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>the teacher told us to wash veggies and such >in water with a capful of

bleach!! Gets rid of >the pesticides etc. ?

I can't see this happening, because pesticides are " chemicals " - bleach

kills " bacteria " on the produce (like ecoli) but I can't see it negating

another chemical like pesticides. I don't even think something like

radiation can " kill " a man made chemical. Does this make sense?


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It DOES make sense ! I wasn't sure what it does (the bleach), if

it helped OR hurt for that matter!!



DeMaio wrote:



> >the teacher told us to wash veggies and such >in water with a capful of

> bleach!! Gets rid of >the pesticides etc. ?


> I can't see this happening, because pesticides are " chemicals " - bleach

> kills " bacteria " on the produce (like ecoli) but I can't see it negating

> another chemical like pesticides. I don't even think something like

> radiation can " kill " a man made chemical. Does this make sense?


> ~~


> ----------------------------------------------------------------

> ~~

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  • 2 weeks later...

At 10:19 27.02.99 -0500, you wrote:

> I found this interesting site on pesticides:


> http://www.foodnews.org/

Check this site out, it is an excelent info !

Go to this " supermarket " :


choose your foods you are usually bying , and you will get the list of

pesticides that you are eating, and what kind of health problems are those

pesticides connected to.

Great site. I realy love this site.

Dusan Stojkovic


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At 10:19 27.02.99 -0500, you wrote:

> I found this interesting site on pesticides:


> http://www.foodnews.org/

Check this site out, it is an excelent info !

Go to this " supermarket " :


choose your foods you are usually bying , and you will get the list of

pesticides that you are eating, and what kind of health problems are those

pesticides connected to.

Great site. I realy love this site.

Dusan Stojkovic



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  • 5 months later...

>Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 17:01:24 -0500


>From: " G. McFadden " <nmcfadden@...>

>Subject: Re: pesticides



>At 05:33 PM 08/11/1999 EDT, you wrote: From: DJIMBE17@...


>>sorry about your misinformation about pesticides in cuba,

>nancy, but it hasn't been used in over forty years.


>i must be older than you, because 40 years ago WAS during my

>childhood. i am 47 years old....


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I really hope I do not sound too snotty asking this,


Where do you think the pesticides went? Away? These

things have scary long half lives and remain in the

wild populations for decades. There is still DDT in

wild populations at sufficient concentrations to do

gestational damage. Before the revolution, cane was

grown on plantations run by international corporations

that did not care what sort of poison they dumped on

the land.

Also, if you think 50s cars polluted less than the

current models, you are incorrect. They universally

use leaded gasoline and cannot use anything else. They

were never designed to minimize either gasoline

evaporation or reduced lead and benzene and other

polycarbon emissions. Even if they were, the

likelihood of one's carburator, block, exhaust system,

etc. being remotely intact and operating as designed

after 50 yrs use of an engine designed to last at most

10 yrs is nil.

In Florida, recently, they found dust identifiable as

having come from Africa. There is no way to miss out

on exposure. And I am sorry if it sounds wrong, but

there is not the government infrastructure to test for

or clean up the resulting mess from the 50 yrs before.

The metal waste left in the soil from the revolution

will get into the food chain and the water supply.

Lead, mercury, etc.

Very few poor nations, however noble or of good

intent, have the science or the free cash to do

everything in the cleanest way possible. Given the

damage to the infrastructure, how will the factories

scrub emissions? How will they isolate and store heavy

metal wastes?

No area on earth is immune to the systemic insult.

My husband is the PWC. He was working 70-80 hr weeks

as a school teacher when he fell ill and fretting he

was not doing enough. Since his illness, I not only am

the sole income, but also pick up about as much

household work as your normal male 9-7er. He also ate

and drank chemically altered stuff -- fast food and

sodas, etc. Lots of sugar.

He also visited the Reno/Tahoe area in 87. and 88. and

89. (His mom lives in Reno.)

So. We don't know yet.

The problem with (appropriately) complex explanations

is that there is always someone ready to simplify the

content away. So -- we are poisoning ourselves with

chemicals and stress becomes you will get will if you

think you will. Aren't you thinking you will yet? Why

don't you let yourself get better.


Life is too complex to expect simple answers.

--- " G. McFadden " <nmcfadden@...>


> From: " G. McFadden " <nmcfadden@...>


> >Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 17:01:24 -0500

> >djimbe17@...

> >From: " G. McFadden "

> <nmcfadden@...>

> >Subject: Re: pesticides

> >In-Reply-<92af4406.24e34619@...>

> >

> >At 05:33 PM 08/11/1999 EDT, you wrote: From:

> DJIMBE17@...

> >>

> >>sorry about your misinformation about pesticides

> in cuba,

> >nancy, but it hasn't been used in over forty years.

> >======

> >i must be older than you, because 40 years ago WAS

> during my

> >childhood. i am 47 years old....


> nancy


> ---------------------------

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  • 11 months later...
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In a message dated 7/28/00 2:16:29 AM Central Daylight Time,

egroups writes:

<< Anyway, the research I read suggested treating patients with a combination


serine and vitamin C, given orally, on a daily basis. They had remarkable

results in these patients. Has anyone tried this remedy, methodically, >>

I recently posted about CFS misdx'd as pesticide poisoning. The treatment was

Vit C and choline. What is serine or choline? Are they OTC?


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  • 1 year later...


The Debate Over Food Biotechnology:

Is a Societal Consensus Achievable?



3. Pesticides. The revolution in pesticide chemistry following World War II

is probably the closest analogy to the biotechnology revolution. Pesticides

transformed agriculture in a very short time, boosting yields and shoring up

farm incomes.(60) The pesticide industry grew rapidly in the post-war era,

as hundreds of new active ingredients and thousands of formulated products

were invented and introduced to farmers.(61) Most pesticides were designed

on a reductionist model: (1 chemical) x (1 pest species) = (1 problem

solved). Which products succeeded and became economically indispensable to

farmers and other pest managers was determined largely by the

market-primarily by chemical company innovation and marketing, users'

perceived needs, and prices.

Pesticides are poisons, of course, and from the start their use has raised

health and safety concerns, especially for farm workers and others who apply

pesticides. Federal and state regulation of pesticide use began early in the

industry's development.(62) From the start, regulation sought primarily to

register uses of pesticides. That is, it was a system for authorizing

beneficial applications of the technology.(63) Regulation also sought to

make sure pesticides were used safely. But there was a strong belief, held

by most pesticide industry scientists and built into early regulatory

schemes, that pesticides, when used as intended, posed no significant risks

to health or the environment. Residues in foods were judged to be too low to

be health concerns.

Gradually, evidence began to accrue that pesticides might pose greater risks

than first assumed. Studies of the first generation of synthetic pesticides,

organochlorines like DDT and dieldrin, showed that residues persisted in

soils for decades. Some of these residues were volatile, and were dispersed

globally. DDT was found to accumulate in wildlife food chains and to

" biomagnify, " so that organisms high in food chains, such as raptorial

birds, were exposed to dietary concentrations several orders of magnitude

greater than residues in soil and water.(64) Research showed that DDT

accumulation was associated with reproductive failure in fish-eating

birds.(65) The public began to worry that what was happening to pelicans and

eagles could be happening to humans as well.

