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Re: PharmD : In India and Other Countries

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Dear Ab. Rehman Nagori:

You have really done a great job by providing links to the informative pages on the status of PharmD programme in some other nations. Thanks a lot for taking pains and sparing time in getting this useful information. In view of your interest to inform members about the state of affairs vis-a-vis PharmD Course in various countries of the world, I am submitting some more information hereunder.

North America


In Canada the PharmD program is offered in both English and French. Currently in Canada the PharmD program is a post-baccalaureate program. Students enrolled in the program must have graduated from a CCAPP (Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs) or an ACPE (American Council of

Pharmaceutical Education) school with an accredited teaching program or must have passed the PEBC (Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada) Evaluating and Qualifying examinations.

United States

In the United States, the PharmD. (Doctor of Pharmacy) degree is a professional degree that prepares the graduate for pharmacy practice.

Traditionally in the United States, the bachelor's degree in pharmacy was the first-professional degree for pharmacy practice. However, in 1990, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) mandated that a doctor of pharmacy degree would be the new first-professional degree.



In Portugal, Pharmacy studies can be accessed after completing 4 years of basic school, 5 years of preparatory school, and three years of high school where afterward the student is submitted to nation wide exams. The process is the same for every degree the student chooses, from medicine to engineering. The student takes the Master's degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences (equivalent to the PharmD program) in one of the 9 Pharmacy faculties with their own respective numerous clausus which comprises a 6 year rigorous study (5 with the uniformities in EU teaching). Finished the degree the student then enrolls in the regulatory institution for the

Pharmacist profession in Portugal called, "Pharmacists Order" or in Portuguese "Ordem dos Farmacêuticos". After the enrollment the title of Doctor of Pharmacy is issued. Afterward, Pharmacists can become their career in a limitless number of professional areas that range from community pharmacies, drug development, health research, biotechnology to areas such as forensic sciences, food analysis and toxicology. The student can also choose to become a specialist in one of following areas of activity: Pharmaceutical Industry, Pharmaceutical Regulamentation, Hospital Pharmacy, and Clinical Analysis. Each and everyone of them require an additional 5 year professional study program guided by a tutor in the respective area of knowledge. This specialization is composed of regular evaluations performed by the professional order, which at the end of the 5 years performs an exam. After the success at the exam, the Pharmacist then becomes a specialist,

respectively, an Industrial Pharmacist, Regulamentation Pharmacist, Hospital Pharmacist, and Clinical Analyst.

Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, the PharmDr. (Pharmaciae doctor) diploma can be obtained by pharmacists who had graduated in pharmacy (Magister, Mgr.) before (the undergraduate study of pharmacy takes 5 years). Applicants must defend a recherche or experimental thesis, and pass a rigorous examination. The PharmDr. title

is predominantly a prestigious thing. It is different from the postgraduate Ph.D. diploma.


In France, pharmacy studies can only be accessed through a competitive examination ("concours", with numerus clausus) happening at the end of the first year, similarly to

Medicine studies. Most candidates hold a Scientific Baccalaureate from the equivalent to high schools (lycée). In case of failure, it is possible to retry once (twice in extremely rare cases). Yearly success rate depends on the university's current numerus clausus and the number or registered students, ranging from 10 to 40% bearing in mind that second-time participants are three to four times more likely to succeed than students trying for the first time.The studies last a minimum of 6 years, or 9 years for students choosing hospital pharmacy or clinical biology. It is a residency accessible through another competitive exam, even more selective. It lasts four years and give an another diploma of specialist like in medicine (DES for "diplôme d'études spécialisées" ) . Students must

specialise when entering the 5th year, and choose between dispensing pharmacy, pharmaceutical industry or hospital internship. In any case, a 12-month part-time hospital externship is mandatory during the 5th year, although some flexibility is possible for students choosing industry.6th year for industry is generally dedicated to further specialisation with a former diplôme d'études supérieures spécialisées (DESS)/Professional Master's degree or a former diplôme d'études approfondies (DEA)/Research Master's degree.State diploma for the Doctorate of Pharmacy, Pharm D., is granted to pharmacists after they have completed a short thesis (experimental or bibliographic).

In France, since the harmonization of European Union in September 2005, the student who chooses the industry/research orientation have a 6 month period of part time hospital externship, and 3 to 6 month of full time training in a pharmaceutical industry or a research lab. It is also possible to defend a "real" research thesis for preparing à Ph.D.


In Italy, the course of study leading to the laurea known as Dottore in farmacia lasts 5 years and includes a guided

professional apprenticeship in a pharmacy.


The education of pharmacists in the Netherlands requires a minimum of six years of university study. EU-harmonisation has led to division into three bachelor and three master years. A bachelor title is, however, not used at all professionally. The Dutch consider the educational level of their current (M.Sc.) Degree in Pharmacy to be comparable to the PharmD title in use in the United States. Before the harmonization a four year Master of Science was superseded by two more years of university education preparing for pharmacy practice. To become a hospital pharmacist a 4-year residency program has to completed.


In the United Kingdom the PharmD is a relatively new postgraduate doctorate degree open to qualified pharmacists. It is offered by the University of

Bradford, taking place over 3 years of clinical practice followed by 2 years of research. It is also offered by the University of Portsmouth and the University of Derby.

Middle East


In 1930 Tehran University changed the Pharmacy degree from Masters to doctorate (Pharm.D. or Doctor in Pharmacy) and the duration of the study was increased to 5 years. Graduates need to present and defend their theses in different fields of pharmacy and this adds another year to their studies and generally after 6 years students can graduate as Doctor in Pharmacy. The Masters degree in Pharmacy was available in Tehran University since 1926.


