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11-11-11 Awakening the Hearts of Humanity

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11-11-11 ~ Awakening the Hearts of Humanity

By Estaryia Venus

The 11-11-11 gateway is upon us. Many are speaking about it and many are beginning to feel on an energetic level the deeper awakening that is about to occur.

As we continue to move towards 2012

and beyond, the hearts of humanity are going through an energetic shift

from separation to an inner knowing of oneness and a sense of unity consciousness that will raise the vibration of this planet into its next



evolution is occurring on a planetary level as well as on human level.

The biology of planet Earth and our own human biology is in a transformation. The human DNA has stored within it


the codes and information for this next evolution. Awakening this dormant information is what is happening on planet Earth at this time. With this awakening, new consciousness is being birthed, and with this new consciousness comes a new era, a new way of being that is connected with the environment and with all life. To Read more click link below for full article:http://myemail.constantcontact.com/11-11-11-Awakening-the-Hearts-of-Humanity.html?soid=1101297354181 & aid=_h0eYEm81RYwww.Estaryia.com

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