Guest guest Posted March 13, 2011 Report Share Posted March 13, 2011 Universal LawThere has been an enormous amount of discussion lately about the Law of Attraction,you could say that the Law of Attraction has gained celebrity status as the personaldevelopment tool of the moment, the current popular method for manifesting your dreams.What most people don't realize is that the Law of Attraction is not a new idea, in factit's not even an old idea in the sense that therewas a point in time when somebody coined the phrase and suddenly everyone began using itlike some new appliance. Someone of course did invent the phrase Law of Attraction,but in the same way that Sir Isaac Newton invented the word gravity. The Law of Attractionlike gravity, just is, no one owns the rights to it, in fact it is impossible to avoid using it.The Law of Attraction is one of many laws by which mankind has been operatingconsciously or unconsciously since the dawn of time. Most people are blissfully unawareof how these laws affect their lives and equally unaware that the power of these laws canbe harnessed and used to great effect on a daily basis.Since the release of the movie The Secret, the Law of Attraction has come to the forefrontin peoples minds as the ultimate tool for changing your lifeand that is a good thing. I find however that many people after watchingand reading information about the Law of Attraction are still somewhat confused as to howit actually works. There is a lot of talk about holding images in the mind, sendingthought vibrations out to the universe, maintaining a state of expectation and gratitude,and waiting for the universe to respond by the Law of Attraction and provide that uponwhich you have focussed your intention, and so on. All of these things are very wonderfuland I have found all of them useful in my own learning, but none of these ideas provided me withtruly satisfactory answers about how the Law of Attraction actually works, bothspiritually and scientifically.Now if you're anything like me, blind faith just doesn't cut it, most people likeat least to have some kind of decent explanation for why they should get involved withthe Law of Attraction, otherwise we tend to reject the whole idea outright, which wouldbe a unfortunate indeed.Vital KnowledgeThe trouble that I think some people have is that they hear about incredible successstories involving the Law of Attraction, amazing tales of people that have gone fromhaving an average kind of existence to living a life that most people only dream about,and then set out in good faith to achieve similar results. Clearly not everyone achievesthe results they had hoped for, why is this? Has the Law of Attraction failed? Are all ofthe success stories bogus? Are they just clever ploys to get us to buy books and moviesabout how to use the Law of Attraction?There are many individual claims about the Law of Attraction bringing great abundanceand the fulfillment of great dreams, and there are also charlatans in every area of life,religious, secular, scientific, but it would be a great mistake to reject a concept ofsuch potential because of a few con artists, you might as well give up on all personaldevelopment right now.As for the first idea that the Law of Attraction has somehow failed to work, my ownexperience tells me that this is simply not possible, the Law of Attraction is not abusiness plan, or a clever scheme that is subject to markets or the moods of individuals,it is as constant and predictable as the sun rise, all that is required is the appropriatelevel of understanding in order to leverage its potential.This I believe is where a lot of confusion exists, why do some people seem to be ableto apply the Law of Attraction with great affect and others struggle to see the smallestthings manifest? The answer is knowledge, there is a basic lack of understanding about how the Law ofAttraction works. Some people however seem to be able to easily apply the Law ofAttraction and get results even though they have no more knowledge of what is actuallyhappening than the next person, why is this? It is because some individuals have a mentalpre-disposition to accepting the Law of Attraction, its requirements and outcomes withoutquestion, others don't and require further instruction about the fundamentals of thelaw of attraction before being able to apply themselves properly.Its a bit like being given a kit for a model aeroplane without the assemblyinstructions, some people may have a natural understanding about how to assemble things,they may have watched their father assembling model aeroplanes in the past, but forothers it will be an almost impossible task, time consuming and frustrating.It is my experience that with a basic increase in understanding about the Law ofAttraction and the underlying principles that govern it, any individual can begin to seereal results in every area of their life almost immediately. So let's now take a lookat some of that useful knowledge that will assist us in gaining a better understanding ofhow to apply the Law of Attraction to great affect.The Most Important ThingThe first thing that I would like to say is that the Law of Attraction is not the mostpowerful law in the universe, contrary to popular opinion, there are a number ofunderlying principles that govern how the Law of Attraction works, and that is where weshall begin.I want to start by making this statement; when we use the Law of Attraction, we do notattract things! this is also contrary to popular opinion. There is not a sports car withyour vibration on it waiting for you tobelieve that it's yours before it appears in the driveway. This may seem a ridiculousstatement, but there are many teachers of the Law of Attraction that state exactly that,it's about manifesting things, well it's not.The Law of Attraction does not work by you putting out a thought vibration to theuniverse and somehow the universe, through the principle of the Law of Attraction,responds to that thought by sending you the thing that matches that vibration, yetunfortunately this is what is taught. Some people simply accept this explanation and geton with using the Law of Attraction to great success, you could call that blind faith,and I have no problem with that at all, but it won't work for everyone, and that doesconcern me because it can work for everyone.The most important thing you will ever understand about the Law of Attraction is thatit always involves other people, other minds, other realities, not things. I call thisunderlying principle ative Reality and discuss it in detail throughout my book.Put simply, ative Reality states that in order to apply the Law of Attractionyou require the cooperation of other individuals realities. Understanding this concepthas been the single