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Now that you said that there will be ten of you.



From: <bookie0415 (DOT) com>Subject: Re: new memberDate: Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 11:01 AM

My response was cut short. There is mW, G, S, and me R or in FL; either one is good. S and myself have been members here for a very long time just in case you hear something from back when. Welcome and good luck. Hugs R Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

From: Maureen Thornberry <berrymaurgmail (DOT) com>

Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 18:14:50 +1000


Subject: Re: new member

Thank you also for the welcome...

Gosh I am going to have to work at sorting out the s.....How many of you are there?<smile>



2009/11/25 <bookie0415 (DOT) com>

Maureen welcome to the group...we truly are a wonderful group just having a bit of a crack that needs repairing. As far as I'm concerned you are more than welcome here. I too have Fibro along with many many problems, as does many of us. We are a group with a lot of knowledge who can help you greatly. Glad you're here. in FL Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

From: Maureen Thornberry <berrymaurgmail (DOT) com>

Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 10:12:56 +1000


Subject: new member

Ok...I am a new member...I joined just before all the posts about "stuff" started flying....

Needless to say I decided to keep a low profile for a while...LOL

Now you seem to have sorted it out...I will jump in and introduce myself...and then you can ask me to leave if you wish...

My name is Maureen and I live in Australia... .I do not have Fibromyalgia [which is why you might not let me stay...]

However my son does have it...He is not very good at finding his way around the computer so I am knocking my head against a brick wall trying to find something to help him....

He lives at home with us now and is on disability support because of the fibro...

He contracted two very nasty debilitating viruses which has resulted in the fibro.....He is over these now....

He is not sleeping, even with sleeping pills from the doctor and no pain medication is working either.....

The only things that do help are natural supplements like magnesium powder, vit C and liquid herbs that support the immune system but even so he is in constant pain and exhausted all the time.....

We eat a lot of veggies, fish, some chicken and very little red meat....I have bought a reverse osmosis water purifier and we are eliminating chemicals wherever we can....

I hope you let me stay because I think I could learn from your experiences. ..

By the way...I am a Christian... very tolerant of all faiths...I believe we are all entitled to be treated with respect and love...


-- When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step into the darkness of the unknown: Faith is knowing that one of two things will happen.There will be solid ground to stand on....or you will be taught to fly...[Author unknown]

-- When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step into the darkness of the unknown: Faith is knowing that one of two things will happen.There will be solid ground to stand on....or you will be taught to fly...[Author unknown]

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or we could use our states. i think we all come from diffeent states? I could be Carolina Either one works for me

Carolina G

From: <bookie0415 (DOT) com>Subject: Re: new memberDate: Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 11:01 AM

My response was cut short. There is mW, G, S, and me R or in FL; either one is good. S and myself have been members here for a very long time just in case you hear something from back when. Welcome and good luck. Hugs R Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

From: Maureen Thornberry <berrymaurgmail (DOT) com>

Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 18:14:50 +1000


Subject: Re: new member

Thank you also for the welcome...

Gosh I am going to have to work at sorting out the s.....How many of you are there?<smile>



2009/11/25 <bookie0415 (DOT) com>

Maureen welcome to the group...we truly are a wonderful group just having a bit of a crack that needs repairing. As far as I'm concerned you are more than welcome here. I too have Fibro along with many many problems, as does many of us. We are a group with a lot of knowledge who can help you greatly. Glad you're here. in FL Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

From: Maureen Thornberry <berrymaurgmail (DOT) com>

Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 10:12:56 +1000


Subject: new member

Ok...I am a new member...I joined just before all the posts about "stuff" started flying....

Needless to say I decided to keep a low profile for a while...LOL

Now you seem to have sorted it out...I will jump in and introduce myself...and then you can ask me to leave if you wish...

My name is Maureen and I live in Australia... .I do not have Fibromyalgia [which is why you might not let me stay...]

