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In a message dated 9/30/99 9:07:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Eso@... writes:


I am a " scratch " type cook, herb gardener (South Florida), and would be


to share any ideas, recipes, substitutions, etc.





I would love to have any recipe ideas you may have. I am also a fellow South

Floridian (Miami Shores) and love to eat vegies!!! I'm new to the diet and

am still weaning out the " bad stuff " I grew accustomed to eating.


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  • 3 months later...


My heart aches for you, I am so sorry to hear about . My four month

old daughter na died as a result of a DPaT vaccine. I wish I had only

known of the dangers before I was told I had to vaccinate. I looked in all

the wrong places and trusted my pediatrician. If you care to look I have

na's story at www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/8537

Hugs to you,

na's Mommy Forever

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest


Thanks for mentioning the article on soy.I had not completely given up

soy because I thought it was so good for me.wow,I wish I'd known.My

husband drinks soy protien shakes every day and eats soynuts every

evening.I printed the article to show him.

I have been using stevia since I gave up sugar about 2 years ago,best

thing I ever did! (I'm hypoglycemic)Can't eat too much fruit or juice

though.I mix stevia and a little salt and sometimes cinnamon into my

flaxoil.This is great on ezeikial toast or muffins to satisfy that sweet

craving. Maggie

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Maggie have you seen this site on hypoglycaemia

http://www.fred.net/slowup/hypotret.html see the resources section for some

very good information including a diet to fix the problem.



Re: new member


Thanks for mentioning the article on soy.I had not completely given up

soy because I thought it was so good for me.wow,I wish I'd known.My

husband drinks soy protien shakes every day and eats soynuts every

evening.I printed the article to show him.

I have been using stevia since I gave up sugar about 2 years ago,best

thing I ever did! (I'm hypoglycemic)Can't eat too much fruit or juice

though.I mix stevia and a little salt and sometimes cinnamon into my

flaxoil.This is great on ezeikial toast or muffins to satisfy that sweet

craving. Maggie


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Maggie, what is stevia. Also I didn't see the soy article. Could you tell me

what it said.Sherry

>From: sbel57@...



>Subject: Re: new member

>Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 09:15:47 -0700



> Thanks for mentioning the article on soy.I had not completely given up

>soy because I thought it was so good for me.wow,I wish I'd known.My

>husband drinks soy protien shakes every day and eats soynuts every

>evening.I printed the article to show him.

> I have been using stevia since I gave up sugar about 2 years ago,best

>thing I ever did! (I'm hypoglycemic)Can't eat too much fruit or juice

>though.I mix stevia and a little salt and sometimes cinnamon into my

>flaxoil.This is great on ezeikial toast or muffins to satisfy that sweet

>craving. Maggie


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I got the info on soy thank you

>From: " " <pfs1958@...>



>Subject: RE: new member

>Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 13:34:37 +1200


>Maggie have you seen this site on hypoglycaemia

>http://www.fred.net/slowup/hypotret.html see the resources section for some

>very good information including a diet to fix the problem.





> Re: new member




> Thanks for mentioning the article on soy.I had not completely given up

>soy because I thought it was so good for me.wow,I wish I'd known.My

>husband drinks soy protien shakes every day and eats soynuts every

>evening.I printed the article to show him.

> I have been using stevia since I gave up sugar about 2 years ago,best

>thing I ever did! (I'm hypoglycemic)Can't eat too much fruit or juice

>though.I mix stevia and a little salt and sometimes cinnamon into my

>flaxoil.This is great on ezeikial toast or muffins to satisfy that sweet

>craving. Maggie



>Missing old school friends? Find them here:




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>mailing list.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I am sorry to hear about your son. I lost my daughter from a DTP vaccine

reaction. I have two other children now, neither of which are vaccinated and

they never will be. I am totally comfortable with my choice. As far as

physicians go, I never let them make any decision for me. I will not let them

influence my choices either. Research and the pain I have endured is much

more evidence than I need to make my decision what it is now. If you feel in

your heart that you shouldn't do something, then that is what you shouldn't

be doing. Follow your instincts, and remember the choice to vaccinate is

yours and yours alone!

M from Michigan

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At 09:11 PM 06/26/2000 -0500, you wrote:

> I know in my heart that the vaccines somehow contributed to

>his death. I'm hoping I can find support in my decisions

>regarding vaccinations. We will have to be served with a court order

>before allowing it. Michele visit Colby's website


>visit the Cozart Family website



I see you already did join this list too. Here is my answer to you that I

also answered on the vaccineinjuries list, inviting you to join this one -

and here you are before you got my invite.


My response to her from vaccineinjuries...

Oh Michele, I am SO sorry to hear what you went thru with your baby boy.

If you knew how often we hear this horror story. Many of us think NO

vaccines are safe. You also may want to sign onto another list that is

more active than this one

Send blank email to vaccinations-subscribeegroups.

