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Hi, Everyone..........just ran through a weeks worth of digest. My FIL died

last Mon. and we headed out of town quickly for his funeral. Gareth was a

wreck most of the time behavior wise.....either from coming off the Paxil or

upset about Grandpa. He is still obsessive about my Dad dying 4 yrs. ago.

MB, Bev, and Leah........thanks for your personal input on these drugs

(SSRI's) and weaning off of them. It's unfortunate our kids have to have

them and can't tell us the side effects. Jill.......Gareth had a hard

time coming off the Paxil and he was only on for 6 weeks. I started him back

on Luvox since that helped last year. Gareth also enjoys hiking and

climbing mountains. I know out in the wild he can do what he wants and I

don't have to keep telling him to use his 'inside voice'.

........Gareth is starting Luvox for the 2nd. time. He was on it for @

18 mon. before it stopped working. We tried Effexor and Paxil.....now he's

back on Luvox. Hope it works for another 18 months!!!

Karyn.......Gareth tried Adderall 3 yrs ago. It's like Ritalin but was way

too strong for him. Made him VERY angry, agitated, down right miserable.

Kayte........I know how you feel about not wanting the dx of

Autism for . I had 3 different psychiatrists tell me before I finally

accepted it myself. I just couldn't believe God would allow such a horrible

thing to happen on top of the DS. I have resolved myself to the dx. and know

that it's not God's fault. This site is a great relief to many of us.

Leah........hope your hubby can get out of Korea.

Donna........my Mom would say " I'll knock you into the middle of next week " .

Once, I replied back " Well that would be Wednesday and I'd miss a math

test (I hated Math). Go ahead and do it " Well..........she laughed so

hard!!! Also, about your Dad. My Dad died from an abdom. aortic

anr. AAA. Totally out of the blue.......he had his yearly checkup 3 weeks

before and was given a clean bill of health. He was only 65. Needless to

say, we were all devastated as I come from a large and very close family.

Ter's dad lingered in ill health for years......it was a blessing he finally

died. When God turns the page and your name is on, there's not a thing

anyone can do about it. I was very upset that I didn't get to say 'good-bye'

etc. but we were close and there weren't any loose ends that needed to be

cleared up. ALSO.....about AAAs. They can be hereditary. Siblings are

suppose to get ultrasounds after age 50 to see if they have one.

Gotta go and get supper. I want to answer some more responses later.

Take care, Everyone.


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In a message dated 9/17/00 5:58:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, mfroof@...


<< Donna........my Mom would say " I'll knock you into the middle of next

week " .

Once, I replied back " Well that would be Wednesday and I'd miss a math

test (I hated Math). Go ahead and do it " Well..........she laughed so

hard!!! >>

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In a message dated 9/17/00 5:58:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, mfroof@...


<< Donna........my Mom would say " I'll knock you into the middle of next

week " .

Once, I replied back " Well that would be Wednesday and I'd miss a math

test (I hated Math). Go ahead and do it " Well..........she laughed so

hard!!! >>

ROTFLOL Margaret!!!!!! WHAT a stitch!!!!!! Glad to see your Mom had a good

sense of humor; mine did too.

Sorry to hear about your FIL. AND your Dad. I don't think it's ever easy

losing parents, but it's sure harder when they die so young (my Dad was 63

and my Mom 65). {{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}


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Hi Margaret,

Did your doctor tell you this?? My dad had an AAA and survived because he was

in the emergency unit with severe back pains when a surgeon diagnosed AAA and

they performed emergency surgery before it burst.


<<ALSO.....about AAAs. They can be hereditary. Siblings are

suppose to get ultrasounds after age 50 to see if they have one.>>

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Hi, Everyone...........I need to know if any one else's AOL system just shuts

down on them in the middle of letter writing or e-mailing? I get so angry

having a letter half written and then having AOL say " Good-bye. " Is it AOL

or is it my computer......'it's ancient' my son tells me (5 y/o)?

Maureen.......I think the mercury scare is only in really old houses.