However my son does have it...He is not very good at finding his way around the computer so I am knocking my head against a brick wall trying to find something to help him....

He lives at home with us now and is on disability support because of the fibro...

He contracted two very nasty debilitating viruses which has resulted in the fibro.....He is over these now....

He is not sleeping, even with sleeping pills from the doctor and no pain medication is working either.....

The only things that do help are natural supplements like magnesium powder, vit C and liquid herbs that support the immune system but even so he is in constant pain and exhausted all the time.....

We eat a lot of veggies, fish, some chicken and very little red meat....I have bought a reverse osmosis water purifier and we are eliminating chemicals wherever we can....

I hope you let me stay because I think I could learn from your experiences. ..

By the way...I am a Christian... very tolerant of all faiths...I believe we are all entitled to be treated with respect and love...


-- When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step into the darkness of the unknown: Faith is knowing that one of two things will happen.There will be solid ground to stand on....or you will be taught to fly...[Author unknown]

-- When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step into the darkness of the unknown: Faith is knowing that one of two things will happen.There will be solid ground to stand on....or you will be taught to fly...[Author unknown]

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Welcome Xaiu,

You are absolutely right, there is great hope with Dr. Masgutova's method.

There are some fabulous therapists locally so if you are not yet connected, just

ask. Feel free to email me with any questions directly at

diane@.... I am a parent who has seen significant shifts in my son

since learning from Dr. Masgutova. She is a bright light shining in a sea of

hopelessness and shares her wisdom generously.

All the best to you and your child.

DIane Hunter


> Dear parents,


> My name is Xiao Xu. I live in California, San Mateo. I have a 7 year-old

autistic boy. I have tried HBOT and DAN! for a while. However, I really like to

have a natural treatment for my boy.


> One of mine friends recommended MASGUTOVA METHOD to me. I'm new here and I

look forward to learn and work with you soon since this is a hope.


> Thank you so much!


> Xiao Xu


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Hi Diane, Your direct email address is interesting: @afterautism.So, what do you think about the kids with autism?What are the main issues related to MNRI & autism?Thanks,From: diane <HunterDiane@...> Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 2:54:30 AMSubject: Re: New member

Welcome Xaiu,

You are absolutely right, there is great hope with Dr. Masgutova's method. There are some fabulous therapists locally so if you are not yet connected, just ask. Feel free to email me with any questions directly at dianeafterautism (DOT) com. I am a parent who has seen significant shifts in my son since learning from Dr. Masgutova. She is a bright light shining in a sea of hopelessness and shares her wisdom generously.

All the best to you and your child.

DIane Hunter


> Dear parents,


> My name is Xiao Xu. I live in California, San Mateo. I have a 7 year-old autistic boy. I have tried HBOT and DAN! for a while. However, I really like to have a natural treatment for my boy.


> One of mine friends recommended MASGUTOVA METHOD to me. I'm new here and I look forward to learn and work with you soon since this is a hope.


> Thank you so much!


> Xiao Xu


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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome sirFrom: Tammy Holmes <tammysbc@...>Subject: New member Received: Thursday, 10 December, 2009, 7:04 PM

He, I just joined...I don't know what to say though

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  • 1 month later...


Vivienne and welcome to our forum where I hope you get all the help and support

you need.


why did you stop taking your 150mcgs of levothyroxine and what did your doctor

say. If your thyroid gland is not producing the thyroid hormones your body

needs, or if it is, but the thyroid hormones are not getting into your cells,

there is nothing else for you to take other than thyroid hormone replacement. If

you would rather not talk to y our GP face to face and ask to be referred to an

endocrinologist - write him a letter instead and ask for the letter to be

placed in your medical notes. This often works really well.


List all your symptoms you are suffering right now and your signs. Check these

against those on our web site www.tpa-uk.org.uk.


Take your basal temperature before you get out of bed in a morning. Normal

temp. is 98.6. If yours is 97.8 or less, your metabolism isn't functioning as

it should and is running low. Write these down after your symptoms.


