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I wanted to share this story with you.

When I was a teenager the guy I was dating said I wasn't sick it was in my head. I told my aunt and she said with those headaches he's right. We had a good laugh, but it did upset me. So everytime I saw a new Dr. I asked them what they thought and EVERYONE of them said it was not in my head I really was sick. Even if it was in my head that would need treatment. I have been blessed with good Drs. all over the US


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Welcome !!!! Glad you found us! I'm sure you will love it here!

Take care & hang in there! Love, Barb


well I guess its time i sstop lurkking and post. My naame is sandra

and I am 20 and I hhave multiple scllerosis. ( pleasse bear wwith myy

typping haveing a hard time with it) I was diaagnosed with itt in

deceember althouugh it started acting up in septtember but I wass

told it was all in myy head until then. I amm a single mom of a 15

month oold little girl. havving thiss disease iss really hardd beingg

so youngg and havving a baby. i amm currently going throuugh an

epissode and it stinks.. I also suffer fromm severe depression,

altthough can ya blaame me? ohh well thatt me


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" Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what

you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you

must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if

it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Glad you got a Dr. that listens, that is important. Glad you can live with your parents. It's no fun living back home, but if you are allowed too, that can help a lot. Please keep us updated as to how you are doing.

Hugs to YOu


In a message dated 3/16/2001 11:08:16 AM Eastern Standard Time, happihopper@... writes:

Hello eeveeryone. thank you all foor wlcoming me intto your group.

Well laately I haave been havving a hardd timee taking care off my daughter, butt I livve at homee with myy parentts so they helpp me outt a bit. Although theey are reluctannt beccause they donnt understannd my dissease and theyy thinkk thatt i mellodrammatic. nice familly huh? soo bassically otther than financially, I pretty mucch havee to doo it on my own. I havee been told I have relappsing remitting MS and forr a whille I was ttotally paralyzzed from waisst down butt afterr monthhs off therappy itt got better. I am goiing thhrough anothher relapse right noww, and it pretty muchh a cognittive relapsee otherr than a lott of fatiggue and terriblee pain. And yes I llovee doctorss thatt donnt listen NOT! I amm on my second neuroo because thee firstt one saidd I wass a nut and trried to get me admitted into the psychh ward. hehe. I wassnt a nut untill afterr he saiid ... afterr i ripped intto him tellingg him how immcompetant hhe was. (I was totally paraalyzedd with loss off all functionn from waistt downn at the timme)Oh well.. neww neuroo now. Andd she iss great. sandraa

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We are so glad you are here!! Please feel free to ask and accept as much support as you need!! Love, Lee

Marie Resley <sresley1980@...> wrote:

well I guess its time i sstop lurkking and post. My naame is sandra and I am 20 and I hhave multiple scllerosis. ( pleasse bear wwith myy typping haveing a hard time with it) I was diaagnosed with itt in deceember althouugh it started acting up in septtember but I wass told it was all in myy head until then. I amm a single mom of a 15 month oold little girl. havving thiss disease iss really hardd beingg so youngg and havving a baby. i amm currently going throuugh an epissode and it stinks.. I also suffer fromm severe depression, altthough can ya blaame me? ohh well thatt mesandrra

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Welcome , sounds like you have been through a lot, you hang in there girl! We are here for you 24/7, anytime you need someone, just say so...somebody is always up!

**gentle hugs**

#4 (Chelle)

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I have the best doctors here in Minnesota and I too am blessed.

Chelle (michelle4)

In a message dated 3/16/01 11:31:40 AM Central Standard Time, Faulkncs@... writes:

I have been blessed with good Drs. all over the US

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Hi ,

Welcome to the list! I'm sorry you're sick, but I am so glad that you've found

us. This is a great group of people!


Marie Resley wrote:

> well I guess its time i sstop lurkking and post. My naame is sandra

> and I am 20 and I hhave multiple scllerosis. ( pleasse bear wwith myy

> typping haveing a hard time with it) I was diaagnosed with itt in

> deceember althouugh it started acting up in septtember but I wass

> told it was all in myy head until then. I amm a single mom of a 15

> month oold little girl. havving thiss disease iss really hardd beingg

> so youngg and havving a baby. i amm currently going throuugh an

> epissode and it stinks.. I also suffer fromm severe depression,

> altthough can ya blaame me? ohh well thatt me

> sandrra


> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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> “Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you

believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do

even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to

let go. " - Pueblo Prayer


> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~




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Hello !!!

Welcome to the family sweetie!! :)

WOW it must be so hard for you to be so sick and look after a baby :(

Sorry you also went through the " its all in your head " rubbish too...

you almost reach a point when you give up but I'm glad you didnt.

Do you get much support and help? And no, I dont blame ya one bit for

getting depressed sweetone. It sucks big time :(

Keep the faith!!!

