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Thyroid About: Fat, Mad, Middle Aged Women

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Shomon has a link to an article on the Onmedica.com website

about Joanne Shaw talking to two women who run a thyroid support

group where they explain some of what we patients have to go through.

Some patient complaints were:

1.Not being taken seriously and talked down to by GPs.

2.Having test results withheld by receptionists - being told they are

allowed to know that they are normal, but not the detail.

3.Being charged £50 for special consultations if they want to know

their full results.

Onmedica is a blogging site for doctors so I don't know if Joanne

Shaw is a doctor; but I assume she is. The website says she's on the

boards of various health care organisations including the Long Term

Conditions Alliance. I wondered if she could help us?

However one of the doctors a Dan Brett,who left comments after the

article, appears to just want to take the mickey out of us and refers

to patients as " goitre girls " and repeats the same old " take the

tablets and you'll have a normal blood test " rubbish and insists

that a GP consultation isn't necessary and if you don't believe him

to go to the BTF website; that thyroid patients don't need support

and they're just making an issue out of something that isn't. Grrrr!

Another poster tried to put him right but he decided to take the mick

out of them too. In fact he was so childish it was unbelievable.

Although it shouldn't be unbelievable to any of us by now.:0(

Sorry for all of that, I just had to rant after I read it. ;0)


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