In Lebanon, the first Doctor of Pharmacy degree was awarded by the Lebanese University Faculty of Pharmacy (upon a decree by the Lebanese government) to its graduating class of 19 students in 1992. The program was first established by Dr. Anwar Bikhazi, a Pharmacy

graduate of the American University of Beirut with a PhD from the prestigious University of Michigan. The PharmD program of the Lebanese University, upon its inception, followed the rigorous US model of Pharmacy teaching and clinical training (6 years entry level program). All recent pharmacy graduates of the University of Saint-ph (USJ) also hold a Doctor of Phamacy degree, following a 5 years + thesis rigorous program. As of 2007, two additional schools of Pharmacy in Lebanon followed the lead of the Lebanese University and are offering a PharmD degree. These include the

Lebanese American University (LAU) and the Lebanese International University (LIU).

Saudi Arabia

Started in 2001 at KAU jeddah city



D Pharm (2 years course) is the minimum qualification required to be a registered pharmacist in India. B Pharm (4 years course) course is offered in various Universities since long time. Recently Pharmacy Council of India permitted few universities to start Pharm D ( 5 years + 1 year internship in a hospital ) course starting from October 2008 to enable the new graduates to persue their career abroad if necessary. The PCI had cleared proposals for starting the six-year Pharm D course in six colleges of Andhra Pradesh, seven in Karnataka, seven in Tamil Nadu, one each in Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra. Many more colleges are expected

to get approval from PCI in next academic year.

And also pharmacy council of India permitted few universities to start pharm D (post baccalaureate)course (2 years + 1 year internship in a 300 bedded hospital)for B pharmacy graduates. To this effect government of India published in the gazette of India,no 19,part 3,section 4 on 10th MAY 2008.


In Pakistan, the PharmD. (Doctor of Pharmacy) degree is a professional degree that prepares the graduate for pharmacy practice, in pakistan also.

Traditionally in Pakistan, the bachelor's degree in pharmacy was the first-professional degree for pharmacy practice. However, in 2003, the Pakistan Pharmacy Council mandated that a doctorate in pharmacy would be the new first-professional degree.

The PharmD in Pakistan is a professional basic degree consisting of 5 years. Most universities in Pakistan are offering the PharmD program such as Karachi University; Dow College of Pharmacy, Hamdard University, Baqai University, Federal Urdu University, The University of Punjab,[2], Gomal University, etc.The qualified institutes are recognized by the Pakistan Pharmacy Council. Provincial Pharmacy councils of Punjab, Sindh, NWFP

and Balochistan issue Pharmacist Licenses ( RPh)


In the Philippines, only the Centro Escolar University offers the degree Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD). The degree requires the completion of 52 units of formal course work and 36 units of clinical rotation done at the Makati Medical Center. It is a 2-year postbaccalaureate degree open to licensed

pharmacists in the philippines. With regards:

Dr. Geer M. Ishaq

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences

University of Kashmir

Srinagar-190006 (J & K)

Ph: 9419970971, 9906673100

Website: http://ishaqgeer.googlepages.com

From: abdul rehman nagori <pseudofarji@...>netrum Sent: Sunday, 7 December, 2008 8:38:13 PMSubject: PharmD : In India and Other Countries

Hello all,I have tried to collect some info on the syllabus and objectives of the PharmD course in various Nations .although was having a scarce of time,so not able to make a single article out of all the data available,so im placing the links to all the articles with abstracts here.1. Pharmacy Education and Practice in Pakistan : http://www.ajpe. org/view. asp?art=aj690510 5_2This article was mainly for the PharmD course in Pak, but it gives a good info on the history of the start of PharmD course and the objectives of it as installed in various countries.2. Role of the Pharmacist in the Health-Care System : http://www.who. int/medicinedocs /en/d/Js2214e/ #Js2214e- This is link to a WHO report on the curricular development in Pharmacy accross the

world held in canada .the quality of the pdf file is not good, but still gives the various points , although since it was 1997 report,so many priorities of that time are now changed.3. Does Pakistan Really Needs a Pharm. D Programme : http://www.pharmacy .org.pk/PostAndC omments.aspx? pid=177- This is a discussion forum, the views in this article were of 2004 ,the time when the PharmD course was started in the pak . gives some good points to think as the situation in India is not much better then Pak in pharmacy profession.4. PharmD syllabus in Univ of Sindh, Pak : http://pharmacy. usindh.edu. pk/d_pharm. html- Give a look to the syllabus in Pak and compare it with the Syllabus in India, its certain that Indian syllabus is far more advanced for giving the full professional knowledge with current applications.5. Expanding role of Pharmacist :

http://www.pharmaci sts.ca/content/ consumer_ patient/resource _centre/working/ pdf/Expanding_ the_Role_ of_Pharmacists. pdf

- This is a poster showing the changes coming to the Pharmacy practice profession in the developed countries, published by canadian Pharmacists Association. The US has implied the Pharmacy Practice syllabus around 1960, n now the system is a fully integrated one in the healthcare in US. India are approxly 40 years behind US in starting this, but w may be late to arise,but we will not be late to take full utilization of this new startup.I'm having full faith on the future usefulness of PharmD professionals in Indian scenario as well.A.Rehman NagoriM.Pharm (Pharma Chem) ScholarNMIMS Univ,

MumbaiVisit Pharma-World Website

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