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Exercising won't screw it up but having too low a bodyfat percentage

might. Four weeks is nowhere near long enough to be in any danger

zone there.

If you are taking birth control pills it is possible you are having

what is called breakthrough bleeding. A simple change of pill might

help correct that.


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You should probably call your doctor to get a check up to make sure

everything is ok. I have been really regular while doing BFL, although I do


have problems with spotting in the middle of the month. I had the spotting a

couple of years ago and went to my doctor. He wasn't too concerned, he said

he could run some tests to see what was causing it it I wanted. I never had it

looked into. I did end up having a miscarriage a six months later and I

think it was related to the spotting. I have been doing BFL since January


was a week after I weened my child off the breast so I had just started having

my period again. You might also want to make sure you are following BFL

properly. It just seems to me that if you your period is not regular you should

try to figure out what is causing the problem.

Good luck!

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Hi! Not to jump on the bandwagon, but I also would like to either have this

in digest form or be removed from the list. I am not a member of the

group, so it won't let me change my settings.

Thanks! Amber

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  • 2 weeks later...

> From: " Savard, Kristyn M " <kms821s@...>

> Reply-samters

> Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:32:29 -0500

> <samters >

> Subject: Help!!


> Hello everyone,

Welcome Kristyn.


> I just saw an allergy specialist and I was told that I have Samters Syndrome

> or Samters Triad. I have been doing a little research and came across your

> site. I am a little confused. It seems like there are so many things that

> cam go into this disorder. My doctor only described three. Aspirin

> intolerance, nasal polyps, and asthma.

Which is why it's called a TRIAD.

> He also said that sinus disease can

> develop later in life. He is seeing all of these symptoms in me now.

Join the club. PS -- you will probably learn more here than from your



> What have you all experienced for symptoms? What does aspirin do to you? I

> was told that this condition can be fatal if not treated properly.

Interesting -- I have never heard of anyone dying of Samters per se,

although I assume many people have died from a reaction to actual ASA


> What do you all know about Samters?

You should go to the FILES and LINKS section of this group, read as

much as you can there, and them come back with specific questions. While

you're at it, go to the DATABASE section and fill out your info in the

Contacts file.


> I would appreciate any info that you all have.

See above.


> Thanks,


> kj

Ken West

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Dear Kristyn,

Welcome to our group! I agree that Samter's can be fatal. If you do not

make sure that you don't get any aspirin in any form - from a cold medicine

or any other way you could end up with a very severe reaction. I believe

each time you react you can be increasing your illness. I am very careful

and it isn't difficult to be careful. Read all labels on medicines

carefully. I want to tell you about what has helped me. I found out from

Feingold that normal foods and additives can cause problems. Artificials

flavors, colors and preservatives are related chemically to aspirin and can

affect you. They are called Salicylates. There is a group that researches

these issues and foods - they are called the Feingold Association. I later

found out about a diet called the Mucus Free diet and I find this diet

easier to do since you simply don't have any processed foods at all and you

end up with less of a sense of loss over not having them. I feel really

good on this diet. I am also getting NAET treatments to cure me of my

allergies. I have had true miracles doing this! You can find out about

more at www.naet.com and www.feingold.com. You can oder the book The

Mucusless Diet Healing system at www.amazon.com or perhaps your bookstore

has it. Using these methods I have gone from being very severe to doing

very well. I use EdenSoy Original organic soy milk to be sure I get enough

protien, calcium and B12 on this diet. If you want more information on

this you can e-mail me directly.


<< File: ATT00012.htm; charset = ISO-8859-1 >>

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  • 9 months later...
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My son went through a phase like this a little more than a year ago but he was much younger than your child so at first I thought it was resistance to potty training. His pediatrician referred him to a gastroentrologist who diagnosed him with encopresis, which becomes a chronic condition of withholding bowel movements until an impaction occurs and then runny stool runs out around the impaction and the child doesn't feel it so they end up with soiled underpants. Go to your search engine and type the word encopresis and read what comes up. There are ways to try and treat the condition by changing dietary habits and taking stool softeners but this didn't help my son. His GI doctor prescribed Miralax (after first cleaning him out thoroughly), which in time did the trick. My son is regular now and potty trained.

