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In a message dated 10/24/2002 6:59:35 AM Eastern Standard Time,

scents1@... writes:

> Welcome Niambi,

> I have taken a tiny piece, put it in my still wet hair. Oh it

> has a wonderful smell

Thanks, and it is divine!

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In a message dated 10/24/2002 3:37:31 PM Eastern Standard Time,

saturner@... writes:

> Customize the blend by adding a touch of balsam peru, patchouli, clary sage,

> frankincense, myrrh, storax, sandalwood e.o., etc.

> Hope this helps!

> Cat


Thanks, Cat. You always have such good information!


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>I was given some amber resin by a friend and I cannot pass the

>container without smelling it, but I don't know what to do with it. It is

>solid; I tried to dissolve it with other oils and I have a fragrant

>separation :)

Hi Niambi:

Welcome to the list! Amber resins are usually blends of labdanum and

benzoin resins with essential oils like sandalwood, clary sage and balsam

peru added, depending on the manufacturer.

I have heard of small pieces being burned as incense, or tucked away in

drawers (not recommended for hot climates as it melts easily, leaving a

sticky--albiet fragrant--mess)! You could also put a small piece in a

locket and wear it as a sort of modern pomander.

I have melted it and used the thick liquid as a delicious base note in

perfumes, but I also have the problem with separation even though I use a

fairly " heavy " base of jojoba oil. I have had better luck mashing the resin

with the jojoba oil and letting it infuse for a period of time before

decanting off the clear oil.

You could also try to replicate the scent using essential oils...here is a

basic " amber " blend:


3 drops benzoin absolute

2 drops labdanum e.o.

Customize the blend by adding a touch of balsam peru, patchouli, clary sage,

frankincense, myrrh, storax, sandalwood e.o., etc.

Hope this helps!


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At 07:54 PM 10/27/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>I'm so glad to have found this scent haven! I blend eo's therapeutically

and am now really wanting to learn how to blend for natural perfume.


>I look forward to getting to know everyone :)



Hi :

Welcome to our fragrant group, and have fun reading the archives, there is

a wealth of knowledge there. I'm the list owner/moderator, and I'm

sometimes lax about welcoming all the new members, kinda like when I have a

party at my house -- everyone's welcome, but I may be chatting in the back

garden and you just have to wander in the front door and find your way

around :-)




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hang on in there .

The north sea tends to be feast or famine, unfortunately for you you've come

into the industry on a down turn. If you can last until March or so it will

hopefully pick up.

In the meantime ensure that the agencies have got your mobile number (and

pager if you frequently have to go where you can't take your phone). Respond

immediately to any calls, they start at the top of the list and keep working

down until they find someone (you snooze you loose).

You will probably get your first job because someone has let them down at

the last minute and they are desperate (no offense), be ready to depart at

short notice if needed. There after, as you get known it gets easier to find

work (or otherwise!)

If you need any further help contact me off site at



>From: " Warren " <PACW@...>


>< >

>Subject: intro

>Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 23:44:21 -0000


>Hi my name is I left the British Army last month after 12 yrs as a

>medic,did the AON offshore course in June 02,still waiting to go offshore

>somewhere -not bothered where.Recently been approached to become NHS

>paramedic up in Scotland may well do it as the oil world seems to be grim

>for " NEW-STARTS " trying to get away on the first job.Does anyone know of

>any work going even ad-hoc as I am starting to get a bit fed up with being

>told " Sorry,the company want somebody experienced "





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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 11/23/2002 4:23:03 PM Central Standard Time,

susang@... writes:

> " Get chest pain and think you're having a heart attack "


Yikes Sue! That was exactly what I was going to say..... compounded with an

inability to breathe. That's what happened to me when I drove from Wisconsin

to Las Vegas and it got worse in the following week.