*angel hugs*

Love Aisha.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 3/30/01 8:45:50 AM Eastern Standard Time,

maxpb_10@... writes:

> . My

> name is Lori and I am a mother of a wonderful (aren't they all) 5

> month old boy.

Welcome to the list Lori! Here's some links in case you didn't

already see them:

<A HREF= " http://www.909shot.com/ " >National Vaccine Information Center</A>

<A HREF= " http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm " >Vaccination Information &

Choice Network - Vaccine/Vaccination/Immunization


<A HREF= " http://www.access1.net/Via/ " >VACCINE INFORMATION & AWARENESS</A>

CherylO in Michigan's U.P.!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi my name is Dina and I am the Aunty of a 3 year old boy named

who was born hep c we just found out last month. We took him to the

childrens hospital in Vancouver Canada.The positive news is they are young

and havn't done anything to damage there liver eg. booze ,drugs ect. it is

very scary when it happens to the inoccent and i know very little about it

but i am learning daily. My brother who is also hep c is taking a natural

supplement and got a call from the doctor who told him his enzyme levels

have changed drastically for the better And what ever he is doing to keep it

up. We are starting on the herbs this week to keep his liver heathy.

They are expensive for us here in Canada as they come from the States but

there are testimonials out there and I have seen great results. Hopefully

by the time these two kids are older there will be a cure but we were told

just to treat him like a normal child no special diet dont tell people

because they can be cruel and when he is old enough to understand you have

to explain his illness to him. We should keep in touch as and your son

are going to need support for each other down the road and maybe they could

become good friends through us please keep in touch as it is hard to deal

with this by yourself I am here if you need me anytime. Kiss your little

angel for me and my personal email addy is loeb@... Take care


-----Original Message-----

From: shelly <dillon@...>

Hepatitis C <Hepatitis C >

>my name is shelly, i am 22 years old and mom to dillon. i do not

>have hepatitis C that i know of. today i found out that dillon

>does. he is 2 1/2 years old. he was born with congenital heart

>disease and has had a few open heart surgeries so i think he may have

>gotten it from a blood transfusion. i am going to be tested next

>week hopefully though just to make sure i didnt pass it to him when i

>was pregnant with him or something. we live in oklahoma and i plan

>on calling the oklahoma blood institute tomorrow to ask what all they

>test for when people donate blood because i dont want to think i gave

>it to dillon but i dont know if obi doesnt test for it. i donated

>about 8 months ago and they never said anything to me. and i used to

>be a regular donor but kinda got needle scared after having dillon.

>i would love to have any information any of you could share with me.

>i cant lose him, he's all ive got.



>shelly, mommy to dillon (11-30-98)










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Hi : That is curious, isn't it that a baby has contracted this

virus already. If you are not infected, I would look to the hospital where

he had his surgeries. They've been able to screen for Hep C for years (1990

I believe), so there's no excuse for using tainted blood. I think you can

even sue. Someone on this list did if I recall and was successful. I'm sure

they will speak up.

But more important, this isn't a death sentence for little Dillon. He's very

lucky in that he has time to wait on the research that's going on. You

obviously have access to the internet, and there are lots of good places to

find info. I like www.nih.gov (that's the National Institutes of Health),

then select NIDDK (that's the institute that covers Hepatitis). This will

also tell you about any new protocols that are open.


There are others on this list who know a lot more about this thanI do, but

one suggestion is any time a doctor prescribes medicines for your baby, find

out if they are " liver friendly " and if not, see if there is an alternative

that is.

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My naturopath works as a pediatrician also. Just wanted to make sure you

knew that naturopaths see children also.

Just being a member of this Group, you are off to a great start on the many

complexities of the vaccination issue. There are several wonderful websites

out there dedicated to vaccine issues. However, I'm partial to reading

books. You can go to www.ThinkTwice.com and enter their bookstore. You will

find MANY books there. Each listing has a thorough content description of

the book. Peruse it until something catches your fancy.

Also I don't think anyone has ever accused the CDC as being impartial! So

careful navigating there.

Since you are concerned with impartiality, I suggest a good starter for you

is Viera Scheibner's book. All her information is cited from orthodox

research studies. Those studies can also be looked up on-line. Here's the

info from ThinkTwice:

VACCINATION: 100 Years of Orthodox Research shows that Vaccines Represent a

Medical Assault on the Immune System

by Viera Scheibner, Ph.D.

Imported from Australia. Vaccine researchers: your personal library is

incomplete without this absolutely essential academic textbook on vaccines.

For example, did you know that in 1975, when Japan raised the age to receive

vaccines from 2 months to 2 years, the incidence of Sudden Infant Death

Syndrome (SIDS) virtually disappeared in that country? [p. 49] Or that in

1991, the Institute of Medicine released a report documenting a causal

relationship between the rubella vaccine and acute arthritis in adult women?