Those of us on that list (and some on this list) have thousands and

thousands of documents showing the dangers with all of the vaccines,

especially giving them together. Who knows if what Carlee is going thru

right now is related to the vaccines, but it is highly likely. You don't

have to do it. You just say no, but first you need information to make

that decision and if you'd like a bunch of information that I have that I

send out, I'd be happy to and also encourage you to also join the other

list. You are not alone on that other list - there are many there who have

lost their babies in situations just like yours.

Welcome to this list, too,.

Sheri Nakken, RN, MA



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


Bookstore - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/bookstor.htm

International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

KVMR Broadcaster/Programmer/Investigative Reporter, Nevada City CA

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome Tracie

Of course you will be part of the group just as all of us are - hope you enjoy

it as much as I do.

Best wishes



South Africa

nice to know where the people in the group are from

>>> tracietc@... 07/06/00 11:36AM >>>

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In a message dated 7/6/00 5:37:07 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

tracietc@... writes:

<< I hope you'll all accept me into your group. >>

Hi Tracie!

Of course, you will fit right in. We ALL have our pace and degree of

compliance. I also had a close call with carrot cake over the 4th, but my

father-in-law got there first and i didn't have to worry about cheating!!!!!!

:) Been doing fairly well, but i have my days. You will succeed because

you turned onto this road (ER4YT). To me that means you are serious about

changing you're life! Dont worry. Glad you are here. We have so many

specialists in our group as you will see. From humor to medical expertise to

fixing toilets. Stick around, and don't be too hard on yourself!

Love Ann in Florida


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In a message dated 7/6/00 9:41:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

n.scott@... writes:

<< Any suggestions anyone has would be very welcome. >>

Aww ,

I make meat stuff all at once and freeze. i take a little chicken and beef

out for few days, and alternate with canned tuna and turkey or chicken. I

dont cook everyday for just me. No way. We gotta make it convenient, and

then it works for US, whatever our disposition is. I keep Ezekiel Bread, and

plums, and apples, and pumpkin seeds on hand also. Those staples i always

have. And Romaine lettuce. Lots of eggs. Some soy milk. I think those 8

things is the difference for me. O Bars. Try not to admit they are a

serious part of my plan but they ARE! My treat.

Simplification may be your strategy. Stock up on eight most important

things. There really is an overwhelming amount of ways to eat ER. For me

though, no gourmet, i just gotta grab something to eat, usually.

Hot Lemon Water each morning first thing is a real help. It feels right.

Might try that.

Just hang in there and stay simple til you feel better, okay?

Love Ann in Florida


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Welcome, Tracie.

You're not alone. Not only did I cheat on the holidays, I've been cheating

for about 3 weeks! I'm having a lot of trouble avoiding sweets and other

junk food. Although chocolate and carbohydrates are allowed for O's, I am

way overdoing it and gaining weight! It's difficult for me to follow any

diet when my emotions are out of whack.

I haven't gotten into the vigorous exercise yet either, just can't seem to

get motivated. And it's really difficult when I'm tired all the time.

I did feel better when I first started the diet a couple of months ago. I

think it was because I started eating meats, which I hadn't been before, so

I wasn't getting enough protein. But now I am so bored with meat! I just

don't want it, nor do I want to cook every night. I'm having a really hard

time lately. Any suggestions anyone has would be very welcome. And, Tracie,

I don't mean to make this sound like it's a difficult diet to follow. This

is just how it's been going for me lately, and a lot of it is due to my work

and social situation right now. Many, many people are having great success

with ER. I hope you do, too.

Have a great day,


> " New " member



> Hello!


> I am a new member, I posted last week but maybe everyone was busy

> with

> the holiday because I didn't see any replies.


> I am pretty new to the ER4YT diet and over the past 2 weeks I've

> followed it mostly, but not 100%. I even thought I was following it

> 100% and today I saw my Dr. and she said that I probably shouldn't be

> eating the mustard & mayo that have vinegar...I should be making my

> own :-( Do you all eat store bought mustard & mayo or make your own,

> or do you have a special brand you use?


> My Dr. also recommended that I get the Blood Type Specific vitamins &

> herbs from the D'adamo website. Those, in addition to the other

> supplements she recommended for my chronic candida, are going to end

> up costing me more than the Dr's visit, ack! Do any of you use these

> blood type specific supplements? I'm debating using them...or at

> least to the extent she has recommended. I've got my shopping cart

> full right now and I'm not sure I want to spend $80 on 3 bottles of

> supplements.


> Did anyone else cheat at a July 4th picnic? I planned to take my own

> food and behave until my MIL announced that she made Carrot

> Cake...then ER4YT was history. I did good yesterday getting back on

> track and then after dinner we went to MIL's to swim....and they were

> finishing off the carrot cake :-( and I had some. I thought I was

> strong, but I'm having a hard time saying no to temptation.


