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Iodine Supplementation

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I have been on iodine supplementation for about 8 months now for

thyroid non-toxic nodules. They have been shrinking (and

disappearing) since I started supplementation.

My first question is in regards to the reason the nodules first

appeared. With my symptoms I believe my thyroid had been sluggish

for years with TSH levels being around 2.5, not high enough for my

MD to take notice. In September of last year I cut my finger on a

granular chlorine bucket. It healed pretty quickly but I did not

realize until about 1 month later (maybe a little longer)there was

something still in there. What I cut out of my finger appeared to be

either a granule of chlorine or a small bead shaped piece of the

bucket. In November I noticed a choking sensation whenever wearing

a t-shirt and found a lump on my neck in the area of the thyroid.

Tests revealed multi-nodules on both lobes consisting of both solid

and liquid composition. Biopsies showed no malignancy. Could the

particle found in my finger have been the culprit or is it simply


My second question is in regards to the iodine supplementation, to

which I have many questions but will limit it here for now. Since I

have been on the iodine supplementation I have felt great with many

hypo and hyper symptoms subsiding (it seems I have been fluctuating

between the two extremes). I have stopped on several occasions due

to controversial research I have been doing on iodine

supplementation. In doing so, within just a very short period of

time I feel terrible again (no tolerance to cold being the first

thing to return). I have had to have two mercury fillings removed

within the last six months (since my last blood work for TSH

levels). After having the last filling removed (which was a very

large one) and feeling so bad afterward I did research finding that

I all the symptoms of mercury toxicity. My blood work done up at

the beginning of December showed my TSH levels were up to 4.5 and

now my endocrinologist wants to test for autoimmune-thyroiditis. My

question is, would not the iodine supplementation have protected me

from the mercury? And why would the TSH levels be rising if the

iodine is working?

Another question: I am currently doing a heavy metal cleanse by

Renew. Is this a good one?

Thanks for any input in trying to help me sort through all this.


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