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drink a really large glass of water or ice tea because sometimes were really thursty and it feels like were hungry.

Deborah <koalafuzz@...> wrote:

Here's a question for everyone ... What things do you do to help distract yourself fromthe urge to eat when you KNOW you are NOT hungry?~ Deb K."Quit saying tomorrow and just do it already!"__________________________________________________

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Clare <:-)

You can do either OR both -- that's the beauty of LL...

Doing one of Rashelle's DVD workouts each day is terrific for

sculpting, toning & reducing -- And, for all the HEALTH benefits of

LifeLift, it's impossible to do " too many " flex-breaths throughout the

rest of your day !!!

Your friend,


" Keep on LifeLift flex-breathing <:-) It works! "


> Hi


> I have a quick question. If you are doing the workout do you have to

> do 40 breaths a day? I am doing quite these during the day at the PC

> but was wondering if I should be doing the workout everyday too.


> Many thanks


> Clare xxx


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Thanks CC. That's what i thought :-)

> >

> > Hi

> >

> > I have a quick question. If you are doing the workout do you

have to

> > do 40 breaths a day? I am doing quite these during the day at

the PC

> > but was wondering if I should be doing the workout everyday too.

> >

> > Many thanks

> >

> > Clare xxx

> >


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

It could be both. If your adrenals are not yet fully

supplemented this could be the reason you’re the thyroid hormones in your

armour are making you feel toxic and giving you these symptoms. However, have

you had the following blood tests done by your GP. Ferritin (stored iron), B12,

Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Zinc and Copper. If any of these are low, these will be stopping

your thyroid hormone from being absorbed. Also have you been checked to see if

you have candida antibodies. Every single one of these associated conditions

must be eliminated before we can tell what is really happening to you.

Your temperature should go up when you start getting the thyroid

and adrenal support you require. Perhaps you should increase your NAE to help

with your Armour increase…and yes, this does happen for some people when

their body is adjusting to the hormones that are in Armour. You might want to

persevere and see if these symptoms gradually pass.

Luv - Sheila

okay - I forgot to ask the question in my

prevous post -- Could it be the small dose of Armour that is causing the

slightly increased temp and missed heart beats, or could it be my adrenals? --

Maybe it's just my body trying to adjust -- what do you think?


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Good Morning, Sheila,

Thank you so much for your reply. My ferritin levels are all good but I

haven't had a blood test for B12, and the other minerals although I am waiting

for the result for Vit D levels. I will speak to my GP about the ones you have


My heart rate has calmed down a little although it does race periodically for

very short periods of time - could be my body adjusting to the dose of Armour.

My temperature has risen again this morning. During the last two weeks my temps

have been between 36.5 and 36.6. Howver, the last few days it's climbed from

36.6 to 36.9. I dont understand why my temps are climbing so rapidly?

I have persevered as you suggested and at the moment I'm feeling okay. I tried

calling the doctor yesterday but he must be really busy because he hasn't called

back as yet. Any ideas on what to do?


Ithyroid treatment , " Sheila " <sheila@...> wrote:


> It could be both. If your adrenals are not yet fully supplemented this could

> be the reason you're the thyroid hormones in your armour are making you feel

> toxic and giving you these symptoms. However, have you had the following

> blood tests done by your GP. Ferritin (stored iron), B12, Vitamin D3,

> Magnesium, Zinc and Copper. If any of these are low, these will be stopping

> your thyroid hormone from being absorbed. Also have you been checked to see

> if you have candida antibodies. Every single one of these associated

> conditions must be eliminated before we can tell what is really happening to

> you.




> Your temperature should go up when you start getting the thyroid and adrenal

> support you require. Perhaps you should increase your NAE to help with your

> Armour increase.and yes, this does happen for some people when their body is

> adjusting to the hormones that are in Armour. You might want to persevere

> and see if these symptoms gradually pass.




> Luv - Sheila




> okay - I forgot to ask the question in my prevous post -- Could it be the

> small dose of Armour that is causing the slightly increased temp and missed

> heart beats, or could it be my adrenals? -- Maybe it's just my body trying

> to adjust -- what do you think?


> Thanks.


