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Pot Legal~ by Arhata

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September 6, 2011All drugs should be legalized. Necessary are heavy restrictions, possibly more jail facilities to accommodate anticipated greater numbers of abusers, and counseling for those who need it, or have been prosecuted as an endangerment to anyone. Infinite ‘illusions’ are caused by a willful, or non willful, unconscious, stimulating phenomenon. For many, life is an illusion as they keep themselves drugged by substance abuse, or a ‘belief in authority, and higher order with little question as to it’s veracity. Denial and delusion are epidemic. It’s true that drugs can have a positive effect to open the mind where it was closed, but on the flip side, any attachment to ‘mind altering

phenomenon’ has consequences of leading

one off of ‘love’s healthier path’.A little slice of heaven often becomes a little ‘slice of hell’ that coaxes the unconscious denier deeper and deeper into the chasms of darkening the real you. A trip into a strange forest may start with enchantments until one becomes lost in the darkness of confusion. Why be a tourist on a trip using artificial means (including hallucinogenic plants), when learning the secrets of many, many meditating techniques, although slower, are natural and healthy. Love is a ‘dead end’ road, having a difficult turn around with ANY form of drug, even if they are parroted words from the collaboration of ancient men.Humans have been, and are very much trapped in the ignorance of the ego, following ways of life that only open ‘doors of illusion’. Miracles occur apart from any ‘belief, faith, or unlimited selection of drugs. People seek a ‘lucky rabbits foot’ to cling to as having ‘hopeful,

magical answers’ to questions that will disappear as you become more conscious, and filled with the love of self. Just because something seems to work doesn’t mean repetitive clinging to it for answers and comfort, doesn’t just lead to more and more of a ‘fix’ of deeper belief that it’s the only and best answer. Why be hooked on anything? The world is filled with ‘salesmen’ who have something to sell to you for their benefit, and they are doing what they want to do to survive a lifestyle that they choose. Question what the motive is, it’s heartfelt value, and how you will be otherwise by learning the techniques of using your simple breath to open doors of the spirit that needs no one looking for profit. We need the freedom to offer and receive ideas, services, and products as well as restrictions when those are harmful to others. The world is ‘drugged’, now it’s time to see it’s not just marijuana, but infinite sources

that are not thought out for better physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Try being ‘aware-paying attention’, being in your heart, and using the best discerning choices - works best, and no drugs. Polish up ‘You’! rhata


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