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E = mc²

is  AlbErt EinstEin’s famous Equation

this Equation says that EnErgy Equals mass

multipliEd by thE spEEd of light squarEd

EinstEin’s Exposé bEtwEEn mass and EnErgy

indicatEs that all mattEr is madE of EnErgy!


Emotion is EnErgy in motion

EvErything is EnErgy

A WatEr stagnant in a damn is EnErgy

ThEy call it potEntial EnErgy


LovE not ExprEss is EnErgy

but it’s stagnant, just potEntial

and it will bE kEEp in oncE hEart

until it is ExprEss


HatE is EnErgy

but it is dEstructivE

it hurts whEn it ExplodEs

so don’t EntErtain it.


E is also for Ego

it gEts attackEd

FEEl BElittlEd






Also tErmEd mEtaphorically as Egypt in thE Old TEstamEnt

whErE thE dEscEndants of wantEd to flEE

flEE from Ego’s control of thE Emotion



ChangE frustration to EasE

ChangE contEmpt into ExubErancE

changE animosity into Ecstasy

turn distrEss into Elating joy

and if you can makE it

thErE is no nEEd for an Exhausting Exploration

for thE Elixir of lifE.

FlEE from Ego’s grip

go to thE promisE land of lovE and rEal EnjoymEnt



Each is ExpEctEd to livE with joy and Enthusiasm

Each must do thEir part for an EnhancEd and EnjoyablE lifE

EndEavor to EncouragE Each othEr

EncouragE onE anothEr to stay strong



Each day is a grEat blEssing if you know how to givE and rEcEivE lovE

EmbracE thE good lEssons and tEachings of Empathy

EndurE Each battlE with strEngth from your hEart

Evil continuEs to sprEad duE to lack of lovE




EnhancE your ExpErtisE

EmpowEr your lifE with Enthusiasm

Enchant it with Empathy, EndurancE and ExcitEmEnt


~Champs UlyssEs Cabinatan

*frEE vErsE/ play with alphabEt/ poEms ExpErimEnt

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