> On the subject of vigorous exercise.... I have gone through periods

> of exercise in my life, but they usually don't last long. I always

> have a hard time getting started, right now I haven't exercised

> seriously in about a year. I take the stairs at the library, walk

> the

> mall, work in the garden, swim and sometimes walk the dog....but I

> know it's not enough to count as real exercise.


> I hope you'll all accept me into your group.


> Tracie



> --------------------------------------------------------------

> ----------

> Who invented Gatorade -- and what part did it play in

> winning the1967 Orange Bowl? Find out the true facts at

> 1/6212/10/_/473523/_/962876171/

> --------------------------------------------------------------

> ----------


> You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe

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just get yourself off the gluten and the corn syrup,....for today...start fresh like that, and tomorrow you will feel so much better. start slow by avoiding the 'avoids' again....try not to overwhelm yourself with guilt and trying to do it all in one day.

" New " member> > > Hello!> > I am a new member, I posted last week but maybe everyone was busy> with > the holiday because I didn't see any replies.> > I am pretty new to the ER4YT diet and over the past 2 weeks I've > followed it mostly, but not 100%. I even thought I was following it > 100% and today I saw my Dr. and she said that I probably shouldn't be > eating the mustard & mayo that have vinegar...I should be making my > own :-( Do you all eat store bought mustard & mayo or make your own, > or do you have a special brand you use?> > My Dr. also recommended that I get the Blood Type Specific vitamins & > herbs from the D'adamo website. Those, in addition to the other > supplements she recommended for my chronic candida, are going to end > up costing me more than the Dr's visit, ack! Do any of you use these > blood type specific supplements? I'm debating using them...or at > least to the extent she has recommended. I've got my shopping cart > full right now and I'm not sure I want to spend $80 on 3 bottles of > supplements.> > Did anyone else cheat at a July 4th picnic? I planned to take my own > food and behave until my MIL announced that she made Carrot > Cake...then ER4YT was history. I did good yesterday getting back on > track and then after dinner we went to MIL's to swim....and they were > finishing off the carrot cake :-( and I had some. I thought I was > strong, but I'm having a hard time saying no to temptation.> > On the subject of vigorous exercise.... I have gone through periods > of exercise in my life, but they usually don't last long. I always > have a hard time getting started, right now I haven't exercised > seriously in about a year. I take the stairs at the library, walk> the > mall, work in the garden, swim and sometimes walk the dog....but I > know it's not enough to count as real exercise.> > I hope you'll all accept me into your group.> > Tracie> > > --------------------------------------------------------------> ----------> Who invented Gatorade -- and what part did it play in> winning the1967 Orange Bowl? Find out the true facts at> 1/6212/10/_/473523/_/962876171/> --------------------------------------------------------------> ----------> > You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe > to the mailing list.

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your welcome

" New " member> > > Hello!> > I am a new member, I posted last week but maybe everyone was busy> with > the holiday because I didn't see any replies.> > I am pretty new to the ER4YT diet and over the past 2 weeks I've > followed it mostly, but not 100%. I even thought I was following it > 100% and today I saw my Dr. and she said that I probably shouldn't be > eating the mustard & mayo that have vinegar...I should be making my > own :-( Do you all eat store bought mustard & mayo or make your own, > or do you have a special brand you use?> > My Dr. also recommended that I get the Blood Type Specific vitamins & > herbs from the D'adamo website. Those, in addition to the other > supplements she recommended for my chronic candida, are going to end > up costing me more than the Dr's visit, ack! Do any of you use these > blood type specific supplements? I'm debating using them...or at > least to the extent she has recommended. I've got my shopping cart > full right now and I'm not sure I want to spend $80 on 3 bottles of > supplements.> > Did anyone else cheat at a July 4th picnic? I planned to take my own > food and behave until my MIL announced that she made Carrot > Cake...then ER4YT was history. I did good yesterday getting back on > track and then after dinner we went to MIL's to swim....and they were > finishing off the carrot cake :-( and I had some. I thought I was > strong, but I'm having a hard time saying no to temptation.> > On the subject of vigorous exercise.... I have gone through periods > of exercise in my life, but they usually don't last long. I always > have a hard time getting started, right now I haven't exercised > seriously in about a year. I take the stairs at the library, walk> the > mall, work in the garden, swim and sometimes walk the dog....but I > know it's not enough to count as real exercise.> > I hope you'll all accept me into your group.> > Tracie> > > --------------------------------------------------------------> ----------> Who invented Gatorade -- and what part did it play in> winning the1967 Orange Bowl? Find out the true facts at> 1/6212/10/_/473523/_/962876171/<1/6212/10/_/473523/_/962876171/> > --------------------------------------------------------------> ----------> > You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe > to the mailing list.