Carson's landmark book Silent Spring, published in 1962, pulled

together the growing scientific evidence that pesticide use was causing

unacceptable environmental damage, and ignited broad public opposition to

pesticide use, or at least, misuse.(66) The pesticide industry went on the

offensive, attacking Carson as an extremist and a bad scientist.(67) The

debate quickly became polarized. But the early controversy affected the

course of regulation and brought about changes in the industry. Regulatory

laws were strengthened, and many organochlorine pesticides were banned by

the EPA during the 1970s.(68) They were replaced by new generations of

chemicals, first the carbamates and organophosphates, then the synthetic

pyrethroids (among insecticides).(69) Chemists sought to avoid environmental

persistence and toxicity to non-target organisms in developing new active

ingredients. Some trade-offs were necessary; for example, the carbamates and

organophosphates are less persistent, but also more acutely toxic to mammals

than the old organochlorines generally were.(70)

Research scientists inside and outside the pesticide industry continued to

document new problems associated with pesticide use. As understanding of the

complexities of crop/ pest ecology grew, the limitations of reductionist

chemical control methods became more apparent. Pest populations gradually

develop resistance to specific pesticides, making those chemicals less

effective. Some pests (such as mosquito populations in California's Central

Valley) have been found to be resistant to more than 20 different

insecticides, and hundreds of pest species are resistant to at least one

major pesticide.(71) Many insecticides also create secondary pest problems,

by killing off the natural predators and parasites that ordinarily hold

potential pest populations in check. Today, most economically important pest

problems faced by farmers are secondary pests-i.e., problems created

primarily by pesticide use.(72)

Because of destabilizing effects on crop ecosystems, the enormous growth in

pesticide use since World War II has not reduced losses to pests. In the

1940s, about 7 percent of the total harvest was lost to insect pests. Today,

despite a 10-fold increase in pounds of pesticides used per acre, on

average, insect losses have roughly doubled, to 13 percent. (73)

Evidence has also mounted that residues in foods are not always below levels

that should be public health concerns. Toxicology has grown more

sophisticated over the years and today is concerned with effects on

developmental, endocrine and immune processes far subtler than the kinds of

effects typically studied a generation ago.(74,75) Most pesticides now in

use have not been adequately tested for effects research scientists now

consider to be part of the necessary safety screening. A landmark report

from the National Research Council in 1993 concluded that the historical way

legal limits were set for pesticides in foods did not adequately protect

infants and children.(76) Based on concerns like these, a variety of

public-health, environmental and consumer advocates had been lobbying for

tighter regulation of pesticide use for many years.(77)

In 1996, largely in response to the NAS/NRC study, Congress passed the Food

Quality Protection Act, which greatly strengthens the EPA's mandate in

regulating pesticide uses. The FQPA shifts the emphasis of pesticide

regulation to public health protection, and explicitly requires EPA to make

sure pesticide exposures are safe for infants and young children.(78) Under

the new law, EPA has begun reviewing the safety of major pesticides, and has

already banned some of the higher-risk uses of a few of the more toxic

active ingredients.(79) However, chemicals that have become economically

entrenched have been hard to regulate, historically. It has taken a long

time to get them off the market, and the EPA has essentially had to build an

ironclad case, chemical by chemical, that the risks are unacceptable, in

order to force change. It's not clear yet whether or how much the FQPA has

actually changed that historical pattern.(80)

It also remains to be seen how far implementation of the FQPA will be taken

by the Bush Administration. But the law has given new momentum to

innovations in the industry, seeking specific, effective, lower-risk

pesticides. Interest in Integrated Pest Management (IPM), in organic

agriculture, and in strategies for transition away from the prevailing model

of chemical-intensive pest management, has also been accelerating in the

last few years.(81)

What lessons can the biotechnology revolution draw from this history of

pesticide use? Like my other two examples-fluoridation and nuclear power-the

pesticide industry blossomed in the years just after World War II, but

unlike the other two, the technology is thriving today. The industry has

introduced generation after generation of new chemicals and lately,

biologically-based products, gradually phasing out older and more hazardous

chemicals. Innovation has been driven largely by need, both by pesticide

resistance and by public and customer demand for reduced risks of

unacceptable side effects.

Whether pesticide regulation has been a success is more debatable. Both the

industry and environmental advocates have been frustrated by the difficulty

of reaching decisions on pesticide risk/benefit questions. Many

controversies over specific chemicals have lasted for a decade or more,

typically with use continuing while the science was debated. The number of

specific uses banned has been relatively small; the number of problematic

uses that need review and action is large, and the effort required to gather

data and reach final defensible decisions in all those cases will be

enormous.(82) Whatever else it is, pesticide regulation has been quite

costly, and not very efficient.(83) And it has not persuaded the public, let

alone environmental activists and many scientists who study adverse effects

of pesticide use, that current pesticide uses are safe enough. Risk issues

are still debated heatedly, although the debate is often more rational than

it once was. A loose consensus may exist that pesticide risks today are far

less than they once were, but still greater than they should be, and that

all involved in pest management and pesticide regulation have yet to find

the optimum balance between benefits and risks.

There are some pitfalls in the history of pesticides that the biotechnology

industry, if it is wise, will probably wish to avoid. The process with

pesticides was essentially to let the market-driven by chemical companies'

inventiveness and pesticide users perceptions of needs-determine what

products would be developed, and which would be economically important (and

thus potentially significant sources of external risk). Pre-market testing

often did not adequately predict actual risks, and regulation was neither

designed to nor able to keep off the market chemicals that would later be

shown to have substantial risks to either health, agro-ecosystems, or both.

For the most part, we have learned about the risks of pesticide use

empirically-releasing chemicals in the environment and observing their

adverse effects (if researchers happen to be looking for them). Once adverse

effects have been documented, it has typically required years of intense

disputes over scientific and economic issues to remove problem chemicals

from the market. The difficulty of managing the documented risks of

pesticides has bred widespread public dissatisfaction with the regulatory

system, and subtler distrust of the technology in general.

Some implications for biotechnology, it seems to me, are, first, that we

probably don't want to follow the same path, letting market forces determine

which new genetically modified organisms are released into the environment,

and learning about the adverse effects empirically. Banning a chemical is a

lot simpler than recalling an organism that can reproduce itself. Society

may sensibly choose to take a more precautionary approach to decisions about

introducing genetically modified food crops. While we have had a 50-year

period of " trial and error " with incremental reduction of pesticide risks,

society may well have less tolerance for the risks of crop biotechnology.

Second, the history of pesticides shows the limitations of the reductionist,

" one pest, one chemical, " approach. Pest (and crop) ecology is very complex,

and today's effective pest management solutions more and more are built on

understanding and working with that complexity. To the extent that food

biotechnology applications have been built on a " one problem, one gene "

model, the industry may want to rethink its approach.

Third, regulation has not adequately prevented problems with pesticides, nor

has it had the desired effect of persuading critics that government-approved

pesticide uses are safe enough. Regulation cannot do that-the science is not

definitive enough, the regulatory process is too inefficient and too subject

to political and economic influences, and there is no societal consensus yet

on what is " safe enough. "

Furthermore, much of the dispute about food biotechnology, as it is for

pesticides, is about broader issues than safety. The dispute is often about

how to resolve conflicting visions of what is in the best overall interests

of society. Regulatory agencies cannot resolve those debates. Their legal

authority is not that broad, and they don't have the expertise. Regulators

generally must decide whether something is safe, and allowed on the market,

or unsafe, and prohibited. That narrow decision can't answer the more basic

question of whether the overall benefits outweigh overall risks, or whether

society should pursue particular applications. It would therefore be a

mistake for the industry to put too much faith in government regulation of

food biotechnology. While strong Federal oversight and health and

environmental safety reviews of new genetically engineered foods are

essential, they are not sufficient to earn public confidence in the overall

value of these crops to society.



60. Osteen, C. (1993), Pesticide Use Trends and Issues in the United States.

Pp. 309-336 in, D. Pimentel and H. Lehman, Eds. (1993), The Pesticide

Question: Environment, Economics and Ethics. New York: Chapman and Hall.

61. Wargo, J. (1996), Our Children's Toxic Legacy: How Science and Law Fail

to Protect Us From Pesticides. New Haven: Yale University Press. Wargo

reports that by 1970, the USDA had registered more than 600 pesticide active

ingredients and more than 60,000 formulated pesticide products.

62. Benbrook, C.M., E. Groth, J.M. Halloran, M.K. Hansen and S. Marquardt

(1996), Pest Management at the Crossroads. Yonkers, NY: Consumers Union of

U.S., Inc.

63. Ibid.; also Wargo, op. cit. (Note 61), pp. 67-71.

64. Ehrlich et al., op. cit. (Note 55), pp. 630-634.

65. Cooke, A.S. (1973), Shell-Thinning in Avian Eggs by Environmental

Pollutants. Environmental Pollution 4:85-157.

