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Welcome Camie,

You have come to the right place for information. So glad you didn't like your

ped, I should have been so lucky!!!!!!!!!!!

I am interested that your youngest two have not seen a doctor, especially the 20

month old. No ear infections, asthma, eczema, allergies or any other illnesses

that doctors would call 'normal'?

Have you noticed any health differences between your first three children at the

20 month mark? I'd be interested in any observations you may like to share....


illnessesmom@camiesplacewrote: HI! my name is Camie I'm a sahm to CJ 7, Dora, 4,

Elijah 20 mth, and

Abraham 3 wks. We homeschool, homechurch, and homebirth :). My oldest

was fully vaxed up till about 4yrs, my dd was partially vaxed (mostly

because I didn't like her ped so I avoided the well baby checks) my

youngest two haven't seen a dr! I'm basically just looking for good

info, some support and maybe a place to vent now and then :D.

Where can I find info on exemption laws in CA?

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<A HREF= " http://www.gval.com/legal.htm " >Legal Aspects of Vaccinations</A>


<A HREF= " http://www.cde.ca.gov/resrc/factbook/immunization.htm " >FactBook 2002 -

Immunization and Health Checkup</A>



One grandmother is worth two MDs ~ Mendelsohn, MD




> Where can I find info on exemption laws in CA?


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It means you best write your exemption letter immediately!


HREF= " http://www.vaccineawareness.org/IllinoisIssues/AllowableVaccineExemptions.\

htm " >Illinois Vaccine Awareness Coalition - Allowable Exemptions for Vaccines in




One grandmother is worth two MDs ~ Mendelsohn, MD




> Also, I still have to figure out what this means legally here in my state.

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I haven't been on much lately as have had SEVERE pc problems but am hopeful I am

back in action. I just want to say how GOOD it is to " see " you here,. You

have been a major source of research and recommended as necessary reading for

many of us on this board...and not just for vax issues either. We have some

wonderful dedicated people here and I am grateful to be a part of this board.


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That is what I'm thinking. I'm new here too, and one of the reasons

is that I need to find out exactly what my exemption letter needs to

say. Do I need one for each child or will one be sufficient? I'm in

Texas, we are military and moved here from california. I miss their

philosophical exemption, and really want to get my letter taken care


My son (breandan,4) was vaxed until he was about 18 months old. He

had some tremors on and off in the weeks following a battery of

vaxes that he was given. The docs brushed it off as nothing, but I

belive it was a reaction to the vaxes he recieved then.It was teh

only thing different that we had done. We stopped vaxing at that

point. My daughter has not been vaccinated, and neither child will

get anymore at this point if I have anything to say about it. SO,

would someone care to point me in the right direction on how to do

the exemption letter? Thanks so much,

Nisha martin

> It means you best write your exemption letter immediately!


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At 05:05 PM 07/07/2002 -0000, you wrote:

>That is what I'm thinking. I'm new here too, and one of the reasons

>is that I need to find out exactly what my exemption letter needs to

>say. Do I need one for each child or will one be sufficient? I'm in

>Texas, we are military and moved here from california. I miss their

>philosophical exemption, and really want to get my letter taken care


> My son (breandan,4) was vaxed until he was about 18 months old. He

>had some tremors on and off in the weeks following a battery of

>vaxes that he was given. The docs brushed it off as nothing, but I

>belive it was a reaction to the vaxes he recieved then.It was teh

>only thing different that we had done. We stopped vaxing at that

>point. My daughter has not been vaccinated, and neither child will

>get anymore at this point if I have anything to say about it. SO,

>would someone care to point me in the right direction on how to do

>the exemption letter? Thanks so much,

>Nisha martin


You need to contact Dawn at PROVE in Texas for all the ins and


Some info on the webpages too

Dawn prove@...

Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE)

8601 Crest View Rd.

Austin, TX 78737

(512) 288-3999


Exemptions: http://www.vaccineinfo.net/txrequirements/requirements.htm


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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Thanks for the info, I just emailed her. I tried to sign up at their

site a few days ago, but I got an error message.


> You need to contact Dawn at PROVE in Texas for all the

ins and

> outs.

