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Expanding into the Greatness of your Being by DL Zeta

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Expanding into the Greatness of your

Being by DL Zeta

Whenever you find yourself struggling, overwhelmed, and

suffering, this is the time to become still within and expand your

vision for what is possible. When you expand your field of

potentials, you open to a greater infusion of love and life-force


Whenever you allow the world to fall away by becoming calm and

still, you are able to expand into the greatness of your being.

From this still place within yourself, you are able to see love

flowing into your physical system, through your heart chakra,

spilling over and radiating outward to all others.

You are Holographic to All-that-is

No one ever has to settle for a life of struggle and suffering.

No matter where you are or what you are experiencing, you're able

to go within and experience the wealth and radiance of your


Sometimes in the world it is easy to lapse into sleepfulness and

forget who you are. Sometimes you lose sight of the vastness of

your being. When you set your intention to remain awake, soon you

will find something happening to jolt you awake and remind you

that you are a vast, unlimited being. You are holographic to all

that exists within the universe and as such, you contain the codes

and keys to the love and abundance the universe has to offer.

Strenthening your Spiritual Immune System

It is difficult to access this coding for all things universal

when you are captured by the chatter of the world around you. When

we allow ourselves to become enslaved by viral thoughtforms such

as scarcity, struggle and suffering, we become vulnerable and


Suffering, scarcity and struggle are viruses that free float in

the world around us looking for hosts to attach themselves to.

Whenever we engage in self-pity, this broadcasts the message that

we are weak and vulnerable. This is when our energy field becomes

prey for viral thoughtforms in much the same way that our body's

immune stystem becomes susceptible to illness and disease when we

engage in self-destructive behaviors. As above, so below.

It is easy to allow oneself to become susceptible to viral

thoughtforms. It is even easier to bolster our spiritual immune

system by basking in the radiance of our spiritual connection.

Stilling and Calming Thoughts and Emotions

It may seem at times that your connection to spirit is elusive,

making it difficult to access the limitless nature of your being.

This disconnect happens when your thoughts and emotions shut down

your access to the radiant flow of your spirit. When this happens,

become still, release all thoughts, and breathe deeply to calm

your emotions. Soon you will find your heart expanding into the

great love and abundance of your soul.

Expansion through Proper Perspective helps us Navigate Challenges

Whenever seemingly insurmountable challenges appear before us, we

may feel overwhelmed. If we allow challenges to play on the big

screen of our mind, we feel helpless and unable to cope with what

is before us.

The best way to navigate challenges is to expand into the

greatness of our being. As we expand into the greatness of our

soul, the challenges before us look small. Through expansion and

proper perspective once-overwhelming challenges shrink in

significance. Solutions appear as we relax and allow them to

download into our consciousness. In this way, we become larger

than our problems.

Remember you are Love

Whenever you feel there is no love, whenever you feel your life

is empty, become still and see yourself as love. Because you are

holographic to all-that-is, you are able to find within yourself

whatever you feel you are missing in your physical world. Through

intention, stillness and allowing, you are able to call forth the

codes for anything in the universe. When you remember to expand

into the greatness of your being, you will always have everything

you need and plenty left over to share with all others.

For more on reality creation, see Timeline and Identity Shifts:

the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta


For more on accessing fifth-dimensional timelines, see The Future

is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By

DL Zeta


For more on radiant health and life-force flow see The Metaphysics

of Radiant Health Ebook by DL Zeta


For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org/

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