Ask for a full thyroid function test. These are TSH, Free T4 and Free T3. This

will show where your thyroid hormone levels lie. Ask also for the following to

see whether any of their levels are low: Ferritin (stored iron), B12, vitamin

D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc. If any of these are low, your thyroid

hormone cannot get into the cells properly.


Ask your GP for a referral to a thyroid specialist as you can no longer carry

on suffering the symptoms that you are.


Ask for your letter of requests to be placed into your medical notes. Such a

request often makes a doctor think twice about refusing to do what you have



don't be scared about how to approach an endocrinologist, - they are often much

better with patients who have come to them clued up. Take your list of symptoms

and list of any supplements you are taking to show him, and if you can go along

with a friend, that will make you feel better and also four ears are better

than two to take in any information s/he may give you.


to the FILES section of this FORUM and scroll down all the FOLDERS until you

find one entitled 'NHS Information for Patients' - or something like that, and

read the FILE 'First visit to Endocrinologist' You will find lots of information

from there and some of the questions there you might find useful to ask of him/her.


luck and if there any questions you want to ask, just shout!


- Sheila

Hi, I'm Vivienne and am new to the knowledge

that there's more out there for hypothyroid patients. I've been taking

thyroxine 150msgrms for 8 years. I saw my GP yesterday and she has referred me

to an endocrinologist. I have a stressful life as a single mother of 3, 2 who

are autistic. Before and a good few years after being diagnosed life was very

full on 24/7, I felt I never stopped physically mentally and emotionally. It

was more I couldn't stop as my kids needed me and there was no other support.

Once things eased a bit when they were all well settled at school I started

having panic attacks and have been on and off anti depressants for the past 6

years. I'm not on anything now and have reacted adversely to all of them though

initially stayed with the first because it stopped panic attacks. Anyway I

still have lingering hypo symptoms mainly intolerance to cold. debilitating

energy levels and weakness, low stamina and brain fog. I feel as though I'm at

a complete halt in this weather and sure I have slowed down consistently over

the past few years. Any response to this? also I'm scared about how to approach

an endocrinologist; scared that I wont be taken seriously.

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Hi Vivienne,

Welcome to the group. I have been a member for only a few months, but to be

able to ask questions and get support from people who understand is truely

amazing. I have learned so much and are now on the road to recovery, ( i was

really in a bad way, with not much help from gps).

I too have a special needs family and I know this is very, very stressful and

wears you down, so it is especially important to look after your own health. I

have suffered from depression for most of my life, but amazingly., as i have

sorted the co-factors out, ( low ferritin, low b12 ect) and changed to Natural

Thyroid my depression went away. Well, you can imagine how this was to me, it

was like getting a new life!

Follow Sheilas advice and read everything that you can on the subject, educate

yourself, and things will get better. The group has even helped me to get tests

and a different doctor to help my daughter.

Take care,

Jan x


> Hi, I'm Vivienne and am new to the knowledge that there's more out there for

hypothyroid patients. I've been taking thyroxine 150msgrms for 8 years. I saw my

GP yesterday and she has referred me to an endocrinologist. I have a stressful

life as a single mother of 3, 2 who are autistic. Before and a good few years

after being diagnosed life was very full on 24/7, I felt I never stopped

physically mentally and emotionally. It was more I couldn't stop as my kids

needed me and there was no other support. Once things eased a bit

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Sorry for the confusion - I am still taking my thyroxine, it's antidepressants

that I'm off.


> First, why did you stop taking your 150mcgs of levothyroxine and what did

> your doctor say.

