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When I've had that it was because I had impacted food.  My advice would be to

call your Gastro doc. and arrange for a dilatation on an emergency basis.  At

certain times you get so blocked that it's never going to going down on it's

own.  At the situation you are in now even liquids aren't going to go down until

you get unblocked.  I wouldn't keep trying to drink things hoping you'll open it

up on your own.  Be sure to tell the doctor you believe you have impacted food. 

They'll know what to do.

If you have trouble getting an appointment another option is to go to the ER of

the hospital that your doctor works out of and ask for an emergency dilatation.

If you saw my earlier posts arrange for a balloon dilatation.  I think that

should help you a lot.

Good Luck.  Let us know how this turns out,




From: kimellenbailey <kimellenbailey@...>


Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2012 10:30 PM

Subject: discomfort

i had the myotomy in sept. all been good (mostly) this has happened a few times

and now has been going on for 2 days. discomfort in the lower E area. i think my

food is still in there. but i really have a hard time regurging after the

myotomy. i drank liquid . think it is going down.just opened a diet pepsi to see

if it goes down.  doest feel like gerd nor heartburn.. but have to confess and

say i ate popcorn for supper last night and then today i ate sone crispy crispy

bacon, which i have eaten before and no trouble. threw all that up, then at noon

ate a burger and up it came. then tonight ate  little and had discomfort. guess

Piggy SISTER should have stopped eating. but kept thinking it was going to go

down. guess i will stick to liquid and see what happens. i think the food part

isnt going down. dang. what does this mean?? happened a few times (really many

times) since the myotomy but not like a whole couple days.. well ----any ideas?

i am going to

only do liquid for couple days and see what happens. Kim


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It sounds like you need a dilatation or at least a Gastroscopy.

from the UK


From: kimellenbailey <kimellenbailey@...>


Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2012 3:30 AM

Subject: discomfort


i had the myotomy in sept. all been good (mostly) this has happened a few times

and now has been going on for 2 days. discomfort in the lower E area. i think my

food is still in there. but i really have a hard time regurging after the

myotomy. i drank liquid . think it is going down.just opened a diet pepsi to see

if it goes down. doest feel like gerd nor heartburn.. but have to confess and

say i ate popcorn for supper last night and then today i ate sone crispy crispy

bacon, which i have eaten before and no trouble. threw all that up, then at noon

ate a burger and up it came. then tonight ate little and had discomfort. guess

Piggy SISTER should have stopped eating. but kept thinking it was going to go

down. guess i will stick to liquid and see what happens. i think the food part

isnt going down. dang. what does this mean?? happened a few times (really many

times) since the myotomy but not like a whole couple days.. well ----any ideas?

i am going to only

do liquid for couple days and see what happens. Kim

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Hi Kim,


I think the well intended suggestion for an emergency dilatation is a bit

extreme and premature. (WV) has it right with what she said. We're only

human that it is " human nature " to want to eat " normally " again after having

this operation. While we all make a couple of slips from time to time, you will

profit from your experience over time as to what to eat and what not to eat, and

when it is better to eat certain foods and when (meaning time of day) you should

never touch certain items.  Generally speaking, " spongy " items such as popcorn

and certain meats, our teeth cannot break up sufficiently to clear thru to the

stomach as well as other items.  Toast, just another form of bread, has a

better chance of going down than it would not be toasted (some people's

experience might vary with that example).


It would not be a bad idea to " clear " yourself up before starting over again, as

you suggested, by staying with clear liquids for a while. Not just water, of

course, but chicken broth, nutritional drinks, etc. 


While you indicated that you are drinking with meals, are you also drinking a

glass of liquid before you start a meal as well, along with a glass of liquid

after you finish a meal? It can make an enormous difference if you having food

sitting around after a meal, just waiting to cause problems for your next meal.


While its normal to find it harder to regurgitate after having a myotomy, you

should focus your attention on eating slower, drinking more, clearing before and

after a meal, and eating less of the items guaranteed to give you problems. 


This is all new to you (post-Heller), so don't beat yourself up over it. Just be

more patient with the whole process and keep posting here.


From: puddleriver13 <puddleriver13@...>

Subject: Re: discomfort


Date: Thursday, January 5, 2012, 10:24 AM


I think it's very tempting to forget that the Heller *isn't* a return to

pre-Achalasia. It *feels* SO much better, we start to convince ourselves that

there is nothing wrong with us. And there IS. Hell, my Heller's only a week old,

and I've already pushed the limit a couple of times. . . . It's a rough

balancing act to keep from getting so hongry that we throw caution to the wind,

and yet keep enough calories and nutrients flowing through the pipe to keep us

healthy. Prolly, long term, it means learning to eat in entirely new ways.

Focusing on food that is nutrient-dense and calorie-dense so that the small

meals demanded can still keep us going strong.

I'd do what you're doing for a couple more days, and if it doesn't clear, I'd

get to your GI. If he's one of the slow ones, I might hit ER instead. If he IS

one of the slow ones, it might be good to be looking around for one who can see

Achalasia as an emergency when it warrants. . .

Good luck, Sweetie! Don't be beating yourself up, but DO try to be careful!!




> i had the myotomy in sept. all been good (mostly) this has happened a few

times and now has been going on for 2 days. discomfort in the lower E area. i

think my food is still in there. but i really have a hard time regurging after

the myotomy. i drank liquid . think it is going down.just opened a diet pepsi to

see if it goes down. doest feel like gerd nor heartburn.. but have to confess

and say i ate popcorn for supper last night and then today i ate sone crispy

crispy bacon, which i have eaten before and no trouble. threw all that up, then

at noon ate a burger and up it came. then tonight ate little and had discomfort.

guess Piggy SISTER should have stopped eating. but kept thinking it was going to

go down. guess i will stick to liquid and see what happens. i think the food

part isnt going down. dang. what does this mean?? happened a few times (really

many times) since the myotomy but not like a whole couple days.. well ----any

ideas? i am going to

only do liquid for couple days and see what happens. Kim


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