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Hi Lori,

You are very very lucky to have so much support around you. The rest of us know

in our hearts we are doing the right, but feel very lonely out there without

people who think the same as we do and your little girl is so very lucky to have

a mom like you. She will have a wonderful natural immume system. Enjoy

her..time flies!! Mona


I just wanted to say " hi " to everyone in the group and to introduce myself.

My name is Lori and I am the mother of a six month old boy named Skylar. I

decided not to vaccinate after doing a lot of research while I was pregnant. My

husband is still unsure about what we should do and he is supposed to be

researching both sides of the argument...but he is busy with other things so I

am happy to say that Skylar has had no shots up to this point. My brother has

two unvaccinated children and my sister has two (and one on the way)

unvaccinated children also...so I have a lot of family support. My husband's

family is more mainstream and they go with whatever the doctor says. Luckily,

our pediatrician here is also a homeopath...so he does not push vaccinations. I

joined this group to gather more information to support my decision and to pass

this information along to my husband.

Thanks for listening to my story.


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Thank you Mona. I have a little boy. I am really enjoying watching him grow

and it is great to know that he is healthy and happy because of the decisions I

have made...just like all of you have! Sometimes people forget to think for

themselves..and that's too bad. I am in Wisconsin by the way.



I just wanted to say " hi " to everyone in the group and to introduce myself.

My name is Lori and I am the mother of a six month old boy named Skylar. I

decided not to vaccinate after doing a lot of research while I was pregnant. My

husband is still unsure about what we should do and he is supposed to be

researching both sides of the argument...but he is busy with other things so I

am happy to say that Skylar has had no shots up to this point. My brother has

two unvaccinated children and my sister has two (and one on the way)

unvaccinated children also...so I have a lot of family support. My husband's

family is more mainstream and they go with whatever the doctor says. Luckily,

our pediatrician here is also a homeopath...so he does not push vaccinations. I

joined this group to gather more information to support my decision and to pass

this information along to my husband.

Thanks for listening to my story.


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That is great! When people see his name they always think he's a girl. I guess

in England Skylar (instead of Skyler) is a girls name. I liked it spelled with

an 'a' better!

Re: Hi

In a message dated 3/14/2005 3:58:35 P.M. Central Standard Time,

loriflys@... writes:

Thanks for listening to my story.


Welcome Lori- you are lucky toh ave family support like that! I have a 6

month old girl named Skylar :o)


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I can't believe it's already been six months. Skylar was 8lbs and 20 " at

birth and he has his 6 month appointment to be weighed on friday. I am guessing

he is around 17 lbs and somewhere around 29 " . He is thin and long! Has she

gotten any teeth yet? I am sooo jealous that you are trying for the next one

already! I would love to but due to bfeeding I haven't gotten my cycles back

yet. I am hoping to be able to try by the time Skylar is 1.

We are in Wisconsin, where are you?


Re: Hi

In a message dated 3/14/2005 5:08:48 P.M. Central Standard Time,

loriflys@... writes:

That is great! When people see his name they always think he's a girl. I

guess in England Skylar (instead of Skyler) is a girls name. I liked it

spelled with an 'a' better!

Well- the other day when I said Skylar someone thought that I had a boy,

lol! I think it is a beautiful name for either :o) We call her Sky a lot

too...which I love. Skylar Grace is her name.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

>i was in

> another group and there was hardly anyone in the group.

That's our sister list, RSDeal, the one that was set up specifically for the

sharing of DealAMeal/Foodmover recipes. Actually, that list came first, back

in 1998.

>i am also looking for recipes to use with my food mover.

Did you check the Files and Links on the other list like I told you to do

yesterday? That list has way more recipes than this one does.

It used to be you can hit the diabetic recipe sites for exchange values, but

now diabetics are given a low-carb diet, instead ( think. You ladies can

correct me if I'm wrong.) so even processed foods that used to include the

exchange value no longer do so.

What I found helpful is the Mastercook recipe software, currently by

Valusoft. http://www.valusoft.com/products/mastercook.html

As long as you have the recipe's ingredients correctly added and in the

database (It's easy to add ingredients, too) , the software will tell you

the exchange value per serving. It only started doing this in version 4 and

up, and you can find those in the cheap bins of some software stores, but at

only $20 for the latest version *new*, if you can afford it, go for it!

Sue in NJ

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  • 2 months later...