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Hi Vivienne, Have a look in the Files on the website and look for ' first visit to the endocrinologist' which will help you organise what to do. There is also a symptoms list so you can make sure you include everthing- I bet there's even more than you think! Yes some folk feel worse in the winter and need to take a dose increase of thyroid hormone to cope. depression is a typical hypo symptom and will lift once T3 levels are high enough. sometimes it can be difficult to get a FT3 test done due to NHS guidelines. > thyroid treatment > From: sibbaldv@...> Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 07:56:54 +0000> Subject: New member> > Hi, I'm Vivienne and am new to the knowledge that there's more out there for hypothyroid patients. I've been taking thyroxine 150msgrms for 8 years. I saw my GP yesterday and she has referred me to an endocrinologist. I have a stressful life as a single mother of 3, 2 who are autistic.> > > > ------------------------------------> > TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing medication.> >

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  • 1 month later...


Welcome to the group. As you have learned firsthand, Samter's is very much

underdiagnosed because of general ignorance. It was actually a good thing for

you to find a physician who knows about it and was able to diagnose you.


> Hi everyone, I have been newly diagnosed with Samter's Triad.


> As it has now been diagnosed - I realise it started approx 5 years ago

> I had FESS surgury about 4 years ago - and afterwards developed a really bad

allergic reaction after surgery to pain killers (which was explained as a

reaction to the cocktail of drugs I had to take for a few weeks after surgery -

the surgeon said I had built up an antibody to the cocktail and it would

probably die down, it did in fact get better as the reaction was not as bad, and

I went from using an EpiPen to just antihistamines to calm the reaction, I then

went to an allergy clinic when the reaction started to just plan Paracetamol, I

was told by my GP it was very raare ti be allergic to paracetamol - but after a

series of test they confirmed that was the case. Marvellous!t Then last year, 3

years later I developed a flu like illness - that after repeated prescriptions

for Predislone and clarithomicyn for approx 6 months it still had not cleared

and my GP did not know what to do next - so I finally got reffered to a

Respiratory Physician and I went to see a specialist last Wednesday. And what a

day that was.... after 20 mins consultantion he informed me I had SAMTERS TRIAD.

What an amazing guy he was - it was the first time he meet me, and doctors I

have been seeing for years could not tell me that!!!!!


> Needless to say I am reading as much as I can about it to try and educated

myself on the condition - I have just started PROPER treatment for what I have,

so I am hopeful that I should finally start to improve. I had got to the stage

where I was puffing and panting all the time. I look forward to finding out as

much as I can here.


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Thank you - I did feel very lucky that he diagnosed it so quickly - he actually

told me that he only sees one or two patients a year with it...I think he is the


> >

> > Hi everyone, I have been newly diagnosed with Samter's Triad.

> >

> > As it has now been diagnosed - I realise it started approx 5 years ago

> > I had FESS surgury about 4 years ago - and afterwards developed a really bad

allergic reaction after surgery to pain killers (which was explained as a

reaction to the cocktail of drugs I had to take for a few weeks after surgery -

the surgeon said I had built up an antibody to the cocktail and it would

probably die down, it did in fact get better as the reaction was not as bad, and

I went from using an EpiPen to just antihistamines to calm the reaction, I then

went to an allergy clinic when the reaction started to just plan Paracetamol, I

was told by my GP it was very raare ti be allergic to paracetamol - but after a

series of test they confirmed that was the case. Marvellous!t Then last year, 3

years later I developed a flu like illness - that after repeated prescriptions

for Predislone and clarithomicyn for approx 6 months it still had not cleared

and my GP did not know what to do next - so I finally got reffered to a

Respiratory Physician and I went to see a specialist last Wednesday. And what a

day that was.... after 20 mins consultantion he informed me I had SAMTERS TRIAD.

What an amazing guy he was - it was the first time he meet me, and doctors I

have been seeing for years could not tell me that!!!!!

> >

> > Needless to say I am reading as much as I can about it to try and educated

myself on the condition - I have just started PROPER treatment for what I have,

so I am hopeful that I should finally start to improve. I had got to the stage

where I was puffing and panting all the time. I look forward to finding out as

much as I can here.