66. Carson, R. (1962), Silent Spring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

67. Graham, F., Jr. (1970) Since Silent Spring. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett


68. See Benbrook et al., op. cit. (Note 62), pp. 91-94, and Wargo, op. cit.

(Note 61), pp. 88-103.

69. See Benbrook et al., op. cit. (Note 62), pp. 49-51, and Wargo, op. cit.

(Note 61), pp. 148-149.

70. Ehrlich et al., op cit. (Note 55), Appendix 3, pp. 979-987. For detailed

data on the comparative toxicity of different pesticides, see

http://www.ecologic-ipm.com, a Consumers Union web site with extensive

information on current pesticide policy issues.

71. National Research Council (1986), Pesticide Resistance: Strategies and

Tactics for Management. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

72. Pimentel, D., et al. (1993), Assessment of Environmental and Economic

Impacts of Pesticide Use. Pp. 47-84 in, D. Pimentel and H. Lehman, Eds.

(1993), The Pesticide Question: Environment, Economics and Ethics. New York:

Chapman and Hall.

73. Ibid., p. 77.

74. Colborn, T., D. Dumanoski and J.P. Myers (1996), Our Stolen Future: How

We Are Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence and Survival-A Scientific

Detective Story. New York: Dutton.

75. National Research Council (1999), Hormonally Active Agents in the

Environment. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

76. National Research Council (1993), Pesticides in the Diets of Infants and

Children. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

77. Benbrook et al., op. cit. (Note 62), pp. 108-110.

78. Ibid. Also see, J. Kenney, C.M. Benbrook and E. Groth (1998), Worst

First: High-Risk Insecticide Uses, Children's Foods, and Safer Alternatives.

Yonkers, NY: Consumers Union of U.S., Inc. Go to


79. Groth, E., C.M. Benbrook and A. Goldberg (2001), A Report Card for the

EPA: Successes and Failures in Implementing the Food Quality Protection Act.

Yonkers, NY: Consumers Union of U.S., Inc. Also available at web address in

Note 78.

80. Ibid.

81. Benbrook et al., op. cit (Note 62).

82. See Groth et al., op. cit. (Note 79). The FQPA requires the EPA to

reassess all of the nearly 10,000 individual food/chemical tolerances

(maximum legal residue limits) on the books as of 1996, and to adjust any

that do not meet the law's strict new safety standard. The law gives EPA 10

years to carry out this work.

83. Benbrook et al., op. cit. (Note 62), pp. 112-122.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

With Bioport's past record, it would be no surprise to find pesticides in

their vaccine. They will never be able to explain away the nondeployed

vaccinated ill cover it up as they may!


> List:


> I am sure pesticides are not really good for one's health. In 1985, I

> intended to spray my yard for fleas in Texas. I got a concentrate of


> attached the hose to this container. The hose was supposed to carry

> a diluted portion of it all over the yard. I somehow improperly connected

> it all. When I hit the sprayer, it all came back in my face an completely

> soaked me in diazinon CONCENTRATE, I was wearing a thin sundress. I had

> diazinon in my mouth, eyes, ears nose, hair! I unhooked the container,


> was on crooked, and used the hose to rinse myself as well as I could. The

> smell/taste was horrible. I'll bet you could line up three people, (1)

one who only

> got multiple vaccines (especially Anthrax), (2) One who only got soaked in

> inon, (3) One who got soaked in inon and got multiple vaccines,

> (especially Anthrax) In the end, number (1) and (3) would be the ones who

> would stand the best chance of having immune system problems. One of


> days, they will look for the common denominator in these illnesses. And


> would actually include NONDEPLOYED VACCINATED VETS! No, I am wrong, they


> It may ultimately prove easier to admit to a stupid mistake than an out

and out

> deliberate experiment.


> Gretchen

> List owner









> Our Anthrax information web site: http://www.dallasnw.quik.com/cyberella/

> /files/VAERS.pdf



http://www.PetitionOnline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?robi2662 & amp;amp;amp;amp;1


> http://www.petitiononline.com/fd1950/petition.html

> To visit Dr. Meryl Nass's web site, go to: http://www.anthraxvaccine.org

> Tom Colosimo's website: http://www.tomcolosimo.com

> Also visit: Anthrax Vaccine Benefit vs Risk: http://www.avip2001.net AND


> Anthrax Vaccine Network http://www.ngwrc.org/anthrax/default.asp

> Sgt. Larson's story:




> Tom Heemstra's new book -


> Contact list owner: Gretchen at: anna_nim@...


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Bill, Gretchen, and My Other Friends --

Rest assured that those of us of the nondeployed ill (I am one) will be

quietly swept under the rug and ignored because our illnesses can't be

" blamed " on anything Saddam or the unfriendly environment " over there "

could have exposed us to. The only possible explanation for us then is

that the government f**ked up big time and deliberately made us sick.

So the government can and will hide behind Scalier Scalia's 1987 Stanley

decision and never have to justify or even explain anything to anyone.

Angry? Me?

P.S. -- My apologies to all the real members of Class Reptilia. I cast

no aspersions on you by describing Scalia by a literary allusion to your

skin texture commonly and negatively associated with serpents. Maybe

" Slimy " would be better, but the Outlook spell checker suggests

" Scalier " . Besides, I'd then have to apologize to Class Amphibia.



I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing,

and as necessary in the political world as storms in the


... It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of


-- Jefferson



..> Re: Pesticides



..> With Bioport's past record, it would be no surprise to find

..> pesticides in their vaccine. They will never be able to

..> explain away the nondeployed vaccinated ill cover it up as they may!

..> Pesticides



..> > List:

..> >

..> > I am sure pesticides are not really good for one's health.

..> In 1985, I

..> > intended to spray my yard for fleas in Texas. I got a

..> concentrate of

..> diazinon,

..> > attached the hose to this container. The hose was

..> supposed to carry a

..> > diluted portion of it all over the yard. I somehow improperly

..> > connected it all. When I hit the sprayer, it all came

..> back in my face

..> > an completely soaked me in diazinon CONCENTRATE, I was

..> wearing a thin

..> > sundress. I had diazinon in my mouth, eyes, ears nose, hair! I

..> > unhooked the container,

..> which

..> > was on crooked, and used the hose to rinse myself as well

..> as I could.

..> > The smell/taste was horrible. I'll bet you could line up three

..> > people, (1)

..> one who only

..> > got multiple vaccines (especially Anthrax), (2) One who only got

..> > soaked in inon, (3) One who got soaked in inon and got

..> > multiple vaccines, (especially Anthrax) In the end,

..> number (1) and

..> > (3) would be the ones who would stand the best chance of

..> having immune

..> > system problems. One of

..> these

..> > days, they will look for the common denominator in these

..> illnesses.

..> > And

..> that

..> > would actually include NONDEPLOYED VACCINATED VETS! No, I

..> am wrong,

..> > they

..> won't.

..> > It may ultimately prove easier to admit to a stupid

..> mistake than an

..> > out

..> and out

..> > deliberate experiment.

..> >

..> > Gretchen

..> > List owner

..> >

..> >

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

There is an article in the Daily Mail newspaper today by their science

reporter that even gardeners are at significant risk of developing

Parkinsons from using pesticides and should limit their use. other factors

of course also increase your risk. The research did not identify which

pesticides of course. We probably know this already. The condition is caused

by degeneration of nerve cells in the brain that send chemical messages to

neurons controlling muscles. i have so many similar symptoms.

What about people like me who lived on the edge of farmland and got sprayed

regularly wether we liked it or not,in huge quantities, over thousands of

acres, not just a small patch in the garden, and had no idea that these

sprays were poison until we became ill and started looking into it. 10 years

ago they were even less bothered what they sprayed. We will never be allowed

to know what was sprayed and its health implications and certainly never be

able to prove that is what caused my illness in case we want compensation.

This makes me so so angry. The ministry of agriculture can ruin mine and

many other lives, call us all mental and refuse to give any money for

research into our illness and walk away free of all blame.

Sorry for the rant, but I am angry, angry, angry.





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Guest guest

There is an article about pesticides and Parkinsons on the home page

of New Scientist this morning.