We stopped vaccinating our first son right before he was " due " for the MMR and

have never looked back. Our second son hasn't had one single shot and is

unbelievably healthy, the first has asthma and allergies, go figure! Anyway, my

older son is starting kindergarten on the 6th and we had no problems filing a

waiver. we are in Michigan and have the option of religious or philosophical

exemptions. No one has said anything so far. It was also good enough for the

day care that they went to. No one asked his history, I just gave them the

waiver and they didn't even blink an eye.

Remember, your philosophies can change as can your religious beliefs.



Proud Mama to

Colin 12/07/99

Jack 8/07/02

-------------- Original message --------------

I am a new mom - Dean will be 7 months Sept 10th. I had a wonderful pregnancy

but was very nervous about vaccinating. My brother-in-law is a chiropractor and

questions MD's all across the board. Neither of his children are vaccinated.(who

are both healthy) He provided me with articles, newletters, etc. about the

dangers of vaccinating. Information overload. In addition, my best friend's

daughter is autistic she believes from the MMR... is now 7 years old and

is being treated with cheolation...she is making tremendous progess by the way.

I am also a 6th grade teacher and you wouldn't believe how long the list of

students is with medical ailments (asthma, diabiates, allergies, etc). So

needless to say, I read, I heard, I saw.... and yet other friends I had spoken

to would say you're crazy not to...more harm in not than in doing...etc.

What is a new mom to do? There is not much TRUTHFUL information out there and

you don't want to believe that the big pharmas really ARE NOT protecting your

child for $?

I read a great book - " What your doctor MAY NOT tell you about vaccinating " by

Dr. STephanie Cave. She provides a modified vax schedule.

I was happy with the information - it gave more of nuetral view. It wasn't too


My husband was happy with the info - he wanted to vax all the way.

We ended up vaxing him for round 1 of IPV & HIB at almost 5 months old He didn't

not get the Hep B shot after birth That one is a joke - was he going to be

running around having sex and doing drugs? (Most moms don't even know what Hep B

shot is for!)

After the first round, Dean caught my cold. Was sick for a week. I knew in my

heart that had he not been vaccinated, his immune system would have fought that

cold off. But because it was compromised, he got sick.

Needless to say, I AM NOT VAXING AT ALL - I've read way too much, and my gut

just tells me it's bad news all around.

My only concern now is - Dean did receive the first round of shots - what do I

do when he goes to school? Or do I lie and say he WAS never vaxed?


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hi Sue! i'm 7 months pregnant with my first child, a girl. my

fiance is also a chiropractor and is against vaccinating. i was all

for vaccinating at first but after doing research i have decided i

will not be vaccinating my child. i'll let someone better answer

your question about what to do about the vaccinations he's had so far

cuz i wouldn't know what to say.

welcome to the board!


> I am a new mom - Dean will be 7 months Sept 10th. I had a wonderful

pregnancy but was very nervous about vaccinating. My brother-in-law

is a chiropractor and questions MD's all across the board. Neither of

his children are vaccinated.(who are both healthy) He provided me

with articles, newletters, etc. about the dangers of vaccinating.

Information overload. In addition, my best friend's daughter is

autistic she believes from the MMR... is now 7 years old and is

being treated with cheolation...she is making tremendous progess by

the way. I am also a 6th grade teacher and you wouldn't believe how

long the list of students is with medical ailments (asthma,

diabiates, allergies, etc). So needless to say, I read, I heard, I

saw.... and yet other friends I had spoken to would say you're crazy

not to...more harm in not than in doing...etc.

> What is a new mom to do? There is not much TRUTHFUL information out

there and you don't want to believe that the big pharmas really ARE

NOT protecting your child for $?

> I read a great book - " What your doctor MAY NOT tell you about

vaccinating " by Dr. STephanie Cave. She provides a modified vax


> I was happy with the information - it gave more of nuetral view. It

wasn't too overwhelming.

> My husband was happy with the info - he wanted to vax all the way.

> We ended up vaxing him for round 1 of IPV & HIB at almost 5 months

old He didn't not get the Hep B shot after birth That one is a joke -

was he going to be running around having sex and doing drugs? (Most

moms don't even know what Hep B shot is for!)

> After the first round, Dean caught my cold. Was sick for a week. I

knew in my heart that had he not been vaccinated, his immune system

would have fought that cold off. But because it was compromised, he

got sick.

> Needless to say, I AM NOT VAXING AT ALL - I've read way too much,

and my gut just tells me it's bad news all around.