> >


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BTW, a minority number of AERD patients - unfortunately those who are quite sensitive - are intolerant to paracetamol too. In your case, NSAIDS and aspirin are to be kept at arm's length ; it is not the norm, but it is not that rare an occurrence either among AERD patients.Take some time to read the archives (documents, old messages), you will find a lot of information and experience that may prove helpful.> > >> > > Hi everyone, I have been newly diagnosed with Samter's Triad.> > > > > > As it has now been diagnosed - I realise it started approx 5 years ago> > > I had FESS surgury about 4 years ago - and afterwards developed a really bad allergic reaction after surgery to pain killers (which was explained as a reaction to the cocktail of drugs I had to take for a few weeks after surgery - the surgeon said I had built up an antibody to the cocktail and it would probably die down, it did in fact get better as the reaction was not as bad, and I went from using an EpiPen to just antihistamines to calm the reaction, I then went to an allergy clinic when the reaction started to just plan Paracetamol, I was told by my GP it was very raare ti be allergic to paracetamol - but after a series of test they confirmed that was the case. Marvellous!t Then last year, 3 years later I developed a flu like illness - that after repeated prescriptions for Predislone and clarithomicyn for approx 6 months it still had not cleared and my GP did not know what to do next - so I finally got reffered to a Respiratory Physician and I went to see a specialist last Wednesday. And what a day that was.... after 20 mins consultantion he informed me I had SAMTERS TRIAD. What an amazing guy he was - it was the first time he meet me, and doctors I have been seeing for years could not tell me that!!!!!> > > > > > Needless to say I am reading as much as I can about it to try and educated myself on the condition - I have just started PROPER treatment for what I have, so I am hopeful that I should finally start to improve. I had got to the stage where I was puffing and panting all the time. I look forward to finding out as much as I can here.> > >> >>

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome! I've been here a few months and have learned a lot!

From: tomjlaing <tomjlaing@...>Subject: New Member Date: Monday, March 15, 2010, 10:05 AM

Hello! I have just joined this group, recommended by a friend. I am 57 years old, a 4 year survivor of Colorectal Cancer. A year after treatment, during a regular checkup, a CT Scan picked up swollen Lymph nodes which eventually lead to the CLL diagnosis. Fortunately, I am currently low grade and being closely monitored. I volunteer at the local Hospital Oncology Department, a Peer Councillor and a new Seminar Leader for the Cancer Society's "Living Well Beyond Cancer, A self Management program for Survivors and Caregivers."

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hope it works for you. You've certainly suffered enough. I'll say a prayer or two for you. Jackie From: busybet33 <busybet33@...>Subject: new memberSpinal Stenosis Treatment Date: Saturday, August 22, 2009, 12:20 PM

Hi Everyone:

I wish I had found this website a long time ago but hapy to be here now. I have had back problems for years that hsd msny damaging effects on my spine. I started first with an ortho doc based on an xray showing the stenosis. He sent me for epidural shot in 2004. It really worked well for about 9 months then gradually started wearing off. In 2005 I was sent for my first MRI and my doc put me on tramadol. Told me to see a neurosurgeon, who also sent me for epidurals 2 shots. They worked for a little more than a year. All this time I was taking NSAIDs and they helped too as I have a lot of arthritis. My last MRI was Dec 1998 and neuro sent me to pain management doc for nerve root impingement. These did not work at all as they could not get the needle in on the left nerve root. Long story short, I had lumbar decompression surgery three weeks ago. There was a bone spur covering the nerve root so the surgery was a little more complicated than

expected. The nerve root had to be covered with some biologic materiel and I had to lie flat for the first two weeks. i am now allowed to sit for a half hour at a time. But no bending lifting or twisting.

I hope and pray that with all of this my activity level will increase without pain. The healing will take 12 weeks so I am hoping that all of this will be worth it.

