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N is for Net,

The thiNg that remaiNs after all the deductioNs

If you will be asked how much is your Net worth,

Is it less? Or is it more?

Nil, NothiNg or Negative or a millioN?

But Net worth should Not be measure of a persoN’s worth


It’s easy to determiNe the Net worth

For taNgible thiNgs

Just with the use

Of simple accouNtiNg

But our self worth

CaNNot be determiNed by a Numeric value

It caNNot be quaNtified

Nor it caN be weigh by a weighiNg machiNe


IN aNcieNt Egypt

There’s a myth that wheN a persoN dies

He would be seNt to the hall of judgmeNt

The persoN’s heart is place oN oNe scale

ANd the feather of truth iN aNother

To determiNe how hoNest the persoN is,

duriNg his earthly life.


TheN it’s either he would be seNt to the New world of happiNess

or the uNderworld, a world of aN paiN aNd agoNy.



N is for somethiNg New

Flowers wither aNd will be replace with New buddiNg blossoms

HumaN reach old age aNd be replace by New geNeratioN

RestoratioN, repleNishmeNt, the New replace the old ways



With our iNNate desire to coNNect with oNe aNother

HumaNity iNveNted the iNterNet

A commuNicatioN

That let you share your thoughts aNd emotioNs

But it woN’t really supply all the thiNgs

 that gives us the Natural fulfillmeNt.


FishermeN Need fishNets to catch fish

What we Need is faith to live iN fulfillmeNt



Be Nice

ANd Natty

Be eNthralled with the New possibilities

Your faith aNd love is your streNgth aNd protectioN

Now is the time

To begiN a New chapter,

to live today as a New day

make the past mistakes

as lessoNs

as a platform

you caN step-oN for a higher aspiratioN


~Champs Ulysses Cabinatan


*free verse/ poems experiment


Warm blessings & peace,


Champs Ulysses Cabinatan | yulezest143@...| Kingdom of $plendor and Abundance

A $mile increases endorphins in the brain and helps heal anything. | Love loves to thank love. | Do you believe in life after birth? | The world is a better place because you are here | the same sun that melts the butter, also hardens the clay; Life is as we think it is, so think beautifully. 

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