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, a big welcome to you and several other new people. Be sure to make

yourself at home here, try to browse the links, files and databases for

sources, recipes and more. You can also go back several months and read

past messages that are about topics you are interested in. We are in the

process of compiling a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Database.

We will also have word soon on a location and agenda for another TRAD

FOODS MEETING, it will probably be a food tasting (various milks, yogurts or

cheeses) and perhaps a lecture.

For people seeking raw milk and that haven't found it yet, call Mom's Dairy or

get together with those of us that are driving around getting it. We've created

a wild maze of people, cars and farms.

As always, I hope that everyone here owns and has read Sally Fallon's

NOURISHING TRADITIONS, as it explains so much about what we are doing,

and that everyone who seeks raw milk will read Ron Schmidt's THE UNTOLD

STORY OF MILK before they get their first bottle. Please share any other

inspirational reading that helped get you here, and see our list of other

recommended books about Traditional Nutrition in the files.

Once again, welcome, this is your place!

Will Winter, moderator

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  • 2 months later...
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welcome to the group brandi. i think once you get back into the swing of things you will do great. i hope you enjoy this group as much as i have. lots of good input on all types of workouts. lets us know how you do.


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Welcome ,

It's nice to meet you! It sounds like you like quite a variety of

workouts and you should be back in shape in no time. You will get

plenty of support here. From one videoaddict to another, there are

so many worse addictions to have....at least this one is a healthy

one. :-)


> Hi there,


> I finally have a moment to sit and introduce myself. I joined the

group about 3 days ago but have been on the run since.


> My name is and I'm 31 years old and a SAHM to 2

boys... is 5 (almost 6) and Jake is 18 months. I've been

married to my husband Bill for almost 7 years and we live in a small

northwestern community in BC Canada.


> I've been doing Weight Watchers for over a year now and was very

successful with it up until about 5 months ago. I also started

doing workout videos around the same time I started WW. I realized

that with (at the time) a 4 year old and a 3 month old baby that

getting to the gym was our of the question for me...we were also

heading into our winter here and going out for a walk was getting to

be nearly impossible. So, I bought 3 workout videos...Walk Away the

Pounds Express 3 mile, Tae Bo Cardio and Flex. I used these for

about 6 months and loved the way I felt and was loving the weight

coming off. It was slow but steady. I then saw the infommercial

for Slim in 6 and ordered it. When it arrived in May of last year I

committed to it for the 6 weeks and was thrilled with my results.

Even though the scale said I only lost 6 lbs I actually had lost 14

lbs of fat and gained 8 lbs of lean muscle. I still had weight to

lose but my energy was amazing and I felt so in control. I loved

the muscles that I was starting to see.


> September came and life turned upside down and has been a roller

coaster since. Very long story but basically my younger sister's

marriage fell apart and I had to jump in to support her and help

with her 2 young boys so I put myself on the back burner and started

dealing with my stress through food.


> So here I am again. I've gained back about 15 of the 35 that I

had lost. I started working out with Slim in 6 again about 2 weeks

ago and was so relieved to see my energy levels pick up again within

a few days. I've lost 6.5 inches since I started.


> I'm addicted to workout videos and there are so many more that I

want. The one's I have right now are Power 90, Tony and the Kids,

Core Secrets, Windsor Pilates, Walk Away the Pounds and my 2 Tae Bo

ones. I would love to buy Yoga Booty Ballet and the new 's

Boot Camp Tae Bo workouts. I was in Karate for 10 years and have my

black belt so the moves in Tae Bo feel familiar to me.


> Anyways, enough of me rambling. Looking forward to meeting




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>Hi everyone. I joined last week and after lurking around..

Welcome, !

>In 2001, I started off with the foodmover at 292 lbs. Over the course of

the next year and a bit, I lost 104 lbs...was feeling great and in control.

When I became pregnant with Sam and for the first part of the pregnancy, I

Congrats for the weight loss and for Sam. :)

> I turned to food. So...here I am...259 lbs.

So you know *how* to do it - you did it once already. Will you be sticking

with the Foodmover again or a different plan?

> For right now, my goal is to

reach 249. 10 lbs...do-able...right? lol

Of course! Just close those windows, drink that water, and keep sweatin'!

Sue in NJ


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I'm pretty new too. Just joined last week and i'm

gonna do weight watchers from this week.

You can do it and you know you can :)

Welcome to a really supportive warm group:)

These women rock my socks off!