Only helpful hint I have? Is to be honest with yourself. You can fool those

around you, you can even fool yourself, but if you are eating more than you

should be, and if you are not drinking your water, and if you are not

exercising.... the scale and the body will know you havent been honest. That

may sound harsh ... but it is a lesson I have finally learned. And like a

lot of people, I have been at this for many many years. WW, diet drugs, fad

diets, dangerous quick methods, you name it, I've tried it. But this time

seems different .. and I think my being honest with myself and doing the

emotional homework to go with the process, helps. So thats my advice. Hard

as it may be, it is what it takes .. at least for me.

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>>I started this journey into weight loss on May 8, 2002 --

You lost all that weight in just 5 months! Fantastic!

>experiencing what I thought were life threatening health problems in

April. It turned out that those problems were just God giving me a

wakeup call and telling me I still had time!

I'm glad it was nothing serious.

>I have been a member of the RS Clubhouse since May and find the

support I get there great - along with some other online buddies.

I never joined the clubhouse because I've read that if you're not into

chats, there isn't much else. I'm not a chat person so never bothered. I was

really tempted after he changed the web site around so *nothing* is for free

any more, but found out that all the stuff that was missing wasn't in the

" pay " part either (like the old recipes, exercise tips, etc.). And if the

" discussion groups " are anything like what the Helpin' Boards have turned

into, then No, thanks.

>But I am now at the dangerous point. That point where I have been so

many times in the past. The place where I always fail. Because you

feel better. You look better. Do you understand that?

All too well, although I hit that point when I plateaued at 45 pounds.

>So those are my reasons for being here. I need to find additional

support, encouragement and friendship, among people who are working

towards the same goals as me.

Glad to have you. Any helpful hints for those of us who are still struggling

to get going, even after *years* of failed starts?

And don't say " Get chest pain and think you're having a heart attack "

either. Been there, done that, wound up being cervical neuritis and

osteoporosis in the neck pinching a nerve and causing that left arm to


>Sorry if this got rather lengthy

That was pretty short, really! :)

Sue in NJ

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Welcome ! You have done fantastic and I hope you find the

addtional support you feel you need here. What has helped you so far

toward your goals is what will see you through the rest of the

journey, and guess what? That's you! And your love for your family

and your love for life. I am really impressed that you have managed

what I am hoping to achieve. You are an inspiration, keep it up!


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In a message dated 11/25/2002 12:12:56 PM Central Standard Time,

dvaughnprice@... writes:

> So overwhelmed and don't

> know where to begin.

By taking the first step. If you don't take that step, you let the fear

control you. Its hard I will admit. But taking those first, baby steps,

makes all the difference. As I often tell myself, better the devil I know

then the devil I don't know.

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One of my favorite sayings is this-- do you know how the fasted potato peeler

in the world earned his record? By peeling one potato at a time. That's

how we will win this fat war by peeling one pound at atime Peace Pat

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In a message dated 11/25/2002 7:24:02 PM Central Standard Time,

pzuponu@... writes:

> do you know how the fasted potato peeler

> in the world earned his record? By peeling one potato at a time.

Pat - I love this one! Nothing could be more true.

Thanks for sharing,

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Welcome ! Congrats on the 64 pound loss. That is fantastic! We have

to stick together to maintain our motivation for the long haul. That's why

I like this group. We all have massive amounts of weight to lose and we can

relate to the endless struggle that entails. What if you just try to

maintain your loss for a month or so. Would that be a little break for you

or would that make it harder to get back on track after the holidays?


----- Original Message -----

From: " " <karbchickadee@...>

> Well since I joined this group earlier this week and have been

> replying to some of your posts, I thought it might be a good idea to

> introduce myself and tell you just a bit about myself.

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Deb - way to go on the loss. If you are like me, having the chance to make

things right, is making a world of difference. Good for you!

Looking forward to getting to know you much better!

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Ann - thanks for the welcome.