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, one guess might be constipation. I think that is what started it for



----- Original Message -----

From: " Raven " <reneesons@...>

> Hi all,


> I am new to group so I thought I would say hi and get right to

> my question. I have a almos 10 year old boy, who for the past 3 years

> has been completely potty-trained. Well, for the past 3 days he has

> had bowel movements in his pants, needless to say I am at my wits

> end. I don't what could have caused this, he goes to the toilet to

> pee, but that is as far as it goes. If anyone would have a clue as to

> what might help I would appreciate it! Thanks!!!


> '

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  • 3 months later...

No, they don't need a church

Have them contact Randi

" Randice " <randice@...>

At 12:48 PM 10/30/2004 -0700, you wrote:




>A desparate forward...someone please reply ASAP!!!


>This person contacted me off my website. We need a reply ASAP...whatever

>anyone can reply, I will forward to the individual. Thanks!


>Kimberley Medlin







>Comments : Help! I am in the military and I am against vaccines. I need to

>find a church that is 100% against vaccines, as well, or else I can't get a







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  • 3 weeks later...

- What he sounds like to me is that he is retaining too much stool

and needs a good cleanout. When stool is impacted and overloading the colon

some can leak around it and soil. Encopresis is when stool appears as

diarhea and soils the underwear. Now when stool is backed up so much it can

cause the stomach to empty too slowly. So then the stomach starts filling

up and no more food can be stored. So when it's up to this point everything

he eats can't digest and comes back out. The vomitting during sleep

sometimes comes from lying prone and reflux happening because the stomach is

backed up from the above mentioned problem and the sphincter valve that

closes between the esophagus and the stomach isn't coordinated right.

Resolve the backed up colon full of stool and the stomach will empty right,

food will flow through right and hopefully the vomitting and reflux will

resolve. There are medicines that can help move the stool on through,

Miralax and Lactulose come to mind. Water intake is very important too. If

the colon stays full of stool too long it can cause it to stretch too much

and megacolon happens and the nerves that move stool along its route can get

lazy. Then the whole cycle starts again but now it's not just a matter of

too much stool being stuck but the nerves not being there to push it along.

So even small amounts of stool lie dormant and there's no peristalsis

happening. After oral home meds fail then there is usually a course of

inpatient Go-Lytely by NG tube. It can sometimes take liters of this stuff

to have a full clear cleanout. The lack of appetite is pretty

understandable because he always has this feeling of being full but of

course it's a natural desire to be thirsty so he will keep drinking.

We've had this problem with Macey for years and have had several cleanouts,

off and on reflux meds and surgery. That's probably way more info than

what you wanted and it may be completely off base.

Ursula Holleman

mom to (11 yrs old) and Macey (9 yr. old with CVID, Diabetes

Insipidus, colonic inertia)


Immune Deficiency Foundation - Peer Contact for GA


IDF Patient/Family Handbook



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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

It depends on what you use as your email service. Most of them have a

button at the top that says " attachment " and you press it, search for what

you want to attach, then hit send.





> I sent an email last night with the altcode!@!rtf. I tried it this

> morning and it didnt work and I realised I needed to send it as an

> attactement but I don't know hjow!@


> Can someone give me the secret to attaching .docs., pics, or whatever

> to an email for the group??


> Not enough coffee this morning!!










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> When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


> --- Margaret Drabble


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

At 01:15 PM 5/3/2006 +0800, you wrote:

>I'm looking for some statistics, but I don't seem to be the world's best



>Can anyone point me in the right direction to find Japanese infant mortality

>statistics - the most up-to-date there are on-line please? I'm trying to

>find child mortality due to measles.


>I don't know if I'm using the wrong search words, or what, but I've been at

>it two hours and am getting nowhere.....:o(



Rank Country Infant mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) Date of


223 Japan 3.24 2006 est.


United States 6.43 2006 est.


google on


google on





Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

earthmysteriestours@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccineclass.htm

Reality of the Diseases & Treatment -


Homeopathy On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm

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Thanks Sheri. Some comfort there - I was looking with the right words, but

I can't find anything that refers directly to measles mortality. Overall

child/infant mortality is low, but I still can't find anything to tell me

the percentage due to measles.

That last link was to the murder of Lucie Blackman, btw.


> Re: Help!!