Lots of talk down here about people creating problems in their homes, though,

just to get $$$$$$$ from Nicor. All you have to do is break an old

thermometer and have drops of mercury rolling around for a bit of time. I am

sure in the extreme cases there really is a 'real' problem, but mercury can

be found just about anywhere in old thermometers and in the old fillings

dentist use to use. There has to be a large amount of contamination to cause

health problems, I was told. Remember Mercurochrome (sp) that stuff your

Mom would put on a cut as a kid? Gail........Gareth is still

living in this house!!!! Everyone else is ready to move out though!!! I was

at the psych. tonight and we are going to slowly increase the Luvox. He's

getting better, though. How's Seth doing in school?

ALSO.........has anyone tried Orap or Pimozide for their kid's behavior?

The psych said it was like Haldol, Risperdal, Zyprexa, etc. Just curious. I

liked what the Risperdal did for Gareth as far as bringing out his speech. I

really am hesitant about trying something new. Couldn't

get to the Ca. webpage, either . I lived through the Northridge, Landers

and Big Bear quakes........not really sure I need to see it on the

computer!!! Take care, Everyone.


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I lived through the Northridge, Landers

and Big Bear quakes........not really sure I need to see it on the

computer!!! Take care, Everyone.


I'm with you. We are survivors of the 7.2 quake in San Francisco Area on

Oct 1989. Never been so scared in my life.

& Garry, parents of (10 ds), (8 ds/g-tube), JJ (6

ds/autism/celiac), (6 ds), and Esther (3 ds). All adopted.

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we get those probs with aol everyone and awhile too, there for a while very

often so we stopped using it for awhile but then it stopped while online,

will still do it occasionally if trying to get on, but i assume they are

really busy at those times and try again later. shawna.

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In a message dated 9/27/00 10:05:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, mfroof@...


<< Hi, Everyone...........I need to know if any one else's AOL system just


down on them in the middle of letter writing or e-mailing? I get so angry

having a letter half written and then having AOL say " Good-bye. " Is it AOL

or is it my computer......'it's ancient' my son tells me (5 y/o)?


Hi Margaret!

Not your computer.....good old AOL!!!!! I thought it was my ancient computer

too. It was a whole three years old so I went and bought a new one. Spent

all that money on a Compaq Presario and I still get cut off 10 times a day.

If you click the little minimize sign when you get shut off, your mail will

still be at the bottom of the screen to restore when you sign back on. Took

a lot of lost mails for me to figure that one out! LOL Glad Gareth is still

living in the house! LOL Are you still working?


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In a message dated 9/27/00 10:05:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time, mfroof@...


<< I get so angry

having a letter half written and then having AOL say " Good-bye. " Is it AOL

or is it my computer......'it's ancient' my son tells me (5 y/o)? >>


This used to happen to me. Got a new puter and only once in a very blue

moon. However, you might want to go into your modem numbers and set up

different ones. That might be the problem.

<< I lived through the Northridge, Landers

and Big Bear quakes........not really sure I need to see it on the


Yikes. YEARS ago, when me, dh and baby went to San Fran, there was a

5.4. We were on the top floor of a Holiday Inn. We live in Philly, where

the most catastrophic event is 36 inches of snow every 100 years. I'll

tell you, I about had a stroke in the hotel room. LOL


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In a message dated 9/27/00 9:05:38 PM Central Daylight Time, mfroof@...


<< Remember Mercurochrome (sp) that stuff your

Mom would put on a cut as a kid? >>

Gosh, I sure do remember mercurochrome! Does that bring back memories!!

<<He's getting better, though. >>

Glad to hear it, Margaret. I hope things continue to improve before the rest

of your family moves out - or YOU do! ;-)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, Everyone...........you sound pleased with 's med combo. How is

his teeth grinding and growling? Did they decrease at all since you started

the meds? Is Cylert an SSRI like Prozac, Luvox, etc?

Lesa.........glad Josiah is doing well. Hope it continues throughout the

year. Take care, Everyone.


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In a message dated 10/7/00 1:47:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Mashawnag@... writes:

<< Subj: Re: Re: Life

Date: 10/7/00 1:47:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Mashawnag@...

Reply-to: <A HREF= " mailto:egroups " >egroups</A>


never heard of that.

-------------------------- eGroups Sponsor ------------------- >>

a, never heard of what??? LOL


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In a message dated 10/7/00 12:44:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

KenAnngerb@... writes:


Anybody try a little magnesium for teeth grinding?

