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Hi all you beautiful; Stilligans:

I hate to be the one to

break this to you but any of you that are taking narcotics of any kind in

any dose and drive a car could be given a ticket for driving while under the

influence. It doesn't matter what the dose is that you are taking but if it

impairs your driving and you are in an accident or in an accident and didn't

cause it and they find out that you take a narcotics they are going to blame

it on you. As for using your husbands oxycontin because it was to strong for

him that is a definite no-no and I definitely wouldn't advise my Doctor or

any Cop shop of that fact as that is a Sick Bird ( Ill egale) Illegal as a

get out. You can argue with me all you want and it is still going to come

out the same. It is illegal and you are driving under the influence, sorry!

Take care now and be Pain Free! Love Y'all!

We Will Win

Love Y'all

Mom & Dad

Bob & Carole

Panama City, Florida

Please Visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Web Site at:


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> I asked the Dr. when would Norman be able to drive and he replied,

> " not until he is off his pain medication. Driving while on pain

> medication

> is like drinking and driving " . I was like " wait a minute " ! I'm on a lot

a, that is the reason I do not drive much- the use of pain

medications. What Bob said is true, I know of a few situations where

people are on narcotics and considered it nothing to drive. Maybe it is

because they are so used to the drugs and have taken them for so long

they do not consider that it can inhibit them. My doctor warns me often

about that and my husband goes bazerk when I forget and want to drive.

I KNOW I am not top notch when taking pain meds, lol, sometimes I can't

remember whether I took them or not!!

Please folks be careful, Louise.

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Hey, I take oxycodone and used to be on the Duragesic (fentanyl) patch. The

50mcg patch really didn't do a darn thing. The oxycodone BARELY has an effect.

Any suggestions on other pain medications I could ask for? I can't take

anything with acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen due to highly elevated liver

enzymes (they don't know what's causing that EITHER!).

Suggestions welcomed!



Stoughton, Wisconsin


What size dose of pain meds are we talking here?????

Not " legal? " I'm going to ask at the " cop shop. "


Thank you for responding. I take 40 mg of Oxycontin twice a day. I have

Oxycodone for when the pain is really bad. I also have been taking Norman's

Hydrocodone because it was too strong for him so they had to give him

something else.

p.s. I also take meds for high blood pressure, celebrex, prozac. On Monday

I have an appointment to see a specialist regarding an abnormal thyroid.

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Hey, I take oxycodone and used to be on the Duragesic (fentanyl) patch. The

50mcg patch really didn't do a darn thing. The oxycodone BARELY has an effect.

Any suggestions on other pain medications I could ask for? I can't take

anything with acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen due to highly elevated liver

enzymes (they don't know what's causing that EITHER!).

Suggestions welcomed!



Stoughton, Wisconsin


What size dose of pain meds are we talking here?????

Not " legal? " I'm going to ask at the " cop shop. "


Thank you for responding. I take 40 mg of Oxycontin twice a day. I have

Oxycodone for when the pain is really bad. I also have been taking Norman's

Hydrocodone because it was too strong for him so they had to give him

something else.

p.s. I also take meds for high blood pressure, celebrex, prozac. On Monday

I have an appointment to see a specialist regarding an abnormal thyroid.

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Jules, you could ask about Nubain, demerol or mepergan fortis which is demerol

with phenergan in it which makes the demerol more effective, or you could try

ms contin or oxycontin, and dilaudid these are all schedule II drugs there is a

link on the website about pain meds try this


GO DAWGS !!!!!

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Jules, you could ask about Nubain, demerol or mepergan fortis which is demerol

with phenergan in it which makes the demerol more effective, or you could try

ms contin or oxycontin, and dilaudid these are all schedule II drugs there is a

link on the website about pain meds try this


GO DAWGS !!!!!

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I don't know if it has those things but my doctors used to give me Tordol

after surgeries because I'm allergic to morphine. Melt

From: " JC Rose " <lilac_rose@...>

> Hey, I take oxycodone and used to be on the Duragesic (fentanyl) patch.

