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Thank you all for your warm welcome.

Reading all your posts has made me realise how lucky I am. I dont

have that many people who I would call close friends but those I

have have stuck by me and would help in any way that they could. One

even takes notes for me in college when I feel like I cant.

At the moment I would describe my pain level as discomfort and I am

so gratfull to be able to do things for myself again.

I saw a post on housework a while back. You have probably heard of

this but I find flylady.com really helps. Her attitude of do what

you can is a good one.

The last doctor I saw was a rheumatologist. I was feeling ok by the

time I got to see him so he dosent realise how bad it can get. He

didnt want to give me any drugs as he says that they can cause

problems with your white cells (??). Next time I go I will take some

info with me to hand to him (or alternativly beat him with!!!).

In the UK you get sent to a doctor. If you dont like them tough. No

alternatives unless you want to pay. Even then they are sometimes

the only specialist in the area.

Anyway thanks again for your replys. Hope we all feel better soon.

Jo B

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  • 1 month later...


So nice to hear from you and your great success

Keep up the good work and motivating us!!!



Hello Everyone!

I'm a long time and happy Lifelifter; but haven't been involved in

this group for a very long time. So I thought I'd introduce myself

to those who don't know me.

I'm Wanda; and have a lot of weight to lose; and have lost a lot of

weight using Lifelift as my main exercise; and making changes to my

eating plans. For me, it is a slow process; but I've accepted that

long ago because it seems to make the weight loss permanent; and

gives my body time to adjust to each loss. Rashelle's Body Wrap

products is what keeps me motivated week to week. I see results

quickly with these products and seeing that change is so totally

awesome; it doesn't get better than that! : )

I hope to talk to with you all soon!


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Hello Dearest Wanda,

Thank you so much for the inspiration. You are one totally amazing woman.

I ALWAYS love hearing your story. There is so much more to it and every detail

is exciting to me. Your devotion and dedication has paid off. You are now over

70 pounds thinner and enjoying much better health than before you started. I

love knowing that the Body Wrap products help you too. The combination of Life

Lift and the Body Wrap products really is a great one. It just makes me extra

happy to read your words and to know that you feel the same way.

You are such a precious woman and you do deserve to have a wonderful life. All

of the areas of your life should be good because that is what you deserve.

Keep your attention exactly where you want the changes to happen. Remember that

energy flows where your attention goes. Keep your focus on the things that

matter most and you will see changes continue to happen..good changes that will

bring you even more happiness and satisfaction.

You should be feeling very proud. I know I am very, very proud to be a part of

your success.

You truly are Wanda Wonderful to me.


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http://www.oxygenlift.net Life Lift is the Original Aerobic Breathing.


Hello Everyone!

I'm a long time and happy Lifelifter; but haven't been involved in

this group for a very long time. So I thought I'd introduce myself

to those who don't know me.

I'm Wanda; and have a lot of weight to lose; and have lost a lot of

weight using Lifelift as my main exercise; and making changes to my

eating plans. For me, it is a slow process; but I've accepted that

long ago because it seems to make the weight loss permanent; and

gives my body time to adjust to each loss. Rashelle's Body Wrap

products is what keeps me motivated week to week. I see results

quickly with these products and seeing that change is so totally

awesome; it doesn't get better than that! : )

I hope to talk to with you all soon!


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Carol welcome to the group:o)



-----Original Message-----

From: CoilLady@... [mailto:CoilLady@...]


My name is Carol and I am very happy to be here.

I have been soaping for almost 7 years, been selling through craft shows and

web sites for about 6 years and last year opened a retail and working shop. I

make rebatch soaps, and a variety of other bath products and just have alot

of fun!

I look forward to getting to know you all.

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that is one LOONY doctor!!! Sounds like she was moving in for the kill! Good


My name is and I am the mother of two boys with another baby on the

way. My oldest son in unvaxed, my youngest son has had the hib, but that

is all. He had a very serious bout with pneumonia this past November and

his doctors thought that he had a supressed immune system, after getting

out of the hospital his blood work all came back normal. But our doctor

was really pushing to have all his vaccinations done, she even asked if

we could give them all at one time to get him caught up! Have not been

back to see that doctor! We have recently found a homeopath in our area

and have appointments to see her this month.

