the authors permission - usually readily given or

B) quote your source.

I'm studying at the moment so have to stick to Harvard method of


> Hi Lilian, I think you can copy anything from websites if there is

no copyright mark up to 10% (or it might be more).


> Luv - Sheila

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