> Some info on the webpages too

> Dawn prove@v...

> Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE)

> 8601 Crest View Rd.

> Austin, TX 78737

> (512) 288-3999

> http://vaccineinfo.net

> Exemptions:



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In a message dated 07-07-02 12:05:47 PM Central Daylight Time,

nishamartin@... writes:

> I'm in

> Texas, we are military and moved here from california. I miss their

> philosophical exemption, and really want to get my letter taken care

> of.



What is your state of Residence? IF I am correct, that is the only state you

need to please.

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Hi Saara,

and welcome. I would be interested in any information you may like to sahre re

the health differences between both children.......


Saara Harvie <sipharvie@...> wrote: Hi. :)

I'm Saara -- a 25 year old Finnish-Canadian SAHM of 2


DS#1, was " fully " immunized (basics: MMR, DTp,

etc., not Hep, Chicken Pox, etc.), on time. I never

questioned it at all.

By the time DS#2 arrived, I'd decided to at least wait

until he was 2 before getting him vaxed. So, now he's

2 & here I am. :)

I'm pretty sure that the only one I'll be getting for

him is tetanus.... But I'm here to read & learn.



SAH-AP mom to 2 beautiful boys

-- Feb. 21, '98 & -- June 24, '00

Due in Dec. '02 with #3!

Messenger ID: compleat_mommy


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At 11:43 PM 07/07/2002 -0700, you wrote:


> Hi Saara,

>and welcome. I would be interested in any information you may like to

sahre re the health differences between both children.......


> Saara Harvie <sipharvie@...> wrote: Hi. :)


>I'm Saara -- a 25 year old Finnish-Canadian SAHM of 2



>DS#1, was " fully " immunized (basics: MMR, DTp,

>etc., not Hep, Chicken Pox, etc.), on time. I never

>questioned it at all.


>By the time DS#2 arrived, I'd decided to at least wait

>until he was 2 before getting him vaxed. So, now he's

>2 & here I am. :)


>I'm pretty sure that the only one I'll be getting for

>him is tetanus.... But I'm here to read & learn.

Hi welcome

Read seriously on tetanus on my webpages - terrible vaccine - I get many

emails from people who have reacted to taht or their children have.



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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Welcome to the group. I'd be interested to know if you have noticed any

health differences between your two children.

Both of the following sites have excellent tetanus sections. Learn about the

disease tetanus before deciding on a worthless vaccine. If you're interested

let me know and I will email you additional tetanus info.




One grandmother is worth two MDs ~ Mendelsohn, MD




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> Nisha,


> What is your state of Residence? IF I am correct, that is the

only state you

> need to please.

Texas, so I dont think the military exemption applies to us.

Thanks tho.


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> Both of the following sites have excellent tetanus sections.

Learn about the

> disease tetanus before deciding on a worthless vaccine.

I li ke the way a friend of mine put it. To get tetanus, you would

pretty much have to step on a rusty nail dipped in cow poop. When I

did some research and realized she was right, I decided against

tetanus as well. If my kids or I were to step on a rusty nail in

cowpoop in a pasture I *MIGHT* think about letting them get a

tetanus then. (MIGHT) butnot as a prophalactic measure.


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And I think there has to be no blood to cleanse the wound. Also, I have read

severe burning, from2nd or third, can also lead to tetanus.

I li ke the way a friend of mine put it. To get tetanus, you would

pretty much have to step on a rusty nail dipped in cow poop.

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Bev\I wish I were there to comfrot you and let you talk about the grief

you must be feeling right now. and of couurse news like that always

always tends to stop anyone in their tracks. I hope that you will come

to this gorup and write about your pain and what you are going through

for you will need an outlet as it progresses. I lost my best friend

almost two years ago with a similar situation and it was diagnosed and at

first I couldn't even get out of bed for a couple of days. Then as I

realized that she needed me to help her through it I became stronger

around her, but had a back up support system for me. I do not get here

often. have been ill and computer messing up. Recently lost a relative

also but will try to make sure I am here more often if you care to write.

I understand both sides of the fence here.