I have thought about taking a break for a bit but to be perfectly honest? I am

scared to try that! Scared that right now I am feeling so much better and that

I will just let go and not get back to doing what I need to. Does that make


So instead I am focusing on what the holidays mean to me - and not the food they

represent. I realize I won't continue losing the 13 pounds a month I was

averaging in the beginning, and am perfectly content with whatever weight goes

away now. AS LONG AS I continue living healthy and exercising. I am in this

for the long haul .. it took 27 years to get to this place - and while I would

love it to go away overnight, I know it isn't.

But you are 100% right about going this journey with others who are of a like

mind ... it makes a big difference!

Take Care,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your Precious is precious!



Hello to all!

I heard about this list through MJ (my l'il sister in heart!) and , so

I subscribed a little while back, but haven't gotten around to introducing

myself until now. I've been following the discussions though, and I never

cease to be amazed at the sense of camaraderie that happens when a group of

people get together with some common bond. So many people go through the

same things, and thank God that we all have technology to keep us in touch

so we can share! I remember a time in my life when I felt totally alone in

my condition, and when I got the Internet back in the mid-90s, I thought,

" Wow! I am not the only one! " Not that it's good that other people have

it...not that at all. But that I could learn from others and maybe help

someone else too.

I am Holly. I'm 25 years old, diagnosed with SMA at the age of 15 mths.

That was in the late 1970s and apparently, there was little distinction

among the types back then. The docs told my parents to go home and enjoy me

for the 2 or 3 years that I'd live. But, here I am, a quarter of a century

later, still doing pretty well! Sure, I have experienced some weaknesses,

and some setbacks, but overall, I have been extremely blessed. In fact,

there have been times that I wondered if I even have SMA at all, because I

had also been dropped by a little girl when I was about 6 or 7 mths old, and

it was only after that event that I seemed to weaken at all. Before that, I

was zipping around in a baby walker and pulling up to things. But after

that, suddenly, I could not do those things. So although the doctors say it

had nothing to do with it and that I was not injured in the fall, we've

always had that question in the back of our minds. I've never gone back to

be re-tested af!

ter the initial diagnosis. I know that technology is much better now, but

to be honest, either way, the damage is done, and I don't think that knowing

would change things either way if that makes sense.

Anyway, I use a power chair and have fairly limited strength, although my

range of motion is good. This seems to be fairly common among us SMAckers.

I have a van, equipped with the high-tech joystick driving controls for me

to drive, but to be honest, I don't drive much. I am so grateful that I

have it, and if I need it, it is there, but most of the time, I leave the

driving to someone else. I get tuckered out too quick to enjoy driving, so

it is a chore when I do it. But don't get me wrong, I am SO grateful that I

have the opportunity and it is available to me.

I teach college introductory computer science. This is my third year, and I

really enjoy teaching. From the time I was a small child, it has been my

dream to teach, and now that the dream has been realized, it is amazing. It

has been so worth the struggles, know what I mean? I teach right around 200

" kids, " many of whom are older than me, every week, so I get to know lots of

people in the process. I have seen a lot of people gain respect. I think

they've learned more about life and adaptation than about computers

sometimes. I thrive on the interaction. It's awesome. If you'd like to

see my " official " work website, you can go to

Well, I s'pose that is probably more than you'd ever wanted to know 'bout

me, but I just wanted to drop in my intro and say hello to all of you. I am

glad to be a part of this list. I don't get around to emailing a lot, but I

will be here, watching and posting on occasion. Feel free to drop me a line

if I can ever help you! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that

you're gearing up for a great holiday season! I absolutely LOVE Christmas

because of what it means to me, so I am excited. We have our tree in our

living room, but no decorations yet. *LOL* We're going to try to finish it

tonight. Take care!

Be blessed!


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High Ross,

Welcome to the list. I must admit topside dental cover would be an

excellent idea. Trying to get an emergency dental appt down hear in GY is a

nightmare. We have had to send people to A & E at JPH before now. Even had to

treat myself last week for a very uncomfortable gum infection. I'll just

say it's not easy trying to hold a pen torch, tongue depressor and dental

probe at the same time and treating yourself in a mirror !! (physician heal

thy self !!) It worked so I must have done something right.