I know a man who developed Parkinsons in his forties who was

absolutely fanatic about spraying every ant and bug he saw on his



> There is an article in the Daily Mail newspaper today by their


> reporter that even gardeners are at significant risk of developing

> Parkinsons from using pesticides and should limit their use. other


> of course also increase your risk. The research did not identify


> pesticides of course. We probably know this already. The condition

is caused

> by degeneration of nerve cells in the brain that send chemical

messages to

> neurons controlling muscles. i have so many similar symptoms.


> What about people like me who lived on the edge of farmland and got


> regularly wether we liked it or not,in huge quantities, over

thousands of

> acres, not just a small patch in the garden, and had no idea that


> sprays were poison until we became ill and started looking into it.

10 years

> ago they were even less bothered what they sprayed. We will never

be allowed

> to know what was sprayed and its health implications and certainly

never be

> able to prove that is what caused my illness in case we want


> This makes me so so angry. The ministry of agriculture can ruin

mine and

> many other lives, call us all mental and refuse to give any money


> research into our illness and walk away free of all blame.


> Sorry for the rant, but I am angry, angry, angry.


> n

> >

> >

> >

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I would think with naturopathic detox approaches and saunas you could

get much of this out of your system which is probably stored in the


I remember when we had an invasion of cicadas when I was growing up.

THey sprayed everything for a few summers. You could smell those

sprays when you went outside. And I remember we had weevils twice in

our house, and my mother had everything fumigated. Oh well...

> > There is an article in the Daily Mail newspaper today by their

> science

> > reporter that even gardeners are at significant risk of


> > Parkinsons from using pesticides and should limit their use.


> factors

> > of course also increase your risk. The research did not identify

> which

> > pesticides of course. We probably know this already. The


> is caused

> > by degeneration of nerve cells in the brain that send chemical

> messages to

> > neurons controlling muscles. i have so many similar symptoms.

> >

> > What about people like me who lived on the edge of farmland and


> sprayed

> > regularly wether we liked it or not,in huge quantities, over

> thousands of

> > acres, not just a small patch in the garden, and had no idea that

> these

> > sprays were poison until we became ill and started looking into


> 10 years

> > ago they were even less bothered what they sprayed. We will never

> be allowed

> > to know what was sprayed and its health implications and


> never be

> > able to prove that is what caused my illness in case we want

> compensation.

> > This makes me so so angry. The ministry of agriculture can ruin

> mine and

> > many other lives, call us all mental and refuse to give any money

> for

> > research into our illness and walk away free of all blame.

> >

> > Sorry for the rant, but I am angry, angry, angry.

> >

> > n

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I met a woman at a CFS clinic once whose son had become ill with CFS

directly after tipping ant powder all over himself

Re: Pesticides

> There is an article about pesticides and Parkinsons on the home page

> of New Scientist this morning.


> I know a man who developed Parkinsons in his forties who was

> absolutely fanatic about spraying every ant and bug he saw on his

> property.


> Helen




>> There is an article in the Daily Mail newspaper today by their

> science

>> reporter that even gardeners are at significant risk of developing

>> Parkinsons from using pesticides and should limit their use. other

> factors

>> of course also increase your risk. The research did not identify

> which

>> pesticides of course. We probably know this already. The condition

> is caused

>> by degeneration of nerve cells in the brain that send chemical

> messages to

>> neurons controlling muscles. i have so many similar symptoms.


>> What about people like me who lived on the edge of farmland and got

> sprayed

>> regularly wether we liked it or not,in huge quantities, over

> thousands of

>> acres, not just a small patch in the garden, and had no idea that

> these

>> sprays were poison until we became ill and started looking into it.

> 10 years

>> ago they were even less bothered what they sprayed. We will never

> be allowed

>> to know what was sprayed and its health implications and certainly

> never be

>> able to prove that is what caused my illness in case we want

> compensation.

>> This makes me so so angry. The ministry of agriculture can ruin

> mine and

>> many other lives, call us all mental and refuse to give any money

> for

>> research into our illness and walk away free of all blame.


>> Sorry for the rant, but I am angry, angry, angry.


>> n

>> >

>> >

>> >

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Dear n,

Like you, I grew up in an area that was predominately agricultural. I would

highly, highly recommend that you read the book Living Downstream by

Steingraber for a comprehensive view of the health risks of pesticides. All of

the most common agricultural pesticides were developed from nerve gas research

in the early half of the 20th century. So, you're right -- your safety, and

the safety of others around you -- wasn't considered, and you should be angry.

When inspectors were looking for WMD in Iraq, their detectors kept going off,

and it always turned out to be pesticides. The irony/obviousness of this

seemed to escape the general public -- these chemicals ARE neurotoxic agents,


they were developed to cause bodily harm, period.


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I agree. I was the one who sprayed our house for pests, not my

wife, and I have CFS and she is fine. BTW, the pesticide I was

using 15 years ago was banned from the market. Definitely some-

thing to consider.

Mike C

> Dear n,


> Like you, I grew up in an area that was predominately

agricultural. I would

> highly, highly recommend that you read the book Living Downstream


> Steingraber for a comprehensive view of the health risks of

pesticides. All of

> the most common agricultural pesticides were developed from nerve

gas research

> in the early half of the 20th century. So, you're right -- your

safety, and

> the safety of others around you -- wasn't considered, and you

should be angry.



> When inspectors were looking for WMD in Iraq, their detectors kept

going off,

> and it always turned out to be pesticides. The irony/obviousness

of this

> seemed to escape the general public -- these chemicals ARE

neurotoxic agents, and

> they were developed to cause bodily harm, period.


> Peggy

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi, Please find summary of a link on pescticides. Pesticides you could find in your food (and water) The twin controversies in 2003 regarding pesticide content in bottled drinking water and aerated beverages in India hardly came as a surprise to many working with the environment and in farming. The pesticide problem is compounded in India because many pesticides banned abroad are manufactured / dumped and sold freely here. Pesticides are not bio-degradable, are highly toxic and find their way into ground water and water bodies, contaminating them and

rendering them unfit for drinking purposes. Remember that even if you blame (though rightly-so) a beverage manufacturer for allowing pesticide residues in their products and treating human life so cheaply, the fact remains that pesticides entered the water supply in the first place only because of the agriculture system which used them. The link is: http://www.satavic.org/pesticides_in_your_food.htm Dear Dr Bharat, I seek your pardon, if I have violated rules

by giving a link. -Anupama

Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it.

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Daer Anupma


Yest thsi si the big problem with our country as well . There are very few study made by us as well as soem otehr organisation, where we have found the contamibation in Soil, vegetabel items adn heavely loaded the spinatch un healhthy for the consumption.

The trend of pesticide use is still rising in Nepal

Ram Charitra sah


From: anupama sukhlecha <anupama_acad@...>Subject: pesticidesnetrum Date: Thursday, May 15, 2008, 5:11 AM


Please find summary of a link on pescticides.

Pesticides you could find in your food (and water) The twin controversies in 2003 regarding pesticide content in bottled drinking water and aerated beverages in India hardly came as a surprise to many working with the environment and in farming. The pesticide problem is compounded in India because many pesticides banned abroad are manufactured / dumped and sold freely here. Pesticides are not bio-degradable, are highly toxic and find their way into ground water and water bodies, contaminating them and rendering them unfit for drinking purposes. Remember that even if you blame (though rightly-so) a beverage manufacturer for allowing pesticide residues in their products and treating human life so cheaply, the fact remains that pesticides entered the water supply in the first place only because of the agriculture system which used them.

The link is:

http://www.satavic. org/pesticides_ in_your_food. htm

Dear Dr Bharat, I seek your pardon, if I have violated rules by giving a link.


Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it.

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Dear Dr. Anupama Sukhlecha:

I think you have given a very nice direction to the present topic by referring to presence of pesticides in food and water. Bad news is that studies have shown the presence of pesticides in food and water with high risk of causing carcinogenicity. As per estimates approximately 50,000 pesticides are used that are composed of over 600 ingredients. To prevent pesticide contamination of water supplies several measures have been suggested like protection of groundwater recharge, careful management of pesticides on the farm, government screening and regulation of pesticides, and use of farming methods that minimize damage to the environment. Here is an article that deals

with types of pesticides in groundwater, health effects of pesticides and steps used to evaluate the potential of a well towards pesticide contamination. Hope you find it useful.