On Mon, 08 Jul 2002 10:26:33 -0000 " AKASHA_1958 " <marbev@...>


> Hello everyone, my name is Bev. Two weeks ago today my mom was

> diagnosed with an inoperable/uncurable brain tumor. She is still in


> the hospital but when they send her home I will be helping to care

> for

> her. I don't think I have ever had to face anything this difficult

> in

> my life (and I've faced some big ones) and I don't know how to do

> it.

> I think I'm still in shock and the pain is so physical it stops me

> in

> my tracks.

> The tumor Mom has is called Gliomatosis Cerebri and is very, very

> fast

> growing. This tumor is not just in one spot but all over and through


> her brain which is why it is inoperable. We had started to notice

> some

> problems with her memory and she had developed a tremble in her left


> hand when holding her tea or whatever. The doctor told us this thing


> just started a few months ago, that's how fast it grows.

> Mom doesn't even know what's going on...she's been told but her

> short

> term memory is now gone.

> Anyway, that's all I can post right now because the tears are

> starting

> and it's hard to see.


> Bev




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> When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


> --- Margaret Drabble


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Hello Bev and Welcome to the group! :'o( I am SO sorry to hear about what

you are going through I can't imagine how hard this must be for you, I hope

that you are able to find support you need here. Things get really quiet on

the list sometimes if you need anything don't be afraid to speak up someone

is usually always around!! Please take care!

( *)=

{ ~~ )



" Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to

solve. " -- Lewin

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Dear Bev,

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to reply, but I was physically very ill myself

with my IBS and still am. Honey, I know just how you feel. Really. I was

raised by my grandparents (long story), and they were two of the sweetest,

lovingest people, the gentlest people you'd ever want to meet. My grandmother

was a bedfast invalid for the most part from 1976 to her death in 1991. My

grandfather had cancer....multiple myeloma...was diagnosed in 1989 after a hip

fracture that never healed. He never walked again after that. It was a slow,

excruciating cancer, and he lived until age 96 when he passed away on May 27,

2000. They both lived with me and I cared for them from 1989 till they went

Home. I'd do it all over again, given the chance. It was the least I could do,

and they were the best parents a little girl could possibly ever have. I still

remember when the dr. came in and told me and my grandfather that he had cancer

and nothing could be done that would really be very effective. I cried bitterly

for days when he couldn't see me. He had several rounds of radiation, but

finally refused further treatment. I respected that. Now the dr. suspects that

I may have colon cancer. I am 41, and have other health problems as well. Both

my children have health problems. I am a single parent, and often scared though

I appear strong and brave. I offer you a listening ear at any hour of the day

or night, Bev. I mean that. Email me anytime....or if you'd like my phone #,

email me privately, and I'll gladly give it to you. I'm in TX. Where are you?



Hello everyone, my name is Bev. Two weeks ago today my mom was

diagnosed with an inoperable/uncurable brain tumor. She is still in

the hospital but when they send her home I will be helping to care for

her. I don't think I have ever had to face anything this difficult in

my life (and I've faced some big ones) and I don't know how to do it.

I think I'm still in shock and the pain is so physical it stops me in

my tracks.

The tumor Mom has is called Gliomatosis Cerebri and is very, very fast

growing. This tumor is not just in one spot but all over and through

her brain which is why it is inoperable. We had started to notice some

problems with her memory and she had developed a tremble in her left

hand when holding her tea or whatever. The doctor told us this thing

just started a few months ago, that's how fast it grows.

Mom doesn't even know what's going on...she's been told but her short

term memory is now gone.

Anyway, that's all I can post right now because the tears are starting

and it's hard to see.


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The Being Sick Community

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When nothing is sure, everything is possible.

--- Margaret Drabble

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  • 2 weeks later...
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sounds like you have had a lot to endure in your life time, taking care

of your family etc. Not easy at all to care for a sick husband and

become the bread winer. Do you qualify for osme kind of assistance given

the fact of his diagnosis? I am grateful to see you here and hope that

you will write and feel welcome and supported. carol

On Fri, 26 Jul 2002 10:35:50 -0500 coralmaui <coralmaui@...>


> Hi,


> I've just started reading through the archives, you all seem to be

> such

> a nice group. I'm in my late 30's, and am caretaker for my husband

> who

> is in his early 50's. He has a long list of ailments he has to

> endure:

> Lupus, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, major depression plus more.