Looking forward to your contributions ..... you haven't got a number if we

need to call you ??

Might be worth approaching Exxon Mobil Occ Health. I'd certainly endorse

having that kind of cover even if it's just a point of call for advice.


Tim Cranton

Medic MNSL Thames 'A'

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Hi Ross

seasons greetings

welcome to the list

met you on my AON refresher & was impressed with your advice ... used it

several times ! " !

enjoy the list

You'll probably be overwhelmed with all our questions!

best wishes

CNR Ninian Northern Platform


Hi folks,

My name is Ross McLelland, and I'm a dentist working in Aberdeen / UK. I

teach the dental 'module' for the AON medics course here in Aberdeen...... I

may have met some of you already over the last couple of years.

I took over from Bernard Duffy who some of you may also remember.

I've had various dealings with the offshore Co's over the years & have had

ties / projects with RGIT/BP/Shell etc.

I've just bought over the Shell dental service at Tullos Phase V in

Aberdeen, so will be developing closer ties with their Occ Health dept


Last year we had a project with BP where we were looking at providing

'dental topside' through an online software/comms interface, with support /

advice direct between dentist/medic....all looked very exciting and

worthwhile, got it all running smoothly, and were about to start a trial

with some offshore platforms, and then BP pulled the plug.!

anyway look forward to being able to help you with all things dental.! :-)



Member Information:

List owner: Ian Sharpe Owner@...

Editor: Ross Boardman Editor@...

Post message: egroups

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Thank you for supporting Remote Medics Online.

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Can you suggest what a medic should carry for dental emergencies in kit?

How do you rate the Dentanurse packages?

What treatment can the medic give for a large gumboil, are they allowed to

cut in order to allow drainage?

Much obliged and welcome



>Hi folks,


>My name is Ross McLelland, and I'm a dentist working in Aberdeen / UK. I

>teach the dental 'module' for the AON medics course here in Aberdeen......


>may have met some of you already over the last couple of years.


>I took over from Bernard Duffy who some of you may also remember.


>I've had various dealings with the offshore Co's over the years & have had

>ties / projects with RGIT/BP/Shell etc.


>I've just bought over the Shell dental service at Tullos Phase V in

>Aberdeen, so will be developing closer ties with their Occ Health dept



>Last year we had a project with BP where we were looking at providing

>'dental topside' through an online software/comms interface, with support /

>advice direct between dentist/medic....all looked very exciting and

>worthwhile, got it all running smoothly, and were about to start a trial

>with some offshore platforms, and then BP pulled the plug.!


>anyway look forward to being able to help you with all things dental.! :-)








>Member Information:


>List owner: Ian Sharpe Owner@...

>Editor: Ross Boardman Editor@...


>Post message: egroups

>Subscribe: -subscribeegroups

>Unsubscribe: -unsubscribeegroups


>Thank you for supporting Remote Medics Online.






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Welcome to the group Ross,

I'm sure at some point someone will be picking your brains. I've found dental

problem in the offshore and remote environment are quite common and we don't

give the subject nearly enough attention it deserves.....

Best Wishes


List Owner


Hi folks,

My name is Ross McLelland, and I'm a dentist working in Aberdeen / UK. I

teach the dental 'module' for the AON medics course here in Aberdeen...... I

may have met some of you already over the last couple of years.

I took over from Bernard Duffy who some of you may also remember.

I've had various dealings with the offshore Co's over the years & have had

ties / projects with RGIT/BP/Shell etc.

I've just bought over the Shell dental service at Tullos Phase V in

Aberdeen, so will be developing closer ties with their Occ Health dept


Last year we had a project with BP where we were looking at providing

'dental topside' through an online software/comms interface, with support /

advice direct between dentist/medic....all looked very exciting and

worthwhile, got it all running smoothly, and were about to start a trial

with some offshore platforms, and then BP pulled the plug.!

anyway look forward to being able to help you with all things dental.! :-)



Member Information:

List owner: Ian Sharpe Owner@...