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It's interesting how I keep getting the same message from different sources.

Several times this week, I've read things such as " make gradual progress

your goal, not perfection. " I have always been an impatient perfectionist,

so it's difficult to remember that sometimes I need to take it slow, one

step at a time.

Thanks, Robin, for the reminder and confirmation.

" New " member



> Hello!


> I am a new member, I posted last week but maybe everyone was busy

> with

> the holiday because I didn't see any replies.


> I am pretty new to the ER4YT diet and over the past 2 weeks I've

> followed it mostly, but not 100%. I even thought I was following it

> 100% and today I saw my Dr. and she said that I probably shouldn't be

> eating the mustard & mayo that have vinegar...I should be making my

> own :-( Do you all eat store bought mustard & mayo or make your own,

> or do you have a special brand you use?


> My Dr. also recommended that I get the Blood Type Specific vitamins &

> herbs from the D'adamo website. Those, in addition to the other

> supplements she recommended for my chronic candida, are going to end

> up costing me more than the Dr's visit, ack! Do any of you use these

> blood type specific supplements? I'm debating using them...or at

> least to the extent she has recommended. I've got my shopping cart

> full right now and I'm not sure I want to spend $80 on 3 bottles of

> supplements.


> Did anyone else cheat at a July 4th picnic? I planned to take my own

> food and behave until my MIL announced that she made Carrot

> Cake...then ER4YT was history. I did good yesterday getting back on

> track and then after dinner we went to MIL's to swim....and they were

> finishing off the carrot cake :-( and I had some. I thought I was

> strong, but I'm having a hard time saying no to temptation.


> On the subject of vigorous exercise.... I have gone through periods

> of exercise in my life, but they usually don't last long. I always

> have a hard time getting started, right now I haven't exercised

> seriously in about a year. I take the stairs at the library, walk

> the

> mall, work in the garden, swim and sometimes walk the dog....but I

> know it's not enough to count as real exercise.


> I hope you'll all accept me into your group.


> Tracie



> --------------------------------------------------------------

> ----------

> Who invented Gatorade -- and what part did it play in

> winning the1967 Orange Bowl? Find out the true facts at

> 1/6212/10/_/473523/_/962876171/


> --------------------------------------------------------------

> ----------


> You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe

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Since I startyed this diet a few months ago, I have been able to

maintain a relatively high level of energy and health. I attribute

this to giving up the avoid foods (wheat, corn, etc.). Personally I

enjoy beef and vegatables so actually going on this diet was not a

big change for me.

Regarding your cravings for sweets, that sounds like a carbohydrate

addiction. Since I've went low carb, I no longer have cravings for

high sugar/carbo foods, or crave to just keep eating food in general.

Basically, I've found that it is a biological problem, not a

willpower problem. This issue was covered in an earlier post, the

message number escapes me, but a website to visit is:

http://www.carbohydrateaddicts.com/ - Even Dr. d'Adamo says that the

way for an O type to lose weight is low carb, high protein diet.

Tracie, I think your exercise program is great. I would recommend

that you keep up with what you are doing (walk the dog, swim, etc.)

just add a little vigor to your program. For instance, when walking

the dog, jog a few hundred feet now and then, when swimming, sprint a

lap, etc.

Welcome to the board.

> Welcome, Tracie.

> You're not alone. Not only did I cheat on the holidays, I've been


> for about 3 weeks! I'm having a lot of trouble avoiding sweets and


> junk food. Although chocolate and carbohydrates are allowed for


I am

> way overdoing it and gaining weight! It's difficult for me to



> diet when my emotions are out of whack.


> I haven't gotten into the vigorous exercise yet either, just can't

seem to

> get motivated. And it's really difficult when I'm tired all the



> I did feel better when I first started the diet a couple of months

ago. I

> think it was because I started eating meats, which I hadn't been

before, so

> I wasn't getting enough protein. But now I am so bored with meat! I


> don't want it, nor do I want to cook every night. I'm having a

really hard

> time lately. Any suggestions anyone has would be very welcome. And,


> I don't mean to make this sound like it's a difficult diet to

follow. This

> is just how it's been going for me lately, and a lot of it is due


my work

> and social situation right now. Many, many people are having great


> with ER. I hope you do, too.


> Have a great day,

> S.


> > " New " member

> >

> >

> > Hello!

> >

> > I am a new member, I posted last week but maybe everyone was busy

> > with

> > the holiday because I didn't see any replies.

> >

> > I am pretty new to the ER4YT diet and over the past 2 weeks I've

> > followed it mostly, but not 100%. I even thought I was following


> > 100% and today I saw my Dr. and she said that I probably



> > eating the mustard & mayo that have vinegar...I should be making


> > own :-( Do you all eat store bought mustard & mayo or make your


> > or do you have a special brand you use?