Ann with , and >>

No, we haven't Ann. Maddie used to do this INCESSANTLY!!! We did behavioral

stuff that really did work. TONS of oral massage with our fingers and

vibrators. We were extremely diligent about getting in and doing her cheeks

every time she was caught grinding. Honestly, it only took a couple months

to get her to stop. Now, she does this click click sound out the back of her

teeth. Sounds like gum cracking all the time. But I figure that beats



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  • 2 months later...

II liked this story, it sure makes you stop and think.

Happy Holidays


n a message dated 12/18/2000 11:56:04 AM Eastern Standard Time, healthyu2000@... writes:

here's cute story.....something to think about...


- One day, an expert in time management was speaking to a group of

business students and, to drive home a point, used an illustration

those students will never forget.

As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers, he

said, "Okay, time for a quiz" and he pulled out a one-gallon, Mason jar

and set it on the table in front of him. He also produced about a dozen

fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one

at a time, into the jar. When the jar was filled to the top and no

more rocks would fit inside, he asked, "Is this jar full?" Everyone in

the class yelled, "Yes."

The time management expert replied, "Really?" He reached under the

table and pulled out a bucket of gravel. He dumped some gravel in and

shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into

the spaces between the big rocks. He then asked the group once more,

"Is the jar full?"

By this time the class was on to him. Probably not," one of them


"Good!" he replied. He reached under the table and brought out a

bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went

into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel.

Once more he asked the question, "Is this jar full?"

"No!" the class shouted. Once again he said, "Good." Then he grabbed

a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to

the brim.

Then he looked at the class and asked, "What is the point of this


One eager beaver raised his hand and said, "The point is, no matter

how full your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always fit

some more things in it!"

"No," the speaker replied, "that's not the point. The truth this

illustration teaches us is: If you don't put the big rocks in first,

you'll never get them in at all. What are the 'big

rocks in your life: Time with your loved ones, your faith, your

education, your dreams, a worthy cause, teaching or mentoring others?

Remember to put these BIG ROCKS in first or you'll never get them in at


So, tonight, or in the morning, when you are reflecting on this short

story, ask yourself this question: What are the 'big rocks' in my

life? Then, put those in your jar first.

have a great day!!!




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  • 10 months later...


Thank you for sending this!!!! Boy, did I need to hear it! Once again your timing is perfect.

All in all I am pretty happy BUT lately I 've been having these exact thoughts!

I will no longer dwell on the 'if onlys'! Life is great and I need to remind myself of that.

This time you reminded me, thanks!


-- Life

> We convince ourselves that life will be better after> we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we> are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and> we'll be more content when they are. After that,> we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal> with. We will certainly be happy when they are out> of that stage. We tell ourselves that our life will> be complete when our spouse gets his or her act> together, when we get a nicer car, when we are able> to go on a nice vacation, or when we retire.> > The truth is, there's no better time to be happy> than right now. If not now, when? Your life will> always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit> this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. > Happiness is the way.> > So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure> it more because you shared it with someone special,> special enough to spend your time with...and> remember that time waits for no one. So, stop> waiting....> > --until your car or home is paid off> --until you get a new car or home> --until your kids leave the house> --until you go back to school> --until you finish school> --until you lose 10 lbs.> --until you gain 10 lbs.> --until you get married> --until you have kids> --until you retire> --until summer> --until spring> --until winter> --until fall> --until you die> > There is no better time than right now to be happy.> Happiness is a journey, not a destination.> > So-work like you don't need money,> Love like you've never been hurt,> And dance like no one's watching.> If you want to brighten someone's day, pass this on> to someone> special-> > I just did.> I just had to send this on my family stationery. I want to be satisfied and enjoy my family in each stage that they are in.

Kim > __________________________________________________

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Nikkie I am so glad that it came at just the right time for you. The Lord's timing is so perfect.