Editor: Ross Boardman Editor@...

Post message: egroups

Subscribe: -subscribeegroups

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Thank you for supporting Remote Medics Online.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

Welcome to the list. Looking foreward to your input.

Merry Christmas,



> At the listowners' suggestion, I would like to join in the

> conversation with my short intro.

> I work for International SOS in China, as Medical Support and

> Training Manager.

> Nurse, Paramedic, pilot and sailor in previous lives, and accredited

> trainer. Worked in most remote places, and now have 55 people working

> for me, Chinese Doctors, and foreign paramedics, medics, nurses and

> doctors from Australia, ines and South Africa.

> Primarily responsible for hiring, ( and firing, of course), CQI,

> standards, auditing and overall management of 20 on and offshore

> sites in China, Tibet and Mongolia.

> I have access to lots of resources if you need, and hope to gather

> the collective wisdom of the group! Cheers.

> .




> Member Information:


> List owner: Ian Sharpe Owner@...

> Editor: Ross Boardman Editor@...


> Post message: egroups

> Subscribe: -subscribeegroups

> Unsubscribe: -unsubscribeegroups


> Thank you for supporting Remote Medics Online.






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Welcome to the list. This now has over 300 members so if you post a question

there is usually someone out there who has experience of the situation and

can help. It is very friendly, informal and supportive so that even a

neophyte (like myself) can confidently express a view without fear of being

shot down or belittled (unlike on some other lists that I could mention).

Enjoy contributing.


>From: " yachtbarnestormer <gary.barnes@...> "




>Subject: Intro

>Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 07:17:00 -0000


>At the listowners' suggestion, I would like to join in the

>conversation with my short intro.

>I work for International SOS in China, as Medical Support and

>Training Manager.

>Nurse, Paramedic, pilot and sailor in previous lives, and accredited

>trainer. Worked in most remote places, and now have 55 people working

>for me, Chinese Doctors, and foreign paramedics, medics, nurses and

>doctors from Australia, ines and South Africa.

>Primarily responsible for hiring, ( and firing, of course), CQI,

>standards, auditing and overall management of 20 on and offshore

>sites in China, Tibet and Mongolia.

>I have access to lots of resources if you need, and hope to gather

>the collective wisdom of the group! Cheers.



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We could use some more adult supervision on this list! Watch out for Rod E


Tom G

>From: " yachtbarnestormer <gary.barnes@...> "




>Subject: Intro

>Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 07:17:00 -0000


>At the listowners' suggestion, I would like to join in the

>conversation with my short intro.

>I work for International SOS in China, as Medical Support and

>Training Manager.

>Nurse, Paramedic, pilot and sailor in previous lives, and accredited

>trainer. Worked in most remote places, and now have 55 people working

>for me, Chinese Doctors, and foreign paramedics, medics, nurses and

>doctors from Australia, ines and South Africa.

>Primarily responsible for hiring, ( and firing, of course), CQI,

>standards, auditing and overall management of 20 on and offshore

>sites in China, Tibet and Mongolia.

>I have access to lots of resources if you need, and hope to gather

>the collective wisdom of the group! Cheers.

> .




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  • 2 weeks later...

Well hi Jana!!!! Love your name! Welcome aboard!


> Hi! I am new to the group and am on Day 2 of the BFL challenge. I


> inspired by the photos posted but, my favorite thing is seeing the

> bright smiles on your faces after reaching your goals. Good luck


> you all! Jana (Boston, MA)

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It's funny how people who are not doing BFL laugh at the before and

after pics. There are convinced that our expressions are part of

the " scam " - that we are trying to make ourselves look as bad as

possible in the befores. They don't understand that the expressions

truly reflect how we felt about ourselves!

Congrats on taking the challenge. You will NEVER regret it!


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