I would love to hear some encouragement from anyone who has had this type of experience that is happy with the outcome. Thanks, Betty

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Craig, just hang in there. I also have chronic reiters and it bothers me

almost daily, some days much better than others though.

try to find medication that helps you out the most, modify your lifestyle, try

to stay reasonably fit (this will help mitigate some of the effects of the

illness and will make you feel better about yourself), hot baths, and keep a

positive attitude. these are the things that will help you get through life with

these diseases.

good luck...

From: Craig <craigsch@...>

Subject: New member

Date: Sunday, September 26, 2010, 9:28 AM


My name is Craig Schindler. I live in southern Alberta. I have had

Reiter's Syndrome since October 2002 (almost eight years now). I have the

chronic form; it's never gone into remission.

I was a self-employed custom cabinetmaker for over thirty years. This illness

has forced me into retirement. I can no longer work hard, like I used to. I can

no longer provide for my family. It has been a struggle.


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Also wanted to add a nutritious diet...one with minimal processed foods and as

organic as possible. The chemicals used on foods really do play a part in the

way our bodies work especially those of us with compromised immune systems.

Myndi Fitzgerald



Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

New member

Date: Sunday, September 26, 2010, 9:28 AM


My name is Craig Schindler. I live in southern Alberta. I have had

Reiter's Syndrome since October 2002 (almost eight years now). I have the

chronic form; it's never gone into remission.

I was a self-employed custom cabinetmaker for over thirty years. This illness

has forced me into retirement. I can no longer work hard, like I used to. I can

no longer provide for my family. It has been a struggle.


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Welcome Craig. I’ve had RS/ReA since age 10. I’m now 61. Chronic form has

complicated my life but I continue to thrive.

A recent kidney problem has resulted in my no longer being able to take NSAIDs.

My new rheumatologist here in Seattle is going to put me on one of the new

biological drugs: Remicade or similar. He has high hopes of reducing my

constant state of inflammation. I’m encouraged. I’m actually enjoying some

of the best health I’ve ever had, even better than my 30’s and 40’s in

into my early 50’s. Once upon a time they wanted to put me into leg braces

and a wheel chair. I said, no, and the horrible flare up did subside and I was

able to walk again without assistance. I’ve often said, “Like the weather

in Chicago, if you don’t like the symptoms you have right now, wait a few

weeks or months, they will change.â€

The entire left side of my body in inflamed right now, especially shoulder, hip,

knee and foot. I’ve lost some ability to turn my neck to the left compared to

the right side. My feet are so tender I can’t stand anyone to touch them and

can only wear a couple pairs of shoes that don’t cause extra pain. My hands

are tender and I often stuff them under my arm pits to keep them warm and

comfortable making people feel I’m closed off to them when I’m not.

I’ll keep all of you posted on the new biological drug treatment and whether

or not it makes a difference to me.

Ray in Seattle

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Yes, those supplements don't have nearly the content you need. I'm

personally not sure where to direct you to get your supplements since

you're in the UK.

Magnesium malate is an excellent form of magnesium, it is on the

recommended list. Do not worry about that. It has malic acid in it, which

is considered good for people with fibromyalgia and chron fatigue, isn't ME

a different name for one of those?

I get my iodoral tablets from www.breastcancerchoices.org and my selenium

and many other excellently priced supps from www.vitacost.com, but I don't

know if either of those ship overseas from USA.

There are Europe-based members here who will be able to help you.


>Hi Steph

>After 17yrs of 'ME', now tested positive Lyme 5yrs ago and last year test

>showed low T3 and now even more confused over what to do. I have bought

>'Seagreens' Iodene capsuls, they only have 350ug iodine also Lifeplan

>Selenium Bonsus but that only has 100ug selenium. Can you point me in the

>right direction as to where I can get the correct suppliments please.

>Someone mentioned Magnesium Citrate but my GP had prescribed Magnesium

>Malate, What is the differance? I am in UK but it seems a lot on the site

>are American!