> >

> > My Dr. also recommended that I get the Blood Type Specific

vitamins &

> > herbs from the D'adamo website. Those, in addition to the other

> > supplements she recommended for my chronic candida, are going to


> > up costing me more than the Dr's visit, ack! Do any of you use


> > blood type specific supplements? I'm debating using them...or at

> > least to the extent she has recommended. I've got my shopping


> > full right now and I'm not sure I want to spend $80 on 3 bottles


> > supplements.

> >

> > Did anyone else cheat at a July 4th picnic? I planned to take my


> > food and behave until my MIL announced that she made Carrot

> > Cake...then ER4YT was history. I did good yesterday getting back


> > track and then after dinner we went to MIL's to swim....and they


> > finishing off the carrot cake :-( and I had some. I thought I


> > strong, but I'm having a hard time saying no to temptation.

> >

> > On the subject of vigorous exercise.... I have gone through


> > of exercise in my life, but they usually don't last long. I


> > have a hard time getting started, right now I haven't exercised

> > seriously in about a year. I take the stairs at the library, walk

> > the

> > mall, work in the garden, swim and sometimes walk the dog....but


> > know it's not enough to count as real exercise.

> >

> > I hope you'll all accept me into your group.

> >

> > Tracie

> >

> >

> > --------------------------------------------------------------

> > ----------

> > Who invented Gatorade -- and what part did it play in

> > winning the1967 Orange Bowl? Find out the true facts at

> > 1/6212/10/_/473523/_/962876171/

> > --------------------------------------------------------------

> > ----------

> >

> > You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe

> > to the mailing list.

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You stated/asked:

" But now I am so bored with meat! I just don't want it, nor do I want

to cook every night. I'm having a really hard time lately. Any

suggestions anyone has would be very welcome. "

- Because I go low carb, I am not really very hungry all the

time. What I do is keep busy with hobbies and work until I do get

hungry, then meat and vegetables taste pretty good! I also use a

variety of spices (beneficial) to enhance the flavor of the food.

I cook 3-4 lbs of meat and chicken 1-2 times per week and refrigerate

the rest. That way, I can eat leftovers the other 5 days (time saver).

> Welcome, Tracie.

> You're not alone. Not only did I cheat on the holidays, I've been


> for about 3 weeks! I'm having a lot of trouble avoiding sweets and


> junk food. Although chocolate and carbohydrates are allowed for


I am

> way overdoing it and gaining weight! It's difficult for me to



> diet when my emotions are out of whack.


> I haven't gotten into the vigorous exercise yet either, just can't

seem to

> get motivated. And it's really difficult when I'm tired all the



> I did feel better when I first started the diet a couple of months

ago. I

> think it was because I started eating meats, which I hadn't been

before, so

> I wasn't getting enough protein. But now I am so bored with meat! I


> don't want it, nor do I want to cook every night. I'm having a

really hard

> time lately. Any suggestions anyone has would be very welcome. And,


> I don't mean to make this sound like it's a difficult diet to

follow. This

> is just how it's been going for me lately, and a lot of it is due


my work

> and social situation right now. Many, many people are having great


> with ER. I hope you do, too.


> Have a great day,

> S.


> > " New " member

> >

> >

> > Hello!

> >

> > I am a new member, I posted last week but maybe everyone was busy

> > with

> > the holiday because I didn't see any replies.

> >

> > I am pretty new to the ER4YT diet and over the past 2 weeks I've

> > followed it mostly, but not 100%. I even thought I was following


> > 100% and today I saw my Dr. and she said that I probably



> > eating the mustard & mayo that have vinegar...I should be making


> > own :-( Do you all eat store bought mustard & mayo or make your


> > or do you have a special brand you use?

> >

> > My Dr. also recommended that I get the Blood Type Specific

vitamins &

> > herbs from the D'adamo website. Those, in addition to the other

> > supplements she recommended for my chronic candida, are going to


> > up costing me more than the Dr's visit, ack! Do any of you use


> > blood type specific supplements? I'm debating using them...or at

> > least to the extent she has recommended. I've got my shopping


> > full right now and I'm not sure I want to spend $80 on 3 bottles


> > supplements.

> >

> > Did anyone else cheat at a July 4th picnic? I planned to take my


> > food and behave until my MIL announced that she made Carrot

> > Cake...then ER4YT was history. I did good yesterday getting back


> > track and then after dinner we went to MIL's to swim....and they


> > finishing off the carrot cake :-( and I had some. I thought I


> > strong, but I'm having a hard time saying no to temptation.

> >

> > On the subject of vigorous exercise.... I have gone through


> > of exercise in my life, but they usually don't last long. I


> > have a hard time getting started, right now I haven't exercised

> > seriously in about a year. I take the stairs at the library, walk

> > the

> > mall, work in the garden, swim and sometimes walk the dog....but


> > know it's not enough to count as real exercise.