greatest step in my own personal growth, when I came to thisrealization it completely revolutionized my experience in using the Law of Attraction. Itprovided me with meaningful direction in the application of all the methods I wasignorantly using to apply the Law of Attraction.The Quantum FieldFirst of all we need to ask the question "what is reality?" and I will begin bytaking a brief look at a concept within Quantum Physics called super position. Brieflystated super position is referring to sub atomic particles appearing in more than oneplace at the same time, in fact the same electron, if I may use this particle as anexample, could appear in as many as 3000 different or potential locations simultaneously,this phenomenon is referred to in Quantum Physics as a wave function. So the entireuniverse being made up of the very tiny world of sub atomic particles exists in superposition, or one of many potential locations, on a universal scale Quantum Physicists call this the Field ofPotential.This is great new for us all, it means that your reality is not fixed, it is flexible,changeable, it can be altered from one form to another, but who does the transforming and how?The ObserverThis brings me to the second point I would like to consider, also a concept used in QuantumPhysics called The Observer, and this principle directly affect and alters the Field of Potential.So what is The Observer? Well, you are the Observer, along with ever other conscious individualon the planet. And what does the Observer do? The Observer is responsible for thecollapse of the wave function. What does that mean? Basically it means whenever youconsciously observe the Quantum Field you snap your reality into a single locationin time and space. Scientists conduct complex experiments with particles that bare out thisconcept and it certainly aligns with my own experience.So when we observe the Quantum Field, the world, the universe, what position do wecollapse the wave function to? Where does our reality finish up? Well that is determinedby what you believe, and I'm not referring to your religious allegiance, I'm talking aboutwhat you believe your reality should be with every fibre of your being, which is taught inthe Law of Attraction, it's just not generally explained that well.Now you are not the only Observer collapsing the wave function to set reality by what youbelieve, everyone is an Observer, and that is of vital importance to understand.To properly apply the Law of Attraction we need to somehow alter the way other people view reality,and we will take a look at that shortly.Rewiring The MindFinally we need to consider how it is that we change our fundamental beliefs aboutourselves and about the world. Fortunately for us, the construct of our belief systemsexist within the mind, in the complex structure of neural pathways that make up thedifferent areas of the brain. I say fortunately, because recent discoveries in neuroscience haverevealed that the neural structure of the brain is highly flexible, not rigid and fixed as scientists firstthought. You are not destined to be locked in to behaviors and attitudes of the past,ways of thinking and patterns of belief that have been neurologically passed down to youby your ancestors through your DNA, you possess the power to reconstruct the neuralpathways in your brain and create a brand new construct of reality in your mind.This is a vital area of knowledge that most Law of Attraction publications do not gointo, some of the common Law of Attraction methods such as, focussed intention, andholding an image in the mind of a new reality do have an affect on the neural constructof the brain, but the affect can be temporary, because we are not taught how to solidifythe new construct for use over the long term. The human mind processes roughly 100,000 bits ofinformation per second, yet we are only consciously aware of around 2000 bits of thatinformation. What we need to do is begin to learn how to permanently alter the constructof our neural net in order to perceive a new reality, to become aware of things that wehad never considered before and forever change our deep beliefs about who we are and whatwe are doing here.Putting it all TogetherSo what does this all mean in relation to using the Law of Attraction moreeffectively? Your first goal when attempting to apply the Law of Attraction must be toalter your fundamental beliefs about what your own reality is in order to begincollapsing the quantum field to that new reality, but as I mentioned earlier, you are not theonly one that sets reality through belief, and this is where the Law of Attraction reallycomes into its own.As you apply all the methods around the Law of Attraction, visualization, intentions,gratitude etc, you create a stronger reality for yourself, and that reality connects withcorresponding vibrations in the minds of those around you. You begin to alter otherindividuals beliefs in relation to you, and they also begin to collapse the quantumfield in alignment with your new reality. Basically you create a stronger personalreality that affects those around you, this is no game of chance, but using theLaw of Attraction properly does feel a little like stacking the odds in your favour.When I first began to really understand andapply the principles mentioned above, all the small details of my life began to change,my life went from 80 percent of the things that happened to me being a disappointment to 80percent of things becoming truly positive and magical virtually overnight.ConclusionYour life consists in all the small details that make up your reality, you don'tneed to be somewhere else or do something else in order to be truly happy, using the Lawof Attraction you can begin to quickly transform every area of your life from the mundaneto the incredible, everyone has this ability, all you need is a brain and a choice.As I said, it is difficult to explain this subject briefly, but I hope you have foundthis article helpful in your understanding of the Law of Attraction and how it works.If you would like to learn more about properly applying the Law of Attractionand find out about the practical methods I use for changing my own fundamental beliefs and affectingthe reality of those around me, I encourage you to consider reading my bookLaw of Attraction - ative Reality, you will find simple practical methods for using the Law of Attractionand ative Reality, along with clear explanations of all the concepts I have mentioned in this article.You are an incredible, eternal being, full of power and potential, I wish you everysuccess in your search for change through the Law of Attraction.Buy Now Law of Attraction Here Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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