I am already learning so much from being in this group!


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>my youngest son has had the hib,<

Maybe I shouldn't say anything, but you need to know that the Hib has the most

mercury, from what I understand. My grandson at 2 months was given the Hib shot

but no others, because after that his mother decided to not let the doctor

intimdate her. When she went back and refused any and all vaccines after that

the doctor got mad and told her to find another doctor. She did and has not

been pressured so far, and she had another baby (girl) in July who has had no

vaccines. My research started after my oldest grandchild (boy age 7) regressed

into autism at 23 months within a week of receiving his last round of shots.

What I learned shocked me and angered me very much. I gave information to my

daugther in law and thank God she has chosen to heed my advice. There is a

doctor (Dr. Mark Geier, M.D., Phd.) who is speaking out about mercury in

vaccines, though unfortunately he is still provaccine in general. He believes

that mercury in vaccines has caused all the autism cases in the last 20 years.

I sympathize with all of you parents of infants and young children who are up

against Bohemeth (Government agencies) but there is many things to be concerned

about when giving vaccines as well. Many parents and other caregivers are

incarcerated every year for Shaken Baby Syndrome, when in most of those cases it

was the vaccines that caused the infants deaths. And then there are the tens of

thousands of children who regress into autism, and their futures are very bleak.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Jill,

Welcome to the group. We are always glad to help in any way we can. Are you

and your baby both type O blood type? Also, I guess you have checked your

local library to find out if they have Eat Right 4 Your Baby. It's just an

idea. I first checked our Live Right and found out that I felt I needed it

before I bought the book. Let us know what you have read and what you are

questioning and someone usually can either give a good suggestion or look up

information and get back to you.


> Hello, my name is Jill. I am new to this group and to this concept. I

> have tried various diets for health and though they were good they

> were not right for me.

> Now I am here to give this a true try. I am also a breastfeeding mom.

> I would like to get my hands on the book eat right 4 your baby, but

> cannot afford it at this time, hopefully soon.

> I am a 33 year old stay at home mom, so I need some motivation on the

> excercise part. It is hard to get out right now when it is soooo

> cold! Brrrrr....

> I live a very alternative life compaired to the way I grew up. So

> this ought to be nothing new. : )

> I was diagnosed years ago with thyroid disorder, but now am off meds

> and doing fine. My mother was also diagnosed with a thyroid disorder,

> she is a vegetarian. Wish I could get her to give this a try but she

> has been that way for so long.

> Well, that's me and I think I have rambled enough.

> Warmly,

> Jill




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Jill - welcome!

Teach by example - your only responsibility is you and your BABY.

Thyroid - start using seaweed regularly - after all it is the perfect

food for Os.

Exercise - counts for 50%! of how you feel. Do some push ups sit ups

etc. don't have to go outside.

ABO Specifics Inc. - http://www.foodforyourblood.com


Hello, my name is Jill. I am new to this group and to this concept. I

have tried various diets for health and though they were good they

were not right for me.

Now I am here to give this a true try. I am also a breastfeeding mom.

I would like to get my hands on the book eat right 4 your baby, but

cannot afford it at this time, hopefully soon.

I am a 33 year old stay at home mom, so I need some motivation on the

excercise part. It is hard to get out right now when it is soooo

cold! Brrrrr....

I live a very alternative life compaired to the way I grew up. So

this ought to be nothing new. : )

I was diagnosed years ago with thyroid disorder, but now am off meds

and doing fine. My mother was also diagnosed with a thyroid disorder,

she is a vegetarian. Wish I could get her to give this a try but she

has been that way for so long.

Well, that's me and I think I have rambled enough.