Pesticides: Health Effects in Drinking Water

M. Trautmann and S. Porter Center for Environmental Research and J. Wagenet Dept. of Agronomy Cornell University

Traditionally, groundwater has been assumed to be a relatively pristine source of water, cleaner and better protected than surface water supplies. Although nitrate and bacterial contamination were known to occur in some locations, groundwater was thought to be immune from more serious forms of pollution such as industrial discharges, hazardous waste dumps, or leaching of pesticides from agricultural operations. Within the past decade, however, a variety of synthetic organic compounds have been discovered in the nation's groundwater, often at concentrations far exceeding those in surface water supplies.

Synthetic organic compounds are chemicals synthesized from carbon and other elements such as hydrogen, nitrogen, or chlorine. They do not occur naturally, but are manufactured to meet hundreds of needs in our daily lives, ranging from moth balls to hair sprays, from solvents to pesticides. Why have they only recently been discovered in groundwater? One reason is that use of synthetic organic compounds has greatly increased within the past 40 years, and some of these gradually have made their way into groundwater. Another reason for the recent discoveries of organic contaminants in groundwater is that the laboratory capability to detect these chemicals has

greatly improved within the past decade. A classic example of this occurred in Bedford, Massachusetts, where severe organic chemical contamination of the town groundwater supply was discovered in 1978 only because a resident engineer took a sample of his home tap water with him to work where he was developing and testing a new laboratory instrument for analyzing organic chemicals. A total of nine toxic organic compounds were discovered in this drinking water sample, resulting in permanent closure of the town's water supply wells. The Bedford contamination eventually was traced to several local industries that were improperly disposing of their chemical wastes.

Now that people are aware of organic contaminants in drinking water, sampling for such chemicals has increased, and more than 700 synthetic organic compounds have been identified in various U.S. drinking water supplies. This contamination originates from a variety of sources, including household products and leakage or improper disposal of chemical wastes from commercial and industrial establishments. By-products of industrial manufacturing or cleaning operations have been disposed of in unrecorded dump sites across the nation, and some of these chemicals have leached to groundwater. Pesticides constitute another, smaller category of synthetic organic

compounds, some of which have been found in groundwater.

Between 1950 and 1980 production of synthetic organic pesticides more than tripled in the United States, from about 400 million pounds in 1950 to over 1.4 billion pounds in 1980. Although most of these compounds have not been detected in groundwater, a few have become significant contaminants. Twenty- two pesticides have been detected in U.S. wells, and up to 80 are estimated to have the potential for movement to groundwater under favorable conditions. One area with conditions highly conducive to leaching is Long Island, New York, where soils are sandy, the water table is shallow, and agriculture is intensive. A total of 13 pesticides have been detected at

least once in Long Island groundwater, and 8 of these have been found multiple times through continued monitoring. In upstate New York, sampling for pesticides has been limited to measurement of aldicarb in wells near treated fields. Low concentrations of aldicarb have been detected in 30 percent of the 76 wells sampled. Twenty-two other states, including Maine, land, and New Jersey, also have reported some pesticide contamination of groundwater.

This bulletin focuses on the health effects of pesticides in drinking water, although the same concepts also apply to the much wider range of synthetic organic compounds contaminating groundwater supplies.

Types of Pesticides in Groundwater

The health effects of pesticides depend upon their chemical characteristics.. Before the 1940s most pesticides were compounds of arsenic, mercury, copper, or lead. Although these compounds may have made their way into drinking water, they were not highly soluble, and the residues ingested in foods were of far greater concern. Synthetic organic pesticides were introduced during World War II and were thought to be far safer and more effective. These included chlorinated hydrocarbons such as DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, chlordane, heptachlor, lindane, endrin, and toxaphene. Because of their low solubility in water and their strong tendency to chemically attach to soil

particles, these compounds have rarely contaminated groundwater. They originally were thought to be safe to humans and the environment, but later were discovered to accumulate in the environment and build up to toxic concentrations in food chains. Use of most of the chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, consequently, has been restricted, suspended, or canceled. One group replacing them has been the organophosphorous compounds such as malathion and diazinon. Although some organophosphorous compounds are highly toxic to humans, they generally break down rapidly in the environment and rarely have been found in groundwater. Another group replacing the chlorinated hydrocarbons are carbamate pesticides including aldicarb, carbofuran, and oxamyl. These compounds tend to be soluble in water and weakly adsorbed to soil. Consequently, if not degraded in the upper soil layers, they have a tendency to migrate to groundwater. The most significant occurrences of

groundwater contamination have been with the carbamate pesticides. Aldicarb has been detected in over 2,000 wells on Long Island as well as in 12 other states including Maine and New Jersey. As awareness has grown of the potential for pesticides to leach to groundwater, attention has focused on ways of changing registration and monitoring requirements to prevent such contamination from occurring in the future. Intensive studies have also been carried out in an attempt to determine what levels of pesticides are acceptable in water supplies.

Health Effects of Pesticides

Studies of the health effects of pesticides on humans focus on two aspects, the acute toxicity, or immediate effects resulting from short-term exposure, and the chronic toxicity, or effects resulting from more-prolonged exposures. Acute toxicity typically is expressed as the concentration required to kill 50 percent of a population of test animals such as laboratory rats, either through ingestion or through contact with the skin. These lethal concentrations can vary greatly from one pesticide to another. Aldicarb, for example, is considered to be highly toxic because the oral lethal dose is less than 1 milligram per kilogram (mg/kg) of body weight, compared

with 500 mg/kg for carbaryl, or 5,000 mg/kg for methoxychlor.

When pesticides are found in water supplies, they normally are not present in high enough concentrations to cause acute health effects such as chemical burns, nausea, or convulsions. Instead, they typically occur in trace levels, and the concern is primarily for their potential for causing chronic health problems. To estimate chronic toxicity, laboratory animals are exposed to lower than lethal concentrations for extended periods of time. Measurements are made of the incidence of cancer, birth defects, genetic mutations, or other problems such as damage to the liver or central nervous system .

Although we may encounter many toxic substances in our daily lives, in low enough concentrations they do not impair our health. Caffeine, for example, is regularly consumed in coffee, tea, chocolate, and soft drinks. Although the amount of caffeine consumed in a normal diet does not cause illness, just 50 times this amount is sufficient to kill a human. Similarly, the oxalic acid found in rhubarb and spinach is harmless at low concentrations found in these foods, but will lead to kidney damage or death at higher doses.

Laboratory measurements of a pesticide's toxicity must be interpreted in the context of its potential hazard under actual field conditions. Pesticides by definition are toxic to at least some forms of life, but whether or not a particular pesticide in groundwater is hazardous to human health depends on its concentration, how much is absorbed from water or other sources. The duration of exposure to the chemical, and how quickly the compound is metabolized and excreted from the body. Drinking water guidelines are aimed at keeping pesticides at levels below those that are considered to cause any health effects in humans. They are derived from laboratory data

using one of two methods, depending on whether or not the compound causes cancer.

Noncarcinogenic Compounds

For chemicals that do not cause cancer, a variety of tests are conducted on laboratory animals, bacteria, and tissue cultures to determine what daily dose produces no indications of toxicity. The lowest level from all these tests is defined to be the NOEL (no observed effect level) and is used as the starting point from which drinking water standards are derived. The NOEL for aldicarb is 7 mg/person/day, based on measurement of inhibition of an enzyme called cholinesterase in rats fed various doses for 6 months. Although aldicarb is the most acutely toxic pesticide registered by the Environmental Protection Agency, its hazard at levels typically found in

groundwater is relatively low because it is rapidly metabolized and excreted. It does not accumulate in body tissues and has not been found to cause cancer, birth defects, genetic changes, or other chronic health problems in laboratory animals.