The 50mcg patch really didn't do a darn thing. The oxycodone BARELY has an

effect. Any suggestions on other pain medications I could ask for?

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I don't know if it has those things but my doctors used to give me Tordol

after surgeries because I'm allergic to morphine. Melt

From: " JC Rose " <lilac_rose@...>

> Hey, I take oxycodone and used to be on the Duragesic (fentanyl) patch.

The 50mcg patch really didn't do a darn thing. The oxycodone BARELY has an

effect. Any suggestions on other pain medications I could ask for?

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I Have to agree with the illegal part, at least here in Wa. state. In fact

here, there are otc cold medications that can get you busted. I think this is

relatively new, but there is a strong campain going on about it now. I drive

commercial vehicle, but it also affects the general driving population as well.

Don't know about other states and their laws. Just thought I would contribute

that! Thanx:)


>>Don and Kary

Wenatchee, Wa




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Hi Jul:

I was on the Oxycontin for over a year and I became dependent on

it so they had to put me in the hospital to get me off of it. It wasn't very

much fun but I kept going up and up and up in the dosage and I just didn't

want to get any higher on the dosage scale and the Doc agreed with me.To

help me get off the Oxycontin he prescribed an interim of the drug they use

to get heroin addicts off of heroin. The name escapes me at the moment and

it worked for that purpose contrary to what some people have said and then

he slowly put me on MS-Contin which is Morphine Sulphate and it is working

great. I don't know if you have tried that or not Jul but it does work

pretty good for me and I usually build a tolerence to drugs very fast but

this one has been very good for me. Just my Experience now. Y'all take care

now and be PAIN FREE! Love Y'all!

We Will Win

Love Y'all

Mom & Dad

Bob & Carole

Panama City, Florida

Please Visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Web Site at:


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Hi Jenn:

Thank you, that's what it was. I just had a senior moment and

couldn't remember to save my life! Take care now and be PAIN FREE! Love Y


We Will Win

Love Y'all

Mom & Dad

Bob & Carole

Panama City, Florida

Please Visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Web Site at:


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Thanks !

I printed out the list and will be taking it to my doc for my next appointment.

What a quandry regarding relief of pain during the day to be able to actually

function or not being able to drive onself (I love to drive)? Personally, when

I am NOT in pain, due to pain meds (narcotics), I am more aware and function

much better. When I am in PAIN, I'm distracted, more fatigued, etc.

So what's the answer? Just not tell an officer that you're on narcotics (unless

it effects your driving abilities)? Everyone is different. So, what's the


Peace from the " Guardian Angel of Marriage " (January's angel)



Stoughton, Wisconsin

Re: Medications

Jules, you could ask about Nubain, demerol or mepergan fortis which is demerol

with phenergan in it which makes the demerol more effective, or you could try

ms contin or oxycontin, and dilaudid these are all schedule II drugs there is

a link on the website about pain meds try this


GO DAWGS !!!!!

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They given me Tordol, but it was of no value. Didn't phase me a bit! Darn!



Stoughton, Wisconsin

Re: Medications

I don't know if it has those things but my doctors used to give me Tordol

after surgeries because I'm allergic to morphine. Melt

From: " JC Rose " <lilac_rose@...>

> Hey, I take oxycodone and used to be on the Duragesic (fentanyl) patch.

The 50mcg patch really didn't do a darn thing. The oxycodone BARELY has an

effect. Any suggestions on other pain medications I could ask for?

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Awe Bob, we just know those drugs are working for you real good, lol, love

you back, Melt

From: " robert himes "

> Hi Jenn:

> Thank you, that's what it was. I just had a senior moment


> couldn't remember to save my life!

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I think the drug you were talking about was " methadone. " That's what drug

addicts receive to get off heroin.

I'm interested in the MsContin (or possilby dilaudid). Do you know if MsContin

causes liver toxicity?

Thanks a bunch!