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Hi ,

Yes, my baby and I are both O's. The whole family here is, so that should

help make changes. It can be for all of us, not just me. I just want to make


I keep my milk supply up and healthy. The way I have been eating... I am sure

it will be an improvement! :)



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We have a treadmill, so I hopped on that last night, I went further than I

normally do. However I can tell you... walking in slippers is a bad idea! I

have a blister!



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That's great that you have a treadmill. Look at your local library

for books on tape you can listen to while you are on the treadmill.

That's where I listened to Live Right For Your Type. Pre-children, I

also had good luck with Joyce Vedral's aerobic weight training

program. (Look at your library) Now whenever I try to do the

horizontal exercises, my son jumps on me. Perhaps your little one

will be more cooperative than mine!


> We have a treadmill, so I hopped on that last night, I went

further than I

> normally do. However I can tell you... walking in slippers is a bad

idea! I

> have a blister!

> Warmly,

> Jill





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Thank you for the suggestions, and the laugh! My son is only 5 months old, so

he won't jump on me. My daughter however is 10 years old, she may! LOL

I love the treadmill. I need to use it more, just with real shoes on, not

slippers. My son loves to be carried at the time I walk on it. So I am always

holding him. He loves the motion, I walked A LOT during my pregnancy.

I had planned on doing a triathlon, then found out I was pregnant! What a

shock that was.

I will check my local library for the books on tape and stuff. I had not

thought of that! Great thinking. I use my library quite a bit. Just have to stop

owing them money....

I tried Cod for the first time this afternoon. Wow! I need to eat that more

often! It was better than steak!

OK, going to run now...



BTW, does carob have caffeine in it?

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No, carob doesn't contain caffeine.

Re: Re: intro


Thank you for the suggestions, and the laugh! My son is only 5 months old, so

he won't jump on me. My daughter however is 10 years old, she may! LOL

I love the treadmill. I need to use it more, just with real shoes on, not

slippers. My son loves to be carried at the time I walk on it. So I am always

holding him. He loves the motion, I walked A LOT during my pregnancy.

I had planned on doing a triathlon, then found out I was pregnant! What a

shock that was.

I will check my local library for the books on tape and stuff. I had not

thought of that! Great thinking. I use my library quite a bit. Just have to


owing them money....

I tried Cod for the first time this afternoon. Wow! I need to eat that more

often! It was better than steak!

OK, going to run now...



BTW, does carob have caffeine in it?

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> I joined the group a couple days ago

Welcome! What shall we all you, a name or nickname?

>I am a native from colorful CO.

All I know about Colorado I learned from Denver and the South Park

kids. :)

>Right now I am not buying a scale

Isn't it nice to be relieved of that obsession? LOL

>I am a

> diabetic with a crazy blood sugar and thyroid problem

Oh, great! You're going to have such fun getting some excess weight off -

not! Oh, wait a minute! Will you also make this a true triple-header by

telling us you're close to menopause age (35 and up) and will also be

battling those peri-menopausal hormones?

In cases like this, a healthy diet full of nutritious whole grains and fresh

fruit & veggies will be a good start, but to really get the weight off

you're going to have to concentrate on increasing your exercise and boosting

that metabolism.

Has your doctor given you any specific plan to follow? Have you met with a


I also suggest to our diabetic members they take a peek at Susie Gillis'

list Diabetic Friends, made up specifically for the larger person with



so if I could

> give up some of my pills that would be in my favor also.

Especially when you realize that diabetes meds *increase* the amount of fat

stored in the body and cause weight *gain*.

>Also thank you for reading this long email

Aw, that wasn't long at all. Thanks for joining us. Now pull up a comfy

chair, grab yourself a nice tall glass of water, and settle in for some

exploring over on our web site's Files and Links pages:

100-plus .

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What type of trampoline do you have?