In setting drinking water guidelines, the acceptable daily intake (ADI) for a pesticide is calculated by dividing the NOEL by a "safety factor" determined by the level of uncertainty in the experimental data. If valid experimental results are available from studies on prolonged ingestion by humans, for example, a minimum safety factor of 10 might be chosen. This could increase to as much as several thousand if human data were lacking and laboratory data inconclusive. Most commonly, long-term animal feeding data are available, and a safety factor of 100 is used. This is based on the assumption that humans are roughly 10 times more sensitive to toxic

substances than laboratory animals and that the susceptibility between different individuals can vary by another lO-fold. The resulting ADI represents an estimate of the amount of a pesticide that a typical person can consume daily for a lifetime with no adverse health effects. For aldicarb, the currently accepted NOEL is 0.1 mg/kg/day, and a safety factor of 100 is used, resulting in an ADI of 0.001 mg/kg/day.

Although this appears to be a precise calculation, there actually is quite a bit of estimation and human judgment involved. Estimates must be made, for example, of the average weight of a person and the amount of water consumed per day. The percentage of the daily intake of pesticide that would be consumed in drinking water must also be estimated, based on factors such as how much is contained in foods and whether the compound can also be absorbed through the skin while bathing. Although aldicarb has a high dermal toxicity, probably only negligible amounts would be absorbed through skin unless the pesticide is dissolved in oil or an organic solvent rather

than water.

The resulting guideline is not intended to indicate a toxicity threshold, above which an imminent threat to human health exists. Instead, it is a health advisory that simply indicates a conservative estimate of the concentration that can be consumed in drinking water with no adverse health effects. Other sources of exposure, such as pesticides consumed in food, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin, are not included. The Environmental Protection Agency currently is attempting to revise this system to provide a more realistic assessment of total exposure from all sources.

Carcinogenic Compounds

Drinking water standards are set in a different manner for carcinogenic pesticides.. For compounds shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals, no NOEL or ADI is set. Current regulatory policy is that there is no specific threshold below which these chemicals do not cause an effect, although this is a matter of considerable scientific controversy. Instead of setting a threshold value, analysis focuses on the relationship between concentration and the risk of causing a specified number of cancer cases in a population of a specified size. Experiments with laboratory animals are used to correlate dose with expected frequency of cancer occurrence. These data are

then extrapolated to humans, and regulatory decisions are made about the level of risk considered acceptable to human populations. Whether this level of risk is acceptable to an individual is a highly subjective and complex issue. Studies have shown, for example, that the public is willing to accept a risk as high as 1 in 10,000 from eating peanut butter, which may be contaminated with aflatoxin, a natural mold and one of the most potent carcinogens known to man, but would reject using a synthetic chemical with a cancer risk factor 100 times lower.

Federal regulatory agencies commonly define acceptable risk in drinking water to be one that causes no more than one additional case of cancer in a population of a million people who drink the water over the course of a lifetime. This risk is roughly the same as that of dying from diptheria, polio, or German measles, or of being in a fatal plane accident. For pesticides that are carcinogenic, the concentrations causing no more than one cancer per million people typically are in the range of a few parts per trillion. In some cases these concentrations are so low that they exceed our capability for accurate laboratory measurement.

For most pesticides, drinking water standards have yet to be set. The Environmental Protection Agency has authority to develop nationwide standards, and some of the states are setting local standards as well. The New York State Department of Health has set advisory guidelines for aldicarb and carbofuran. Other organic pesticides are covered by a guideline limiting the concentration of any single organic chemical to no more than 50 parts per million and the combined concentration of all organics found to no higher than 100 parts per million. One of the complicating factors in setting standards for the individual chemicals is that it generally is not known how

a given compound might interact with other chemicals to affect human health. Often when one organic compound is found in groundwater, others are there also, and their effects together may be either greater or less than that observed when any one is ingested individually. The number of possible interactions makes thorough analysis of them all an impossible task. Health studies have been conducted of people drinking contaminated water supplies, but these studies are limited by the fact that many health problems are difficult to trace to a specific cause, especially since some cancers can remain latent for up to 40 years.


Approximately 50,000 different pesticide products are used in this country, composed of over 600 active ingredients. Although the acute health effects of ingesting large amounts of a pesticide can readily be measured, the chronic effects of long-term exposure to low levels are much harder to define. Extensive laboratory experiments are required, and in many cases these experiments are incomplete or inconclusive. The Environmental Protection Agency is currently working on reevaluation of all pesticides registered before 1972 to bring them up to modern health standards and is requiring extensive testing of new products before they come on the market. Many

questions remain, however, about the chronic health effects of pesticides and other synthetic organic contaminants in drinking water.

Establishment of drinking water standards is an inexact science, with many assumptions and value judgments needed in the conversion from laboratory animal data to an estimate of health effects in humans. The resulting standards represent the best judgment of regulatory authorities about the acceptable level of risk to people exposed to chemicals in drinking water.

Many pesticides and other synthetic organic compounds are potent chemicals with potential health effects in humans even at very low concentrations. The drinking water standard for aldicarb, for example, is 7 parts per billion, meaning that a single pound of this compound could contaminate the entire amount of water needed to supply the yearly needs of over 2,000 people. Clearly, it is of primary importance to keep such chemicals out of our water supplies. Following articles in this series will address issues important in preventing pesticide contamination of water supplies: protection of groundwater recharge, careful management of pesticides on the farm,

government screening and regulation of pesticides, and use of farming methods that minimize damage to the environment.

Your Well: Evaluating the Potential for Pesticide Contamination

Adapted from an article by , University of Wisconsin.

You can evaluate the potential for pesticide contamination of your well using the following steps:

Step 1. Evaluate the proximity of your well to areas of pesticide use.

Determine if wells in your area have been sampled and if pesticide contamination was detected.

Determine location of areas where pesticides of concern have been used.

Determine general direction of groundwater movement from these areas. (Groundwater flow generally follows surface contours, moving from higher areas toward lower discharge areas such as rivers, lakes, marshes, etc.)

The potential for pesticide contamination in your well probably is higher if pesticides have been detected in other nearby wells or if your well is located within 1 mile down gradient from areas where pesticides are used on coarse, permeable soils.

Step 2. Evaluate the construction of your well.

Check with your local health department about having your well and well casing inspected for sanitary construction.

Determine the depth of the well into the water table. (This is approximately equal to the depth of standing water in the well.)

Shallow wells, such as those with less than 30 feet of casing or less than 10 feet of standing water in the well pipe, have a greater potential for contamination. However, even properly constructed deep wells may become contaminated under certain conditions.

Step 3. Test for contamination.

Measure nitrate concentration. High nitrate levels often are found in wells with pesticide contamination, although low nitrate levels do not assure absence of pesticides. Your local health department or ative Extension office can provide information on how to get your water tested.

Dr. Geer M. Ishaq

Sr. Lecturer

Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences

University of Kashmir

Srinagar-190006 (J & K)

Ph: 9419970971, 9906673100

E-mail: ishaq@...

Website: http://ishaqgeer.googlepages.com



Please find summary of a link on pescticides.

Pesticides you could find in your food (and water) The twin controversies in 2003 regarding pesticide content in bottled drinking water and aerated beverages in India hardly came as a surprise to many working with the environment and in farming. The pesticide problem is compounded in India because many pesticides banned abroad are manufactured / dumped and sold freely here. Pesticides are not bio-degradable, are highly toxic and find their way into ground water and water bodies, contaminating them and rendering them unfit for drinking purposes. Remember that even if you blame (though rightly-so) a beverage manufacturer for allowing pesticide residues in their products and treating human life so cheaply, the fact remains that pesticides entered the water supply in the first place only because of the agriculture system which used them.

The link is:

http://www.satavic. org/pesticides_ in_your_food. htm

Dear Dr Bharat, I seek your pardon, if I have violated rules by giving a link.


Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it.

Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

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Dear Dr Geer, The article you have given is really interesting. Thanks -Anupama"Geer M. Ishaq" <ishaqgeer@...> wrote: Dear Dr. Anupama Sukhlecha: I think you have given a very nice direction to the present topic by referring to presence of pesticides in food and water. Bad news is that studies have shown the presence of pesticides in food and water with high risk of causing

carcinogenicity. As per estimates approximately 50,000 pesticides are used that are composed of over 600 ingredients. To prevent pesticide contamination of water supplies several measures have been suggested like protection of groundwater recharge, careful management of pesticides on the farm, government screening and regulation of pesticides, and use of farming methods that minimize damage to the environment. Here is an article that deals with types of pesticides in groundwater, health effects of pesticides and steps used to evaluate the potential of a well towards pesticide contamination. Hope you find it useful. Pesticides: Health Effects in Drinking Water M. Trautmann and S. Porter Center for Environmental Research and J. Wagenet Dept. of Agronomy Cornell University Traditionally, groundwater has been assumed to be a relatively pristine source of water, cleaner and better protected than surface water supplies. Although nitrate and bacterial contamination were known to occur in some locations, groundwater was thought to be immune from more serious forms of pollution such as industrial discharges, hazardous waste dumps, or leaching of

pesticides from agricultural operations. Within the past decade, however, a variety of synthetic organic compounds have been discovered in the nation's groundwater, often at concentrations far exceeding those in surface water supplies. Synthetic organic compounds are chemicals synthesized from carbon and other elements such as hydrogen, nitrogen, or chlorine. They do not occur naturally, but are manufactured to meet hundreds of needs in our daily lives, ranging from moth balls to hair sprays, from solvents to pesticides. Why have they only recently been discovered in groundwater? One reason is that use of synthetic organic compounds has greatly increased within the past 40 years, and some of these gradually have made their way into groundwater. Another reason for the recent discoveries of organic contaminants in

groundwater is that the laboratory capability to detect these chemicals has greatly improved within the past decade. A classic example of this occurred in Bedford, Massachusetts, where severe organic chemical contamination of the town groundwater supply was discovered in 1978 only because a resident engineer took a sample of his home tap water with him to work where he was developing and testing a new laboratory instrument for analyzing organic chemicals. A total of nine toxic organic compounds were discovered in this drinking water sample, resulting in permanent closure of the town's water supply wells. The Bedford contamination eventually was traced to several local industries that were improperly disposing of their chemical wastes. Now that people are aware of organic contaminants in drinking water, sampling for such

chemicals has increased, and more than 700 synthetic organic compounds have been identified in various U.S. drinking water supplies. This contamination originates from a variety of sources, including household products and leakage or improper disposal of chemical wastes from commercial and industrial establishments. By-products of industrial manufacturing or cleaning operations have been disposed of in unrecorded dump sites across the nation, and some of these chemicals have leached to groundwater. Pesticides constitute another, smaller category of synthetic organic compounds, some of which have been found in groundwater. Between 1950 and 1980 production of synthetic organic pesticides more than tripled in the United States, from about 400 million pounds in 1950 to over 1.4 billion pounds in 1980. Although most of these

compounds have not been detected in groundwater, a few have become significant contaminants. Twenty- two pesticides have been detected in U.S. wells, and up to 80 are estimated to have the potential for movement to groundwater under favorable conditions. One area with conditions highly conducive to leaching is Long Island, New York, where soils are sandy, the water table is shallow, and agriculture is intensive. A total of 13 pesticides have been detected at least once in Long Island groundwater, and 8 of these have been found multiple times through continued monitoring. In upstate New York, sampling for pesticides has been limited to measurement of aldicarb in wells near treated fields. Low concentrations of aldicarb have been detected in 30 percent of the 76 wells sampled. Twenty-two other states, including Maine, land, and New Jersey, also have reported some pesticide contamination of groundwater. This bulletin focuses on the health effects of pesticides in drinking water, although the same concepts also apply to the much wider range of synthetic organic compounds contaminating groundwater supplies. Types of Pesticides in Groundwater The health effects of pesticides depend upon their chemical characteristics.. Before the 1940s most pesticides were compounds of arsenic, mercury, copper, or lead. Although these compounds may have made their way into drinking water, they were not highly soluble, and the residues ingested in foods were of far greater concern.

Synthetic organic pesticides were introduced during World War II and were thought to be far safer and more effective. These included chlorinated hydrocarbons such as DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, chlordane, heptachlor, lindane, endrin, and toxaphene. Because of their low solubility in water and their strong tendency to chemically attach to soil particles, these compounds have rarely contaminated groundwater. They originally were thought to be safe to humans and the environment, but later were discovered to accumulate in the environment and build up to toxic concentrations in food chains. Use of most of the chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, consequently, has been restricted, suspended, or canceled. One group replacing them has been the organophosphorous compounds such as malathion and diazinon. Although some organophosphorous compounds are highly toxic to humans, they generally break down rapidly in the environment and rarely have been found in groundwater. Another group

replacing the chlorinated hydrocarbons are carbamate pesticides including aldicarb, carbofuran, and oxamyl. These compounds tend to be soluble in water and weakly adsorbed to soil. Consequently, if not degraded in the upper soil layers, they have a tendency to migrate to groundwater. The most significant occurrences of groundwater contamination have been with the carbamate pesticides. Aldicarb has been detected in over 2,000 wells on Long Island as well as in 12 other states including Maine and New Jersey. As awareness has grown of the potential for pesticides to leach to groundwater, attention has focused on ways of changing registration and monitoring requirements to prevent such contamination from occurring in the future. Intensive studies have also been carried out in an attempt to determine what levels of pesticides are acceptable in water supplies. Health Effects of Pesticides Studies of the health effects of pesticides on humans focus on two aspects, the acute toxicity, or immediate effects resulting from short-term exposure, and the chronic toxicity, or effects resulting from more-prolonged exposures. Acute toxicity typically is expressed as the concentration required to kill 50 percent of a population of test animals such as laboratory rats, either through ingestion or through contact with the skin. These lethal concentrations can vary greatly from one pesticide to another. Aldicarb, for example, is considered to be highly toxic because the oral lethal dose is less than 1 milligram per kilogram (mg/kg) of body weight, compared with 500 mg/kg for carbaryl, or 5,000 mg/kg for methoxychlor. When pesticides are found in water supplies, they normally are not present in high enough concentrations to cause acute health effects such as chemical burns, nausea, or convulsions. Instead, they typically occur in trace levels, and the concern is primarily for their potential for causing chronic health problems. To estimate chronic toxicity, laboratory animals are exposed to lower than lethal concentrations for extended periods of time. Measurements are made of the incidence of cancer, birth defects, genetic mutations, or other problems such as damage to the liver or central nervous system . Although we may encounter many toxic substances in our daily lives, in low enough concentrations they do

not impair our health. Caffeine, for example, is regularly consumed in coffee, tea, chocolate, and soft drinks. Although the amount of caffeine consumed in a normal diet does not cause illness, just 50 times this amount is sufficient to kill a human. Similarly, the oxalic acid found in rhubarb and spinach is harmless at low concentrations found in these foods, but will lead to kidney damage or death at higher doses. Laboratory measurements of a pesticide's toxicity must be interpreted in the context of its potential hazard under actual field conditions. Pesticides by definition are toxic to at least some forms of life, but whether or not a particular pesticide in groundwater is hazardous to human health depends on its concentration, how much is absorbed from water or other sources. The duration of exposure to the

chemical, and how quickly the compound is metabolized and excreted from the body. Drinking water guidelines are aimed at keeping pesticides at levels below those that are considered to cause any health effects in humans. They are derived from laboratory data using one of two methods, depending on whether or not the compound causes cancer. Noncarcinogenic Compounds For chemicals that do not cause cancer, a variety of tests are conducted on laboratory animals, bacteria, and tissue cultures to determine what daily dose produces no indications of toxicity. The lowest level from all these

tests is defined to be the NOEL (no observed effect level) and is used as the starting point from which drinking water standards are derived. The NOEL for aldicarb is 7 mg/person/day, based on measurement of inhibition of an enzyme called cholinesterase in rats fed various doses for 6 months. Although aldicarb is the most acutely toxic pesticide registered by the Environmental Protection Agency, its hazard at levels typically found in groundwater is relatively low because it is rapidly metabolized and excreted. It does not accumulate in body tissues and has not been found to cause cancer, birth defects, genetic changes, or other chronic health problems in laboratory animals. In setting drinking water guidelines, the acceptable daily intake (ADI) for a pesticide is calculated by dividing the NOEL by a "safety factor"