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think for the moment you wait and see what your blood results show and take it

from there. It's good your temperature is increasing, this shows your

metabolism is starting to work better, probably through taking Armour - which

is what it's supposed to do.

Luv - Sheila

I have persevered as you suggested and at the moment I'm feeling okay. I tried

calling the doctor yesterday but he must be really busy because he hasn't

called back as yet. Any ideas on what to do?

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Hello Sheila,

ThI've stopped taking the Armour for today and will reduce it to 0.5 of a grain

for the next week to see if my pulse rate and temps reduce a little. I also

have a splitting headache which could be a sign that I'm taking a little too

much - I've spoken to Jo today, she has advised me to do the above. I'm a

little reluctant to ask my GP for another blood test since he will want to know

the reason why, and to be honest with you, I dont want him to know I'm taking

Armour thyroid - he will probably give me a lecture and I dont want that at the

moment :(

Thank you so much for your advice - your input is always invaluable!

<sheila@...> wrote:




> I think for the moment you wait and see what your blood results show and

> take it from there. It's good your temperature is increasing, this shows

> your metabolism is starting to work better, probably through taking Armour -

> which is what it's supposed to do.

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This sometimes happens until you get used to a dose increase and

then after a few days it will settle. BUT if you are worried then go

back to the previous dose until settled, then try again.

Subject: A question

Hello -

I am on 0.75 of a grain of Armour Thyroid and want to increase it to 1

grain on Monday.

Lst night just before I was about to fall asleep, my heart started to

race and I was missing beats -- but when I took my pulse, it was 80 bpm

This morning before I got out of bed my pulse rate was 72 but my temp is

up -- 36.7 which is the highest it's ever been.

I could be over reacting but I'm just starting out and it's all new to

me. I am trying to eductae myself tho.

I took my usual dose of Armour this morning.

Thanks for any replies and Good Morning to you all!


TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical

practitioner before changing medication.

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  • 8 months later...

Have you watched all the new movies on the CureTube page? What have you

learned from doing that?

How about on the homepage?

What, exactly, are you having trouble doing?

Do you go to the calm clear place when you get signals?

Have you taught other people how to do this? Do you have a group that you

do this with -- some friends that you've assembled to do it with you? How

often does your group meet?

At 08:43 PM 12/3/2009 +0000, you wrote:

>Hello Bayard,



>It's been long time since we have been in touch and I hope this find you

>well and in good form. I have an important questions. In the manual you

>say in order to connect, try to think of love thoughts, write the things

>you love, but what else could be done if I'm suffering from depression and

>cronic fears of almost everything beautiful I think of. I get burts of

>pain in my head and my chest tightened up when I try to think of the

>things I want and beautiful things I want to do. This is itself is an

>illness but I don't know how to connect when I can't be happy and can't

>think of anything happy and if I do, it just makes things worse. I really

>hope you can help me with this becuase I can't get on with anything in my

>life with all those fears I have. You have no idea how destructive it is.

>Thank you so much




>No virus found in this incoming message.

>Checked by AVG - www.avg.com

>Version: 8.5.426 / Virus Database: 270.14.94/2545 - Release Date: 12/04/09


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Hi Bayard, what manual is Ab referring to? Thanx. Ross


> Have you watched all the new movies on the CureTube page? What have you

> learned from doing that?

> How about on the homepage?

> What, exactly, are you having trouble doing?

> Do you go to the calm clear place when you get signals?


> Have you taught other people how to do this? Do you have a group that you

> do this with -- some friends that you've assembled to do it with you? How

> often does your group meet?


> At 08:43 PM 12/3/2009 +0000, you wrote:

> >Hello Bayard,

> >

> >

> >It's been long time since we have been in touch and I hope this find you

> >well and in good form. I have an important questions. In the manual you

> >say in order to connect, try to think of love thoughts, write the things

> >you love, but what else could be done if I'm suffering from depression and

> >cronic fears of almost everything beautiful I think of. I get burts of

> >pain in my head and my chest tightened up when I try to think of the

> >things I want and beautiful things I want to do. This is itself is an

> >illness but I don't know how to connect when I can't be happy and can't

> >think of anything happy and if I do, it just makes things worse. I really

> >hope you can help me with this becuase I can't get on with anything in my

> >life with all those fears I have. You have no idea how destructive it is.

