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G is one of my favorite letter

next to U


it’s happy and Gleeful to hear

which simply means turninG to the riGht side

or it can be an expression

of sympathy


or enthusiasm

or deliGht


Gee whiz!

G is the start of Goodness

the beGinninG of the Glorious word ~ God


life Giver



Giver of Graces and all the Good Gifts


be a Gallant warrior

a Guardian of Good thouGhts and Good words

Gather and pray toGether

as it is promise

that two or more who will pray and aGree on earth

will be heard in the heavens with the aid of the anGels

be Generous and share God’s Graces your are blessed with


Genuine happiness is Granted to those who Give and share love

Get stronG and Grow in Good thouGht and Good words.

aliGn you Goals in the riGht tarGet

you’ve Given Gifts and talents for you to be Generous with it

Give thanks and be Grateful

Express your attitude throuGh words and actions.

Give up on wronG doinGs and bad habits

don’t Give up on your Good Goals and Good tarGets

forGive those who wronG you

have the strenGth needed to Go forward.






Let the Goodness shine and start it with Good thinking.

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