determined by the level of uncertainty in the experimental data. If valid experimental results are available from studies on prolonged ingestion by humans, for example, a minimum safety factor of 10 might be chosen. This could increase to as much as several thousand if human data were lacking and laboratory data inconclusive. Most commonly, long-term animal feeding data are available, and a safety factor of 100 is used. This is based on the assumption that humans are roughly 10 times more sensitive to toxic substances than laboratory animals and that the susceptibility between different individuals can vary by another lO-fold. The resulting ADI represents an estimate of the amount of a pesticide that a typical person can consume daily for a lifetime with no adverse health effects. For aldicarb, the currently accepted NOEL is 0.1 mg/kg/day, and a safety factor of 100 is used, resulting in an ADI of 0.001 mg/kg/day. Although this appears to be a precise calculation, there actually is quite a bit of estimation and human judgment involved. Estimates must be made, for example, of the average weight of a person and the amount of water consumed per day. The percentage of the daily intake of pesticide that would be consumed in drinking water must also be estimated, based on factors such as how much is contained in foods and whether the compound can also be absorbed through the skin while bathing. Although aldicarb has a high dermal toxicity, probably only negligible amounts would be absorbed through skin unless the pesticide is dissolved in oil or an organic solvent rather than water. The resulting guideline is not intended to

indicate a toxicity threshold, above which an imminent threat to human health exists. Instead, it is a health advisory that simply indicates a conservative estimate of the concentration that can be consumed in drinking water with no adverse health effects. Other sources of exposure, such as pesticides consumed in food, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin, are not included. The Environmental Protection Agency currently is attempting to revise this system to provide a more realistic assessment of total exposure from all sources. Carcinogenic Compounds Drinking water standards are set in a different manner for carcinogenic pesticides.. For compounds shown to

cause cancer in laboratory animals, no NOEL or ADI is set. Current regulatory policy is that there is no specific threshold below which these chemicals do not cause an effect, although this is a matter of considerable scientific controversy. Instead of setting a threshold value, analysis focuses on the relationship between concentration and the risk of causing a specified number of cancer cases in a population of a specified size. Experiments with laboratory animals are used to correlate dose with expected frequency of cancer occurrence. These data are then extrapolated to humans, and regulatory decisions are made about the level of risk considered acceptable to human populations. Whether this level of risk is acceptable to an individual is a highly subjective and complex issue. Studies have shown, for example, that the public is willing to accept a risk as high as 1 in 10,000 from eating peanut butter, which may be contaminated with aflatoxin, a natural mold and one of

the most potent carcinogens known to man, but would reject using a synthetic chemical with a cancer risk factor 100 times lower. Federal regulatory agencies commonly define acceptable risk in drinking water to be one that causes no more than one additional case of cancer in a population of a million people who drink the water over the course of a lifetime. This risk is roughly the same as that of dying from diptheria, polio, or German measles, or of being in a fatal plane accident. For pesticides that are carcinogenic, the concentrations causing no more than one cancer per million people typically are in the range of a few parts per trillion. In some cases these concentrations are so low that they exceed our capability for accurate laboratory measurement. For most pesticides, drinking water standards have yet to be set. The Environmental Protection Agency has authority to develop nationwide standards, and some of the states are setting local standards as well. The New York State Department of Health has set advisory guidelines for aldicarb and carbofuran. Other organic pesticides are covered by a guideline limiting the concentration of any single organic chemical to no more than 50 parts per million and the combined concentration of all organics found to no higher than 100 parts per million. One of the complicating factors in setting standards for the individual chemicals is that it generally is not known how a given compound might interact with other chemicals to affect human health. Often when one organic compound is found in groundwater, others are there also, and their effects together may be either greater or less than that

observed when any one is ingested individually. The number of possible interactions makes thorough analysis of them all an impossible task. Health studies have been conducted of people drinking contaminated water supplies, but these studies are limited by the fact that many health problems are difficult to trace to a specific cause, especially since some cancers can remain latent for up to 40 years. Conclusions Approximately 50,000 different pesticide products are used in this country, composed of over 600 active ingredients. Although the acute health effects of ingesting large amounts of a pesticide can readily be measured, the chronic effects of long-term

exposure to low levels are much harder to define. Extensive laboratory experiments are required, and in many cases these experiments are incomplete or inconclusive. The Environmental Protection Agency is currently working on reevaluation of all pesticides registered before 1972 to bring them up to modern health standards and is requiring extensive testing of new products before they come on the market. Many questions remain, however, about the chronic health effects of pesticides and other synthetic organic contaminants in drinking water. Establishment of drinking water standards is an inexact science, with many assumptions and value judgments needed in the conversion from laboratory animal data to an estimate of health effects in humans. The resulting standards represent the best judgment of regulatory authorities about

the acceptable level of risk to people exposed to chemicals in drinking water. Many pesticides and other synthetic organic compounds are potent chemicals with potential health effects in humans even at very low concentrations. The drinking water standard for aldicarb, for example, is 7 parts per billion, meaning that a single pound of this compound could contaminate the entire amount of water needed to supply the yearly needs of over 2,000 people. Clearly, it is of primary importance to keep such chemicals out of our water supplies. Following articles in this series will address issues important in preventing pesticide contamination of water supplies: protection of groundwater recharge, careful management of pesticides on the farm, government screening and regulation of pesticides, and use of farming methods that minimize

damage to the environment. Your Well: Evaluating the Potential for Pesticide Contamination Adapted from an article by , University of Wisconsin. You can evaluate the potential for pesticide contamination of your well using the following steps: Step 1. Evaluate the proximity of your well to areas of pesticide use. Determine if wells in your area have been sampled and if pesticide contamination was detected. Determine location of areas where pesticides of concern have been used. Determine general direction of groundwater movement from these areas. (Groundwater flow generally follows surface contours,

moving from higher areas toward lower discharge areas such as rivers, lakes, marshes, etc.) The potential for pesticide contamination in your well probably is higher if pesticides have been detected in other nearby wells or if your well is located within 1 mile down gradient from areas where pesticides are used on coarse, permeable soils. Step 2. Evaluate the construction of your well. Check with your

local health department about having your well and well casing inspected for sanitary construction. Determine the depth of the well into the water table. (This is approximately equal to the depth of standing water in the well.) Shallow wells, such as those with less than 30 feet of casing or less than 10 feet of standing water in the well pipe, have a greater potential for contamination. However, even properly constructed deep wells may become contaminated under certain conditions. Step 3. Test for

contamination. Measure nitrate concentration. High nitrate levels often are found in wells with pesticide contamination, although low nitrate levels do not assure absence of pesticides. Your local health department or ative Extension office can provide information on how to get your water tested. Dr. Geer M. Ishaq Sr. Lecturer Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Kashmir Srinagar-190006 (J & K) Ph: 9419970971, 9906673100 E-mail: ishaqkashmiruniversity (DOT) ac.in Website: http://ishaqgeer.googlepages.com pesticides Hi, Please find summary of a link on pescticides. Pesticides you could find in your food (and water) The twin controversies in 2003 regarding pesticide content in bottled drinking water and aerated beverages in India hardly came as a surprise to many working with the environment and in farming. The pesticide problem is compounded in India because many pesticides banned abroad are manufactured / dumped and sold freely here. Pesticides are not bio-degradable, are highly toxic and find their way into ground

water and water bodies, contaminating them and rendering them unfit for drinking purposes. Remember that even if you blame (though rightly-so) a beverage manufacturer for allowing pesticide residues in their products and treating human life so cheaply, the fact remains that pesticides entered the water supply in the first place only because of the agriculture system which used them. The link is: http://www.satavic. org/pesticides_ in_your_food. htm Dear Dr Bharat, I seek your pardon, if I have violated rules by giving a link. -Anupama Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it. Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it.

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