God Bless You


-- Life

> We convince ourselves that life will be better after> we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we> are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and> we'll be more content when they are. After that,> we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal> with. We will certainly be happy when they are out> of that stage. We tell ourselves that our life will> be complete when our spouse gets his or her act> together, when we get a nicer car, when we are able> to go on a nice vacation, or when we retire.> > The truth is, there's no better time to be happy> than right now. If not now, when? Your life will> always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit> this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. > Happiness is the way.> > So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure> it more because you shared it with someone special,> special enough to spend your time with...and> remember that time waits for no one. So, stop> waiting....> > --until your car or home is paid off> --until you get a new car or home> --until your kids leave the house> --until you go back to school> --until you finish school> --until you lose 10 lbs.> --until you gain 10 lbs.> --until you get married> --until you have kids> --until you retire> --until summer> --until spring> --until winter> --until fall> --until you die> > There is no better time than right now to be happy.> Happiness is a journey, not a destination.> > So-work like you don't need money,> Love like you've never been hurt,> And dance like no one's watching.> If you want to brighten someone's day, pass this on> to someone> special-> > I just did.> I just had to send this on my family stationery. I want to be satisfied and enjoy my family in each stage that they are in.

Kim > __________________________________________________

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  • 1 year later...

....and if the Pope had wheels he'd be a wagon.

Vern Saboe


From R. Stearns, D.C. New Jersey Site Team Approves Life University Decision Rebukes CCE Accreditation Policies

December 5, 2002 In a stunning victory for Life University, and a stinging rebuke to CCE's accreditation policies, the New Jersey State Board of Chiropractic Examiners provisionally approved Life's chiropractic program. In a unanimous vote, the Board accepted the recommendations of its Site Team, which performed an exhaustive on site review of the entire campus. Led by DeMarco, D.C., a former president of the NJ Board with extensive experience evaluating chiropractic programs, the team also included Lawrence O'Connor, D.C., Apuzzio, D.C., and Earle, Executive Director of the Board. After spending two full days comprehensively reviewing all aspects of the chiropractic program and talking with administrators, instructors and students, the team was satisfied that Life University's chiropractic program qualified for approval. The report indicates that Life had implemented, or was in the process of implementing, all criteria necessary for approval. The highly detailed report addresses all aspects of the institution including its Organization, Faculty, Interviews with Department Chairs, Plant, Library, Medical Museum, Auxiliary Equipment, Clinical Facilities, Resources, Administration, Records, Requirements for Admission, Publications and Curriculum. Although the report included recommendations for improvement, as well as the recommendation that the team return in one year to ensure that all recommendations have been implemented, the Site Team commended the University for the significant and substantial improvements in its program, curriculum, and governance since June 2002. In presenting their findings to the full Board, team members stated that they were enthusiastically received by Life's administration, and were afforded full cooperation and total access to all areas of the campus as well as access to all documents. In commenting on CCE's refusal to reconsider Life's accreditation for two years, Dr. DeMarco stated, "Not having been at the CCE inspection in April, I can only speak to what we saw when went down there, and what we saw when we went down there was certainly an adequate institution that more than meets the particular standards of this state. We believe they are educating and graduating good chiropractors that are safe for the consumers of New Jersey." Dr. DeMarco further added, "I do believe, as far as CCE goes, not looking at them (Life) now after changes have been made is probably doing a disservice to the college." ph Lauro, D.C., one of the State Board Members also questioned the purpose of CCE's appeal process if changes made during that time period would not be considered in their final decision. While this decision to allow Life graduates to qualify for NJ licensure is certain to lift the spirits of many Life students, it is also likely to put further pressure on the CCE. The CCE has thus far steadfastly refused to reconsider its decision that the institution must wait two years before it can regain its accreditation. As a result, there is a large and growing segment of the profession that views CCE's refusal to reevaluate Life's chiropractic program as a political ploy primarily designed to contain and eliminate traditional chiropractic programs. This perception is strongly supported by CCE's decision earlier this year to restructure its corporation and reduce the number of votes that both Palmer and Cleveland Colleges receive on CCE's Council. It is anticipated that NJ's decision will now prompt other states to question CCE's motives and possibly send their own Site Teams to Life for evaluation. Additional information concerning questioning of CCE's policies can be found at www.dece.org OregonDCs rules:1. Keep correspondence professional; the purpose of the listserve is to foster communication and collegiality. No personal attacks on listserve members will be tolerated.2. Always sign your e-mails with your first and last name.3. The listserve is not secure; your e-mail could end up anywhere. However, it is against the rules of the listserve to copy, print, forward, or otherwise distribute correspondence written by another member without his or her consent, unless all personal identifiers have been removed.