> He

> hasn't worked for many years, so I support the family with work I do

> at

> home. I have two kids, a teenager and a 7 year old. Both of them are

> in

> great health.


> I myself have been sick. My doctor suspected celiac's disease

> (gluten

> intolerance), but since I do not have insurance, nor the money to

> get a

> colonoscopy (their gold standard diagnosis), the only other route to

> go

> was go on a gluten-free diet. That really helped, but I still get

> ill

> when I forget and eat convenience food out or eat at a friend's

> house.

> I also seem to get really sick if I have eaten brown rice (white is

> okay, even though it is missing the fiber and vitamins) or whole

> corn

> (cornmeal or cornstarch seems to be okay).


> I will go and read some more, thanks for reading!

> maui

> (only cause I have one of those generic names that everyone on

> mailing

> lists seems to have...lol!)




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> When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


> --- Margaret Drabble


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Hi Maui,

Welcome, I'm Helen from Ohio (51)

Glad you found us :o) Sorry for the late response, but have been having

computer problems here :o(

Sorry to hear of your husbands illnesses and yours :o( Is your husbands

Lupus in remission??? Does he have to take shots for his diabetis??? Post

his entire list of ailments if you wish, most of us on here most likely have

one or more of them also :o) Maybe we can help with idea's on some of them

or just compare notes :o) Being a Caregiver in itself is very stressful at

times, so vent away when ya need too :o) What type of heart disease does he


My Lupus is out of remission at the moment :o( So i'm back on Plaquanil...

That kept me with a sick stomach for over two months until my system got use

to it again...

Have ya found anything interesting in the archives??? :o) Write when ya are

able too...

Take Care

((( Welcoming Hugs )))


> Hi,


> I've just started reading through the archives, you all seem to be such

> a nice group. I'm in my late 30's, and am caretaker for my husband who

> is in his early 50's. He has a long list of ailments he has to endure:

> Lupus, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, major depression plus more. He

> hasn't worked for many years, so I support the family with work I do at

> home. I have two kids, a teenager and a 7 year old. Both of them are in

> great health.


> I myself have been sick. My doctor suspected celiac's disease (gluten

> intolerance), but since I do not have insurance, nor the money to get a

> colonoscopy (their gold standard diagnosis), the only other route to go

> was go on a gluten-free diet. That really helped, but I still get ill

> when I forget and eat convenience food out or eat at a friend's house.

> I also seem to get really sick if I have eaten brown rice (white is

> okay, even though it is missing the fiber and vitamins) or whole corn

> (cornmeal or cornstarch seems to be okay).


> I will go and read some more, thanks for reading!

> maui

> (only cause I have one of those generic names that everyone on mailing

> lists seems to have...lol!)

{\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/}

*/*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\*




background= " http://home.talkcity.com/CupidsCt/wackydoodles/rainbowangelbg.jpg "

bgcolor= " white " text= " #800080 " >

<div align= " center " ></div>

<div align= " center " ></div>

<div align= " center " >~Rainbow Angel~</div>

<div align= " center " ></div><bgsound

src= " http://home.talkcity.com/MemoryLn/wackydoodles2/rainbow.mid " >


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

In a message dated 9/6/02 7:09:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

sparkybfl@... writes:

> Let us know if you have any questions or need motivation!

> Park


Thanks Park

just got back from stuffing ourselves with Chinese food :::waddle waddle::::

then stopped and bought some Ben and Jerry's and mint oreos for dessert <bg>

I am actually in Monroe but nobody ever knows where that is LOL actually

may be re-locating to Ellensberg....tired of the traffic LOL

take care


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In a message dated 9/6/02 9:49:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

jkabat@... writes:

> How old are


Hi Joanne

they are almost 12 going on 21-B



and 3-B

and yes thye do comment all the time it is funny my dd says I am not having

anymore candy because it is not good for me LOL her other comments today

" Is it your free day mom " and " I thought you couldn't a coffee (mocha) 2 days

in a row "


take care


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