> >Thank you so much

> >

> >Ab

> >

> >No virus found in this incoming message.

> >Checked by AVG - www.avg.com

> >Version: 8.5.426 / Virus Database: 270.14.94/2545 - Release Date: 12/04/09

> >19:34:00


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The question is what is the chief complain of the patient? if she is just worried about her front teeth, then i think the best answer is do the partial denture, it is hygienic in a sense that the patient can readily remove her dentures and you can explain to the patient her condition and give her advice for a good oral hygiene and visit the dentist or hygienist every 3mos. for maintenance and monitoring her general oral health. If there are other problems with the teeth and it is not anymore savable then again partial denture is the best, of course it needs further explanation to the patient. This is my opinion... :) Everyone has different answers and its good to discuss like this. :) God bless us.

From: Lyudmyla Huhley <huhley2006@...> Sent: Tue, December 8, 2009 5:58:09 PMSubject: A question

Hi guys

Can anyone answer this question please

A 70 year old lady missing central incisor as a result of periodontal problem.What would you suggest as a tretment option?

Implant-I think is too late and perio problems,partial denture-dont know-it will ,probably,pull out the rest teeth with a perio problem..may be fixed fixed after RCT....

Thanx in advance,Lyuda

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Hi Vaibhav

Thank you very much for your answer.I am a bit concern about flexi denture...I probably need to read some more indications for that on.

Cheerz again!Lyuda

P.S.I have some more confusing qustions:such as

The same story but adults are young around 16,18 and a lady 36 years.Any ideas?Please.

From: Vaibhav Singh <vaibhavsingh@...>Subject: A question Date: Wednesday, 9 December, 2009, 9:16

land Bridge for fixed retention?Acrylic Removable Partial denture (flexible) otherwise.I guess :)

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hi guys

First of all there is no limit of age.,There fore a 70 year old pt can get a


confusing part is loss of 1 tooth and the perio problem.

when only 1 or 2 teeth are missing in the arch a bridge is usually considered

the better restoration.

Provided the peridontal disease is under control, it is prferable to provide a

bridge whenever possible rather than a partial denture.tis is because a no of

teeth splinted togeter as part of a bridge have a better prognosis tan

individual teeth with reduced alveolar support, which may be mobile ,used as

denture abutments.

Finally, front tooth is missing, aesthetics is also a factor.

So i will go for a bridge,rather partial denture.




> Hi guys

> Can anyone answer this question please

> A 70 year old lady missing central incisor as a result of periodontal

problem.What would you suggest as a tretment option?

> Implant-I think is too late and perio problems,partial denture-dont know-it

will ,probably,pull out the rest teeth with a perio problem..may be fixed fixed

after RCT....

> Thanx in advance,Lyuda


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Hi Naveed

I totaly agree with you if it is only one missing tooth,however,if there are loads missing-i would go for a partial.



From: Naveed <drnaveed.anwar843@...>Subject: Re: A question Date: Wednesday, 9 December, 2009, 17:41

hi guysFirst of all there is no limit of age.,There fore a 70 year old pt can get a bridge.confusing part is loss of 1 tooth and the perio problem. when only 1 or 2 teeth are missing in the arch a bridge is usually considered the better restoration. Provided the peridontal disease is under control, it is prferable to provide a bridge whenever possible rather than a partial denture.tis is because a no of teeth splinted togeter as part of a bridge have a better prognosis tan individual teeth with reduced alveolar support, which may be mobile ,used as denture abutments.Finally, front tooth is missing, aesthetics is also a factor.So i will go for a bridge,rather partial denture.regards Naveed >> Hi guys> Can anyone answer this question please> A 70 year old lady missing central incisor as a result of periodontal problem.What would you suggest as a tretment option?> Implant-I think is too late and perio problems,partial denture-dont know-it will ,probably,pull out the rest teeth with a perio problem..may be fixed fixed after RCT....> Thanx in advance,Lyuda>

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I think for younger people Intra Alveolar Implants are a better option,because

not only do they restore function and aestehtics, they preserve bone height,and

do not need for the adjacent teeth to be reduced.