<One of the best exercises you can do is jumping on a

trampoline. It is very easy on your joints and

jogging for 20 minutes is equal to running 3 1/2 miles

according to my physical therapist cousin. >

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Carol,

Surgery when you first have to face it is scary. But when you read the majority of the posts on this list you will find that those who have had surgery all recommend it as the answer. Surgery today is not what it was 30 years ago. Today edoscopic surgery is the preferred method as the patient is up and out of hospital sooner. Even folk who have open surgery are up and out with in 5 days.

The success rate for a surgeon who had had lots of experience is pretty high - the importance is the experience of the surgeon.

I am sure others who have had surgery will chip in and reassure you. Even I who's surgery was not such a great success will go and have it done again when I need to.

Keep asking questions and talking !



Hi - I'm Carol from Virginia. I'm in the final stages of being diagnosed with achalasia. A litte history:I had hiatal hernia surgery 30 years ago (I was 27 years old) because of symptoms like achalasia - including the "water spraying". They tried unsuccessfully a year later to stretch my scarred esphogus with tubes. I continued to have mild symptoms - stuck food, severe heartburn, spraying, weight loss - but nothing extreme. Five years after first surgery I had my first dilation.Everything has been fine with exception for the frequent heartburn and occasional sticking but nothing to be concerned with. I started putting on weight and felt great. About 2 years ago, the heartburn started getting severe. A year ago the constant pressure in my chest whenever I ate drove me to the Dr. After my barium x-ray, the Dr. asked me how I managed to eat at all the narrowing was so restricted. I had all the tests run and 1 "gentle" dilation. When I was back in the office 3 months after the dilation, the Dr. mentioned he thought I had achalasia. Had the mobility test done 5 weeks ago only to find out the meter wasn't working probably so it would have to be redone. The plan was to do the study and immediately do the botox injection.Today I went back to Dr. to have study rescheduled. He has now decided he really doesn't want to do the botox and would prefer I consider having the surgery. He wants to refer me to a Dr. at town University Hospital in Washington, D.C. for the surgery. Mobility test is rescheduled for 7/28 and then we'll talk again.I walked out of his office and immediately broke down. I am scared to death.I'm glad I found you all!

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Hi Carol!

You have absolutely found the right

group! This group of people is amazing. 30 years? Wow that is

a long time. I have fairly recently been diagnosed with achalasia, and am

currently on the wait list for a heller myotomy with partial wrap. I am

going to assume the surgery you are having will be a myotomy as well, but

please, let us know. This surgery is most often done laparascopically,

with 5 or 6 small insicions. Check out the file section, there is tons of

information on the procedure as well as some surgeons who perform it.

There are many people here who have had this done, and most of them have great

success stories. Stick around, Carol, and you will be shocked with all

the information that you will learn from this family! Most of them really

know more information on achalasia than some of the doctors you may meet.

Make sure, as I have been reccommended that the surgeon who will help you has

lots and lots and lots of experience. Good luck Carol, and we are all

here to help you!


Chilliwack, BC

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Susie,

It's good to meet you too. ;)

I just wanted to tell you that I was pretty much the same... I

decided to " delay " vaxing until I learned more (and I'm still

learning over a year later). Before long, the word " delay " became

the words " No way! "

That's because you won't find anything, nadda, not one single trace

of evidence to support the idea that vaccines are okay or even

necessary. And the deeper you dig, the more nothing you will find

to support that idea.... however you will find more and more and

more information to the contrary.

I think it's great every time a parent decides to step out of the

box and educate themselves before they let people inject who knows

what into their children. I'm only sorry I didn't know before my

first was born. But hey, better late than never! :)

Best to you!

Laurette ;)

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I have a child who turned a year old on August 24th. I have not vaxed

either of my children and you will learn a ton frem this list. I also have

a baby girl on the way in october.

Welcome to the group.


-- Intro

Hi all,

My name is Susie and I'm mom to Rory 16 years, Reese 3.5 years and

Camden wgo turned 1 August 24th. I've gone from incredibly mainstream

to very anti mainstream. Rory and Reese are vax'd, Camden is not. I'm

so far " delaying " vaxing until I learn more. I might turn out to be a

slow learner. I'm here to lurk and learn mostly. BTW...I'm in South


Good to meet you all,


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Welcome to the group.

