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504 plans

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Dr. Chansky said:

>504 plans are for kids who often have less severe disabilities and do not

>need to be classified as they would with IDEA (individuals with

>disabilities education act) which involves the IEP process. 504 can be

>less paper work, a less formal evaluation process, and less risk of stigma

>because no label is required. The down side is that with a 504 there are

>fewer checks and balances, no funding $$ attached, no specified times for

>re-evaluation etc, so they may be harder to enforce.

Actually, you can have both a 504 _and_ an IEP. The 504 is an especially

good place for setting up " what if " programs - what to do if a certain

behavior appears at school. For example, if your child has Tourette's,

you can use the 504 to set up a signal to give the teacher and a place he

can go should he develop a particularly annoying, loud tic that needs to

be done. This gives him responsibility and puts a program in place where

he won;t get in trouble. Another " what if " : what if OCD contamination

obsessions emerge re: school bathrooms? The 504 is good for this. Other

things that can be pout in the 504 are specific adjustments, such as

extra time for test taking, as other parents mentioned. These can be on

the accomodations page of the IEP instead, or also.

One _good_ thing about a 504 plan is that you can complain directly to

the state office of civil rights (OCR) if it is violated and going

through the usual channels doesn't work. You don;t have to slog through a

lengthy due process hearing first.

FWIW, Mitzi

Mitzi Waltz * Author and Editor * http://www.teleport.com/~infobahn

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  • 3 years later...
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In a message dated 7/29/2003 6:18:44 PM Eastern Standard Time,

sandraismith@... writes:

> We actually used a 2nd year law student from a local university. Check

> with your local law schools to see if they have any programs to match you up

> with a " budding lawyer " interested in your case.


Thanks so much for your ideas -- I hadn't even thought of approaching a law

student. But there are at least 3 law schools in the city in which we live--

what a great idea! I


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  • 1 month later...

Dear all interested in 504 plans:

Thought I'd relay this to those of you who are trying to write plans.

One thing we did learn is that if your doctor writes a note recommending

adaptive physical education, the school cannot force your child to take regular

physical education or not receive credit. The school must then provide someone


evaluate your child based on his/her medical history and come up with a PE

program tailored to your child's needs.


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  • 5 months later...


Thank you so much for all the information! You've given me some comfort in

knowing this is probably the right path to take with . Also it felt " right "

that and have the same diagnosis!

I'm getting a book from the library called " slaw " and it has a ton of

info about all the plans, I think. I'll bone up on our rights there and then

take that along with your helpful suggestions and figure out what I want the ped

to sign... he'll want me to do the work for him and just have him sign it. He

does that with bloodwork (he's a trusting soul, after all we've been through

together he knows I'll figure it out for him!)... he'll have me " pick " the

tests and print out basically a test order, he then puts it on his letterhead


signs it. He knows that I'm very levelheaded and won't ask for needless


Anyway, thanks again, your suggestions were great and there were things there

I had not thought of.

(mom to Kate, born 9/19/02, dairy intolerant; and , age 5, GERD,

dairy intolerant -- currently has polysaccharide antibody def, previously had

transient IgG, IgA, t-cell & other defs)

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Thank you so much for all the information! You've given me some comfort in

knowing this is probably the right path to take with . Also it felt " right "

that and have the same diagnosis!

I'm getting a book from the library called " slaw " and it has a ton of

info about all the plans, I think. I'll bone up on our rights there and then

take that along with your helpful suggestions and figure out what I want the ped

to sign... he'll want me to do the work for him and just have him sign it. He

does that with bloodwork (he's a trusting soul, after all we've been through

together he knows I'll figure it out for him!)... he'll have me " pick " the

tests and print out basically a test order, he then puts it on his letterhead


signs it. He knows that I'm very levelheaded and won't ask for needless


Anyway, thanks again, your suggestions were great and there were things there

I had not thought of.

(mom to Kate, born 9/19/02, dairy intolerant; and , age 5, GERD,

dairy intolerant -- currently has polysaccharide antibody def, previously had

transient IgG, IgA, t-cell & other defs)

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  • 2 months later...
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Good luck with the cleaning and purell issues-some places are not to

keen with all of that or they may say that it will be done-but you have

to provide the purell and any cleaning supplies-I know this one from

experience! I often had to go in in Kind. and pre with lysol to clean and


We provided Purell for every classroom. That way could always use it when

he walked into the classroom. Its impossible to have all the students use it.

But made sure he did. Either using the Purell in the classroom or using

the Purell he has in his backpack. knows the importance of it and uses it

in every class. He also does not use the door knobs, if at all possible. He

will time it after another student. He also does not drink from the water

fountains. He carries water with him. We have also provided water in each

classroom and in the nurses office in case he forgets.


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  • 6 years later...

My son had a 504 while he was in public school. He is now in Catholic school. Our public school was no prize all the way around.