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caould you tell me about " Odell book " ?

I don't know about it.



2009/12/17 Doctor Chambers <chambersdoctor@...>


Hi guys

I recon Odell book is really good,pink is not enough for these set of questions,however,oral pathology does't give you a proper treatment i mean dosage..well not everywere..




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Thank you


2009/12/17 Doctor Chambers <chambersdoctor@...>


Hi Rossana

It is oral pathology and oral medicine by cawson and odell



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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Your situtation sounds very similar to what I lived with for 17 years before

finding help on groups like this one. I saw numerous doctors, and they would do

nothing for me but prescribe anti depressants. I think that my symptoms had a

lot to do with adrenal fatigue as well as hypothyroidism. You might want to get

the salivary cortisol test to check the function of your adrenals. I was treated

for adrenal fatigue with hydrocortisone, but iodine has given me more relief

than anything else I've tried. Have you tried iodine yet?



> Hi all I am missing something as to what I am reading I do not understand or

rather cannot get my head around a lot of things as I can not concentrate at all

anymore My mind is off but I was wondering along with Thyroid probs could I be

add or adhd in adult I am in a constant fog and literally can not remember a

lot of my past like kids growing up everything was good till 2007 Then insomnia

, dizziness a feeling of falling real quick and not be, Brittle nails hair loss

(majorly) Eye lashes falling out as much as 2 a day and eyebrows are falling out

now to , Have a lil energy not much and this feeling of not wanting to go out or

be around people and crying one min laughing the next angry and then anxious

feeling , '

> I see a new Thyroid doc he is going to be for thyroid only and I need to be

armed with all that I need to talk to him about as I really can not function on

a educated level anymore , I think thst is where my mind is trying to figure out

wtf is wrong why am I no longer able to function . I posted b4 oI have only 1

thyroid and I am on Levothyroxine 0.025 mg but how can I convince my new doc it

is not enough even tho test tsh shows normal that is y I am asking could I have

adult addor adhd


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I'm betting that this is 100% thyroid issue. Once you get on the proper medication this should clear up. Good luck with the doc. Sounds like you need one pretty badly.


In a message dated 5/29/2010 3:20:40 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, shotgunkidz@... writes:

My mind is off but I was wondering along with Thyroid probs could I be add or adhd in adult I am in a constant fog

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> >

> > Hi all I am missing something as to what I am reading I do not understand or

rather cannot get my head around a lot of things as I can not concentrate at all

anymore My mind is off but I was wondering along with Thyroid probs could I be

add or adhd in adult I am in a constant fog and literally can not remember a

lot of my past like kids growing up everything was good till 2007 Then insomnia

, dizziness a feeling of falling real quick and not be, Brittle nails hair loss

(majorly) Eye lashes falling out as much as 2 a day and eyebrows are falling out

now to , Have a lil energy not much and this feeling of not wanting to go out or

be around people and crying one min laughing the next angry and then anxious

feeling , '

> > I see a new Thyroid doc he is going to be for thyroid only and I need to be

armed with all that I need to talk to him about as I really can not function on

a educated level anymore , I think thst is where my mind is trying to figure out

wtf is wrong why am I no longer able to function . I posted b4 oI have only 1

thyroid and I am on Levothyroxine 0.025 mg but how can I convince my new doc it

is not enough even tho test tsh shows normal that is y I am asking could I have

adult addor adhd

> >


I have thyroid issues too but I also have chronic Candida or yeast. It can cause

many of the symptoms you describe. Doctors do not recognize it as a disease or

problem usually.

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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Does anyone know if scoliosis can help get SSI? Only reason I ask I been

trying to get it for years. I have a fracture in my mid back they found the

scoliosis, fibro disease, and osteroposis. My hands are bothering me when

writing now. I am not able to work I can only stand for about 10 minutes.

Setting hurts too. My doctor hasn't wrote a note saying I can't work. I

may have to ask the specialist. We in Michigan my husband lost his job 3

years ago he just doing odd jobs and some jobs on line.

Any suggestion on how to get the system to work for you?


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Hi Judy....

Are you referring to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental

Security Income (SSI)? SSI is based on financial need. Unless your (or your

family's income is extremely limited you will most likely not qualify for SSI.