[p. 121] Or that in 1992, the World Health Organization suspended use of a

new measles vaccine when it was found that children had an increased risk of

dying from other diseases in the years following administration of this

vaccine? [p. 91] This book is a well documented indictment of vaccinations,

and is extensively cited with orthodox studies. Required reading for anyone

seriously investigating this issue. Not available in local bookstores. 288p.

Code: VOY $26.95. (Take a 25% discount on 5+ copies.)

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Hi my name is Dina and I am the Aunty of a 3 year old boy named

who was born hep c we just found out last month. We took him to the

childrens hospital in Vancouver Canada.The positive news is they are young

and havn't done anything to damage there liver eg. booze ,drugs ect. it is

very scary when it happens to the inoccent and i know very little about it

but i am learning daily. My brother who is also hep c is taking a natural

supplement and got a call from the doctor who told him his enzyme levels

have changed drastically for the better And what ever he is doing to keep it

up. We are starting on the herbs this week to keep his liver heathy.

They are expensive for us here in Canada as they come from the States but

there are testimonials out there and I have seen great results. Hopefully

by the time these two kids are older there will be a cure but we were told

just to treat him like a normal child no special diet dont tell people

because they can be cruel and when he is old enough to understand you have

to explain his illness to him. We should keep in touch as and your son

are going to need support for each other down the road and maybe they could

become good friends through us please keep in touch as it is hard to deal

with this by yourself I am here if you need me anytime. Kiss your little

angel for me and my personal email addy is loeb@... Take care



>my name is shelly, i am 22 years old and mom to dillon. i do not

>have hepatitis C that i know of. today i found out that dillon

>does. he is 2 1/2 years old. he was born with congenital heart

>disease and has had a few open heart surgeries so i think he may have

>gotten it from a blood transfusion. i am going to be tested next

>week hopefully though just to make sure i didnt pass it to him when i

>was pregnant with him or something. we live in oklahoma and i plan

>on calling the oklahoma blood institute tomorrow to ask what all they

>test for when people donate blood because i dont want to think i gave

>it to dillon but i dont know if obi doesnt test for it. i donated

>about 8 months ago and they never said anything to me. and i used to

>be a regular donor but kinda got needle scared after having dillon.

>i would love to have any information any of you could share with me.

>i cant lose him, he's all ive got.



>shelly, mommy to dillon (11-30-98)










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i am so sorry it took me so long to respond back to you all. im away

from home right now, sort of a mini vacation for dillon and myself.

yes i am angry that this happened. if i do have hep c i have no idea

how i got it. i have never done needle drugs and i dont remember

ever having a blood transfusion. if i do have it and that is how

dillon got it i will never be able to forgive myself. dillon has a

heart cath scheduled for the 10th to see when his next surgery is. i

am going to talk to his cardiologists about it also. tuesday i have

an ob appt and im going to see if my midwife wants me to get tested.

i visited our oklahoma blood institute website and it said they will

test you for hep c for 10 dollars. it makes you wonder how they do

the testing of the regular donors. i have so many questions, so many

thoughts, its so hard to know where to start. im bound and

determined to find out where it came from. if i have it i will find

out where i got it also.

thanks for the welcomes and info. hopefully when i get over my shock

and get more answers i will be able to participate more with the



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Sometimes you don't know how you pick it up. Education seem to be one of answers. I would check out all the sites of hep C. When i was frist told i had this i looked for all the information i could get my hands on. Most people with Hep C do live normal lives with or no syptoms. The treatments are changing and one day we might have a cure. When frist started treatment in 1990 there was only Intron A, Right now we have Intron A and Rebtron combination drugs. In October hopefully the Peg intron will be approved. My prayers are with you and your son. My granddaughter is only 21 months old and i treasures her. Be strong. Ladonna

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


Hi, and welcome! I am glad you are here, and willing

to delve into everything surrounding vaccines.

Unfortunately, so many won't even consider questioning

vaccines...and many never even let it occur to them.

I, too, was one who never questioned my doctor, until

my 5 month old son had a severe reaction. At that

point, we said we were going to delay, until we knew

more. It didn't take long before we decided no

more...period. I am sorry that you, and your ds' went

thru what you/they did. Use it as a learning

experience. It still breaks my heart, every day, to

consider what I unwittingly allowed my son to have

perpetrated upon him, and the reaction it

caused...however, thru it, I have come to know so much

about vaccines...so, in the end, it was a 'good'

thing. Had he never reacted, I am sure I'd have

continued having him vaccinated. So far, for the wee

while that I have been on this list, I have learned so

much, and come to value many of the others' opinions

as priceless. I hope that you too, will find the rest

of the group wonderful, and welcoming, and as

knowledgable as I have. Please be sure to post ANY

and ALL questions, worry, rants, etc that you have!

