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The Alchemy of Conscious Evolution

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The Evolution of Potential ... The Alchemy of ConscioUS EvolutionB Y S O L E I R A G R E E N

IS POTENTIAL WHAT you're born with ... what's in your genes, your upbringing, your soul? We've always thought this to be true. But now, in our open and expanded energy system, we can access levels of potential far beyond the personal self.

There are now multiple levels of potential, all accessible to everyone on this planet. To date they are:

Personal potential ~ what you're born with; what you do for you because that's what you want to do.

Greater potential ~ what's in your higher energy; what you do for others (people, organization, community, nation, etc.) and for a greater purpose.

Profound potential ~ what you do for the world; world-changing potential.

Pure potential ~ what you do for Life; evolutionary potential.

Another way to say this is:

Personal potential ~ what you want.Greater potential ~ what others want.Profound potential ~ what the world wants.Pure potential ~ what Life wants.

Potential is energy and because we're now in a fully open energy system, we can now easily access the energy of varying levels of potential and bring them through with grace and ease.

It used to be hard even to achieve personal potential, let alone take on those 'burdensome' roles of trying to change a world that didn't seem to want to be changed. Well, all that's altered now!

Human beings have moved from a closed, individual energy system (closed hearts and minds, spirits shut off from us and souls tucked neatly away inside) to an open, collaborative energy system (open hearts and minds, integrated higher energy and souls flipped passionately into living reality). In this move from closed to open, we are discovering the pure joy of creating that which has never been created before. We are taking the leap from working on ourselves and doing things for our own purposes to dancing with the energy of passionate, Life-altering visions and the grace of conscioUS, alchemical evolution.

You see, we were cut off before, from ourselves, from one another and from Life. But that's not so anymore. With a simple breath and an expansion of our energy fields, we can access THE ENERGY of profound and pure potential with ease, grace and delight. We step beyond your own personal energy field (personal potential) to interact in collective conscioUSness with the energy of others, the Earth, the cosmos and beyond (pure potential). It's easy. It's all there waiting for us.

....You don't need to know how to do this. The knowing comes along with the energy of the potential.

....You don't need to take on burdensome commitments. The grace and delight is a natural part of evolving Life.

....You don't have to work long and hard to make something seemingly impossible happen. The energy will do the work for you, and you end up having a ball, playing in the pure potential fields with people you love getting to know.

Sound over the top? Too good to be true? It's not. It's a paradigm shift; a new reality, one in which any one of us can take on the impossible and create the unpredictable. We're living in a new, collective, alchemical geniUS field, and from here, all things are possible for us all.

Want to access these levels of potential for yourself? Then try these simple steps:

1. Take a deep breath and allow yourself to relax.

2. Think of something you're passionate about and observe how the high heart (breastplate area) opens up, allowing the energy of passion (the fuel for potential) to come on through.

3. Allow your energy fields to expand from your center point. You're not going 'out' anywhere. You're staying right here and allowing your conscious awareness to expand from your center.

4. Notice how 'big' you feel... As big as the room, your house, your city, the Earth? Pretend you're looking at the Earth from space and see how that makes you feel. Liberated? Expansive? Then see if you can expand to be as big as the cosmoses, all from that center point of you right here, right now. What most people discover as they do this is that they suddenly become very present in the here and now. Perhaps expansion covering the cosmoses is a natural state of being for us and we've simply forgotten that this is so. By the way, simple tip: if you're having difficulty with this. If you have a ball of light protecting your energy field, take it off. We don't need these anymore. They keep us in a fear-based, separational state that keeps our energy from naturally and vibrantly flowing through.

5. Now that you're open, expanded, and consciously aware, take that precious, beautiful, amazing you that's often inside of you, kept safely away from the world, and flip it out through the high heart to discover the vibrant, dynamic, creative and passionate you that's been locked up way too long. It's time to come out and play, folks. This inner you is your true strength and power, so don't be afraid to bring it out zestfully into living reality. Instead of discovering a vulnerable you, you'll discover a vibrant, vital you that's capable of stewarding the energy of amazing new power through you.

6. Now, take a deep, full-bodied breath and pull up from deep, deep within you the energy of your newest and most passionate passion. You don't have to know what it is. In fact, it's best not to think about it at all. Just let the energy flow through your high heart into the world around you. Focus the energy in front of you and talk with it as if it's sentiently conscious (it is actually) and find out what it is and what it would like you to do. This is the energy of pure potential, the energy of what wants to happen through you now for our collective and conscioUS evolution. Commune with the energy. Find out what it is, what it's offering us all and what you can do with it and for it.

7. Once you have a good understanding of what this potential is offering, then choose whether or not you're the one for it in the world today. If you are, then say YES to it and become the energy by stepping fully into it. Don't worry about having to do anything in a particular way, or having to take on any long term commitments. Pure potential doesn't work that way. Once you've partnered with it, you suddenly have all that it takes to make it happen, and synergy and synchronicity kick in to allow the whole thing to happen in record time with incredible fun and grace.

8. Own that you are the one for this. Don't worry about being egotistical. It's not about that. This is what Life wants and you're taking on a new kind of leadership that is a steward and partner to Life for the realisation of its potential. It's a dance, and you discover in these simple steps how connected you really are to everything.

9. And now, in this moment... vibrantly open, consciously aware, fully being the energy of this pure potential... reach out with the energy and connect into the collective conscioUSness field of alchemical evolution and allow the energy to move as it wants to. You're its steward and partner and only through you can this come to be now. Allow the energy to complete its dance. Then take a deep breath and smile the smile of a contended evolutionist. You've just brought through the energy of pure potential into this wonderful world.

This is the alchemy of conscioUS evolution. It's not something we do alone and it's not really about any one person. It's something we do together, collaboratively and powerfully for Life. It's not about any one person or any single act. It's about the unfolding of Life's brilliant potential right here, right now.

In this moment, in this time, in our generation, we have the opportunity to move evolution from a slow, million-year process of step-by-step possibility unfolding itself to a conscioUS, alchemical dance of miraculous, unprecedented possibility now.

The world we choose to create is in your hands. Will you dance with what wants to be now? Will you partner the energy of pure potential to bring it real? Will you join with us all around the world to bring into being a new reality of incredible connectedness, vibrant possibility and ever-increasing evolutionary potential? Lots of us are. We're doing it conscioUSly aware, eyes open, walking around, 24/7. It's not a sideline or something we do in meditation. It's a life we choose to live. It's who we are and who we as a race are becoming. Life invites you today to step into the energy of pure potential and discover the evolution of yourself, humanity, the world and beyond. It's fun... and after all, isn't that what we're here for?

Aseem Kaistha

It's your attitude and not your aptitude that determines your altitude.

¸,.·´¯`·.»§« Practice a Random Act of Kindness »§«.·´¯`·.,¸

© Spiritually_Speaking


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