Social Security has very strict disability standards. Scoliosis in and of itself

most likely would not qualify. Underlining issues, i.e., " flatback syndrome,

spinal cord issues, internal organ issues, etc. most likely would (You mention

your hands bothering you when you write. Depending on the cause, it could be one

of those underlining issues). The same goes with osteoporosis and fibromyalgia

(In and of itself, most likely, no. Underlining issues, maybe) If you have been

attempting to get SSDI for many years you should probably retain an attorney

(also, your doctor (or doctors) must be in TOTAL agreement with your disability

status as Social Security requires DETAILED statements from him/her/them).

You may want to refer to the Social Security " Blue Book " for additional

information: http://www.socialsecurity.gov/disability/professionals/bluebook/

I hope this helps!!


a question

Does anyone know if scoliosis can help get SSI? Only reason I ask I been

trying to get it for years. I have a fracture in my mid back they found the

scoliosis, fibro disease, and osteroposis. My hands are bothering me when

writing now. I am not able to work I can only stand for about 10 minutes.

Setting hurts too. My doctor hasn't wrote a note saying I can't work. I

may have to ask the specialist. We in Michigan my husband lost his job 3

years ago he just doing odd jobs and some jobs on line.

Any suggestion on how to get the system to work for you?


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It is Possible to get SSI but how you fill out the forms, how well you

can get your doctor's to respond to the paperwork, and qualifications to SSI

can be difficult to fulfill. Oh, and age, too, can make it harder the

younger the adult you are .

Unless things have changed since I got it 6 years ago ....I had to have a

full 2 years of no income to apply (NOT my husband's income or lack of),

I needed to have at least 40 quarters of soc sec withholdings to qualify.

If those are the same rules today start there.

P.S. I did Not use or need a lawyer and after tons of documentation I

submitted it was approved in 6 weeks. If you are not depressed before starting

you will be after you document in writing how " useless " you are to the

government. In our society that is a difficult pill to swallow and then not

feel it after. You have to start with a mind set to prove what we

scoliomites fight against since our diagnosis. The " I can do anything " type A

personality grows against our body image as we age and accept our body. To

turn-around to prove yourself " useless " is a self-esteem killer.

Jolene Morell

Shop online at _www.InheritedButtons.com_


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The 40 quarters of income is for SSDI, which is basically like retirement. SSI

is more like welfare, and it's for people who don't have enough work to recieve

the SSDI. I think they both require the same information to become qualified. I

got on SSDI back in 1994 when I was 37. I only needed to be non-working for 4

months at that time and I think it's still the same. I was denied 2x and had to

get a lawyer but then was awarded back pay. I believe it is much harder when

you're younger. I've had 2 friends qualify a lot quicker without a trial but

they were closer to retirement age and I think back issues are harder to prove.

So often we are told the " everyone has back aches " and " I know lot of people

with scoliosis who are fine " . I would hope that there's been changed in the

assumptions about scoli after all this time tho.

You can get all the info online at socialsecurity.gov


From: " Buttonjo@... " <Buttonjo@...>

Scoliosis Treatment

Sent: Sun, April 3, 2011 1:56:36 PM

Subject: Re: a question


It is Possible to get SSI but how you fill out the forms, how well you

can get your doctor's to respond to the paperwork, and qualifications to SSI

can be difficult to fulfill. Oh, and age, too, can make it harder the

younger the adult you are .

Unless things have changed since I got it 6 years ago ....I had to have a

full 2 years of no income to apply (NOT my husband's income or lack of),

I needed to have at least 40 quarters of soc sec withholdings to qualify.

If those are the same rules today start there.

P.S. I did Not use or need a lawyer and after tons of documentation I

submitted it was approved in 6 weeks. If you are not depressed before starting

you will be after you document in writing how " useless " you are to the

government. In our society that is a difficult pill to swallow and then not

feel it after. You have to start with a mind set to prove what we

scoliomites fight against since our diagnosis. The " I can do anything " type A

personality grows against our body image as we age and accept our body. To

turn-around to prove yourself " useless " is a self-esteem killer.

Jolene Morell

Shop online at _www.InheritedButtons.com_


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