Looking forward to getting to know you better.

~Donna...9 month old mommy to the peanutbutterboy, RJ

--- <lindamaree@...> wrote:

> HI, I am a SAHM to two boys 6 & almost 3. To

> date both boys are

> up to date on their vaccs. Like most people I

> followed my doctors

> advice without asking questions. I am now starting

> to question the

> vaccine issue. I have 2 years before my baby is due

> to start school,

> I hope that in that time I will be comfortable with

> my decision which

> ever way it goes. I have already decided that any

> more babes I have

> will not be vaxed immediately like my boys. Both

> were very ill after

> their 2 month shots. My baby was in hospital on

> oxygen for 2 weeks

> after with broncialitis. It didn't really click that

> there was a

> connection until talking with a natropath, thus my

> quest for more

> information.






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>will not be vaxed immediately like my boys. Both were very ill after

>their 2 month shots. My baby was in hospital on oxygen for 2 weeks

>after with broncialitis. It didn't really click that there was a

>connection until talking with a natropath, thus my quest for more



, almost all of us whose kids were vaxed, the kids got very sick. Mine

was in the hospital after the vax, too, with bronchialitis!!! Many of our

kids are now " autistic' from the vax. so if yours can talk and walk,

consider yourself lucky. Read www.thinktwice.com, or www.909shot.com

Thanks for sharing,

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Please continue to question and to educate yourself on this issue! I did

what I thought was the right thing to do and my now 8 year old son had a

90 minute seizure just 6 hours after his 2nd DPT at 4 months.He has had

uncontrolled seizures ever since and significant delays, I would not

wish what our family has had to deal with the last 8 years on my worst

enemy. My 20 month old son has not received any vaccines and I just

can't take the chance that the same could happen to him. There's much

more to this issue and much to be concerned about that the medical

community doesn't share with the public. When your kids reach school

age, check to see what kind of exemptions your state allows for vaccines

should you decide to hold off on vaccines. Good luck! Maureen

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Thankyou for the welcome and I will be posting any questions I may

have. Is your boy allergic to p/n butter or does he just really like

it. I lived on the stuff when preg with my first and he CAN'T STAND

IT. He did have a reaction to it when about 8 months, but his

intolerance to it has gone, he just wont eat it. oops

> ~Donna...9 month old mommy to the peanutbutterboy, RJ<

> > HI, I am a SAHM to two boys 6 & almost 3. To

> > date both boys are

> > up to date on their vaccs. Like most people I

> > followed my doctors

> > advice without asking questions. I am now starting

> > to question the

> > vaccine issue. I have 2 years before my baby is due

> > to start school,

> > I hope that in that time I will be comfortable with

> > my decision which

> > ever way it goes. I have already decided that any

> > more babes I have

> > will not be vaxed immediately like my boys. Both

> > were very ill after

> > their 2 month shots. My baby was in hospital on

> > oxygen for 2 weeks

> > after with broncialitis. It didn't really click that

> > there was a

> > connection until talking with a natropath, thus my

> > quest for more

> > information.

> >

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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I guess I am pretty lucky. Both my boys seem to be ok. Clyde is a bit

slow at reading, his other subjects in school are fine, he is great

with mathematics and science. Ewan is also doing fine, his

communication skills are great. He is learning to read and he can

count to 30 with out any problems . Although he can be quite

regimented. I am working with Clyde's teachers at school he is really

good. He has assured me for his age he is on par with everything

else. Ewan is going to pre-school 2 days a week and he is really

enjoying it and has blended in well.

> >will not be vaxed immediately like my boys. Both were very ill


> >their 2 month shots. My baby was in hospital on oxygen for 2 weeks

> >after with broncialitis. It didn't really click that there was a

> >connection until talking with a natropath, thus my quest for more

> >information.

> >


> , almost all of us whose kids were vaxed, the kids got very

sick. Mine

> was in the hospital after the vax, too, with bronchialitis!!! Many

of our

> kids are now " autistic' from the vax. so if yours can talk and


> consider yourself lucky. Read www.thinktwice.com, or www.909shot.com


> Thanks for sharing,



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ROFLMBOOOOOOO!! I have no clue if he is allergic, or

if he even likes it. I initially began calling him my

lil peanut...which became peanut butter...and then

became peanutbutterboy. Just a silly little nickname

I have for him! LOL!!

~Donna...9 month old mommy to the peanutbutterboy, RJ

--- <lindamaree@...> wrote:

> Thankyou for the welcome and I will be posting any

> questions I may

> have. Is your boy allergic to p/n butter or does he

> just really like

> it.

~Donna...9 month old mommy to the peanutbutterboy, RJ


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