> At 01:15 PM 5/3/2006 +0800, you wrote:

> >I'm looking for some statistics, but I don't seem to be the world's best

> >googler!!

> >

> >Can anyone point me in the right direction to find Japanese

> infant mortality

> >statistics - the most up-to-date there are on-line please? I'm trying to

> >find child mortality due to measles.

> >

> >I don't know if I'm using the wrong search words, or what, but

> I've been at

> >it two hours and am getting nowhere.....:o(

> >

> http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/rankorder/2091rank.html


> Rank Country Infant mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) Date of

> Information





> 223 Japan 3.24 2006 est.

> 184

> United States 6.43 2006 est.


> >

> google on

> +infant+mortality+rates+world


> google on

> +infant+mortality+rates+japan+measles


> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/4721273.stm


> +measles+death+japan


> --------------------------------------------------------

> Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

> Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

> $$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

> earthmysteriestours@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

> (go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

> Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

> Vaccine Dangers On-Line course -

> http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccineclass.htm

> Reality of the Diseases & Treatment -

> http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccineclass.htm

> Homeopathy On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm







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if you don't find it there usually means there are no deaths from measles -

otherwise they would be sure you knew it.


At 09:25 PM 5/3/2006 +0800, you wrote:

>Thanks Sheri. Some comfort there - I was looking with the right words, but

>I can't find anything that refers directly to measles mortality. Overall

>child/infant mortality is low, but I still can't find anything to tell me

>the percentage due to measles.


>That last link was to the murder of Lucie Blackman, btw.

Yes, after I sent it I saw that. It was supposed to have something about

Japan and measles too on that bbc page>


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

earthmysteriestours@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccineclass.htm

Reality of the Diseases & Treatment -


Homeopathy On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Also, walk or do some kind of excersise should keep you...well moving. I

have been doing the candida cleanse and colon cleanse and it really really

helps! Good luck! Joanie

>From: BETSY AUSTIN <austinb316@...>


>< >

>Subject: RE: Help!!

>Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 15:40:20 -0400


>Drink smooth move tea, it's all natural.



>@...: shellyf606@...: Tue, 8 May

>2007 19:34:47 +0000Subject: Help!!





>I have been on the protocol for 14 days and have lost 14 lbs. Very happy

>with my results.......HOWEVER......I have NOT gone to the bathroom!! I

>purchased digestive enzymes from the health food store and take 2 at lunch

>and 2 at dinner, and still nothing!! Any advice?!?!?!




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Now you can see trouble…before he arrives


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Thanks for asking this question because I have the same problem. When

I started taking the enzymes I went once. But once in 8 days in not





> I have been on the protocol for 14 days and have lost 14 lbs. Very

> happy with my results.......HOWEVER......I have NOT gone to the

> bathroom!! I purchased digestive enzymes from the health food store

> and take 2 at lunch and 2 at dinner, and still nothing!! Any

> advice?!?!?!


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Guest guest

Eating raw veggies as much as possible has helped me.


> >

> >

> >

> > I have been on the protocol for 14 days and have lost 14 lbs.


> > happy with my results.......HOWEVER......I have NOT gone to the

> > bathroom!! I purchased digestive enzymes from the health food


> > and take 2 at lunch and 2 at dinner, and still nothing!! Any

> > advice?!?!?!

> >


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All I eat is raw veggies -- I dont cook any of them!write2monicam <write2monicam@...> wrote: Eating raw veggies as much as possible has helped me. -> >> > > > > > I have been on the protocol for 14 days and have lost 14 lbs. Very > > happy with my results.......HOWEVER......I have NOT gone to the > > bathroom!! I purchased digestive enzymes from the health food store > > and take 2 at lunch and 2 at dinner, and still nothing!! Any > > advice?!?!?!> >>

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell? Check out

new cars at Autos.

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  • 4 months later...


does anyone know if I can send them $100/month kind of thing to keep them from damaging my credit report? Will they charge me interest?

, they will probably be happy to accept $100.00

a month but unless laws have changed a lot since my

retirement, once it goes to collections, it will appear

on your credit report as a collection account. Evenwhen it's paid in full, it will still show up as a paid

collection unless you can make some agreement ahead

of time to get them to not report it. Even then you

best get it in writing.