Show us what our next emoticon should look like. Join the fun.


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Welcome to the group. A lot of us have BABY WEIGHT. LOL Mine Oldest is 10 and that is where my weight issue really got into full swing. Foodmover is a great program.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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>A lot of us have BABY WEIGHT. LOL Mine Oldest

> is 10 and that is where my weight issue really got into full swing.

My kid is 21. Can I still blame it on baby weight? LOL

> Foodmover is a great program.

I wonder what is working on now. He hinted at it back in December

but nothing ever came out. I remember he mentioned it having buttons, so

maybe it's an electronic Foodmover?

Sue in NJ

who loves gizmos and gadgets

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Welcome Michele,

This is a great group. My son was just diagnosed recently as well (Feb 05) and he is 11! He also is just now getting his OT eval (little late!) and we will see how much that can help with his Sensory issues) I also have a 4 y/o (nt?) daughter who is a handful and a half!



Hi my name is Michele. I have 2 children including my8 yo son who is officially diagnosed with BipolarDisorder (meds: Abilify/Zoloft), Asperger's, andlearning disability in reading/language arts and myeccentric 6 yo daughter.I have had both children evaluated for OT and theyboth qualify. I believe all the major testing for myson is complete so I get to start the process overwith my daughter now.My son has been in therapy since he was 4.5 yo and mydaughter attended some therapy with him during thattime.I'm here because the official Asperger's diagnosisjust came in this week.I look forward to learning more.MicheleRockwall, TX__________________________________________________

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Welcome Michele,

This is a great group. My son was just diagnosed recently as well (Feb 05) and he is 11! He also is just now getting his OT eval (little late!) and we will see how much that can help with his Sensory issues) I also have a 4 y/o (nt?) daughter who is a handful and a half!



Hi my name is Michele. I have 2 children including my8 yo son who is officially diagnosed with BipolarDisorder (meds: Abilify/Zoloft), Asperger's, andlearning disability in reading/language arts and myeccentric 6 yo daughter.I have had both children evaluated for OT and theyboth qualify. I believe all the major testing for myson is complete so I get to start the process overwith my daughter now.My son has been in therapy since he was 4.5 yo and mydaughter attended some therapy with him during thattime.I'm here because the official Asperger's diagnosisjust came in this week.I look forward to learning more.MicheleRockwall, TX__________________________________________________

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I assume you have been contacted back-channel with some answers to your

questions, but I can't tell for sure, so I'll take a shot.


I contacted the person who did the training (Dr Vonhilsheimer,

Maitland, Fl) and he recommended the " personal trainer " which led me

ultimately to this group.

I think my 7 yo son could use some focus and self control (ADHD

symptoms, never diagnosed) that would probably respond like his older

brother. My question is...does the small unit work as well as the in-

office equipment? We paid in the upper $4000 for the training 4

years ago and I imagine it has probably increased (interestingly, our

insurance at the time paid 70%, I haven't checked if my current

insurance would....BCBS) so the small unit would be much less

expensive. I just want to make sure of the effectiveness, both of

the unit and of a non-trained person (me!) trying to administer it.


If you have read through the posts on this list, you have no doubt noticed that

a number of the participants are parents, spouses and selves. My approach to

brain training is based on the belief that it is the most powerful

SELF-regulation technology since meditation. You won't be able to just pop

something out of the box and slap it on your son't head and get results, but if

you have the interest level, there are lots of options for learning about it and

you might even find that training your own brain is very helpful as well.

The Attention Trainer (I think that's what you are asking about) is actually a

rather costly home user device that allows you to do very limited training

options. For less than $1,000 you can get the Pendant (hardware) and

BioExplorer (software) and have the ability to train literally anything you

might ever want. Many of the pros on this list are using that package! You

might consider getting someone to do an assessment of your son and recommend a

training plan--or just try the C3/C4 protocol Dr. Von uses. Or you might

choose to take some workshops and learn a bit more before you jump in. In any

case, you should come out well below the $4,000 price tag and get very good


You can go to our site (http://www.brain-trainer.com) and learn more about our

approach to NF, the assessment form we make available and look at a variety of

equipment options. Then, if you have more specific questions, write back and

you should get plenty of responses.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hey Bear,


At the university of Florida there is a Dr. Skoda who is wonderful.

She assisted Dr Sleasman who is no longer there.... with diagnosing my son

ph about 5 years ago...