> >

> > I hope you'll all accept me into your group.

> >

> > Tracie

> >

> >

> > --------------------------------------------------------------

> > ----------

> > Who invented Gatorade -- and what part did it play in

> > winning the1967 Orange Bowl? Find out the true facts at

> > 1/6212/10/_/473523/_/962876171/

> > --------------------------------------------------------------

> > ----------

> >

> > You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe

> > to the mailing list.

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Hi egroup,

I also am new to the group like Tracie,trying real hard to make the needed

changes in my diet. I have no problem with meat as it does help my energy,

but I too " love " carbs. always have always will. With groups support I'm sure

I'll be able to at least be able to control these cravings.

Does anyone else use D's vitamins? I feel I need something to help with leg

cramps when I exercise.

would the Opti-Fuel 11 you mentioned help with the led cramps I wanted

to try some of these products before but didn't have any idea what to use,

thanks for any help in this area.

I really appreciate this group I don't feel so alone in my efforts, your real

people dealing with many of the same weakness I have.

About me- I'm 49 yrs.old, married, 2 grown children, I'm a hairstylist,

trying to lose some weight and feel better about myself.

Thanks again for letting me join the group, hope I can be of help too.


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Hi, Jill. Nice to have you in the group. I can't answer any of the questions

you asked, but am also a carb-craver. I'm going out tonight to buy a book

called " 40-30-30 Fat Burning Nutrition " by Joyce Daoust. The online customer

reviews on Amazon.com are very encouraging. This is about balancing our

diets with protein, fat, and carbs and is supposed to help control the

cravings. Eating more protein is supposed to help control carb cravings, but

I don't like much protein and get tired of it quickly, so that's why I'm

having trouble. A lot of its just habit, I'm sure, as I've been a high carb

eater all my life, so I'm SLOWLY trying to change to better habits.

Welcome, and best wishes.

> Re: Re: " New " member



> Hi egroup,


> I also am new to the group like Tracie,trying real hard to

> make the needed

> changes in my diet. I have no problem with meat as it does

> help my energy,

> but I too " love " carbs. always have always will. With groups

> support I'm sure

> I'll be able to at least be able to control these cravings.


> Does anyone else use D's vitamins? I feel I need something to

> help with leg

> cramps when I exercise.


> would the Opti-Fuel 11 you mentioned help with the led

> cramps I wanted

> to try some of these products before but didn't have any idea

> what to use,

> thanks for any help in this area.


> I really appreciate this group I don't feel so alone in my

> efforts, your real

> people dealing with many of the same weakness I have.


> About me- I'm 49 yrs.old, married, 2 grown children, I'm a

> hairstylist,

> trying to lose some weight and feel better about myself.


> Thanks again for letting me join the group, hope I can be of help too.

> Jill


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, That book is part of " theZone " . It does have some excellent advice.

I find the premise of combining a proportionate amount of protein, carbs,

and fat, very easy way to decide if I have a balanced meal or not. (When

I'm being good)! My sister in Seattle is using both the Zone and the ER4YT

in conjunction with each other. She has been an avid zonie for a couple of

years. Good luck with it.



Re: Re: " New " member

> >

> >

> > Hi egroup,

> >

> > I also am new to the group like Tracie,trying real hard to

> > make the needed

> > changes in my diet. I have no problem with meat as it does

> > help my energy,

> > but I too " love " carbs. always have always will. With groups

> > support I'm sure

> > I'll be able to at least be able to control these cravings.

> >

> > Does anyone else use D's vitamins? I feel I need something to

> > help with leg

> > cramps when I exercise.

> >

> > would the Opti-Fuel 11 you mentioned help with the led

> > cramps I wanted

> > to try some of these products before but didn't have any idea

> > what to use,

> > thanks for any help in this area.

> >

> > I really appreciate this group I don't feel so alone in my

> > efforts, your real

> > people dealing with many of the same weakness I have.

> >

> > About me- I'm 49 yrs.old, married, 2 grown children, I'm a

> > hairstylist,

> > trying to lose some weight and feel better about myself.

> >

> > Thanks again for letting me join the group, hope I can be of help too.

> > Jill

> >

> > --------------------------------------------------------------

> > ----------

> > Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here:

> > 1/5533/10/_/473523/_/962917066/

> > --------------------------------------------------------------

> > ----------

> >

> > You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe

> > to the mailing list.

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Hi Tracie


I tried making my own mayo one day but wasn't impressed neither was anyone

else in the family and it went off really quickly. I haven't tried to make

my own mustard.

In regard to eating to giving up cakes etc I did that a long time ago only

because I allergic to wheat. I didn't do it over night though. Eventually I

gave it up because I was sick of being sick all the time I ate it.