From: Candy <dclecrouch@...>Autism and Aspergers Treatment Sent: Mon, September 27, 2010 10:03:14 AMSubject: 504 Plans

Hello, I have heard alot aboout IEPs, but not 504 plans. My son has a 504 plan. It has helped alot, I think without it we might be in the same situation some other parents are going thru with the school discipline. It works around their disability so they have the same opprutunity as their peers in regards to student rights. For example our school district has a week long trip to a science camp called Scicon. The school had told me they were thinking of not letting him go,they said they were afraid something might happen. When I told his psychologist, he said they could not do that, it was like they were punishing him for something he had not done yet, and if they had to get him an aide for the whole week, they could not deny him going, when I mentioned it to the school, they changed their mind. On our first appointment with him he asked about his 504 plan. I said what is a 504 plan, he was not happy, he said "he dos not have a 504 plan!" I had no

idea it even existed, and I have talked to alot of other parents and they didnt know either. Maybe the schools dont just offer it unless you ask for it because it makes them more accountable. If you dont have one find out more about it.

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504 plans and IEPs are not the same thing--and generally, IEPs are preferable. One has to do solely with accommodations. the other has to do with much, much more. A 504 is far more limiting than an IEP.See comparisons here:http://www.ed-center.com/504You can have either a 504 OR an IEP, not both. IEP is preferable. MarilynFrom: Candy <dclecrouch@...>Autism and Aspergers Treatment Sent: Mon, September 27, 2010 10:03:14 AMSubject: 504 Plans

Hello, I have heard alot aboout IEPs, but not 504 plans. My son has a 504 plan. It has helped alot, I think without it we might be in the same situation some other parents are going thru with the school discipline. It works around their disability so they have the same opprutunity as their peers in regards to student rights. For example our school district has a week long trip to a science camp called Scicon. The school had told me they were thinking of not letting him go,they said they were afraid something might happen. When I told his psychologist, he said they could not do that, it was like they were punishing him for something he had not done yet, and if they had to get him an aide for the whole week, they could not deny him going, when I mentioned it to the school, they changed their mind. On our first appointment with him he asked about his 504 plan. I said what is a 504 plan, he was not happy, he said "he dos not have a 504 plan!" I had

no idea it even existed, and I have talked to alot of other parents and they didnt know either. Maybe the schools dont just offer it unless you ask for it because it makes them more accountable. If you dont have one find out more about it.

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  • 11 months later...

Have any of you had a 504 plan wrote for your children for a long term

disability? Ruthi

From: Scoliosis Treatment

[mailto:Scoliosis Treatment ]

Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 03:13 AM

Scoliosis Treatment <Scoliosis Treatment >

Subject: Digest Number 2593

For scoliosis patients using accepted and proven orthopaedic treatment.

<Scoliosis Treatment;_ylc=X3oDMTJkOTAycmUwBF9TAzk3Mz\



Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)


Re: Post Op Three Months: Intense Pain - Hook Issue -... From: Randie Meyer


Re: Post Op Three Months: Intense Pain - Hook Issue -... From:


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Re: Post Op Three Months: Intense Pain - Hook Issue -...

<Scoliosis Treatment/message/11160;_ylc=X3oDMTJycjVp\



Posted by: " Randie Meyer " taknitlite@...



%2E%2E> taknitlite <taknitlite>

Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:23 am (PDT)

I had problems in between my shoulder blades. It was because of the connector.

I had it removed and it did solve the problem of that pain. But since then I've

had a problem from having the muscle cut when it was removed. My shoulder blade

does some weird movement and I have pain when I raise my arm a certain direction

and if I lift anything above my head. I've had physical therapy and it's helped

a great deal. But it's been 2 years and I've never regained my normal strength.

It seems that if it's not one thing it's another.


From: Meow Mel <meowmel@... <mailto:meowmel%40> >

Scoliosis Treatment

<mailto:Scoliosis Treatment%40>

Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 5:52 AM

Subject: Re: Post Op Three Months: Intense Pain - Hook

Issue -...

I HEARD THAT! It was something the surgeon said (might) happen... on the other

hand steroids aren't the best thing to inject in the body. Anyone else have any

long-term issues with this? Is it possible that the hook has slipped and is into

the muscle causing great pain? Never ending pain....




> No I did not get white spots and I had it done twice. Never heard of

> that. I would try anything before having surgery again.



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What does 504 mean for PE? I am having some issues with PE as well. But they

have yet to suggest 504... She is still experiencing pain, mostly from her hook

or screw, which we are trying to figure out now. Mel


> Hi

> My daughter had scoliosis surgery last December and her school insisted on a

504 plan this year for PE accommodations.




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When my son had surgery for scoliosis, the school wanted him to go into the

special ed PE program but his counselor worked it out so that when he returned

to school, he put my son in the health semester and for the next semester he put

him in track with the stipulation to the gym teacher that he only walked the

track with no stretching before or after and finally, for his last semester of

PE, the counselor put him in badminton which, by then my son was able to

cautiously play. A good counselor can really make a huge difference and a my

son was certainly lucky with the counselor that he had!

Re: 504 plans


My daughter had scoliosis surgery last December and her school insisted on a 504

plan this year for PE accommodations.

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