Also current study going on at NIH with 5-6 month waiting list. Info under

files etc...

God Bless,


Fran A Bulone

Mom to ph 5 yrs old

Waxhaw, NC

Owner & Moderator Group

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You'll love it here! Lots of good info and people! I'm glad to see

another Minnesotan on the list!

Sheri's classes are great too.

Heidi Heim

PS - I have Taz on cancer treatments (week 2 right now) with Magda

but I apprecaite your response and support.

> I have joined this vaccine list to learn more about the adverse

> reactions to vaccines. Altho this is a people list - I am hoping


> gather information to take to my vet to help him learn more about


> dangers of vaccines. I am on several vaccine lists for dogs - but


> feel that if the information is out there about vaccines and the

> dangers to our children (who do not get vaccinated every single


> for their entire life) then, hopefully, he will begin to see the

> dangers in vaccinating dogs 'every single year' with combo shots.


> My husband taught Adapted Athletics for 30 years - when he first

> started he had maybe one or two children in his class and he was


> only teacher. He traveled from school to school - when he retired


> years ago - they had hired 5 more teachers and paras to help them


> the case load in each and every teachers class. Not only did the

> numbers rise dramatically, but the severity of the autism and

> handicapped became more severe and profound. Yet some people


> refuse to put vaccines and autism and whatever else together. It


> the same way with the dog people - they cry about the diseases


> our animals at such a young age and then want to do all these


> to 'find a cure'.....w/o any consideration to the what role


> play in the scheme of things. Just like babies, animals can not


> for themselves! I hope to learn more and more! Thanks for



> Sherry

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  • 4 weeks later...
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In a message dated 6/9/2005 9:18:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

jonesfamily4321@... writes:

I'll try soy shakes

Be careful with soy. Type Os don't do all that well with it. Also, most of

the protein food sources you mention are neutrals and not beneficials. Try to

work yourself into the protein/fat side of things with beneficial meat (red

meat, beneficial fish, etc) as your primary source of food. Vegetables and

carbs should be secondary. I think that once you get used to the texture and

taste of meat you'll be amazed at how much better you feel and how fast you'll

lose weight. You'll really notice the difference as you grow older. I only

wish I'd followed this diet in my thirties.

I didn't discover it until my fifties when I was really sick. I too was

eating a lot of pasta and bread and watching calories. It's a wonder it didn't

kill me with what I know now. It was scarey to get on this diet because it

calls for eating a lot of calories but the weight just melted off once my


resistance (from eating carbs) dropped. Now when I eat an avoid like bread,

pasta, potatoes, corn, etc. I get sick as a dog and become a bloatboy.

As an aside, I found some soft sheep cheese and it was delicious!! My body

really responded to it. I wish we could get more of a variety of sheep cheeses

since I think they are neutral or maybe even beneficial.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thank you, I would definately NOT say I am in great shape but I am

trying. I am in better shape than I have ever been, even when I was

130 pounds.


> Welcome AM!!!

> Wow you have a great balance of workouts, you must be in great


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Welcome, Ann Marie!!!

I love Tae Bo also. I just ordered the 's

Bootcamp from QVC - great price. I plan to do some of

them starting next week so I'll be sure to write up a

review. Ilike the Tae Bo Circuit Workouts thatcame

out last year, although some say they're on the easy

side compared to the older stuff. I'm also lucky

enough to have some of the " live " workouts that are

out of print. They are great.

Sounds like you have a great program set up already

with lots of variety!


--- annmarieseiler <amseiler@...> wrote:

> Hello everyone,


> I just joined today and I wanted to do a quick into.

> My name is Ann-

> Marie and I am a SAHM to two boys, 4 and 6. I am in

> the process of

> losing weight and am quite an exercise junky. My

> workouts include 2

> upper body strength training sessions a week, 4 - 5

> 35 - 40 min

> sessions on the gazelle, 2 TaeKwonDo classes each

> week, two Balance

> Ball, yoga or Pilates sessions and 2 Taebo sessions

> each week. I

> currently use the Gaiam video Balance Ball for

> Weight Loss and the

> Original Taebo video as my main workout videos. I

> have a buch of

> others but so far I haven't found any others that

> appeal to me as

> much. I have a few new Taebo videos on order and I

> just got " Cardio

> Pilates " and " Zone Pilates Mat and Ball Workout "

> that I haven't tried

> yet. I'll let ya'll know what I think once I try

> them out. Can

> anyone recommend a good Taebo video. There are so

> many now. I have

> Taebo: Cardio coming soon. Or anyother

> kickboxing/martial arts type

> videos that are out there.