>Thanks for ant advice,







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>Version: 9.0.856 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3160 - Release Date: 09/26/10


~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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Vitacost ships to UK and overseas. They added that recently. PamOn Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Baker <vbaker@...> wrote:



Yes, those supplements don't have nearly the content you need. I'm

personally not sure where to direct you to get your supplements since

you're in the UK.

Magnesium malate is an excellent form of magnesium, it is on the

recommended list. Do not worry about that. It has malic acid in it, which

is considered good for people with fibromyalgia and chron fatigue, isn't ME

a different name for one of those?

I get my iodoral tablets from www.breastcancerchoices.org and my selenium

and many other excellently priced supps from www.vitacost.com, but I don't

know if either of those ship overseas from USA.

There are Europe-based members here who will be able to help you.


>Hi Steph

>After 17yrs of 'ME', now tested positive Lyme 5yrs ago and last year test

>showed low T3 and now even more confused over what to do. I have bought

>'Seagreens' Iodene capsuls, they only have 350ug iodine also Lifeplan

>Selenium Bonsus but that only has 100ug selenium. Can you point me in the

>right direction as to where I can get the correct suppliments please.

>Someone mentioned Magnesium Citrate but my GP had prescribed Magnesium

>Malate, What is the differance? I am in UK but it seems a lot on the site

>are American!

>Thanks for ant advice,







>No virus found in this incoming message.

>Checked by AVG - www.avg.com

>Version: 9.0.856 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3160 - Release Date: 09/26/10


~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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great! Their house brand, NSI, is excellent value and quality. I know

there are many good sources (and I use others as well) and I don't have any

association with Vitacost, I've just been happy with them.


At 01:43 PM 9/26/2010, you wrote:

>Vitacost ships to UK and overseas. They added that recently. Pam


>On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Baker

><<mailto:vbaker@...>vbaker@...> wrote:





>Yes, those supplements don't have nearly the content you need. I'm

>personally not sure where to direct you to get your supplements since

>you're in the UK.


>Magnesium malate is an excellent form of magnesium, it is on the

>recommended list. Do not worry about that. It has malic acid in it, which

>is considered good for people with fibromyalgia and chron fatigue, isn't ME

>a different name for one of those?


>I get my iodoral tablets from

><http://www.breastcancerchoices.org>www.breastcancerchoices.org and my


>and many other excellently priced supps from

><http://www.vitacost.com>www.vitacost.com, but I don't

>know if either of those ship overseas from USA.


>There are Europe-based members here who will be able to help you.



~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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When i had low T3 my doc made me take cytomel. I take iodoral every other day.


> >

> >

> > Jacqui,

> >

> > Yes, those supplements don't have nearly the content you need. I'm

> > personally not sure where to direct you to get your supplements since

> > you're in the UK.

> >

> > Magnesium malate is an excellent form of magnesium, it is on the

> > recommended list. Do not worry about that. It has malic acid in it, which

> > is considered good for people with fibromyalgia and chron fatigue, isn't ME

> >

> > a different name for one of those?

> >

> > I get my iodoral tablets from www.breastcancerchoices.org and my selenium

> > and many other excellently priced supps from www.vitacost.com, but I don't

> >

> > know if either of those ship overseas from USA.

> >

> > There are Europe-based members here who will be able to help you.

> >

> > --

> >

> >

> > >Hi Steph

> > >After 17yrs of 'ME', now tested positive Lyme 5yrs ago and last year test

> > >showed low T3 and now even more confused over what to do. I have bought

> > >'Seagreens' Iodene capsuls, they only have 350ug iodine also Lifeplan

> > >Selenium Bonsus but that only has 100ug selenium. Can you point me in the

> > >right direction as to where I can get the correct suppliments please.

> > >Someone mentioned Magnesium Citrate but my GP had prescribed Magnesium

> > >Malate, What is the differance? I am in UK but it seems a lot on the site

> > >are American!

