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The Choice Of Anger

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The Choice Of Anger

Do you like affection?

I do.

I think I need to join Affection Anonymous.

I am a hugger and "touchy" kind of person.

Love to hug and give them away.

I have a friend.

She is the best hugger in the world.

I always look forward to seeing her, cause I know I am going to get my affection addiction fix.

A big hug.

I've often told people who are facing anger issues, that anger is a choice.

You can make a choice to be angry or you can make a choice to forgive and be happy.

Your choice.

They look at me with that "I don't get it look", so I ask them, "do you like hugs?"

Do you realize that you can't hug someone if your hands are full?

Go ahead try it.

Won't work.

I know.

For a long time I held so many grudges in my arms... I couldn't hug anybody.

I was angry.

I didn't want to hug anybody.

I even think I wanted everyone to be as angry and unhappy as me.

If I couldn't be happy, then they shouldn't be either.

It's only fair. <giggle>

Ever felt that way?

My arms were full.

Filled up, awash in old feelings of anger.


I had a bucket load of that too.

I was a real mess.

My arms finally got so abundantly stuffed that I couldn't even see my feet.

I am talking filled, overloaded and congested with my bad feelings and anger.

Oh, I didn't notice the load.

Got use to it.

Matter of fact, I wasn't complete if my arms weren't full.

Couldn't start out my day without my load.

Why it even motivated me.

Got me going.

Are you feeling that way today?

Somebody do you wrong?

Hurt you?

Partner cheat on you?

Somebody you love reject you?

Maybe they broke your heart?

Somebody cut you off in traffic?

Then Today is the day to empty your arms of that excruciating, hug blocking emotional load.

Time to give it all away.

Get rid of it.

Want to know how?

Of course you do.

Let me help.

It's simple.

So simple in fact, you'll laugh when I tell you.

I know this, because I've been telling people how for years now.

Every time I tell them, they can't help it, they laugh.

Then you see that look on their face... Amazement.

Their light bulb goes off on top of their head and a small smile fills their lips.

No way it could be that easy.

But, can I tell you... it is!

Put your credit card away.

Don't send 9.95 before midnight.

Operators are not standing buy.

This is a genuine freebie.


That's it.

The key is forgiveness.

Somebody cuts me off in traffic, I simply say... Merry Christmas!

It's really funny if it's July and I am talking on the phone.

The people think I am nuts when they hear me say it.

Go ahead... Let's practice together.

Say it "Merry Christmas!"

Even reminds you.



So simple.

A small act of forgiveness.

Empties the arms and prepares you to give away those wonderful hugs you've been storing up.

A simple act.

Instead of somebody stealing your joy, you give them a break.

You give away the "power" of them destroying your attitude.

You decide to make the "right" choice.

The choice of forgiveness.

The best day of your life.

Just got better.

Not ruined.

Seems so easy.

I have to tell you the truth.

Be down right honest with you... It's not that easy all the time.

Oh, God makes it look easy.

Doesn't he?

I simply ask and he forgives me.

So, I know in my heart... if the creator of the universe can forgive me... Surely I can forgive another.

Honestly, when it comes time.

Like you, I struggle.

The urge to get revenge is strong.

Cut me off!

This is my lane!

I am going to get even.

My foot goes for the gas, my heart races... then I remember Merry Christmas!

Those two simple words.

A small act of kindness.

A bigger act of forgiveness.

Are you dealing with an "issue" today.

Got a case of the ugly angers?

Can't get a cure at the drug store.

All you need.

You already have.

Take a deep breath.

Say these two simple words: Merry Christmas!

Give it all away.

Give the present that brings a smile.

Get rid of the anger and say hello to the happiness.

A day of smiles and open arms await you.

I can feel the hugs coming now!For Biblical reading and more answers about anger.

I recommend: Anger is a Choice by Tim LaHaye <http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8 & location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FAnger-Choice-Dr-Tim-LaHaye%2Fdp%2F0310242835%3Fie%3DUTF8%26qid%3D1218429208%26sr%3D11-1 & tag=inspirationlist & linkCode=ur2 & camp=1789 & creative=9325>Have a wonderful Hug filled day!Copyright ©2008 Tim Levin

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