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Oh just my " blowing a little " Don, its relative to the fait accompali that

this supposed survey team and it's apparent conclusions are suspect at best.

It is my understanding that Life U. had been warned time and time again

relative to its curriculum, faculty, and lack of a viable end product and

now we are to believe " they be go'in to turn it all around " is a very big

stretch as well...


Re: Life

> VErn,

> What is the statement " if the Pope had wheels " , etc. mean in relation to


> news story.

> Dr. Don WHite


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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest

Firstly congratulations on graduating although I have never worn one of

those hats with the tassel, isn't it good he took it off because it is so

annoying - everyone else just puts up with it 'cause you have to.

Jackie, what a wonderful day/night you and your family must have had, you

nearly had me in tears reading about it.

Best wishes to all

Keep smiling

Jan, mother of Trent 22yo w/Ds from the LandDownUnder


Seems as though life gets away from me more and more with each passing year.

I know this phase of my life is flying by and in another couple of years I

will no longer have a calendar on my fridge full of sporting events to

attend and I will feel lost.

graduated last week from high school and let me tell you.....he

received the loudest and longest ovation than any of the other 225 students.

It was just the most wonderful moment. You should have seen him. He messed

up the procession just a tad (so !) but it was his buddy's fault more

than it was his. He was the happiest graduate. All waves and smiles to the

crowd in our city's local arena where all high school graduations are now

held. I was nervous, but I had no cause to be. is and he loves

the limelight.

He was the only student that took his cap off during all the speeches. LOL.

He hated that tassle touching his cheek. LOL. You all understand that I'm

sure....tactile thing I suppose! He did have it back on for his solo walk

across the stage for his (fake) diploma. He was thrilled to hear everyone

cheering for him and gave us all the " thumbs up " across the

stage.....smiling and waving the whole time. (I'm crying again just typing

this!) He's easy to pick out on the overhead photos of the student

body....he's the only one with his cap off! LOL.

We had a small gathering of our (his) closest friends in our backyard last

Thursday night and he was there and sociable for the whole thing! Never

once did he head to his room to check on a video, or go out to his swing,

and he even kept his walkman off all evening. He was with the people he

loves, who love him more than life.

I am so proud of the young man he has become. He keeps things " real " in my

life. I love him so much. I would have never dreamed 19 years ago that

life with him could be filled with more jubilation rather than tribulation!

We are blessed.


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I'm crying just reading your post. I can't believe he's graduated already!!!

I joined the list in 1998, Nic wasn't even a year old yet. Boy time flies!!

Nic has one more year in Elem then off to Middle school, I can't even

imagine that transition yet.

Congratulations! To both of you.



> Seems as though life gets away from me more and more with each passing

> year. I know this phase of my life is flying by and in another couple of

> years I will no longer have a calendar on my fridge full of sporting

> events to attend and I will feel lost.


> graduated last week from high school and let me tell you.....he

> received the loudest and longest ovation than any of the other 225

> students. It was just the most wonderful moment. You should have seen

> him. He messed up the procession just a tad (so !) but it was his

> buddy's fault more than it was his. He was the happiest graduate. All

> waves and smiles to the crowd in our city's local arena where all high

> school graduations are now held. I was nervous, but I had no cause to be.

> is and he loves the limelight.


> He was the only student that took his cap off during all the speeches.

> LOL. He hated that tassle touching his cheek. LOL. You all understand

> that I'm sure....tactile thing I suppose! He did have it back on for his

> solo walk across the stage for his (fake) diploma. He was thrilled to

> hear everyone cheering for him and gave us all the " thumbs up " across the

> stage.....smiling and waving the whole time. (I'm crying again just

> typing this!) He's easy to pick out on the overhead photos of the student

> body....he's the only one with his cap off! LOL.


> We had a small gathering of our (his) closest friends in our backyard last

> Thursday night and he was there and sociable for the whole thing! Never

> once did he head to his room to check on a video, or go out to his swing,

> and he even kept his walkman off all evening. He was with the people he

> loves, who love him more than life.


> I am so proud of the young man he has become. He keeps things " real " in

> my life. I love him so much. I would have never dreamed 19 years ago

> that life with him could be filled with more jubilation rather than

> tribulation! We are blessed.


> Jackie



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