Some years ago, people granting credit didn't pay

much attention to medical collections if everything

else was good, but now since so much weight is being

put on credit scores, I'm not sure they still have this


Did you talk to someone in that department or did you

actually talk to the credit manager or whoever runs

that department. I'm not sure if it would be the adminstrator

or the hospital's attorney. Maybe you should dig a little

deeper. It really doesn't make sense to charge off an account

and pay someone to collect it when you're getting paid already.

Good luck.

MaggieSee what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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Hey , Wow, that's the last thing you need right now... I cannot help you out here, but I am sure you'll find a way to cover for finance. Don't let it bring you down! Just some good stuff to share with an -ectomy sis coming up right now! Maybe it will help you feel a bit better... Last Saturday I went to the Dutch meeting of achalasians, about 40 of us were there. Amongst whom there was , the Dutch guy I spoke to on the phone that had his -ectomy done about 5 or 6 years ago. I never met an achalasian -ectomy patient before and wow was it great to meet him! He looked so really really strong and healthy, I couldn't imagine an -ectomy patient looking soooooo strong, and he told me he often almost forgets he ever had an -ectomy!!! He leads a completely normal life now, plays soccer and works as a police officer! He had this great strong positive

attitude and made me feel so confident that I made the right decision (that you and I both made the right decision)! Don't let the money issue bring you down, girl! There is an answer to every question... Love, Isabellamichelle <mcnairmichelle@...> wrote: ugh - I just spoke with the finance office at U of Pitts where I'm scheduled to have an -ectomy in January about setting up some kind of payment plan to cover the $2,500 deductible and 20% co-pay that I

have. Anyone know what the ballpark costs are for an -ectomy? I'm guestimating that the surgery- 7 days in the hospital and all of that will be in the vicinity of $100K so I'm looking at combined co-pay and deductible of $20K - ish.They have informed me that they will carry an account for me for only 2 years and then whatever is not paid off will be send to collections!!Holy Crap! I don't have $1000/month to send to them. What am I going to do?My only other option is to take it out of my retirement but that will almost wipe it out!So, if I have a balance at a collection agency - does anyone know if I can send them $100/month kind of thing to keep them from damaging my credit report? Will they charge me interest?this is gonna suck!thanks for letting me vent. any ideas would be appreciated.Happy Swallowing!- in NC

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Hey - I did a payment plan on both of surgeries for

what my insurance didnt cover.On this last one I payed $100.00 a

month and that was what I said I would pay.They let me choose.The

balance was like $2,000 bucks and actually still paying on it. As

long as its reasonable they seem to work with ya.Atleast the two

hospitals we went to did.im sure most will so i wouldnt worry to

much about it.Be sure to keep us posted on everything



> ugh - I just spoke with the finance office at U of Pitts where I'm

> scheduled to have an -ectomy in January about setting up some kind


> payment plan to cover the $2,500 deductible and 20% co-pay that I

> have. Anyone know what the ballpark costs are for an -ectomy? I'm

> guestimating that the surgery- 7 days in the hospital and all of


> will be in the vicinity of $100K so I'm looking at combined co-pay

> and deductible of $20K - ish.

> They have informed me that they will carry an account for me for


> 2 years and then whatever is not paid off will be send to

> collections!!

> Holy Crap! I don't have $1000/month to send to them. What am I


> to do?

> My only other option is to take it out of my retirement but that


> almost wipe it out!

> So, if I have a balance at a collection agency - does anyone know


> I can send them $100/month kind of thing to keep them from


> my credit report? Will they charge me interest?

> this is gonna suck!


> thanks for letting me vent.


> any ideas would be appreciated.


> Happy Swallowing!

> - in NC


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, you can also apply to UPMC for financial aid or a

reduction of the charges. Just call and request an application.

It will cost you only a bit of time to fill it out, copy your tax

returns, etc.

-- in PA


> ugh - I just spoke with the finance office at U of Pitts where

> I'm

> scheduled to have an -ectomy in January about setting up some

> kind of

> payment plan to cover the $2,500 deductible and 20% co-pay that

> I

> have. Anyone know what the ballpark costs are for an -ectomy?

> I'm

> guestimating that the surgery- 7 days in the hospital and all

> of that

> will be in the vicinity of $100K so I'm looking at combined

> co-pay

> and deductible of $20K - ish.

