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Thyroid International,, the parent body of BTF featured this..

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Its a very Global outlook isnt it, I did not realise that BTF were

part of a Global body.

So they have this printed on the Thyroid international site but they

still stick their heels in? Not everyone who asks for an alternative

has a bad heart nor are they all elderly grrrr.


//There are some thyroid patients, however, who do

not feel well on pure thyroxine treatment. For some, another problem

such as hay fever, heart disease, or depression may be the problem.

For others, the information obtained by Dr. Bunevicus and his

colleagues suggests that some may feel better by reducing T4 and

combining it with small amounts of T3.

Clearly more research is needed in the field and

doctors still need to be cautious about using the rapidly acting T3 in

individuals who are elderly or have heart problems.\\

Dr Toft of the BTF said

//There needs to be an international umbrella organisation to ensure

common policies and guidelines about the diagnosis and management of

thyroid disease \\

Why should there be? Why not let doctors do their jobs and research

and treat the illness? It is since doctors got too many cooks spoiling

the broth that treatment overall has gone down. They did well enough

before all these 'organisations' even Global organisations stepped in


//He is a staunch supporter of the goals of TFI.\\ really!

//For her tireless efforts in establishing the Thyroid Foundation of

Canada and in helping thyroid sufferers everywhere, with information

and support, Abramsky received the prestigious Order of Canada

(CM) in 1990.\\ wonder if she is still in charge and whether she would

be receptive to us?

lotsa luv


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