> AM






Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football


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hi AM! welcome to the group.

im also a sahm with two boys ages 4 and 6.

i live in ontario canada.

wow, your weekly workout schedule is very full and balanced. good for you!

i have tons of taebo videos but they are all of the old ones. they are

good for me and i dont feel the need to get any of the new ones. that

doesnt stop me from renting the new ones though of course ;) i have 4 of

billys new ones in my rental queue.



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Hi AM:) Welcome!!!


> Hello everyone,


> I just joined today and I wanted to do a quick into. My name is Ann-

> Marie and I am a SAHM to two boys, 4 and 6. I am in the process of

> losing weight and am quite an exercise junky. My workouts include 2

> upper body strength training sessions a week, 4 - 5 35 - 40 min

> sessions on the gazelle, 2 TaeKwonDo classes each week, two Balance

> Ball, yoga or Pilates sessions and 2 Taebo sessions each week. I

> currently use the Gaiam video Balance Ball for Weight Loss and the

> Original Taebo video as my main workout videos. I have a buch of

> others but so far I haven't found any others that appeal to me as

> much. I have a few new Taebo videos on order and I just got " Cardio

> Pilates " and " Zone Pilates Mat and Ball Workout " that I haven't tried

> yet. I'll let ya'll know what I think once I try them out. Can

> anyone recommend a good Taebo video. There are so many now. I have

> Taebo: Cardio coming soon. Or anyother kickboxing/martial arts type

> videos that are out there.


> AM

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Welcome aboard, , from beautiful Austin!

One thing you are most warmly invited to do on this list is to

ask questions or to ask for a Kombucha starter.

I'm convinced there are people not too far away that could supply

you with your very own Kombucha culture.

I hope you'll soon discover the joys of brewing Kombucha Tonic

(which is very therapeutic :-) and of course the benefits of

drinking your very own wonderful health tonic.

Raising my glass of KT to you,

Margret:-) from hot and sunny UK in Derby, the Midlands

In message <d9dg7r+3ibpeGroups> you wrote:

> Hello all! I just joined the list, and wanted to introduce myself.

> My name is , and I live just north of beautiful Austin, TX.


> I have recently begun reading about the benefits of KT, and was

> referred to this list on another board I frequent. Once I read

> through some of the archives and familiarize myself with the growing

> and brewing process a little more, I'm going to be on the hunt for a

> starter of my own.


> Thanks for letting me join the family. :)








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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm also starting the Challenge today. And, like you, I've never

finished anything I've started. I want to give this gift to myself!

Just found this group and hoping to get lots of support and info from

you ladies. Has anyone seen success without using all the

supplements? I am a stay-at-home mom of young children and funds are

sooooo tight right now. Anyway, I'll probably be a lurker most of the

time unless anyone starting the Challenge right now needs a buddy.

BTW, Here's my info:

31 yrs old

5'9 " tall

190 lbs

size 14/16

My goal is to be strong, lean and solid. Whatever size and weight

that will be remains to be seen.

Thanks for all the great info!


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You don't need supplements in order to be successful. Nutrition is

about 80% of your results, workouts maybe 18% and supplements about

2%. If everything else is in order, supplements will give you a little

extra edge. But if your nutrition isn't there, no supplement can save

you. Protein powders or meal replacements like Myoplex can help make

the nutrition side of things more convenient, but real food is

actually better if you can manage it.

On 7/4/05, tababylon <tababylon@...> wrote:

> I'm also starting the Challenge today. And, like you, I've never

> finished anything I've started. I want to give this gift to myself!

> Just found this group and hoping to get lots of support and info from

> you ladies. Has anyone seen success without using all the

> supplements? I am a stay-at-home mom of young children and funds are

> sooooo tight right now. Anyway, I'll probably be a lurker most of the

> time unless anyone starting the Challenge right now needs a buddy.

> BTW, Here's my info:

> 31 yrs old

> 5'9 " tall

> 190 lbs

> size 14/16


> My goal is to be strong, lean and solid. Whatever size and weight

> that will be remains to be seen.


> Thanks for all the great info!

> Theresa

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Hi Dan,

Welcome to the group.