> My only concern now is - Dean did receive the first round of shots -

what do I do when he goes to school? Or do I lie and say he WAS

never vaxed?


> __________________________________________________


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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 9/20/05 3:53:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, Audry@... writes:

How are you doing? :)

Today was a more focused day for me. A lot of laundry done. Got some disturbing news from a gal pal. She is going threw tough times and I think she really needs some outside help. I am hoping to chat with her tonight.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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Hey Audry WTG on the gym. Keep us posted on your progress. Do they measure you so you can see results that way to.

Hi there and thanks!!! :) Nope, they don't measure you or anything and that is something that I probably need to do here at home. Just haven't yet.

Went to the Gym today. Took mama with me just so she could look around etc... Man! I thought my arms were sore before! hahaha Went 10 minutes on the bike that worked my arms and legs. I don't believe it!!! Last Saturday I couldn't go 10 minutes on it...just a few minutes is all.

So I did 10 mins on both the bikes and the tread mill..actually it was 13 mins on it cause it went through the cool down phase. I must hae done something wrong this time though, because this time I didn't have problems catching my breath or trying to calm down any at all. I was having some trouble with the tread mill cause it was my first time on it by myself and I was trying to set it instead of having my trainer do it for me. I don't know, something about it just didn't feel right. Didn't feel the same. I should have done more huffing and puffing than what I did, cause this was only my second time on it. There's no way I am used to it already!!

Any ways that's how it went at the gym today! :) I go back on Thursday. I'm hoping to hear from my trainer before then so I can talk to him and tell him what all I did and maybe figure out what I did wrong. Maybe he will be there the next time I do it myself, just to make sure that I am doing it right. Who knows!

Any ways, that's it for now! :) How are you doing? :)

Love & Hugs,


sw : 299

cw : 284

gw : 279

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Yep! I know about that laundry. Seems like you never have it all done because you always have more waiting for you! Oh Dear, I do hope that everything is alright ! I sure hope that you can help her!!

Love & Hugs,


sw : 299

cw : 284

gw : 279

Today was a more focused day for me. A lot of laundry done. Got some disturbing news from a gal pal. She is going threw tough times and I think she really needs some outside help. I am hoping to chat with her tonight.

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good job - glad your dad proceeds <GBG>

--- Jase4567@... wrote:

> Thanks Audry. Did get laundry caught up. Did

> not get to speak to gal pal.

> Hoping to chat today via email. My dad made it

> to the final election.


> NH...

> Mom to Abby Liz 10/94

> Anne 7/99


Live, Love, Laugh

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Izarah. Welcome to the forum.

I am sure you will find it very useful as have many others. I have been

here about 5 years and have felt a camaraderie that is very special and

unmatched when it comes to dealing with this. Their is a lot of good

information here. Again welcome. Glad to have you on board.


On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 19:37:19 -0000 " izarahstar " <izarahstar@...>


> Hi everyone,

> I am new to the group and wanted to introduce myself.

> My name is Izarah and I had my surgery in 1979. I am actually off

> right now on a medical leave and am in a fair amount of pain.

> I too, don't usually discuss or talk about it as i don't want people


> to think I am baby etc.

> It will be nice to share stories and get advice from others who

> suffer

> the same and actually understand.

> Looking forward to getting to know everyone.








> Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington Rod

> Malalignment Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group does not control

> ads or endorse any advertised products.


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Thank youIrish539@... wrote: Hi Izarah. Welcome to the forum. I am sure you will find it very useful as have many others. I have beenhere about 5 years and have felt a camaraderie that is very special andunmatched when it comes to dealing with this. Their is a lot of goodinformation here. Again welcome. Glad to have you on board.CarolOn Mon, 16 Jan 2006 19:37:19 -0000 "izarahstar" <izarahstar@...>writes:> Hi everyone,> I am new to the group and wanted to introduce myself.> My name is Izarah and I had my surgery in 1979. I am actually off > right now on a medical leave and am in a fair amount of pain.> I too, don't usually discuss or talk about it as i don't want people > > to think I am baby

etc.> It will be nice to share stories and get advice from others who > suffer > the same and actually understand.> Looking forward to getting to know everyone.> > > > > > > > Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington Rod > Malalignment Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group does not control > ads or endorse any advertised products. >

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  • 2 months later...
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Thanks. Why you had your second surgery? muellmeris@... wrote: Hello Rachna and welcome to the group. I had the same sort of thing happen to me with my first surgery. I was not able to eat properly for several months before the surgery. After my surgery I was able to eat more normally and with that my digestive system had to get used to food and liquids causing noises I was not used to.....lol They did diminish after a few weeks and I am doing fine now. in Suffolk In a message dated 4/9/2006 7:55:48 PM

GMT Standard Time, rachnachawla@... writes: Hi, My husband had heller myotomy and dor fundoplication few days back. He is doing fine but his stomach makes sound. I talked to the doc. and he said that its normal. It will take few days to go away. Does anyone have the same experience? Thanks, Rachna How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates.

Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

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Hey there, I had mine 10 days a go or so and it was just the last

day or two that I'm feeling completely normal again. I had a bunch

of umcomfortable things going on there for a bit and they all went

away. Give it time.


> Hi,


> My husband had heller myotomy and dor fundoplication few days

back. He is doing fine but his stomach makes sound. I talked to the

doc. and he said that its normal. It will take few days to go away.

Does anyone have the same experience?


> Thanks,

> Rachna



> ---------------------------------

> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

call rates.


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Thanks. When you had your surgery? Can you eat everything now?sydney_river <sydney_river@...> wrote: Hey there, I had mine 10 days a go or so and it was just the last day or two that I'm feeling completely normal again. I had a bunch of umcomfortable things going on there for a bit and they all went away. Give it time.>> Hi,> > My husband had heller myotomy and dor fundoplication few days back. He is doing fine but his stomach makes sound. I talked to the doc. and he said that its normal. It will take few days to go away. Does anyone have the same experience?> > Thanks,> Rachna> >

> ---------------------------------> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.>

Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi all, just checking in .Started a new job ( been unemployed since oct) on the 13 so now not just sitting around all day. Startedwalking slowly about 15 minutes a day but has also been playingtee-ball with granddaughters a couple days a week and it shows Ivelost 8 pounds since then Running with the kids will do it! I wish I had my own transportation so I could go play with my grandkids more. They only live about 5 miles from me but still seems like a hundred if you cant get there. I have to wait till they are coming over here or my son is going to his place to hitch the rides. I'm nowhere near walking 5 miles mostly up huge hills and fighting dogs the whole way:) Still getting use to the walking and newjob.Am feeling a little better not so tired all the time.Also have been eating 3 meals a day and not snacking as much.Now needto drink more water Drinking at least 2 glasses a day.Good Luck. My average is 4 glasses. Once every blue moon I'll get in 6 glasses. The move forlife walk begins this week end its where we walk for 14 weeks and turnour weekly time in to the health department for a chance to winprizes.Havent won anything in the past but enjoyed the walks each year.Have a great day !!!!!!!!!!!You too! It's all rainy and cloudy here. Just a dreary dreary day.Debby

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Congrats Debby and weigh to go!! Keep up the good work!! I am participating in a health @ work walking program...sorta similar to your health dept thing from the sounds of it. Our thing went (goes) for a full year though... the goal was to walk a million steps. LOL... I have gone way over 2 million now!!

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Debby, that's fantastic! I'm so happy for you--sounds like everything

is going in the right direction. :)


> Ive

> lost 8 pounds since then Still getting use to the walking and new

> job.Am feeling a little better not so tired all the time.

> Also have been eating 3 meals a day and not snacking as much.Now need

> to drink more water Drinking at least 2 glasses a day. The move for

> life walk begins this week end its where we walk for 14 weeks and turn

> our weekly time in to the health department for a chance to win

> prizes.Havent won anything in the past but enjoyed the walks each year.

> Have a great day !!!!!!!!!!!

> Debby


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  • 2 weeks later...
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congrats on the new job! it's great that you enjoy the walking even without winning!Deb Holbrook <dj_1022_3_3@...> wrote: Hi all, just checking in .Started a new job ( been unemployed since oct) on the 13 so now not just sitting around all day. Startedwalking slowly about 15 minutes a day but has also been playingtee-ball with granddaughters a couple days a week and it shows Ivelost 8 pounds since then Still getting use to the walking and newjob.Am feeling a little better not so tired all the time.Also have been eating 3 meals a day and not snacking as much.Now needto drink more water Drinking at least 2 glasses a day. The move forlife walk begins this week end its where we walk for 14 weeks and turnour weekly time in to the health department for a chance to

winprizes.Havent won anything in the past but enjoyed the walks each year.Have a great day !!!!!!!!!!! DebbyLive, Love, Laugh

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