I haven't tried the Dr's vit as when they came over to Sydney/Australia they

were quite expensive (about $35 a bottle I think). Rediculous price but I

have been faxing the companies over here to see what are the fillers in the

vit. Interesting soy is in quite a lot.


>From: tracietc@...



>Subject: " New " member

>Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2000 09:36:10 -0000




>I am a new member, I posted last week but maybe everyone was busy


>the holiday because I didn't see any replies.


>I am pretty new to the ER4YT diet and over the past 2 weeks I've

>followed it mostly, but not 100%. I even thought I was following it

>100% and today I saw my Dr. and she said that I probably shouldn't be

>eating the mustard & mayo that have vinegar...I should be making my

>own :-( Do you all eat store bought mustard & mayo or make your own,

>or do you have a special brand you use?


>My Dr. also recommended that I get the Blood Type Specific vitamins &

>herbs from the D'adamo website. Those, in addition to the other

>supplements she recommended for my chronic candida, are going to end

>up costing me more than the Dr's visit, ack! Do any of you use these

>blood type specific supplements? I'm debating using them...or at

>least to the extent she has recommended. I've got my shopping cart

>full right now and I'm not sure I want to spend $80 on 3 bottles of



>Did anyone else cheat at a July 4th picnic? I planned to take my own

>food and behave until my MIL announced that she made Carrot

>Cake...then ER4YT was history. I did good yesterday getting back on

>track and then after dinner we went to MIL's to swim....and they were

>finishing off the carrot cake :-( and I had some. I thought I was

>strong, but I'm having a hard time saying no to temptation.


>On the subject of vigorous exercise.... I have gone through periods

>of exercise in my life, but they usually don't last long. I always

>have a hard time getting started, right now I haven't exercised

>seriously in about a year. I take the stairs at the library, walk


>mall, work in the garden, swim and sometimes walk the dog....but I

>know it's not enough to count as real exercise.


>I hope you'll all accept me into your group.





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Hi Jill

Magnesium and Calcium are for leg cramps.

I take 4 a day at the moment as I started getting leg cramps. I wasn't

taking enough. Also Mag is good for restless legs.





>Subject: Re: Re: " New " member

>Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 16:55:42 EDT


>Hi egroup,


>I also am new to the group like Tracie,trying real hard to make the needed

>changes in my diet. I have no problem with meat as it does help my energy,

>but I too " love " carbs. always have always will. With groups support I'm


>I'll be able to at least be able to control these cravings.


>Does anyone else use D's vitamins? I feel I need something to help with leg

>cramps when I exercise.


> would the Opti-Fuel 11 you mentioned help with the led cramps I wanted

>to try some of these products before but didn't have any idea what to use,

>thanks for any help in this area.


>I really appreciate this group I don't feel so alone in my efforts, your


>people dealing with many of the same weakness I have.


>About me- I'm 49 yrs.old, married, 2 grown children, I'm a hairstylist,

>trying to lose some weight and feel better about myself.


>Thanks again for letting me join the group, hope I can be of help too.



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  • 3 months later...

This info from an immunologist with over 40 years in the field and has over

800 papers published in various medical journals:



Hepatitis B immunization at 12 hours after birth. DPT immunization at 4 and

8 weeks*; oral polio immunization also at 4 and 8 weeks, again at 3 months.

Schedule now being changed; children will receive 2 doses of live attenuated

oral polio and 2 doses killed polio; oral polio can cause disease; only

killed polio is used in Europe.

Because of great decrease in cell-mediated immunity (CMI) in infants, the

vaccines lower CMI further; one decreases CMI by 50%; two together by 70%.

Longest safety trial of of the triple vaccine (MMR, all live attenuated

viruses) was three weeks.

Repeated immunizations with 3 vaccines simultaneously, e.g., pneumococcus,

hemophilus, etc. from 4 weeks to 12 or 18 months. Repeat DPT is given at 12

months.* All these triple vaccines markedly impair CMI.

Resultant decrease in CMI predisoposes to recurrent viral infections,

especially otitis media, since CMI controls response to viruses (also fungi

[e.g., Candida], parasites [e.g., leishmaniasis], mycobacteria [e.g.,

tuberculosis, even if drug resistant, and leprosy].

When infections occur, bacterial cultures rarely performed, yet infants

repeatedly given antibiotics. Antibiotics are of asbsolutely no help in

viral infections; in some countries, antibiotic administration without a

prior cultutre is considered malpractice.

Antibiotics wipe out helpful bacteria in the gut (e.g., lactobacilli,

bifidobacteria) which have important protective functions, including

prevention of infection by yeast, pathogenic bacteria, and/or parasites. The

protection is provided in part by the helpful bacteria clinging to the

intestinal cell wall, thus preventing pathogenic microorganisms from getting

to it. The pathogenic bacteria compete with the body for vitamin B-12 and

perhaps other vitamins and minerals.