Whereabouts in Penna?.Did EMS in Penna since about

'69 too!I've kicked about in Phila and Pittsburg area

after we came over from North Ireland-My kids are in

Western Penna now.


- Dan Eardley <oldmedic777@...> wrote:

> To all,


> First of all this is the night before I leave for

> the rig. I am a Safety & Training Coordinator and

> Rig Medic on the Atwood Falcon, currently north of

> Japan. I have been working offshore since 1990, in

> EMS since 1969, Finally got my Medic in 1985 and I

> live in Pennsylvania.


> Get back to me when you have the time. I will not

> be able to read my emails until the 7th or the 8th.



> Dan Eardley



> ---------------------------------

> Sports

> Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy

> Football


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






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Hi Dan

That's surprising that you cant get emails on an Atwood Rig!!!

I did a bit of time on the Atwood 'Southern Cross' on the North West Shelf

(Aust) and Timor Sea a few years back.

Welcome Dan


At 05:05 PM 7/6/2005, you wrote:

>Hi Dan,

>Welcome to the group.

>Whereabouts in Penna?.Did EMS in Penna since about

>'69 too!I've kicked about in Phila and Pittsburg area

>after we came over from North Ireland-My kids are in

>Western Penna now.




>- Dan Eardley <oldmedic777@...> wrote:


> > To all,

> >

> > First of all this is the night before I leave for

> > the rig. I am a Safety & Training Coordinator and

> > Rig Medic on the Atwood Falcon, currently north of

> > Japan. I have been working offshore since 1990, in

> > EMS since 1969, Finally got my Medic in 1985 and I

> > live in Pennsylvania.

> >

> > Get back to me when you have the time. I will not

> > be able to read my emails until the 7th or the 8th.

> >

> >

> > Dan Eardley

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Sports

> > Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy

> > Football

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




>Member Information:


>List owner: Ian Sharpe Owner@...

>Editor: Ross Boardman Editor@...


>ALL list admin messages (subscriptions & unsubscriptions) should be sent

>to the list owner.


>Post message: egroups


>Please visit our website http://www.remotemedics.co.uk




>The Remote Medics Team


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Hey Darren,

No, I guess that I did not explain the situation well enough. I was leaving

home and enroute to the Atwood Falcon. I meant that I would be away from the

net for four or five days. I have a three day change to the rig. I leave on

Monday morning, two overnights and I am on the rig, north of Japan on Thursday

morning. I am usually jet-lagged for a day, which I was this time. Anyway that

is what I was trying to get across.

The last that I heard about the Southern Cross was that they were doing an

unreal Modu-Spec audit. Two weeks over the expected time for the audit. I

believe that they are headed to Israel, then Greece for a shipyard up-grade and

then on to Italy.

Thank you for the reply. I will keep in touch as I can. Are you in the UK now?

Were you associated witht the bombings there?

Get back to me when you have the time. I am on the rig. HAve a great day.

Dan Eardley

Darren <dazzle1@...> wrote:

Hi Dan

That's surprising that you cant get emails on an Atwood Rig!!!

I did a bit of time on the Atwood 'Southern Cross' on the North West Shelf

(Aust) and Timor Sea a few years back.

Welcome Dan


At 05:05 PM 7/6/2005, you wrote:

>Hi Dan,

>Welcome to the group.

>Whereabouts in Penna?.Did EMS in Penna since about

>'69 too!I've kicked about in Phila and Pittsburg area

>after we came over from North Ireland-My kids are in

>Western Penna now.




>- Dan Eardley <oldmedic777@...> wrote:


> > To all,

> >

> > First of all this is the night before I leave for

> > the rig. I am a Safety & Training Coordinator and

> > Rig Medic on the Atwood Falcon, currently north of

> > Japan. I have been working offshore since 1990, in

> > EMS since 1969, Finally got my Medic in 1985 and I

> > live in Pennsylvania.

> >

> > Get back to me when you have the time. I will not

> > be able to read my emails until the 7th or the 8th.

> >

> >

> > Dan Eardley

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Sports

> > Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy

> > Football

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




>Member Information:


>List owner: Ian Sharpe Owner@...

>Editor: Ross Boardman Editor@...


>ALL list admin messages (subscriptions & unsubscriptions) should be sent

>to the list owner.


>Post message: egroups


>Please visit our website http://www.remotemedics.co.uk




>The Remote Medics Team


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