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This was a great link. Maybe if I forward it to my friends and

family who think it's not as painful and bad as it is, they'll read

it and understand it's a real disorder.


> Thank you for the post. It seems to be an excellent summary of

what we all

> deal with.

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  • 1 year later...


As Cindi said the barium swallow shows the LES being

tight and not relaxing, It is my understanding that the

manometry shows the severity of esophageal dysmotility.

I'm not sure why they need both.



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I am posting here a message that should have been sent to you automatically when your registration for membership was approved. For some reason, there was a problem and the message has not been sent to you. Everything is now working OK, and any new member from today will automatically it. However, for those of you who have not seen this welcome message - here it is. Please read it carefully.

Luv - Sheila


Dear New Member,

I would like to extend a warm welcome to you. We hope that if you have come here looking for help and advice that you will find it by asking questions of the other members, or by searching our files.

Please send an introductory message to us immediately (or at least, within the next 24 hours) so we can get to know you – and you can get to know us. Just send a few sentences (or a lot of sentences if you wish) telling us who you are and your thyroid/adrenal history, and/or your connection to thyroid problems.

You may not wish to receive the large number of individual emails every day, so if you wish, you can opt to receive a ‘Daily Digest’. This means you will receive one Email with up to 25 messages in it. Alternatively, you may wish to use the option ‘No Email’ and just read direct from the website. thyroid treatment/

To change your previously selected option – go to the link for the Home Page above. You will see ‘edit membership’ right at the top. Click on that and scroll down to where it says ‘message delivery’ and you can change your previous option.

Please be aware that due to the political sensitivity of the campaigning issues we are involved in, this group is moderated, which means that messages exchanged are sometimes monitored for inappropriate content. List moderators will screen messages individually before they reach the group. Any members posting messages found to violate list rules will be contacted by the moderator/owner and will be told the reason why their message was considered inappropriate. They will also be given an opportunity to rewrite it.

This forum is mainly concerned with campaigning for better diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism within the NHS, and for an alternative treatment to be available within the NHS in the UK, therefore, all content, including the discussions, must NOT be copied to any person/group outside TPA-UK, since by their nature, any external discussion could jeopardise our aims. Any member found to be breaking this rule will be banned.

We would ask that you take care in your posts not to offend others, and that disparaging remarks about third parties are avoided. Should the moderators feel that any post oversteps the mark, especially legally, the originator will be asked to delete it. This is a no-flaming area, so if you have strong feelings on an issue - it is best not to post. Anything posted on this list which you find upsetting, please contact the moderators -- our aim is to benefit people and not to stress them.

If you have good sources of information you have found on the Internet that you would like to share with other members, please do supply URLs.

We also hope that those of you who feel able to contribute in any way towards our campaigns will do so.

We are sure that you will find this to be a happy,friendly and supportive place.

Thank you for joining.

Sheila and LeeList Owners

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