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Dear Dr Thawani Sir, Dr, Anupama and Kunda Madam,

I am giving answer to the mails from all of you in one

as it is relevant to do the same.

First of all thank you very much for Thawani Sir, for

taking my story about Amway and corrected the same.

This story is unfortunately not published by my news

paper The Hitavada due to some adjustments on the

advertisement with Amway. My editor rejected the story

because Amway is giving full page advertisement in my

news paper. In addition, I exposed another story about

Kerala AIOCD president’s resignation. He resigned

because the drug control has seized fake medicines

worth Rs 3 crores from him. This story is also an eye

opener to all doctors, chemists and the activists

working for promoting rational use of medicine. The

corrupt Druggist and Chemists Association and the

practices of extortion they are adopting are the real

eye openers. Thawani Sir, thank you for taking note on

this story. You also knew that even a media in India

has no guts to publish the reports which are really

safeguarding common people in country. This is not the

today’s case, in last 7 years when I started working

as a journalist by leaving medical field around 400

stories of mine were killed by media only. I am

neither frustrated nor demoralized but each rejection

make me very strong and rigid. Any way, thank you for

the motivation.

Kunda Madam has asked me to send the copies of reports

on Orphan Medicines but unfortunately the copy is not

available with me. These reports when published, I

called upon Dr. Kiran Chaudhari but neither he called

me back nor he took any effort to put it on netrum.

After the report appeared in news paper my little

expectation is that the person whose name I quoted me

should at least convey to me, but Dr Chaudhari did not

even bothered to tell me whether he read a report or

not. Do you think that ‘it is a duty of a sub editor

of a news paper to inform the concerned person about

the report?’. These two reports were not put by The

Hitavada online. Hence they are not available. In

Hitavada there is no system of preserving the copies.

The library and documentation of Lokmat is very

superior. I will definitely collect the report on

Orphan Medicine is possible and will scan the same. At

least the scanned reports will be available on NetRum.

Dr. Anupama, Dr. Thawani Sir, have asked me to post

the charts about Amway story on Net RUM. I along with

the corrected story of Dr. Thawani have tried to

attach the charts on NET RUM. But as I am not so well

verse about handling the postings on RUM I am sending

the same on your mail addresses and on RUM also.

Please do the needful for me.

I am sorry if I could have written some harsh things

about anyone of our members.

Thanking You

Rajendra Diwe

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Medical doctors as selling agents of nutraceuticals

> By Rajendra Diwe>

> Many medical doctors from Nagpur, India are also working as thedistributors of Amway, a leading multilevel marketing company and are

dispensing products of the company to the patients. It is a veryshocking to find that these doctors either dispense or prescribe

" Nutrilite " protein powder to the middle class patients which costsINR1600 for 500 gms. The prescribers include orthopedic surgeons,

gyanaecologists, gastro-entrologists , cardiac specialists and generalpractitioners. The products are either dispensed by the doctors or

they are kept at the adjoining medical stores. The commonlyrecommended products by these doctors include protein supplements,

anti oxidants, calcium supplements, iron and folic acid andanti-obesity products etc

> > Amway does not have any drug license neither these products are

prescription products. Still the products are available in tablets andcapsules. They are termed as food supplements. Also on their label the

contents are mentioned and also dosage. One patient, who is agovernment servant, submitted a bill of medical stores which contains

a protein supplement from Amway which is prescribed by orthopedician,to the insurance company for reimbursement, the company denied saying

that the same is not medicine.> <!--[if !supportLineBreakNe wLine]-->

> <!--[endif]- ->> Doctors working as agents of Amway routinely conduct the sales and

marketing meetings in Indian Medical Association hall. Nutrilite Ironand Folic Acid is available for Rs 679 for 90 tablets, while Omega-3

fatty acid capsules costs Rs 1149 for 60 capsules, the garlic capsulesof Amway cost 699 for 60 capsules, the ginseng capsules of Amway cost

Rs 2369 for 100 tablets. When compared with the same combinations ofother brands of the standard companies in market it was found that the

Amway's products are costing five to ten times more. >

> The Indian FDA officials feel that Amway is a real head ache forthem. The products are neither drugs nor the food supplements. Hence,

FDA has no direct control on these products. The products areavailable with the marketing agents of Amway hence, no body knows what

is the stock, how much quantity is sold by a doctor or chemist, inaddition the product availability on other counters is so low that it

is not sufficient to send the same for laboratory tests. >

> In India the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) hasfixed the prices of protein, vitamins and mineral supplements. The

pharmaceutical companies escape this by marketing these products asnutraceuticals under food license and thus price them higher than the

controlled cost. Amway is selling 10 products under nutrition andhealth supplement which are costing five to ten times more than other

parallel nutraceuticals. While NPPA is claiming that the prices ofmultivitamins and minerals are controlled, the companies like Amway

are minting huge profits by making doctors as their selling agents. From: Rajendra Diwe <rajendradiwe@...>

Date: 2008/5/6Subject: Amwaycity@...-- Rajendra Diwe

-- Rajendra Diwe

-- Rajendra Diwe

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