After helpful bacteria wiped out, Candida usually develops. Candida produces

toxin. However its main deleterious effect is avid binding of coenzyme q10,

usually at barely adequate levels in the diet of normals to begin with, to a

far greater extent than by normal tissues. Candida is not the cause of

increased intestinal permeability, except in rare instances, since

substances passing into the body enter via the small intestine (jejeunum)

whereas Candida is almost always confined to the large intestine ( but if

present in jejeunum, can be life-threatening).

The Candida infection is usually treated with ketoconazole or similar

anti-yeast antibiotic.

Ketoconazole and similar compounds impair patient's liver function as shown

by liver detoxification profile. This could also be a factor in increased

intestinal permeability, because the liver also synthesizes the J piece

(joining piece) that binds two molecules of IgA antibodies together to form

secretory IgA, which protects the intestinal tract from a variety of

damaging agents; severe diminution of secretory IgA predisposes to increased

intestinal permeability. Furthermore, since the blood vessels from the colon

go directly to the liver via the enterohepatic circulation, the various

toxins from microorganisms and undigested food in the colon go directly to

the liver and impairs the latter's detoxification mechanisms and its

production of enzymes. (The liver produces the vast majority of the hundreds

of different body enzymes necessary for normal metabolism.).

Decrease in production of the liver enzymes (phosphosulfotransferase and

cytochrome p450 family) causes failure to break food proteins (including

gluten and casein) into peptides. The intact proteins cross into

circulation, and antibodies** are formed against them. The antibodies

complex with the antigen to form antigen-antibody complexes, that in turn

can enter various organs and seek out cells with receptors for

antigen-antibody complexes, e.g., cells of the joints (causing arthritis),

muscles (causing myalgia), or brain (causing cognitive dysfunction).

*DPT immunization in inbred mice has been shown to result in decrease

synthesis of cytochrome p450 and of phosphosulfotransferase and of the

messenger RNA's necessary for their production.

**If antibodies are not detectable, this may be due to immune complex in

antigen access.


The law states that infants with immune defects should not receive

immunizations. But no pediatricians test for immune deficiency before giving

immunizations. They are always given out of convenience for pediatricians at

well-baby follow-ups at 4 and 8 weeks in this country.

Defer Rubella vaccine in males completely, in females defer until age when

menses begins. Rubella is only a mild disease in the developed countries,

with mild fever and " spots " for three days. Reason for females taking it a

menses is because if Rubella occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy the

child will develop severe congenital defects starts to prevent congenital

defects. If administered during first or second trimester do not give to

women for at least 2½ years following delivery of last child, as the vaccine

virus is present in respiratory secretions for seven days and can cause


Defer other immunizations until age 4 (except for tetanus and diphtheria

toxin [?] which should be given at 2½ years).

Obtain IgG antibody titers from cord blood to all vaccines currently in use

and store away a sample of serum so they can be tested for vaccines which

will be introduced later (we are introducing 1-2 new immunizations each

year). If any of the IgG antibody to DPT, MMR, polio (and in the British

Commonwealth countries 16 sackie viruses), get IgM on infant from the

stored serum (divided into 2 parts), and the mother, father and the sib of

closest age should be tested for IgG and IgM antibodies to the relevant


Do not take influenza vaccines or other new vaccines. Ask the physician if

the vaccine bottle contains mercury (thiomerol or alum [which boosts the

response to various immunizing agents]). Also ask physician to obtain

vaccines free of these. Repeat injections of these agents can cause all

kinds of immunologic aberrations.

Nurses in newborn nurseries should not receive rubella vaccine. Rubella

immunization of nurses in Philadelphia 12 years ago, because of several

cases of rubella in newborn infants, resulted in a micro-epidemic of CFIDS.


>From: " Rehmann " <marmeesez@...>

After reading

>the article in Newsweek about Autism, I really had some concerns for

>my boy, knowing that Autism is more prevelant in boys. I have been

>toying with the idea of delaying some of his vaccines, specifically

>the 18 month round ( I beleive he is up to date till 11 months) I

>was thinking about delaying untill 2 yrs, and spacing them out so

>they were not given all at once> So, this is me, the new member;

>researching delaying vaccines

>for my baby, now after reading the autism theory post, I am wondering

>when would be a safe time to do it? at 18 yrs? I just don't know

>what to think.



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Sorry, here is the URL for the main page:


It's Dr H Hugh Fudenberg. You can go to Pub Med and type HH Fudenberg and

it will generate lots of his work in the immunity field.

>From: " Sandy Mintz " <sandym@...>



>Subject: Re: New Member

>Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 06:25:47 -0900




>I checked out the site you gave from the immunologist, but there was no

>reference to who the immunologist is. Sandy



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