> They have informed me that they will carry an account for me

> for only

> 2 years and then whatever is not paid off will be send to

> collections!!

> Holy Crap! I don't have $1000/month to send to them. What am I

> going

> to do?

> My only other option is to take it out of my retirement but

> that will

> almost wipe it out!

> So, if I have a balance at a collection agency - does anyone

> know if

> I can send them $100/month kind of thing to keep them from

> damaging

> my credit report? Will they charge me interest?

> this is gonna suck!


> thanks for letting me vent.


> any ideas would be appreciated.


> Happy Swallowing!

> - in NC






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I still have a $2,500 deductible and 20% co-pay but the co-pay has a max of $2,000

This is great news . As you say not chicken feed

but a long cry from what you thought you had to pay.

My insurance has the $2000.00 max clause too. A very

nice perk especially since my retirement insurance is not

a medigap policy.



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From what I've heard from other people, as long as you give the

hospital SOMETHING every month and/or keep the line of communication

open, the hospital won't send you to collections.

Sounds like they are playing hardball right now, two years from now

they'll be tickled to get a monthly check as compared to the 100's of

accouints they have who are not paying.

Just my unscientific take on it.


> ugh - I just spoke with the finance office at U of Pitts where I'm

> scheduled to have an -ectomy in January about setting up some kind


> payment plan to cover the $2,500 deductible and 20% co-pay that I

> have. Anyone know what the ballpark costs are for an -ectomy? I'm

> guestimating that the surgery- 7 days in the hospital and all of


> will be in the vicinity of $100K so I'm looking at combined co-pay

> and deductible of $20K - ish.

> They have informed me that they will carry an account for me for


> 2 years and then whatever is not paid off will be send to

> collections!!

> Holy Crap! I don't have $1000/month to send to them. What am I


> to do?

> My only other option is to take it out of my retirement but that


> almost wipe it out!

> So, if I have a balance at a collection agency - does anyone know


> I can send them $100/month kind of thing to keep them from damaging

> my credit report? Will they charge me interest?

> this is gonna suck!


> thanks for letting me vent.


> any ideas would be appreciated.


> Happy Swallowing!

> - in NC


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Hey - I did speak with their financial dept but since I am out

of state, I don't qualify for any help.

On a good note, Dr. L's financial coordinator/insurance person

emailed me today - I have mis-read my insurance coverage.

I still have a $2,500 deductible and 20% co-pay but the co-pay has a

max of $2,000 so I will have about $4,500 out of pocket. Still not

chump change but MUCH more manageable and I can probably do it in the

2 years.

Big sigh of relief!!

Thanks for all of the suggestions.

Happy Swallowing!

- in NC


> , you can also apply to UPMC for financial aid or a

> reduction of the charges. Just call and request an application.

> It will cost you only a bit of time to fill it out, copy your tax

> returns, etc.


> -- in PA


> help!!



> > ugh - I just spoke with the finance office at U of Pitts where

> > I'm

> > scheduled to have an -ectomy in January about setting up some

> > kind of

> > payment plan to cover the $2,500 deductible and 20% co-pay that

> > I

> > have. Anyone know what the ballpark costs are for an -ectomy?

> > I'm

> > guestimating that the surgery- 7 days in the hospital and all

> > of that

> > will be in the vicinity of $100K so I'm looking at combined

> > co-pay

> > and deductible of $20K - ish.

> > They have informed me that they will carry an account for me

> > for only

> > 2 years and then whatever is not paid off will be send to

> > collections!!

> > Holy Crap! I don't have $1000/month to send to them. What am I

> > going

> > to do?

> > My only other option is to take it out of my retirement but

> > that will

> > almost wipe it out!

> > So, if I have a balance at a collection agency - does anyone

> > know if

> > I can send them $100/month kind of thing to keep them from

> > damaging

> > my credit report? Will they charge me interest?

> > this is gonna suck!

> >

> > thanks for letting me vent.

> >

> > any ideas would be appreciated.

> >

> > Happy Swallowing!

> > - in NC

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 11 months later...

I did that and did a just apple day where I had six apples only

and it helped me get over that slump….


[mailto: ] On Behalf

Of stacysue12

Sent: 2008-09-22 10:19 AM

Subject: help!!





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