Stoughton, Wisconsin

Re: Medications

Hi Jul:

I was on the Oxycontin for over a year and I became dependent on

it so they had to put me in the hospital to get me off of it. It wasn't very

much fun but I kept going up and up and up in the dosage and I just didn't

want to get any higher on the dosage scale and the Doc agreed with me.To

help me get off the Oxycontin he prescribed an interim of the drug they use

to get heroin addicts off of heroin. The name escapes me at the moment and

it worked for that purpose contrary to what some people have said and then

he slowly put me on MS-Contin which is Morphine Sulphate and it is working

great. I don't know if you have tried that or not Jul but it does work

pretty good for me and I usually build a tolerence to drugs very fast but

this one has been very good for me. Just my Experience now. Y'all take care

now and be PAIN FREE! Love Y'all!

We Will Win

Love Y'all

Mom & Dad

Bob & Carole

Panama City, Florida

Please Visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Web Site at:


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Hello paula have had experience with demerol!!!!!!!When i was 17 almost severed

my BIG TOE with a lawnmowwer,gave me demerol for the pain its very good pain

killer in my experience maybe TOO GOOD tho,i could easily see if anyone was on

this painkiller for while it could become very addicting.Oh yeah by way doctor

did wonderful job fixin my toe.Take care and hope u can find that magic pain

med. d.Canada Medications

Hey, I take oxycodone and used to be on the Duragesic (fentanyl) patch. The

50mcg patch really didn't do a darn thing. The oxycodone BARELY has an

effect. Any suggestions on other pain medications I could ask for? I can't

take anything with acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen due to highly

elevated liver enzymes (they don't know what's causing that EITHER!).

Suggestions welcomed!



I take Oxycontin on a daily basis. I take Oxycodone for an extra pain

reliever as needed. Do you take Oxycodone regularly or just as needed?

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My docs are paranoid about narcotics! In all truthfulness, it's probably due to

the fact that I have 14 different conditions(diseases) and they are not sure of

the effects. I'm only ALLOWED to take the oxycodone when needed. No doctor or

pharmacist hs mentioned anything about not driving while taking my pain meds.

Course, they also know how long I've been on my other meds and my tolerance.

It's kinda funny that my pharmacists know me sooo well. They see me come in and

immediately run to get my " bags " of medicines! I asked them how many cars I

bought them in the last six years or so. They just laughed, but said I was

their #1 customer and give them a lot of job security! LOL!

Still hanging on,



Stoughton, Wisconsin


Hey, I take oxycodone and used to be on the Duragesic (fentanyl) patch. The

50mcg patch really didn't do a darn thing. The oxycodone BARELY has an

effect. Any suggestions on other pain medications I could ask for? I can't

take anything with acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen due to highly

elevated liver enzymes (they don't know what's causing that EITHER!).

Suggestions welcomed!



I take Oxycontin on a daily basis. I take Oxycodone for an extra pain

reliever as needed. Do you take Oxycodone regularly or just as needed?

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Yeppers it sure are! It is illegal to use anyone elses prescription

medications regardless of strength or relashionship! Take care now and be


We Will Win

Love Y'all

Mom & Dad

Bob & Carole

Panama City, Florida

Please Visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Web Site at:


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  • 1 month later...

Howdy everyone. has been on Ritalin for many years. Now we use an

extended release, so he only takes it once a day. While there are not many

benefits at home, there is at school. We could give him some after school,

but my house is so crazy anyway, I never mind him. One thing that I had

forgotten is what an appetite suppressant it is! has been off it for

three weeks due to the surgery and his clot, and he is trying to eat us out

of house and home! Now I realize why he is so trim compared to all the other

DS children at Special Olympics. Giving him a break has been my choice, but

tonight, DH said he needs to restart tomorrow. He is gaining weight too

fast, and it is bad for the clot. I was going to have to start really paying

attention to the discussions about locking the frig!

I would recommended at least trying medications. It made a huge

difference in 's ability to follow directions. You have nothing to

lose, and you may gain a lot. good luck. ~Lynn

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  • 9 months later...


> I called my pharmacy today, to ask the monthly price of 200mg

> Celebrex, which I am taking twice a day. My doc just gave me some

> freebies, and Monday I am out. Wow, $170.


> When I asked the pharmacist if there was a generic, for any arthritic

> drug, he said sure, Aleve.