I was extremly fourtunate to find someone who I didn't need to convince

about vaccine dangers. I said basically when we first met that I would not

vaccinate our kids. He said OK (although he is basically anti-government in

all aspects so to him going against what the gov't says is alright by him)

And then he found out about all of the dangers besides mercury so I have

been extremly blessed in my life to have lots of support in my family to not



-- Intro

Hi! I'm Genevieve, I'm 27, and my husband and I are expecting our

first child in February. I've been researching vaccines since high

school when I first heard a radio broadcast about the dangers of them

and giving the NVIC website for more info. Now that we are expecting

a child, my research has become more than just a curiosity. We are at

least delaying vaccinations (my husband is the one that needs some

convincing about not vaxing at all), and can claim a religious

exemption to the vaccines that contain huamn diploid cells for our

chuch's strong stand against abortion - and my husband is on board

with that. So I'm here to learn more about exemptions and vaccine

content... although I do know much of the scary stuff that is in them


I look forward to getting to know many of you.


South Dakota

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In a message dated 8/28/2004 9:14:11 AM Eastern Standard Time,

laurettelynn@... writes:

> Can anyone point me in the right direction to find a list of

> vaccines that contain human diploid cells? I also take a strong

> stand against abortion, as does my church, and thanks to this post,

> it has occured to me that I should know which vaxes have those when

> I prepare to apply for exemption.

> Thanks so much!


Sherri has that info on her website. Off the top of my head I think it's

rabies, rubella, polio, maybe hib? Not sure, so better look for yourself;o)

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I love to hear of parents that have begun their research before their first

baby arrives. Good for you! I wish my head had been screwed on as straight as

yours back then.

Have your hubby read info from this list for starters. Pretty much any

vaccine news comes accross here. Then you can offer books and websites.


tons and tons of info out there. I personally can't imagine reading it all

with an honest and open mind and still deciding to vax.

In a message dated 8/28/2004 9:14:11 AM Eastern Standard Time,

laurettelynn@... writes:

> >Hi! I'm Genevieve, I'm 27, and my husband and I are expecting our

> >first child in February. I've been researching vaccines since high

> >school when I first heard a radio broadcast about the dangers of

> them

> >and giving the NVIC website for more info. Now that we are

> expecting

> >a child, my research has become more than just a curiosity. We

> are at

> >least delaying vaccinations (my husband is the one that needs some

> >convincing about not vaxing at all), and can claim a religious

> >exemption to the vaccines that contain huamn diploid cells for our

> >chuch's strong stand against abortion - and my husband is on board

> >with that. So I'm here to learn more about exemptions and vaccine

> >content... although I do know much of the scary stuff that is in

> them

> >already.

> >

> >I look forward to getting to know many of you.




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> Hi! I'm Genevieve, I'm 27, and my husband and I are expecting our

> first child in February. I've been researching vaccines since high

> school when I first heard a radio broadcast about the dangers of


> and giving the NVIC website for more info. Now that we are


> a child, my research has become more than just a curiosity. We

are at

> least delaying vaccinations (my husband is the one that needs some

> convincing about not vaxing at all), and can claim a religious

> exemption to the vaccines that contain huamn diploid cells for our

> chuch's strong stand against abortion - and my husband is on board

> with that. So I'm here to learn more about exemptions and vaccine

> content... although I do know much of the scary stuff that is in


> already.


> I look forward to getting to know many of you.

Hi Welome to the group! :) I am certain that once your husband is

more informed, he will be convinced. It's almost impossible not to

be once your well equipped with information. The problem is getting

people to open their eyes, remove their head from the sand, and SEE

the information. :)

Can anyone point me in the right direction to find a list of

vaccines that contain human diploid cells? I also take a strong

stand against abortion, as does my church, and thanks to this post,

it has occured to me that I should know which vaxes have those when

I prepare to apply for exemption.

Thanks so much!

Laurette :)

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