> > >Thanks for ant advice,

> > >Jacqui

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >No virus found in this incoming message.

> > >Checked by AVG - www.avg.com

> > >Version: 9.0.856 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3160 - Release Date: 09/26/10

> > >02:01:00

> >

> > ~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

> > --A.J. Muste

> >

> >

> >


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Hi Jacqui

I'm in the UK and get my selenium, magnesium and vit C from Healthspan. They

are in the Channel Islands, reasonably priced and post free. I get Lugol's

iodine from www.healthleadsuk.co.uk


> Hi Steph

> After 17yrs of 'ME', now tested positive Lyme 5yrs ago and last year test

showed low T3 and now even more confused over what to do. I have bought

'Seagreens' Iodene capsuls, they only have 350ug iodine also Lifeplan Selenium

Bonsus but that only has 100ug selenium. Can you point me in the right direction

as to where I can get the correct suppliments please.

> Someone mentioned Magnesium Citrate but my GP had prescribed Magnesium Malate,

What is the differance?  I am in UK but it seems a lot on the site are American!

> Thanks for ant advice,

> Jacqui


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Hi Jacqui

There is an excellent company in the UK- Regenerative Nutrition which carries

Lugol's solution. They have excellent information on the supplements they carry

and on various health conditions. Shipping is free either within the UK or

outside. I have ordered both for myself in Canada and for my daughter when she

was in Scotland. They are wonderful people!



> Jacqui,


> Yes, those supplements don't have nearly the content you need. I'm

> personally not sure where to direct you to get your supplements since

> you're in the UK.


> Magnesium malate is an excellent form of magnesium, it is on the

> recommended list. Do not worry about that. It has malic acid in it, which

> is considered good for people with fibromyalgia and chron fatigue, isn't ME

> a different name for one of those?


> I get my iodoral tablets from www.breastcancerchoices.org and my selenium

> and many other excellently priced supps from www.vitacost.com, but I don't

> know if either of those ship overseas from USA.


> There are Europe-based members here who will be able to help you.


> --






> >Hi Steph

> >After 17yrs of 'ME', now tested positive Lyme 5yrs ago and last year test

> >showed low T3 and now even more confused over what to do. I have bought

> >'Seagreens' Iodene capsuls, they only have 350ug iodine also Lifeplan

> >Selenium Bonsus but that only has 100ug selenium. Can you point me in the

> >right direction as to where I can get the correct suppliments please.

> >Someone mentioned Magnesium Citrate but my GP had prescribed Magnesium

> >Malate, What is the differance? I am in UK but it seems a lot on the site

> >are American!

> >Thanks for ant advice,

> >Jacqui

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >No virus found in this incoming message.

> >Checked by AVG - www.avg.com

> >Version: 9.0.856 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3160 - Release Date: 09/26/10

> >02:01:00



> ~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

> --A.J. Muste


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CFS does not have to be lyme.it can be viral problem

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 7:10 PM, jacqui butterworth <jacquibutterworth@...> wrote:



Thanks for reply and yes ME is classed along with CFS and fibro but I believe they are all Lyme disease. A lot of people with these illness's along with MS are now found to have Lyme disease or co-infections, have you? Will try vitacost.com

Regards, Jacqui


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CFS and FM are both being linked to a rhetro virus called XVRM this year by several different institutions from both East coast and Nevada.There is a 4% incidence in normal population and 95% in those diagnosed. Lyme can imitate many different diseases and conditions.

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 10:36 AM, ido zahavi <zahavi100@...> wrote:


CFS does not have to be lyme.it can be viral problem

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 7:10 PM, jacqui butterworth <jacquibutterworth@...> wrote:



Thanks for reply and yes ME is classed along with CFS and fibro but I believe they are all Lyme disease. A lot of people with these illness's along with MS are now found to have Lyme disease or co-infections, have you? Will try vitacost.com

Regards, Jacqui


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