> So, do any of you get by on Aleve? It sure would be cheaper, and I

> see my doc Monday.

I have tried Aleve, and it helps me more than Celebrex does, but it is too

hard on my stomach. You might try it, but I wouldn't recommend taking more

than the labeled rate because of digestive upset concerns. With any NSAID

there are concerns of causing ulcers, but Celebrex and Vioxx are " supposed "

be be of a lessor concern than the others. I have also had fair luck with

ibuprofen (Advil), it didn't upset my stomach like Aleve does, but you have

to take it more often. If you are going to take any medication for extended

length of time, I would recommend keeping in touch with a doctor so they can

monitor any possible harmful side effects.

Mike Bernhardt

Park City MT

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Thank you Mike. Great info. as usual.

Have a good weekend.


-- In chondromalacia treatment , " Mike Bernhardt "

<mlbernhardt@c...> wrote:


> Medications



> > I called my pharmacy today, to ask the monthly price of 200mg

> > Celebrex, which I am taking twice a day. My doc just gave me some

> > freebies, and Monday I am out. Wow, $170.

> >

> > When I asked the pharmacist if there was a generic, for any arthritic

> > drug, he said sure, Aleve.

> >

> > So, do any of you get by on Aleve? It sure would be cheaper, and I

> > see my doc Monday.


> I have tried Aleve, and it helps me more than Celebrex does, but it

is too

> hard on my stomach. You might try it, but I wouldn't recommend

taking more

> than the labeled rate because of digestive upset concerns. With any


> there are concerns of causing ulcers, but Celebrex and Vioxx are

" supposed "

> be be of a lessor concern than the others. I have also had fair

luck with

> ibuprofen (Advil), it didn't upset my stomach like Aleve does, but

you have

> to take it more often. If you are going to take any medication for


> length of time, I would recommend keeping in touch with a doctor so

they can

> monitor any possible harmful side effects.


> Mike Bernhardt

> Park City MT

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First off, celebrex and aleve are not equal. They are both

considered NSAID's but Celebrex is also a COx 2 inhibitor which means

it aids in not destrying the stomach like NSAID's do. Do you have a

prescroption plan? It should pay some and then you can do mail order

drug for cheaper prices.--

I used Celebrex for a little while but I eventually decided it

didn't do a whole lot. You've got to fi

- In chondromalacia treatment , " kadee98837 "

<kadee98837@y...> wrote:

> I called my pharmacy today, to ask the monthly price of 200mg

> Celebrex, which I am taking twice a day. My doc just gave me some

> freebies, and Monday I am out. Wow, $170.


> When I asked the pharmacist if there was a generic, for any


> drug, he said sure, Aleve.


> So, do any of you get by on Aleve? It sure would be cheaper, and I

> see my doc Monday. I can ask her how many I would need to take to

> equal two Celebrex daily.


> Also, I really dislike the idea of taking pain meds. for the rest of

> my life. Have any of you taken meds. for one or two months, and


> were able to get off of them?


> Any feedback would be most appreciated.


> Thank you!


> Kate

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Just be aware that the anti-inflamitories can

cause stomach upset. You may not get

the upset right away, but you may notice your

stomach getting more and more sensitive.

I had problems with celebrex. Wasn't too bad

with the 1x a day, but when they switched to 2x a day,

it was way to much for my stomach.

Are you icing for the pain in your knees?

Right now I try to avoid the celebrex because of

my stomach, i do take it on a rare occasion.

I prefer to ice the knee. When I ice after the workout,

things seem to go better.

Also, you mentioned you are walking 3 miles a day.

Are you doing a short warm up, stretching a little,

then finishing your walk, cooling down, and top it

all off with a good stretch of your hamstrings, quads,

calves? Just want to make sure you are stretching.


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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 6/20/2004 5:03:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time, wild61child@... writes:

would like to hear from people who have used a natural enzymes or vitamin therapy to help with behavior problems and what type of results they see. Also would like to know if it is acceptable to post autism related items for sale on here. Thank you, Shirley

Shirley, please send me off list the type of items and pricing you wish to sell and I'll let you know




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